13 research outputs found

    Risk İletişiminde Geleneksel Medya: Gazete Haberlerinin Deprem Felaketleri Örnekleminde Analizi

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    Bireylerin doğal afetler hakkındaki bilgilerini ve risk algılarını şekillendirmede önemli bir rol oynayan medya, bu niteliği ile risk ve afet yönetiminin ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır. Türkiye için en yüksek doğal afet riskleri arasında ilk sırada yer alan depreme yönelik, medya aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilecek iletişim faaliyetlerinin niteliği, hedeflemesi, içeriği ve yoğunluğu da özel bir düzenlemeyi ve önemi gerektirmektedir. Afetler sırasında ve sonrasında olduğu kadar başta deprem olmak üzere tüm afetlere ilişkin riskler için de birincil bilgilenme, tutum geliştirme ve davranışa dönüştürme kaynağını medya oluşturmaktadır. Bu bakış açısından hareketle, geleneksel medyanın en önemli araçlarından biri olan gazetelerin depreme ilişkin içeriklerinin analizi çalışmanın odağını oluşturmuştur. Gazetelerin, deprem riski içeriklerindeki bilgi, kaynak, aktör, yoğunluk, genişlik ve tekrar düzeylerinin saptanması amacıyla, Basın İlan Kurumu 2021 yılı tiraj verileri temel alınmış ve buna göre en yüksek satış rakamına sahip Sabah, Hürriyet, Sözcü, Posta, Milliyet ve Türkiye gazetelerinden oluşan örneklem üzerinde, yakın zamanda yaşanmış İstanbul ve İzmir depremlerine ilişkin haberlere, nitel araştırma yönteminin bir tekniği olarak içerik analizi uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada medyanın sadece depremin yaşanmasının ardından konuyu yoğun olarak haberleştirdiği, konuyla ilgisinin ancak afet ile birlikte oluştuğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca, depreme yönelik açıklama ve bilgilendirme yapan aktörlerin, depremin toplumsal etkilerine göre değişiklik gösterdiği, riskin iletişimine yönelik anlamlı bir çalışmanın söz konusu olmadığı ve depreme yönelik haberlerin gündeme geliş zaman, biçim ve oranlarının medya organları açısından oldukça benzerlik taşıdığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, ülkenin sahip olduğu en büyük risklerden biri olan depreme ilişkin ‘risk iletişimi’nde, medyanın kurumsal olarak taşıdığı işlev, önem ve sorumlulukların yeniden tartışılmaya muhtaç olduğunu göstermektedir

    Differences in hepatitis A seroprevalence among geographical regions in Turkey: a need for regional vaccination recommendations

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    dikici, bunyamin/0000-0001-7572-6525WOS: 000258784400013PubMed: 18837839Hepatitis A is a worldwide vaccine-preventable infection. Recommendation of vaccination depends on the endemicity of the disease. The World Health Organization recommends universal hepatitis A vaccination in intermediate areas; however, there is no need of mass vaccination in high and low endemicity regions. Therefore, most of the countries are using a vaccination policy according to the endemicity characteristic representing the whole of the country. The endemicity of this infection varies due to sanitary and hygiene conditions and socioeconomic differences among the countries and in various regions of the same country. A sample of 1173 persons between the age of 0 and 91 years from nine randomly selected medical centres from five different geographical centres of Turkey were tested for the level of anti-hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV) immunoglobulin-G antibodies using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The overall prevalence of anti-HAV antibodies was 64.4% (1142/1173). While the rate of sero-positivity was over 80% in the 5-9 age group and more than 90% after 14 years of age in south-eastern and eastern regions, it was lower than 50% at the age of 5-9 years in central and western regions and remains under 80% in those areas. We conclude that the differences observed in HAV sero-positivity among various geographical regions in Turkey support a universal HAV immunization policy for children currently living in regions of intermediate endemicity.Clement Weinberger of Sanofi PasteurWriting support was provided by Clement Weinberger of Sanofi Pasteur

    Chronic granulomatous disease Three different clinical presentation

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    Bakgrunn og formål Bakgrunnen for studien er at totalmortalitet hos personer med og uten hjertesvikt i den generelle befolkningen er lite studert i Norge. Formålet var å undersøke sammenhengen mellom hjertesvikt og totalmortalitet i Tromsøundersøkelsen, Tromsø 4. Metode Rapporten er basert på data fra personer som deltok i den fjerde Tromsøundersøkelsen, Tromsø 4, som ble gjennomført i 1994-1995. Tromsø 4 omfatter til sammen 27 158 personer i alderen 25 år og eldre. Personene svarte på spørreskjema angående livsstil, sykdom og behandling. Det ble gjort målinger av høyde, vekt, blodtrykk og puls. Dataene fra Tromsø 4 er koblet til en fil med utskrivningsdiagnoser for hjertesvikt fra Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge og til dødelighetsdata fra Dødsårsaksregisteret ved Folkehelseinstituttet. Multivariable Cox proporsjonale hazard regresjonsmodeller ble brukt for å beregne hazard ratio for død, 95% konfidensintervall og p-verdi for ulike uavhengige variabler. Hovedeksponeringsvariabelen i alle modellene var hjertesvikt. Journaldata fra sykehuset ble brukt for å undersøke validiteten av hjertesviktdiagnosene. Resultater 1348 (5,0%) personer fikk hjertesvikt i løpet av oppfølgingsperioden, 601 (4,3%) kvinner og 747 (5,9%) menn. Av kvinnene med hjertesvikt døde 456 (75,9%) og 517 (69,2%) av mennene i løpet av oppfølgingsperioden på gjennomsnittlig18,3 år. Ved aldersjustert Cox proporsjonale hazard regresjon ble det observert at kvinner og menn med hjertesvikt hadde henholdsvis over seks og fem ganger høyere risiko for død sammenlignet med kvinner og menn uten hjertesvikt. Det ble ikke funnet signifikant forskjell i risiko mellom kjønnene. Konklusjon Studien viser at personer med hjertesvikt har høy totalmortalitet sammenlignet med personer uten hjertesvikt. Det er forskjell i karakteristika av personer med og uten hjertesvikt. Høy mortalitet er også funnet i lignende studier som denne, selv om grad av risiko er noe ulik

