952 research outputs found

    Timber roof structure for outdoor auditorium in Parque Paraiso, San Blas (Madrid)

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    p. 468-475A timber shell structure is designed to provide covering for an outdoor auditorium in Madrid (Spain). The covering comprises five independent overlapped marquees with similar shape but diverse dimensions. The surface geometry of each marquee is defined by a hyperbolic paraboloid, with its boundaries delimited by elliptical curves in horizontal projection. Structural section for the timber shell is a composite section with several staggered layers of straight sawn timber planks, arranged in two orthogonal directions following the straight skew lines of the hyperbolic paraboloid. Over them two continuous top layers are arranged which provides bracing for the structure and support for the waterproofing material. Each layer is laid over the previous one, bolted and glued with polyurethane adhesive. Special characteristics of the design analysis and detailed erection process are described. The designed solution provides lightweight roofing with a powerful and original image, short construction time and reasonable budget.Anton, A.; Meijide, AG.; Corbal, JJ. (2009). Timber roof structure for outdoor auditorium in Parque Paraiso, San Blas (Madrid). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/653

    Desarrollo de juegos como soporte educativo

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    El objetivo de este PFC/TFG es desarrollar un juego que sirvan como soporte a conceptos matemáticos, computacionales (paralelismo, concurrencia, distribución, definición de objetos...), basándose en un entorno creativo y atractivo para la asignatura de SOAD.The objective of this PFC / TFG is to develop a game that serves as support for mathematical, computational concepts (parallelism, concurrency, distribution, object definition ...) based on a creative and attractive environment for the SOAD subject

    Analysis of a high-lift device by boundary layer blowing system

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    Boundary layer control is a very important subject of investigation in fluid mechanics. The invention of high-lift devices in aircrafts has allowed to increase the capabilities of aerodynamic profiles. This thesis explores one opportunity of taking advantage of boundary layer control in turbulent regimes by means of a blowing system. Carefully CFD simulations have been performed with ANSYS Fluent at different angles of attack for the 2D NACA 4412 airfoil. The boundary conditions are sea level conditions for incompressible flow at Reynold number of 4.8 million, chord of 1m and Mach number of 0.2 for flow velocity. Three modifications of the airfoil geometry have been created at 61%, 50% and 39% of the chord. Each modification includes a slot for the blowing jet of height of 1% of the total chord. The results showed that the blowing system increases the lift coefficient and the aerodynamic efficiency at high angles of attack, which is very useful in take-off and landing configurations. The location of the blowing system at 50% of the chord showed to be the best location for the device. In conclusion, this high-lift device should be implemented and studied further in 3D cases, since it might be an innovative element not only in the aerospace industry, but also other fields of study like wind turbines or nautical ships.Ingeniería Aeroespacia

    Biodispoñibilidade oral de hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos en materia particulada atmosférica

