54 research outputs found

    Geri Dönüşüm Lifler İçeren Süprem Kumaşların Isıl Konfor Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada orijinal (ORJ) ve geri dönüşüm (GD) pamuk lifleri kullanılarak, %100 ORJ, %100 GD ve 50/50 ORJ/GD pamuk lifleri içeren iplikler üretilmiş ve bu iplikler ile üretilen süprem kumaşların ısıl konfor özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla konfeksiyonda açığa çıkan kumaş kırpıntılarından elde edilen geri dönüşüm pamuk lifleri ve orijinal pamuk lifleri open-end rotor iplik eğirme sisteminde eğrilmiş ve bu ipliklerden süprem kumaşlar üretilmiştir. Geri dönüşüm ve orijinal pamuk ipliklerinden elde edilen bu kumaşların ısıl konfor özelliklerini karşılaştırmak amacıyla; ısıl iletkenlik, ısıl direnç, ısıl soğurganlık ve hava geçirgenlik özellikleri ölçülmüştür. Kumaşlarda geri dönüşüm pamuk liflerinin kullanımının kumaşların ısıl direnç değerlerini arttırdığı; ısıl iletkenlik, hava geçirgenliği ve ısıl soğurganlık değerlerini düşürdüğü gözlenmiştir. Geri dönüşüm liflerinden örülmüş süprem kumaşların ısıl direnç değerlerinin yüksek olmasının ve ilk temasta daha sıcak bir his vermesinin orijinal liflerden üretilen kumaşlara göre kullanım alanına bağlı olarak üstünlük sağladığı düşünülmektedir

    Severity and Management of patients with Snake and Scorpion Envenomation Admitted to an Intensive Care Unit in Southeastern Turkey: A retrospective study

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    Background: Snake and scorpion envenomation is a common public health problem in many regions of the world. Life-threatening emergencies may occur in patients with snake and scorpion envenomation; therefore, these patients may be required intensive care unit (ICU) follow-up. Our objective was to present the demographic and clinical characteristics, treatment modalities and short term outcomes of patients with snake and scorpion envenomation who followed up in our tertiary hospital ICU. Methods: Patient records were retrospectively searched and snake or scorpion envenomation patients with ICU stay were identified with relevant keywords and ICD-10 codes between January 2010 and September 2019. All cases with ICU stay were included for study analysis, regardless of patient age. Scorpion and snake envenomation managed in outpatient clinic were excluded from our data. Poisoning severity score (PSS) system was used to present signs and symptoms and PSS was calculated. Primary and critical care treatment modalities were identified and analyzed. Results: Forty patients (25 with snake bites [62.5%] and 15 with scorpion sting [37.5%]) were included in this retrospective study. Local and systemic effects have been reported in 33 (82.5%) and in 27 patients (67.5%), respectively. Majority of patients suffered from pain or disturbances in sensory neural, hematological, cardiovascular or metabolic systems. Median PSS was 2 (0-4) and median length of stay in ICU was 2 days (1-12). Mortality rate was 2.5%. Antivenom immunoglobulins (n=32, %80.0), systemic antibacterial agents (n=24, 60%), and paracetamol (n=21, 52.5%) were the most common systemically administered treatments. Surgical interventions were performed in 4 patients (10%) Conclusions: We reported that snake and scorpion envenomation were mostly admitted to the ICU with local and/or systemic symptoms for advanced monitoring and observation. Although life treating emergencies and mortality was uncommon in our study, we think that these patients should be closely followed up in ICU

    Triethyl­ammonium (S)-(−)-O-[1-(2-naphth­yl)eth­yl] (4-meth­oxy­phen­yl)dithio­phospho­nate

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    The crystal structure of the title compound, C6H16N+·C19H18O2PS2 −, consists of the dithio­phospho­nate anions and the triethyl­ammonium cations, which are linked by N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds and weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. In the anion, the benzene ring is oriented with respect to the naphthalene ring system at a dihedral angle of 24.92 (5)°. In the crystal, weak C—H⋯π inter­actions also occur

    The effect of metoclopramide and ondansetron on mivacurium-induced neuromuscular blockade

