62 research outputs found

    Ishkāliyyah al-Taṭarruf al-Siyāsī wa al-Dīnī wa cAlāqatuh bi al-Irhāb

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    Kajian ini membincangkan secara ringkas tentang konflik yang berlaku di antara negara timur dan barat. Kajian ini telah mendapati bahawa konflik di antara timur dan barat bukanlah satu perkara yang baru, bahkan telah pun lama terjadi dan konflik tersebut adalah seumpama letusan gunung berapi yang sesekali mengganas serta akan tenang untuk seketika. Perang Salibiyyah yang berlaku pada kurun ke sebelas masihi merupakan salah satu contohnya. Kajian ini juga menerangkan tentang konsep ekstrimisme dari segi bahasa dan istilah dan telah didapati bahawa keganasan merupakan satu fenomena jenayah manakala ekstrimisme adalah satu fenomena penyakit yang mempunyai beberapa tahap. Di peringkat intelektual fenomena ini menghilangkan keupayaan akal untuk berfikir secara sepatutnya. Adapun pada peringkat emosi dan jiwa, seorang yang ekstrimis membawa perbuatan ganas dan menanam rasa benci kepada sesiapa sahaja yang berselisih pendapat dengannya. Kepentingan kajian ini adalah untuk merungkaikan topik ekstrimisme agama berideologi dan keganasan, dalam bentuk perbincangan akademik dan ilmiyah. Melalui kajian ini juga, penulis cuba untuk membuka ruang untuk kajian ilmiyah susulan, juga sebagai medan perbincangan tentang isu-isu yang berkaitan dengannya yang boleh menyelesaikan konflik dalam masyarakat Timur dan Barat. Kajian ini bertujan untuk menjelaskan konsep ekstrimisme agama dan politik serta menjelaskan hubungkaitnya dengan keganasan. Bagi merealisasikan tujuan ini, penulis menggunakan kaedah kajian diskriptif analisis iaitu kaedah kajian yang berdasarkan kepada kajian isu yang berlaku secara realiti sebelum membuat analisis mendalam tentangnya. Di antara dapatan kajian ialah bahawa ekstrimisme sebenarnya memang terdapat di dalam setiap masyarakat, parti mahupun kumpulan. Budaya taasub kepada pandangan tertentu, dan menafikan serta tidak menghiraukan pandangan orang lain telah ada semenjak manusia itu diciptakan. Sikap ini akan terus ada selagi manusia masih hidup kerana ia berkaitan dengan sikap manusia, kecenderungan dan peribadi mereka sendiri. Secara umumnya ekstrimisme juga boleh membawa kepada keganasan. Oleh yang demikian ekstrimisme merupakan permulaan kepada keganasan. Masyarakat yang ekstrim merupakan punca kepada gerakan keganasan

    التطور التاريخي لاستخدام القوة عبر العصور لدى الأمم = The historical development for use of force

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    This study tackles the historical development for force use since the ancient time, to the time it was taken into account and organized in the Charter of the United Nations. The research problem was represented by the over-use of power from the ancient times until our time. The historical approach was adopted; that is by referring to the past we can understand the present. The objective of this paper is to state the phases the organization of this power passed through, and how countries used to deal with those who use power. The result reached at is that the ancient societies with whatever civilizational development they had used to resort to the means of violence and power for simple reasons, and that the most significant reasons for originating that conflict and clash were the absence of communication between these societies and the difference of the cultural and intellectual development among them, and also the pursuit of trade and water resources and other resources which legalize possessing all properties the other used to have. ********************************************************* Kajian ini menyentuh tentang penggunaan kekerasan sepanjang sejarah sehingga ia dibincangkan dan disusun melalui Piagam Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu. Permasalahan kajian menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan kekerasan banyak berlaku pada zaman lampau sehingga ke hari ini. Makalah ini menggunakan metode persejarahan dengan merujuk kepada peristiwa zaman lampau bagi memahami peristiwa masa kini. Objektif makalah ini ialah bagi menerangkan tentang fasa-fasa yang dilalui oleh proses penyusunan piagam berkaitan penggunaan kekerasan, dan bagaimana negara-negara terlibat berinteraksi dan menghadapi pihak yang menggunakan kekerasan. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahawa masyarakat lampau, tidak kira tahap tamadun yang dicapai, mereka tetap menggunakan kekerasan dan tindakan ganas meskipun hanya kerana sebab yang amat remeh. Tulisan ini juga menyimpulkan bahawa faktor paling ketara kepada tercetusnya pertelingkahan dan perselisihan ialah kerana ketiadaan komunikasi antara masyarakat dan perbezaan perkembangan kebudayaan dan pemikiran di antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat, juga demi kerana perdagangan dan bagi mendapatkan sumber air dan lain-lain yang boleh diperoleh daripada pihak yang mengalami kekalahan

