13 research outputs found

    Trends in Mentoring at Higher Education: A bibliometric analysis

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    [EN] Learning is a complex process that requires elements that favour its development.  In higher education this process can be complicated not only by the stage of education, also by the associated organisation and formalities. Universities, concerned to facilitate the inclusive participation of their members, have developed support systems. Mentoring is a reciprocal learning relationship development between the mentor whose expertise in a particular field allows him/her to guide and assist the mentee in his/her academic, professional and personal growth (Etzkorn and Braddock, 2020). In this framework, mentoring programmes have become particularly relevant as a tool to help facilitate the integration of both students and teachers. The importance of mentoring in higher education has attracted a significant amount of research. An analysis of the state of the art would therefore provide an insight into the most researched concepts associated with mentoring. This paper presents a hybrid methodology, using  a bibliometric approach and in-depth literature review of the most influential articles during the last period.  A co-occurrence analysis is carried out by VOSviewer software whose search formula was "mentoring" and (university or "higher education"), retrieving a sample of 232 articles from Web of Science. The thematic organization shows three main topics. Firstly, the benefits of mentoring on students' transitions in university by enhancing their experiences are analysed. Secondly, universities develop programmes related to psychological aspects such as increasing satisfaction or decreasing stress and programmes related to procedures that enable self-efficacy, protection, support and retention. Thirdly, programmes related to job training related to soft skills such as leadership are analysed. The research trends during 2020 and 2021 focus on new mentoring models oriented towards mentoring training and support actions (Etzkorn and Braddock, 2020), female mentoring (Hsieh and Nguyen, 2020) and disability support (Rillotta et al., 2020; Thompson et al., 2020).Alonso-Muñoz, S.; Torrejón-Ramos, M.; Medina-Salgado, M.; Gonzålez Sånchez, R. (2023). Trends in Mentoring at Higher Education: A bibliometric analysis. Editorial Universitat PolitÚcnica de ValÚncia. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2022.2022.157041

    Technology development as a tool towards circularity: a research agenda

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    New technological development enables to implement circular economy (CE) practices. This phenomenon is taking particular interest for the Academy. The aim of this study is to analyse the cognitive and intellectual structure of the relationship between CE and technology. The proposed research questions seek to answer how the evolution of the number of publications per year, the main authors, journals, institutions and countries in this field, and the most relevant topics and papers in the research area are. It is used a bibliometric approach of co-word analysis of 996 articles published on Web of Science. In addition, it is proposed a research agenda after reviewing the most cited articles and points the research trend topics. There is a need to include topics associated with the social sphere, since most of the research is focused on environmental aspects and economic effects. In recent years, research has been polarised towards the blockchain, Big Data and biorefinery technologies. Although these technologies are in demand, it should not ignore other emerging technologies that could be key to circularity, such as those related to product redesign or changes in production infrastructures

    La metodologĂ­a del aprendizaje-servicio como herramienta facilitadora de la educaciĂłn para el desarrollo sostenible (EDS)

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    INTRODUCCIÓ. Un entorn educatiu que faciliti la participaciĂł i el pensament crĂ­tic dels estudiants Ă©s essencial per a l’ùxit de l’educaciĂł per al desenvolupament sostenible (EDS) d’acord amb els disset objectius de desenvolupament sostenible (ODS). Per a aixĂČ calen eines que afavoreixin l’aprenentatge des d’un nou enfocament, que requereixi un component social i consideri les habilitats suaus dels estudiants.METODOLOGIA. La proposta educativa de l’aprenentatge-servei (ApS) estableix relacions fructĂ­feres amb la societat, en les quals les dues parts se’n beneficien. En aquest treball es proposa l’aplicaciĂł de la metodologia ApS per aconseguir una implementaciĂł reeixida de l’EDS.RESULTATS. D’acord amb l’objectiu 11 (ciutats i comunitats sostenibles), aquesta proposta pretĂ©n que els alumnes contribueixin a fer que les ciutats siguin mĂ©s inclusives, segures, resilients i sostenibles. Per aixĂČ, s’ha dut a terme una activitat d’ApS a la Universitat Rey Juan Carlos on van participar 140 alumnes de l’assignatura Transports TurĂ­stics.DISCUSSIÓ. Aquest treball demostra la utilitat de la metodologia ApS en la transmissiĂł dels valors associats a la sostenibilitat mediambiental, social i econĂČmica. A travĂ©s de la conferĂšncia, l’alumnat presta un servei de trasllat de valors a la societat alhora que perfecciona les habilitats de comunicaciĂł i treball en equip.INTRODUCTION. An educational environment that facilitates student engagement and critical thinking is essential for the success of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) according to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This requires that the tools favour learning from a new approach, which involves a social component and takes into account the students’ soft skills.METHODOLOGY. The Service-Learning (S-L) for educational proposal establishes fruitful relationships with society, in which both parties benefit. This paper proposes the application of the S-L methodology to achieve a successful implementation of ESD.RESULTS. In line with Goal 11 (SDGs) ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’, this proposal aims for students to contribute to making cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. To this end, a S-L activity was carried out at the Rey Juan Carlos University with the participation of 140 students of the subject “Tourist Transport”.DISCUSSION. This work demonstrates the usefulness of the Service-Learning methodology in the transmission of values associated with environmental, social and economic sustainability. In the activity, the students provide a service of transferring values to society while improving their communication and teamwork skills.INTRODUCCIÓN. De acuerdo con los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), un entorno educativo que posibilite el pensamiento crĂ­tico y la participaciĂłn de los estudiantes resulta fundamental para el Ă©xito de la EducaciĂłn para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS).METODOLOGÍA. El trabajo propone la aplicaciĂłn de la metodologĂ­a ApS para lograr una implementaciĂłn exitosa de la EDS. AsĂ­, tanto los alumnos, trabajando en equipo, aplicando sus capacidades y conocimientos adquiridos, como la sociedad, a la cual se le presta un servicio a travĂ©s de esta metodologĂ­a, resultan beneficiados.RESULTADOS. Este estudio muestra un proyecto en el que se relaciona el Objetivo 11 de los ODS ‘Ciudades y Comunidades Sostenibles’ con un enfoque ApS en la asignatura ‘Transportes TurĂ­sticos’ de los Grados en Turismo de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. Por medio de este proyecto se implementa la EDS y los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de contribuir a que las ciudades sean mĂĄs seguras, inclusivas, sostenibles y resilientes.DISCUSIÓN. El trabajo proporciona evidencia prĂĄctica sobre la aplicaciĂłn de los ODS en el ĂĄmbito universitario y la utilidad de la metodologĂ­a ApS para transmitir valores vinculados con la sostenibilidad medioambiental, social y econĂłmica