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    [Abstract] The transport of deposited particles in lung during breathing to the gastrointestinal tract is one of the clearance mechanism that may occur into the respiratory system. In the context of human health-risk assessment, oral bioavailability refers to the pollutant fraction that diffuses across the gastrointestinal tract and reach the systemic circulation (blood). The main aim of this research is the development of a novel in-vitro testing to assess the oral bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in PM10 samples at urban site of A Coruña, and the accurately toxicity prediction of PAHs in PM10 using bioavailable concentrations. In-vitro oral bioavailability test involves the use of pepsin solution for simulated gastric digestion (37 ºC, 150 rpm, 120 min) and pancreatin/bile salts solution for simulated intestinal digestion (37 ºC, 150 rpm, 120 min). During simulated intestinal digestion, a dialysis membrane of 10 kDa MWCO filled PIPES (1,4-Piperazinediethanesulfonic acid sodium salt) solution (pH 7.5) was used to simulate cell walls of the intestine. Total PAHs concentrations of the samples were necessary to determine in order to obtain bioavailable percentages, by using an already developed new green analytical method. Low oral bioavailability ratios (< 1 %) were found for several PAHs such fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(e)pyrene and benzo(k)fluoranthene.[Resumen] El transporte de las partículas depositadas en los pulmones durante la respiración al tracto intestinal es uno de los mecanismos de despeje que tienen lugar en el sistema respiratorio. En el contexto humano de la evaluación del riesgo de la salud, la biodisponibilidad oral hace referencia a la fracción de contaminante que se difunde a través del tracto gastrointestinal y llega al sistema circulatorio. El principal objetivo de esta investigación es el desarrollo de un nuevo método in-vitro para evaluar la biodisponibilidad oral de hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) en muestras de PM10 procedentes de una zona urbana de la ciudad de A Coruña, y de la predicción apropiada de la toxicidad de los HAPs en PM10 utilizando las concentraciones biodisponibles. El estudio de biodisponibilidad oral in-vitro implica el uso de pepsina para realizar la simulación gástrica (37 °C, 150 rpm, 120 min) y de pancreatina y sales biliares para la simulación de la digestión intestinal (37 °C, 150 rpm, 120 min). Durante la simulación de la digestión intestinal, una membrana de diálisis de 10kDa MWCO que contiene una disolución de PIPES (1,4-Piperazinediethanesulfonic acid sodium salt) a pH 7,53 se emplea para simular las paredes celulares del intestino. Las concentraciones totales de HAPs de las muestras se determinaron para obtener los porcentajes de biodisponibilidad utilizando un método de análisis verde ya desarrollado. Se obtuvieron bajos porcentajes de biodisponibilidad (< 1 %) para algunos HAPs, como para el fluoranteno, pireno, benzo(a)antraceno, criseno, benzo(e)pireno y benzo(k)fluoranteno.[Resumo] O transporte das partículas depositadas nos pulmóns durante a respiración ó tracto intestinal é uno dos mecanismos de despexe que teñen lugar no sistema respiratorio. No contexto humano da evaluación do risco da saúde, a biodispoñibilidad oral fai referencia á fracción de contaminante que se difunde a través do tracto gastrointestinal e chega ó sistema circulatorio. O principal obxectivo desta investigación é o desarrollo dun novo método in-vitro para a avaliación da biodispoñibilidade oral de hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) en mostras de PM10 procedentes dunha zona urbana da ciudad de A Coruña, e da predicción apropiada da toxicidad dos HAPs en PM10 utilizando as concentracións biodispoñibles. O estudio de biodispoñibilidade oral in-vitro implica o uso de pepsina para realizar a simulación gástrica (37 °C, 150 rpm, 120 min) e de pancreatina e sales biliares para a simulación da dixestión intestinal (37 °C, 150 rpm, 120 min). Durante a simulación da dixestión intestinal, unha membrana de diálise de 10kDa MWCO que contén unha disolución de PIPES (1,4-Piperazinediethanesulfonic acid sodium salt) a pH 7,53 empléase para simular as paredes celulares do intestino. As concentracións totales de HAPs das mostras foron determinadas para obter as porcentaxes de biodispoñibilidade utilizando un método de análise verde xa desarrollado. Baixas porcentaxes de biodispoñibilidade (< 1 %) foron obtidas para alguns HAPs, como para o fluoranteno, pireno, benzo(a)antraceno, criseno, benzo(e)pireno e benzo(k)fluoranteno.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2018/201

    Mesenchymal stem cell therapy in traumatic spinal cord injury: a systematic review

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    Review[Abstract] Recovery from a traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) is challenging due to the limited regenerative capacity of the central nervous system to restore cells, myelin, and neural connections. Cell therapy, particularly with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), holds significant promise for TSCI treatment. This systematic review aims to analyze the efficacy, safety, and therapeutic potential of MSC-based cell therapies in TSCI. A comprehensive search of PUBMED and COCHRANE databases until February 2023 was conducted, combining terms such as "spinal cord injury," "stem cells," "stem cell therapy," "mesenchymal stem cells," and "traumatic spinal cord injury". Among the 53 studies initially identified, 22 (21 clinical trials and 1 case series) were included. Findings from these studies consistently demonstrate improvements in AIS (ASIA Impairment Scale) grades, sensory scores, and, to a lesser extent, motor scores. Meta-analyses further support these positive outcomes. MSC-based therapies have shown short- and medium-term safety, as indicated by the absence of significant adverse events within the studied timeframe. However, caution is required when drawing generalized recommendations due to the limited scientific evidence available. Further research is needed to elucidate the long-term safety and clinical implications of these advancements. Although significant progress has been made, particularly with MSC-based therapies, additional studies exploring other potential future therapies such as gene therapies, neurostimulation techniques, and tissue engineering approaches are essential for a comprehensive understanding of the evolving TSCI treatment landscape.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI20/0093

    Results of the blue whiting otolith exchange

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    At the Blue Whiting Assessment Working Group, it was agreed to carry out an otolith exchange programme to solve the ageing problems pointed out by ACFM. A sample of 115 otoliths from Division IXa was exchanged, and seven countries are taking part in the exchange, although it has not yet been completed. One otolith from each fish was sectioned and the other preserved in aqueous solution. In the whole otoliths a tendency to lose one or two early rings was observed, and in the sectioned otoliths the presence of false rings was the cause of misreading. A combination of both methods would probably improve the age determinations, but is unfortunately time consuming. The agreement between the readers was in general low, from both sliced and whole otoliths.The ANOVA with a significance level of 5% showed that the mean age of the sample is different for various readers, and the Tukey test showed that there are no significant differences between three readers, at the same significance level. Considering the importance of ageing in the .assessment, new investigations are needed to improve the agreement, and it is suggested that further samples are exchanged, or that an otolith workshop should be convened