    The role of civil liberties and corporate social responsibility disclosure information in the fast-fashion sector

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    Corruption is widespread in developing countries, not because the culture of the people is different around the world, but because the conditions are conducive to it. The motivation of people in developing countries to earn income is relatively stronger, exacerbated by poverty, unemployment, and low wages. Political competition and civil liberties are often limited. Laws and ethical principles in public and private administration are underdeveloped and poorly prepared. The fast-fashion industry is at a crossroads where profitability meets the growing demand for transparency and social responsibility. This study analyzes data derived from fiscal transparency reports of 153 organizations from the Fashion Transparency Index, shedding light on the initial stages of the research about legitimacy disclosure information from 21 countries and the degree of freedom in these 21 countries. This research focuses on the information disclosed by fast-fashion companies and carries out a critical analysis to determine which of the Economic, Social, and Environmental pillars is most important on CSR reports, looking at the impact that civil liberties can have on organizations. The findings support that fast-fashion companies engage in disclosure practices to legitimize their operations and respond to the pressures of global freedom movements and tactics. However, these practices may not always reflect complete transparency and realism. This study highlights the importance of civil liberties in promoting CSR disclosure and sheds light on the theoretical and practical implications of this relationship for society, business, and government. By elucidating how fast-fashion companies leverage legitimacy and respond to social movements in their disclosure practices, this research aims to make a meaningful contribution to the broader discourse on corporate transparency, sustainability, and responsibility

    Inteligência artificial e responsabilidade civil: autonomia, riscos e solidariedade

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 347.51:004.8 M492

    A study on the insect pests interaction in oil palm plantation / Mohd Fariz Medon

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    A study was conducted on the insect pests interaction in oil palm plantation at UiTM Melaka, Jasin campus. The objective of this study is determined the composition of the insect pests and relationship with the abiotic factor such rainfall and temperature. The malaise traps and yellow pan traps was used to collect the insects. The field experiment has design and layout in Completely Randomized Design with 2 replications for each trap. The data of number of insect, species of insect and the relative humidity was recorded weekly. The total study was conducted for 2 months . A total of 1762 insect from 28 families were recorded. The Cicadellidae and Cixiidae were the most dominants family at this composition with 708 and 429 individually respectively. Moreover, the Bruchidae, Coreida, Lygaeidae and Acrididae have the relationship with the rainfall and only one family have relationship with the temperature which is Tiphiidae.This study also found interaction of insect pests analysis were showed only 25% of family was influenced with the environment factor; rainfall and temperature. Another 75% of insect family are not considered

    Violência doméstica : elementos relevantes para uma política de aumento de denúncias através de campanhas de comunicação

