112 research outputs found

    Efeito da manobra de condicionamento isquêmico e da restrição do fluxo sanguíneo pós-exercício na recuperação do desempenho muscular isométrico

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    The search for strategies that promote increased sports performance has received attention from researchers in the sports scene. Among these strategies, post-exercise ischemic conditioning has stood out due to its low cost and easy application. Some sports, mainly in the Grappling modality, have as characteristics a high demand for isometric strength, high volume of fights and little recovery time between fights during championships, thus decreasing the production of isometric strength. Thus, the aim of this study is to assess the effect of ischemic conditioning and partial blood flow restriction after exercise on performance recovery after an isometric fatigue protocol. Twenty-nine men who were recreationally trained in strength exercise after performing an isometric fatigue protocol in knee extension [Resistant strength (RS), 8 sets of 20 seconds for 10 seconds of recovery between sets], were submitted to 1 3 interventions: a) Ischemic post-conditioning [IPE, 3 cycles of 2-min ischemia (20 mmHg above the individual occlusion pressure) for 2-min of reperfusion (0 mmHg)]; b) Placebo [SHAM, 3 cycles of 2-min pseudo occlusion (20 mmHg followed by 2-min reperfusion 0 mmHg)]; and c) post-exercise blood flow restriction [BRPE, 3 cycles of 2-min restriction (100 mmHg) for 2-min reperfusion (0 mmHg)]. The variables analyzed were the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), RF, oxygenation and muscle hemoglobin and noticeable scales. After the fatigue protocol, an attenuation of the drop in performance was observed only for the BRPE group in the variables: MVIC and RS (p = 1.00; TE = 0.20, p = 0.760; TE = 0.26, respectively) , the other IPEO and SHAM groups significantly reduced MVIC (IPEO p = 0.009; TE = 0.38 and SHAM p = 0.03; TE = 1.08) and RS (IPEO p = 0.034; TE = 0.29 and SHAM p = 0.018; TE = 0.62). The other variables did not show significant differences (p> 0.05) within and between groups. BRPE can be an efficient strategy for maintaining the performance of isometric actions with a duration of 20 seconds and a short recovery interval.A busca por estratégias que promovem o aumento do desempenho esportivo tem recebido atenção dos pesquisadores no cenário esportivo. Dentre essas estratégias, o póscondicionamento isquêmico tem se destacado devido ao baixo custo e fácil aplicação. Alguns esportes, principalmente da modalidade Grappling, têm como características uma demanda de força isométrica alta, grande volume de lutas e pouco tempo de recuperação entre as lutas durante campeonatos, diminuindo assim a produção de força isométrica. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o efeito do condicionamento isquêmico e da restrição parcial do fluxo sanguíneo pós-exercício sobre a recuperação do desempenho após um protocolo de fadiga isométrica. Vinte e nove homens recreacionalmente treinados em exercício de força após a realização de um protocolo de fadiga isométrica em extensão de joelhos [Resistencia de força (RF), 8 series de 20 segundos por 10 segundos de recuperação entre as séries], foram submetidos a 1 de 3 intervenções: a) Isquemia pós-exercício [IPE, 3 ciclos de 2-min de isquemia (20 mmHg acima da pressão de oclusão individual) por 2-min de reperfusão (0 mmHg)]; b) Placebo [3 ciclos de 2-min de pseudo oclusão (20 mmHg seguidos por 2-min de reperfusão 0 mmHg)]; e c) Restrição pós-exercício [RPE, 3 ciclos de 2-min de restrição (100 mmHg) por 2-min de reperfusão (0 mmHg)]. As variáveis analisadas foram a contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM), RF, oxigenação e hemoglobina muscular e escalas perceptíveis. Após o protocolo de fadiga, foi observado uma atenuação da queda do desempenho somente para o grupo RPE na variáveis: CIVM e RF (p = 1,00; TE = 0,20, p = 0,760; TE = 0,26, respectivamente), os demais grupos IPE e Placebo reduziram significamente a CIVM (IPE p = 0,009; TE = 0,38 e Placebo p = 0,03; TE = 1,08) e RF (IPE p = 0,034; TE = 0,29 e Placebo p = 0,018; TE = 0,62). As demais variáveis não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p > 0,05) intra e entre grupos. A RPE pode ser uma estratégia eficiente para manutenção do desempenho de ações isométricas com duração de 20 segundos e um intervalo de curto de recuperação.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    The innovation and protection of intellectual property in Brazil: Analysis of the national dependence of foreign pharmaceutical technology

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    As constantes alterações no contexto organizacional têm instigado estudiosos a investigar os fatores que permitem alcançar níveis superiores de desempenho. Nesse contexto, a inovação tem sido considerada como propulsora para o desenvolvimento e crucial para as organizações sobreviverem. Desse modo, objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre inovação e desempenho na cadeia produtiva da maçã da Região Sul do Brasil a partir dos elos de produção e packing-houses. Para tanto, adotou-se uma pesquisa do tipo quantitativa-descritiva, investigado empiricamente através de uma survey, com 166 atores da cadeia produtiva da maçã, dos segmentos de produção e packing-houses dos Estados de Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Os achados do estudo apoiaram a relação hipotetizada que firmava a influencia positiva da inovação no desempenho de organizações da cadeia produtiva da maçã. Assim, esta pesquisa forneceu uma visão teórica e empírica que auxilia em um melhor entendimento sobre a importância da inovação, tanto de produto quanto de processo, como um meio de melhorar o desempenho de organizações