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    Postoperatif dönemde görülen bulantı kusma hastaya büyük sıkıntı veren önemli sorunlardan birisidir. Metoklopramid ve ondansetron postoperatif bulantı kusmanın tedavisinde sık kullanılan ilaçlardandır. Metoklopramidin etkisinin sonlanması, başlıca plazma kolinesteraz enzimi ile olmaktadır. Anestezi pratiğinde son yıllarda kullanıma giren nondepolarizan kas gevşetici ajan olan mivakuryum da başlıca plazma kolinesteraz enzimi ile yıkılmaktadır. Metoklopramidin mivakuryumla elde edilen nöromusküler blokajı etkilediği bazı çalışmalarda gösterilmiştir. Bir serotonin antagonisti olan ondansetronun sinir kas kavşağındaki transmitterler üzerine etkili olabileceğine dair çalışmalar vardır. Çalışmamızda metoklopramid ve ondansetronun mivakuryum ile oluşan kas gevşemesi üzerine etkisini nöromusküler ileti monitörizasyonu ve plazma kolinesteraz ölçümleriyle incelemeyi amaçladıkÇalışma etik kurul onamı alındıktan sonra, elektif cerrahi girişim planlanan ASA I-II grubunda, 18-65 yaşları arasındaki toplam 75 hasta ile gerçekleştirildi. Hastalar 10 mg metoklopramid (Grup M), 4 mg ondansetron (Grup O) ve serum fizyolojik (Grup SF) kullanımına göre 3 gruba ayrıldı. Nöromusküler monitörizasyon için ulnar sinir tercih edildi ve bu amaçla akseleromiyografi prensibi ile çalışan TOF-Watch® SX (Organon,Ireland) kullanıldı. Nöromusküler bloğun %100'e ulaşma süresi etki başlama süresi olarak kabul edilip kaydedildi. Plazma kolinesteraz ölçümü için tüm hastalardan çalışma ilaçları uygulanmadan önce, çalışma ilaçları uygulandıktan 5 dakika sonra ve mivakuryum uygulandıktan 5 dakika sonra olmak üzere 3 kez 4 ml kan örneği alındı. Nöromusküler ileti ile ilgili etki başlama süresi, kas gevşemesinin %25, %75, %90 geri dönme süreleri ve derlenme endeksi değerleri kaydedilerek, gözlenen parametrelerdeki farklılıklar karşılaştırıldı.Metoklopramidin etki başlama süresini hem serum fizyolojik hem de ondansetron verilen gruba göre anlamlı derecede azalttığını (p<0,001), buna karşın ondansetronun bu süreyi serum fizyolojik uygulamasına göre anlamlı fakat küçük bir miktar kısalttığını (p<0,05) bulduk. Metoklopramidin, akseleromyelografik yöntemle değerlendirilen nöromusküler ileti ölçümlerini serum fizyolojik ve ondansetrona göre uzattığı saptandı. Grup M grup SF ile karşılaştırıldığında, kas gevşemesinin %25, %75 ve %90 oranında geri dönme süreleri ve derlenme endeksi ölçümleri bakımından anlamlı farklılık bulundu (p<0,001). Metokolopramid ve ondansetron uygulanan gruplar karşılaştırıldığında ise kas gevşemesinin %75 ve %90 oranında geri dönme süreleri ile derlenme endeksi değerleri arasındaki fark anlamlıydı (p<0,001; p<0,01; p<0,001). Grup O ile grup SF arasında kas gevşemesinin %25 ve %75 oranında geri dönme süreleri bakımından anlamlı farklılık vardı (p<0,01; p<0.05). Plazma kolinesteraz düzeyleri normal değerler içinde kalmasına karşın hem metoklopramid hem de ondansetron uygulamasından sonra düşüş gösterdi (p<0,001), mivakuryum uygulandıktan sonra da bu düşme devam etti (p<0,001) ancak iki grup arasında belirgin fark yoktu.Kas gevşetici olarak mivakuryum kullanılan olgularda, metoklopramid uygulandığı zaman nöromusküler fonksiyonların monitörle izlenmesi, gelişebilecek rezidüel bloğu belirlemek ve postoperatif solunumsal komplikasyonlardan korunma açısından faydalıdır. Ondansetronun mivakuryumla oluşturulan nöromusküler blokaj üzerine etkileri metoklopramide göre daha az belirgin olduğu için, peroperatif dönemde daha