    Fabrication of naturel pumice/hydroxyapatite composite for biomedical engineering

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    Background: We evaluated the Bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) structure. BHA powder was admixed with 5 and 10 wt% natural pumice (NP). Compression strength, Vickers micro hardness, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction studies were performed on the final NP-BHA composite products. The cells proliferation was investigated by MTT assay and SEM. Furthermore, the antimicrobial activity of NP-BHA samples was interrogated. Results: Variances in the sintering temperature (for 5 wt% NP composites) between 1000 and 1300 °C, reveal about 700 % increase in the microhardness (~100 and 775 HV, respectively). Composites prepared at 1300 °C demonstrate the greatest compression strength with comparable result for 5 wt% NP content (87 MPa), which are significantly better than those for 10 wt% and those that do not include any NP (below 60 MPa, respectively). Conclusion: The results suggested the optimal parameters for the preparation of NP-BHA composites with increased mechanical properties and biocompatibility. Changes in micro-hardness and compression strength can be tailored by the tuning the NP concentration and sintering temperature. NP-BHA composites have demonstrated a remarkable potential for biomedical engineering applications such as bone graft and implant.Marmara University [FEN-B-080415-0117] [FEN-C-YLP-140115-000]NIMP Core [Programme PN4501-3

    682. The Changing Epidemiology Of Bacterial Meningitis During 2015–2017 In Turkey: A Hospital-Based Prospective Surveillance Study

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    Background The etiology of bacterial meningitis in Turkey has been changed after the implementation of conjugated vaccines against Streptococcus pneumonia and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) in Turkish national immunization schedule. Methods. This prospective study was conducted in 25 hospitals located seven regions of Turkey (representing 30% of Turkey population) and children aged between 1 month and 18 years with suspected meningitis and hospitalized were included. Cerebrospinal fluid samples were collected and bacterial identification was made according to the multiplex PCR assay results. Results. During the study period, 927 children were hospitalized for suspected meningitis and Hib (n:1), S. pneumonia (n:17) and Neisseria meningitidis (n:59) were detected in 77 samples (Figure 1, Table 1). During 2015–2016, N. meningitidis serogroup W, B, A, Y, X frequencies were as 5 (13.9%), 16 (44.4%), 1 (2.8%), 1 (2.8%), 1 (2.8%), respectively. There were 12 nongroupable N. meningitidis samples and serogroup C was not detected. In 2017, of meningococcal meningitis serogroup B, W, A, Y and X were identified in two (8.7%), 15 (65.2%), two (8.7%), 1 (4.3%) and 1 (4.3%) cases, respectively (Figure 2). There were four deaths in this study period, all of them were caused by N. meningitidis serogroup B and three of them were under 1 year old. Conclusion. The epidemiology of meningococcal diseases has been varied in time with or without any apparent reasons. Hajj is a well-known cause for serogroup W epidemics and serogorup W was the most common cause of meningitis in Turkey during 2009–2014 as in other Middle East countries. After the impact of serogroup W epidemics related to Hajj seen in 2010’s was diminished, serogroup B has been leading cause of childhood meningitis since 2015. In countries affected from Hajj like Turkey, vaccination of children with serogroup B meningococcal vaccine as well as quadrivalentconjugated vaccine seems to be very important. It should be kept in mind that meningococcal epidemiology is dynamic and needed to be closely monitored to detect changes in years Disclosures All authors: No reported disclosures.PubMe

    Clinical and epidemiological features of Turkish children with 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) infection: Experience from multiple tertiary paediatric centres in Turkey

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    Background: In April 2009 a novel strain of human influenza A, identified as H1N1 virus, rapidly spread worldwide, and in early June 2009 the World Health Organization raised the pandemic alert level to phase 6. Herein we present the largest series of children who were hospitalized due to pandemic H1N1 infection in Turkey. Methods: We conducted a retrospective multicentre analysis of case records involving children hospitalized with influenza-like illness, in whom 2009 H1N1 influenza was diagnosed by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay, at 17 different tertiary hospitals. Results: A total of 821 children with 2009 pandemic H1N1 were hospitalized. The majority of admitted children (56.9%) were younger than 5 y of age. Three hundred and seventy-six children (45.8%) had 1 or more pre-existing conditions. Respiratory complications including wheezing, pneumonia, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and hypoxemia were seen in 272 (33.2%) children. Ninety of the patients (11.0%) were admitted or transferred to the paediatric intensive care units (PICU) and 52 (6.3%) received mechanical ventilation. Thirty-five children (4.3%) died. The mortality rate did not differ between age groups. Of the patients who died, 25.7% were healthy before the H1N1 virus infection. However, the death rate was significantly higher in patients with malignancy, chronic neurological disease, immunosuppressive therapy, at least 1 pre-existing condition, and respiratory complications. The most common causes of mortality were pneumonia and sepsis. Conclusions: In Turkey, 2009 H1N1 infection caused high mortality and PICU admission due to severe respiratory illness and complications, especially in children with an underlying condition