    Leukocyte and lymphoid organ ontogeny

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    Autoimmune regulator+ (Aire) medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) play a critical role in tolerance induction. Several studies demonstrated that Aire+mTECs differentiate further into Post-Aire cells. Yet, the identification of terminal stages of mTEC maturation depends on unique fate-mapping mouse models. Herein, we resolve this limitation by segmenting the mTEChi(MHCIIhiCD80hi) compartment into mTECA/hi (CD24−Sca1−), mTECB/hi (CD24+Sca1−), and mTECC/hi (CD24+Sca1+). While mTECA/hi included mostly Aire-expressing cells, mTECB/hi contained Aire+ and Aire− cells and mTECC/hi were mainly composed of cells lacking Aire. The differential expression pattern of Aire led us to investigate the precursor-product relationship between these subsets. Strikingly, transcriptomic analysis of mTECA/hi, mTECB/hi, and mTECC/hi sequentially mirrored the specific genetic program of Early-, Late- and Post-Aire mTECs. Corroborating their Post-Aire nature, mTECC/hi downregulated the expression of tissue-restricted antigens, acquired traits of differentiated keratinocytes, and were absent in Aire-deficient mice. Collectively, our findings reveal a new and simple blueprint to survey late stages of mTEC differentiation


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    A questão ambiental é um assunto que envolve todas as esferas sociais se destacando ao longo das últimas décadas, onde há possibilidade de extinção dos recursos naturais e, consequentemente da humanidade. O presente estudo apresenta a discussão sobre sustentabilidade e educação ambiental, destacando a necessidade de (re) construir a consciência ecológica nos sujeitos sociais, utilizando-se da educação para desenvolver uma perspectiva modificadora da realidade. A ligação universidade-escola pública é um potencial transformador, assim, como resultado apresentam-se as ações de extensão universitária do projeto Sala Verde Água Viva, vinculado ao Laboratório de Geoecologia das Paisagens e Planejamento Ambiental (LAGEPLAN) na Universidade Federal do Ceará, que nos últimos anos desenvolveu suas atividades dentro das escolas da rede pública de ensino em Fortaleza-CE e sua região metropolitana, levando a discussão sobre os impactos das atividades humanas para os recursos naturais, resultando na conscientização das responsabilidades sociais e preservação ambiental

    Optimisation of octinyl succinic anhydride starch stablised w1/o/w2 emulsions for oral destablisation of encapsulated salt and enhanced saltiness

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    Sodium (salt) was encapsulated within the inner water phase of w1/o/w2 food emulsions externally stabilised by starch particles with the ultimate aim of enhancing saltiness perception. The physical properties of the starch particles were modified by octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) treatment (0 - 3 %) to vary the degree of hydrophobicity of the emulsifying starch. During oral processing native salivary amylase hydrolysed the starch and destabilised the o/w emulsion releasing the inner w/o phase and subsequently sodium into the oral cavity, resulting in a salty taste. Whilst increasing OSA treatment levels increased the stability of the emulsion, intermediate or low levels of starch modification resulted in enhanced saltiness. It is therefore proposed that 1.5% OSA modified starch is optimal for sodium delivery and 2% OSA modified starch is optimal for sodium delivery in systems that require greater process stability. It is also shown that sodium release was further enhanced by oral processing and was positively correlated with native amylase activity. The results demonstrate a promising new approach for the reduction of salt or sugar in emulsion based foods

    Use of ergogenic aids among Brazilian athletes: a cross-sectional study exploring competitive level, sex and sports

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    Was investigated ergogenic aids (EAs) used by Brazilian athletes and their association with performance, sex, sports classification, and modality. It identified the main purposes of EAs and their prescription.Methods239 athletes of 15 modalities, ranging from regional to international level, answered a survey online.ResultsHighly competitive athletes consumed nutritional and mechanical aids more (OR = 1.96 CI 95% [1.28–2.9]; OR = 1.79 CI 95% [1.29–2.47]), while the use of psychological EAs decreased [OR = 1.66 95% CI (1.18–2.94); p = 0.001]. Male athletes [OR = 1.44 CI 95% (1.11–2.88)] and individual sports practitioners [OR = 1.78 CI 95% (1.02–3.11)] used nutritional aids more. Triathlon athletes had higher nutritional EA use, while soccer athletes had lower. Combat sports athletes had higher pharmacological EA use.ConclusionAthletes use nutritional and pharmacological aids more to improve performance and gain lean body mass. Mechanical aids were used for recovery and psychological aids for motivation. Self-prescription is common, especially for pharmacological aids

    Knee contact forces are not altered in early knee osteoarthritis.

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    OBJECTIVE: This study calculated knee contact forces (KCF) and its relations with knee external knee adduction moments (KAM) and/or flexion moments (KFM) during the stance phase of gait in patients with early osteoarthritis (OA), classified based on early joint degeneration on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). We aimed at assessing if altered KCF are already present in early structural degeneration. DESIGN: Three-dimensional motion and ground reaction force data in 59 subjects with medial compartment knee OA (N=23 established OA, N=16 early OA, N=20 controls) were used as input for a musculoskeletal model. KAM and KFM, and KCF were estimated using OpenSim software. RESULTS: No significant differences were found between controls and subjects with early OA. In early OA patients, KAM significantly explained 69% of the variance associated with the first peaks KCF but only KFM contributed to the second peaks KCF. The multiple correlation, combining KAM and KFM, showed to be higher. However, only 20% of the variance of second peak KCF was explained by both moments in established OA. CONCLUSION: KCF are not increased in patients with early OA, suggesting that knee joint overload is more a consequence of further joint degeneration in more advanced stages of OA. Additionally, our results clearly show that KAM is not sufficient to predict joint loading at the end of the stance, where KFM contributes substantially to the loading, especially in early OA