güvenle kullanılabilecek bir antiemetik ajan olduğu görüşündeyiz.Nausea and vomiting during post-operative period is one of the most displeasing problems. Metoclopramide and ondansetron are the most commonly used drugs for treatment of post-operative nausea and vomiting. Metoclopramide is mainly inactivated by plasma cholinesterase. Mivacurium a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drug recently used in anaesthesia is also primarily inactivated through enzymatic breakdown by plasma cholinesterase. Some studies have shown that neuromuscular blockade by mivacurium is affected by metoclopramide. There are some studies which have demonstrated that ondansetron a serotonin antagonist could have effects on transmitters at the neuromuscular junction. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of metoclopramide and ondansetron on mivacurium-induced neuromuscular blockade by the neuromuscular transmission monitorization and measurement of plasma cholinestrerase.After Ethics Committee approval, the study was performed in 75 ASA physical status I-II patients ages 18 to 65, scheduled to undergo elective surgical procedures. Patients were divided into 3 groups: respectively according to receive 10 mg metoclopramide (Group M), 4 mg ondansetron (Group O) and serum physiologic (Group SF). The ulnar nerve was selected for neuromuscular monitorization and TOF-Watch®SX (Organon, Ireland) was used which works by principle of acceleromyography (AMG). Onset time was assumed and recorded as the duration for 100% of meuromuscular blockade. Four ml blood samples were drawn from all patients for plasma cholinesterase levels at 3 times: before and 5 minutes after study drug administration and 5 minutes after mivacurium administration. Onset time, the duration of time for 25%, 75%, 90% recovery of muscle blockade and recovery index about neuromuscular transmission were recorded and differences among these parameters were compared.Metoclopramide reduced the onset time significantly compared to both serum physiologic and ondansetron group (p<0,001); ondansetron reduced onset time significantly but very small amount compared to serum physiologic group (p<0,05). Metoclopramide prolonged neuromuscular transmission measurements, which was assessed by AMG method, compared to serum physiologic and ondansetron. The duration of time for 25%, 75%, 90% recovery of muscle blockade and recovery index were significantly different between group M and SF (p<0,001). The duration of time for 75% and 90% recovery of muscle blockade and recovery index were significantly different between group M and O (p<0,001; p<0,01; p<0,001). There was a significant difference between group O and SF with regard to the duration of time for 25% and 75% recovery of muscle blockade (p<0,01; p<0,05). Although plasma cholinesterase levels were within normal ranges, it reduced following both metoclopramide and ondansetron administration (p<0,001). After mivacurium administration it continued to decrease (p<0,001). But there was no difference between two groups.Neuromuscular monitoring is important when mivacurium is used as neuromuscular blocking agent and metoclopramide is given for antiemesis for determining possible residual blockade and preventing post-operative ventilatory complications. Since the effects of ondansetron on mivacurium- induced neuromuscular blockade were less significant than metoclopramide, we think that ondansetron could be a safer drug during per-operative period

