152 research outputs found

    A Methodology for Nurse Staffing

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    Increases in both staff salaries and in the number of personnel per patient have been prime factors in the rapid rise of hospital costs. This is particularly true in the nursing area, which is responsible for the greatest portion of these costs. Limited information has been available to aid hospital managers in the efficient utilization of the nursing staff. This article presents guidelines for determining patient load and a systematic procedure for allocating nursing personnel

    What is values work? A review of values work in organisations. Kap. 3

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    I: H.Askeland, G. Espedal, B. Jelstad LĂžvaas & S. Sirris (Eds.), Understanding values work : Institutional perspectives in organizations and leadershipThrough a review of the existing empirical studies and emerging literature on values work in organisations, this paper aims to disambiguate the phenomenon of values work. Values work is understood as ongoing value performances situated in everyday practice in organisations. As such, values work is identified as social and institutional processes of constructing agency, actions and practice in organisations. In this chapter, I show how values work is part of both a performative tradition of process studies and an institutional work tradition that strives to change, disrupt and maintain institutions. Further, I outline how future studies can broaden the field of values work.publishedVersio

    Values - reviewing the construct and drawing implications for values work in organisation and leadership. Kap. 2

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    I: H.Askeland, G. Espedal, B. Jelstad LĂžvaas & S. Sirris (Eds.), Understanding values work : Institutional perspectives in organizations and leadershipThis chapter outlines the trajectory of values, particularly within streams of organisational institutionalism, in order to analyse its application to values work in organisation and leadership. Conveying a frame for discussing values work, it aims at clarifying how to conceptualise the term values. Discussing classic and recent contributions, the chapter proposes seeing values as individual and collective conceptions of desirable trans-situational behaviours, objectives and ideals, serving to guide or valuate practice. Despite being an essential part of defining organisational institutionalism, and its sub-streams, values are seldom explicated. Utilising values in organisational and leadership research requires attention to their situatedness in contexts, and this chapter argues they are salient to organisations operating in pluralistic institutional environment. Studying values work, attention should be given to who and how such work is performed.publishedVersio

    Societal-level versus individual-level predictions of ethical behavior: a 48-society study of collectivism and individualism

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    Is the societal-level of analysis sufficient today to understand the values of those in the global workforce? Or are individual-level analyses more appropriate for assessing the influence of values on ethical behaviors across country workforces? Using multi-level analyses for a 48-society sample, we test the utility of both the societal-level and individual-level dimensions of collectivism and individualism values for predicting ethical behaviors of business professionals. Our values-based behavioral analysis indicates that values at the individual-level make a more significant contribution to explaining variance in ethical behaviors than do values at the societal-level. Implicitly, our findings question the soundness of using societal-level values measures. Implications for international business research are discussed

    Stakeholder Relationships and Social Welfare: A Behavioral Theory of Contributions to Joint Value Creation

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    Firms play a crucial role in furthering social welfare through their ability to foster stakeholders’ contributions to joint value creation, i.e., value creation that involves a public-good dilemma due to high task and outcome interdependence - leading to what economists have labeled the ‘team production problem’. We build on relational models theory to examine how individual stakeholders’ contributions to joint value creation are shaped by stakeholders’ mental representations of their relationships with the other participants in value creation, and how these mental representations are affected by the perceived behavior of the firm. Stakeholder theory typically contrasts a broadly-defined ‘relational’ approach to stakeholder management with a ‘transactional’ approach based on the price mechanism - and has argued that the former is more likely to contribute to social welfare than the latter. Our theory supports this prediction for joint value creation, but also implies that the dichotomy on which it is based is too coarse-grained: there are three distinct ways to trigger higher contributions to joint value creation than through a ‘transactional’ approach. Our theory also helps explain the tendency for firms and their stakeholders to converge on ‘transactional’ relationships, despite their relative inefficiency in the context of joint value creation

    Economics education and value change: The role of program-normative homogeneity and peer influence

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    In the light of corporate scandals and the recent financial crisis, there has been an increased interest in the impact of business education on the value orientations of graduates. Yet our understanding of how students' values change during their time at business school is limited. In this study,weinvestigate the effects of variations in the normative orientations of economics programs. We argue that interaction among economics students constitutes a key mechanism of value socialization, the effects of which are likely to vary across more-or-less normatively homogeneous economics programs. In normatively homogeneous programs, students are particularly likely to adopt economics values as a result of peer interaction. We specifically explore changes in power, hedonism, and self-direction values in a 2-year longitudinal study of economics students (N 5 197) in a normatively homogeneous and two normatively heterogeneous economics programs. As expected, for students in a normatively homogeneous economics program, interaction with peers was linked with an increase in power and hedonism values, and a decrease in self-direction values. Our findings highlight the interplay between program normative homogeneity and peer interaction as an important factor in value socialization during economics education and have important practical implications for business school leaders

    When job performance is all relative: how family motivation energizes effort and compensates for intrinsic motivation

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    Supporting one's family is a major reason why many people work, yet surprisingly little research has examined the implications of family motivation. Drawing on theories of prosocial motivation and action identification, we propose that family motivation increases job performance by enhancing energy and reducing stress, and it is especially important when intrinsic motivation is lacking. Survey and diary data collected across multiple time points in a Mexican maquiladora generally support our model. Specifically, we find that family motivation enhances job performance when intrinsic motivation is low—in part by providing energy, but not by reducing stress. We conclude that supporting a family provides a powerful source of motivation that can boost performance in the workplace, offering meaningful implications for research on motivation and the dynamics of work and family engagement