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    Apesar do crescente boom de publicidade de combate à violência doméstica e do aumento da vitimização, as estatísticas não têm espelhado um crescimento adequado das denúncias das vítimas e de terceiros. A publicidade é inquestionavelmente uma arma poderosa no combate à violência doméstica. No entanto, são mais as campanhas mal sucedidas do que aquelas que atingem os seus verdadeiros objetivos. Neste sentido, o principal objetivo do presente trabalho recai no interesse em compreender as razões que estão na base do não aumento das denúncias por parte das vítimas de violência doméstica e por parte de terceiros, aumentando-as. Foram conduzidos dois estudos, com recurso a uma abordagem betweensubject design, cujos resultados mostraram que há uma tendência para denunciar as situações de violência doméstica que se arrastam no tempo, pelo que terceiros culpabilizem a vítima quando esta se encontra exposta à violência doméstica por longos períodos de tempo; são os homens e os indivíduos com habilitações mais baixas que tendem a denunciar mais rapidamente situações de violência doméstica e, são os homens e os indivíduos mais velhos que tendem a atribuir uma maior culpabilidade à vítima. Observou-se, também, que identificar um indivíduo como agressivo por natureza pode potenciar as denúncias por parte de terceiros; as descrições de perpetradores identificados são capazes de produzir valências emocionais mais fortes do que de perpetradores estatísticos; a heurística da vítima identificável não se mostra transversal aos vários tipos de agressores e o sexo influencia a intensidade da valência das emoções.Despite the growing advertising boom of combating domestic violence and increasing victimization, the statistics do not have a suitable growth mirrored complaints from victims and third parties. Advertising is unquestionably a powerful weapon in the fight against domestic violence. However, there are more unsuccessful campaigns than those who reach their true goals. In this sense, the main purpose of this work lies in the interest in understanding the reasons underlying the non-increase of complaints by victims of domestic violence and by third parties. Two studies were conducted using an approach between subject design, whose results showed that there is a tendency to denounce domestic violence situations with long duration, and third parties blame the victim when it is exposed to domestic violence for long periods of time; men and individuals with low qualifications tend to denounce domestic violence situations more quickly, and men and older individuals are the ones who tend to assign greater culpability to the victim. It was noted, too, that identify an individual as aggressive by nature can potentiate the denouncing by third parties; descriptions of identified perpetrators are able to produce stronger emotions than statisticians perpetrators; the heuristics of the identifiable victim not to cross various kinds of bullies, and sex influences the intensity of emotions

    Impacto das Ondas de Calor Marinhas na Concentração de Clorofila-A no Atlântico Sul Sudoeste

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. OceanografiaOndas de calor marinhas (OCMs) são eventos caracterizados pelo aumento anômalo da temperatura nos oceanos, que podem ter enormes impactos sobre ecossistemas marinhos. O presente estudo investigou a frequência, intensidade e duração de OCMs no Atlântico Sul sudoeste para o período de 1982-2019 e seu impacto na concentração de Clorofila-a (biomassa fitoplanctônica) para o período de 2002-2017. Para tal foram utilizados os dados diários de temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM) para a detecção e análise das OCMs, e dados diários de concentração de clorofila-a da superfície do mar (CSM). As OCMs foram identificadas e as concentrações de CSM foram analisadas em relação a sua distribuição espacial nos dias de ocorrência das OCMs. Os resultados mostraram que as OCMs identificadas ocorreram em toda a região atingindo intensidades máximas de 4,5°C. A análise de tendências para o período de 1982- 2019 mostrou que houve não só um aumento na frequência, mas também na intensidade e duração dos eventos de OCM para a região de 25-50°S e 20-60°O para todas as estações, principalmente no verão e no inverno austral. Quando os eventos de OCMs são mais frequentes e intensos, há uma redução nas concentrações de CSM nas áreas de oceano aberto, longe da região costeira da pluma do Rio da Prata. Quando as OCMs são menos frequentes e fracas, a CSM tende a aumentar, mas esse impacto não é tão claro. Na região costeira de Cabo Frio, no verão, houve uma redução na concentração de CSM associado a ocorrência de OCMs. Assim, o estudo mostrou que as OCMs ocorreram no Atlântico Sul sudoeste e possivelmente impactam indiretamente ecossistemas marinhos através da redução na concentração da CSM.Marine heat waves (MHWs) are events characterized by anomalous increases in ocean temperatures, which can have enormous impacts on marine ecosystems. The present study investigated the frequency, intensity and duration of MHWs in the Southwest Atlantic for the period 1982-2019 and their impact on chlorophyll-a concentration (phytoplankton biomass) for the period 2002-2017. This was done using daily sea surface temperature (SST) data for the detection and analysis of MHWs and daily sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration (SSC) data. The MHWs were identified and the SSC concentrations were analyzed in relation to their spatial distribution on the days of MHWs occurrence. The results showed that the identified MHWs occurred throughout the region reaching maximum intensities of 4.5°C. The analysis of tendencies for the period 1982- 2019 showed that there was not only an increase in the frequency but also in the intensity and duration of MHW events for the region of 25-50°S and 20-60°W for all seasons, mainly in the summer and austral winter. When MHW events are more frequent and intense, there is a reduction in SSC concentrations in the open ocean areas, far from the coastal region of the Rio de la Plata plume. When MHWs are less frequent and weaker, SSC tends to increase, but this impact is not so clear. In the coastal region of Cabo Frio, in the summer, there was a reduction in the concentration of SSC associated with the occurrence of MHWs Thus, the study showed that MHWs occurred in the southwest Atlantic and possibly indirectly impact marine ecosystems by reducing the concentration of SSC