    Buckling behavior of 1 x 1 rib knitting laminated plates with cutouts

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    WOS: 000264967800009The purpose of this study is to investigate the cutout shape effects on the buckling behavior of 1 x 1 rib knitting glass/epoxy laminated plates in three different knitting tightness levels as low, medium and high. The composite plate is produced five plies as [0 degrees](5Course) by using hand lay-up technique. In order to investigate the shape effects, five different plates are used such as, without cutout (W-C), central circular/elliptical cutout (C/E-C), central square/rectangular cutout (S/R-C), edge semi-circular/semi-elliptical cutout (SC/SE-C), and edge semi-square/semi-rectangular cutout (SS/SR-C). In addition, circular/elliptical diameter-to-plate width ratio and square/rectangular length-to-plate width ratio effects on buckling load of 1 x 1 rib knitting glass/epoxy plates are also investigated. The experimental buckling loads of plates are obtained by clamping from two edges and then these results are compared with the results calculated from the numerical analysis. ANSYS 10 commercial software is used for numerical study. A good agreement was obtained between finite element method and experimental measurements. Results are showed that the buckling loads depend on the cutout area and the level of tightness. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The effect of needling intensity and reinforcement material on the breaking and tear strength of needle-punched filter cloth

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    Filtreleme işlemi endüstriyel uygulamalarda yaygın olarak karşılaşılan bir işlemdir. Tekstil esaslı filtreler yapılarından dolayı filtreleme alanında büyük ilgi çeker. Özellikle dokusuz yüzey kumaşlar, kuru hava filtrelemede sıkça tercih edilir. Dokusuz yüzeyler yüzey fıltrelemenin yanında derinlik filtrelemesine izin veren yapıları sebebiyle, hava filtreleme uygulamalarında oldukça avantajlıdır. Bu çalışmada, iğnelenmiş dokusuz yüzey filtre kumaşları dokuma kumaş takviyeli ve takviyesiz olarak farklı iğneleme yoğunluklarında üretilmiştir. Kopma ve yırtılma mukavemetleri kumaşın kullanım sırasında maruz kalacağı zorlanmalara karşı mekanik özelliklerindendir. Bu özelliklerin takviye malzemesine ve iğneleme yoğunluğuna göre değişimi incelenmiştir.Filtration is a common process in industrial applications. More attention is paid to textile based filters because of their structures. Especially nonwoven fabrics frequently preferred in dry air filtration applications. Structures of nonwovens allow depth filtration besides surface filtration and make them advantageous in air filtration applications. The needle-punched nonwoven fitler fabrics are produced with and without woven reinforcement materials, with different needeling intensities in this study. Breaking and tear strengths are the mechanical features of the filter cloth against the forces during usage. Variations of those properties are examined according to reinforcement material and needling intensities

    Comparison of GIS-based surrogate weighting methods for multi-directional landfill site selection in West Mediterranean Planning Region in Turkey

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    WOS: 000527908600004On account of sustainable municipal solid waste (MSW) management, the determination of appropriate positions for MSW multi-directional landfill sites includes thought of geomorphological, topographical, hydrological, monetary and environmental parameters. Deciding these regions in a manner that limits ecological contamination and well-being dangers is a significant multi-criteria decision-making issue in the controls of land executives. A landfill site choice procedure has been completed utilizing three pure weighting techniques (rank sum, rank reciprocal and rank-order centroid) coordinated with geographical information system instruments. The outcomes demonstrate that 32,045 km(2) (87.4%) of the total area is inadmissible for landfill sites. This study compares the results of three subjective weighting methods at a large-scale regional planning scenario. The exhibited methodology helps chiefs in deciding safe areas for MSW landfill sites. The results show that in the early period of the spatial planning, simplified pure methods can be adequate. In this case, using more complicated methods will not definitely deduce different findings. However, when regional planning requires identifying the spatial scope of the favored specific sites, considering the intersection area proposed by three methods will be ideal

    The effect of Gingko biloba extract (Egb 761) as a free radical scavenger on the survival of skin flaps in rats - A comparative study

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    Free radicals may have a role in pedicle flap necrosis. We undertook this study to compare the effect of various antioxidants and scavengers of free radicals such as vitamin E, vitamin C, deferoxamine, and Gingko biloba extract (Egb 761) on McFarlane caudal-based dorsal rat flaps. Fifty rats were divided into five groups of 10 animals each. One group served as a control (saline) group. The remaining four groups were given vitamin C 340 mg/kg, deferoxamine 150 mg/kg, Egb 761 100 mg/kg, and vitamin E 20 mg/kg. The necrosed area of flap was significantly reduced in the deferoxamine (p < 0.001), Egb 761 (p < 0.001), and vitamin C (p < 0.05) groups compared with the control group. Vitamin E had no effect on distal flap necrosis (p = 0.20)

    A GIS‑based multi‑criteria evaluation for MSW landfill site selection in Antalya, Burdur, Isparta planning zone in Turkey

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    Defining the suitable positions for landfill sites on a regional scale is a decision-making procedure based on a number of criteria. In this study, geographic information system analysis and multi criteria decision making method have been utilised to search for spatial suitability of landfill sites by considering legislative, technical, social and environmental criteria. Fourteen exclusion criteria have been determined and the sites which are not eligible for being landfills have been deducted. Analytical hierarchy process has been used to determine the weights of three main and sixteen provisional evaluation criteria affecting the choice of landfill sites. Weighted linear combination method has been utilised to evaluate all the criteria with combination process. Also landfill suitability map has been created in the study area’s high and low potential. The results indicate that 4.03% of study area is moderately suitable, 3.75% is highly suitable for landfill sites. Only 58% of existing landfill sites embedded in the Antalya–Burdur–Isparta Environmental Plan, coincide with the appropriate areas identified in this study. These findings indicate that planning decisions have been taken regardless of hydrological, geological and land use conditions. This study will propose a systematic protocol for decision makers to identify and assess the hotspots which are suitable for landfill sites in the anticipated planning region.No sponso