    Conceptual Design of Natural Composite Grating Platform

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    There are several types of grating, such as platform, bridge decks and filters. In design process, there are several important terms that have to be prioritised; engineering design, strength to weight ratio, cost, maintainability, reparability etcetera. Advanced materials, such as composite materials offer great strength to weight ratio and high mechanical properties for grating fabrication. Furthermore the reparability and maintenance problems could be solved as it is anti corrosion and the long service life attribute of composite makes it a great design material for replacement of conventional steel or aluminium. Bio composites, such as bamboo and coir fiber yield advantage in terms of less cost and abundance availability compared to commercial unidirectional composite materials, such as glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) which is considerably expensive yet possess higher mechanical properties. This papers presents a conceptual design of grating design utilizing bamboo composite as material. Pugh method has been chosen as design criteria selection matrix in finalizing the design of industrial grating for scaffolding (Pugh, 1991).

    Mawqif al-Islam min al-Tatorruf

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    تناولت هذه الدراسة الإسلام والسلم حيث أكدت على أن الإسلام ينادي دائما بالسلم ويحث المسلمين على تجنب العدوان ولم يبح لهم القتال إلا دفاعا عن النفس وهو حالة عامة حصلت في الماضي وتحصل الآن وفي المستقبل و كان لزاما على أية دولة حماية مواطنيها وتوفير الأمن لهم بالدفاع عن النفس ورد العدوان. والدفاع عن النفس حق طبيعي أقرته الشرائع السماوية والقوانين الوضعية بما فيها القانون الدولي. كما تناولت هذه الدراسة الإسلام وحوار الحضارات وأكدت على إن الإسلام نبذ العنف والتطرف والإرهاب ودعا إلى الحب والعدل والتسامح فقبل الديانات الأخرى وحاورها في كثير من الأحيان حيث لم يكن الإسلام منغلقا بل كان منفتحا على تلك الديانات, وتأتي أهمية دراسة هذا الموضوع بعدما تم إلصاق تهمة التطرف والإرهاب على الإسلام والمسلمين فكان لابد من دراسة هذا الموضوع لنبين موقف الإسلام من التطرف والتأكيد على أن الإسلام دين وسط وان المجموعات الإرهابية لاتمثل الإسلام وإنما تمثل نفسها فقط فالإسلام بريء من مثل هذه الأعمال التي لا تمت له بصلة وللوصول إلى تحقيق هذا الهدف تم إتباع المنهج التحليلي, وقد تم التوصل لعدة نتائج أهمها إن الإسلام دين محبة ووئام وسلام حيث أطلق دعوة السلام للتعايش السلمي بين الشعوب ونبذ العدوان على مستوى العلاقات الخارجية وأيضا أكد الإسلام على نبذه للعنف والتطرف والإرهاب واكبر دليل على دلك انه ينادي بحوار الحضارا