    Do Boards of Directors Really Matter in the Cooperation Behavior of Firms? An Exploratory Analysis in Spain

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    This paper explores the relationship between one of the major aspects of the internal mechanism of corporate governance, i.e., the board of directors, and the corporate strategy of cooperation. The study was designed to investigate whether certain board of director characteristics have an influence on the propensity to cooperate in Spanish listed non-financial firms. Our findings reveal that the propensity to cooperate in Spanish firms is driven more by a tight “management effect” whereby the highest probability of occurrence is related to firms with duality on their boards and a lower proportion of nominee directors representing controlling shareholders. This paper adds evidence to the corporate governance-corporate strategy (alliance propensity) discussion in a continental country such as Spain

    Adaptive Life Cycle Costing (LCC) Modeling and Applying to Italy Ceramic Tile Manufacturing Sector: Its Implication of Open Innovation

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    Converging business, sustainability, and technology is a challenge that manufacturing firms face to create value and be competitive. Energy- and raw material-intensive manufacturing industries are particularly aware of environmental issues and circular economy practices due to the large amounts of resources they use. However, manufacturing companies must also be mindful of economic sustainability in order to make their business profitable. For this, appropriate economic evaluation tools are needed, one of which is life cycle costing (LCC). LCC, when applied to the manufacturing context, is often considered as a simple extension of the life cycle assessment (LCA). This is the main limitation of LCC, as it only contributes to determining the economic value of environmental damage. This research aims to overcome this limitation, analyzing the Italian ceramic tile manufacturing sector as a case study in order to conceptually develop, through the abductive methodology, a calculation framework that extends the potential of LCC by including circularity parameters. Subsequently, the conceptual framework is empirically validated using sectoral industrial costs by configuring two scenarios (with and without circularity practices) and building a benchmark for individual firms in this industry. Finally, the research includes some considerations on the positive implications and potential of life cycle costing in an open innovation context

    Application of a biosorbent to soil: a potential method for controlling water pollution by pesticides

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    Different strategies are now being optimized to prevent water from agricultural areas being contaminated by pesticides. The aim of this work was to optimize the adsorption of non-polar (tebuconazole, triadimenol) and polar (cymoxanil, pirimicarb) pesticides by soils after applying the biosorbent spent mushroom substrate (SMS) at different rates. The adsorption isotherms of pesticides by three soils and SMS-amended soils were obtained and the adsorption constants were calculated. The distribution coefficients (Kd) increased 1.4023.1 times (tebuconazole), 1.0823.7 times (triadimenol), 1.3142.1 times (cymoxanil), and 0.5523.8 times (pirimicarb) for soils amended with biosorbent at rates between 2 and 75 %. Increasing the SMS rates led to a constant increase in adsorption efficiency for non-polar pesticides but not for polar pesticides, due to the increase in the organic carbon (OC) content of soils as indicated by KOC values. The OC content of SMS-amended soils accounted for more than 90 % of the adsorption variability of non-polar pesticides, but it accounted for only 56.3 % for polar pesticides. The estimated adsorption of SMS-amended soils determined from the individual adsorption of soils and SMS was more consistent with real experimental values for non-polar pesticides than for polar pesticides. The results revealed the use of SMS as a tool to optimize pesticide adsorption by soils in dealing with specific contamination problems involving these compounds. © 2016, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    XIII Jornada de InvestigaciĂłn 2022

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    Los desafĂ­os en las dinĂĄmicas econĂłmicas, sociales, polĂ­ticas y psicolĂłgicas han puesto de relieve la importancia de involucrar en la enseñanza universitaria actividades que conecten a los estudiantes con las realidades del contexto en el que se desarrollan; simultĂĄneamente, hoy mĂĄs que nunca se hace evidente que la ciencia, la tecnologĂ­a y la innovaciĂłn (CTI) son cruciales para atender los retos sociales, ambientales y econĂłmicos de las sociedades actuales. En este contexto, la Jornada de InvestigaciĂłn de la Universidad CatĂłlica de Colombia es quizĂĄs uno de los espacios institucionales mĂĄs emblemĂĄticos en el que se visibilizan las actividades en CTI de estudiantes, jĂłvenes investigadores y profesores, que buscan contribuir a la soluciĂłn de problemĂĄticas relevantes del entorno. En esta oportunidad, aproximadamente 177 autores y mĂĄs de 250 espectadores se dieron cita en un escenario virtual que permitiĂł el intercambio de saberes y conocimientos en torno a muchos temas con un lenguaje comĂșn: el bienestar de la humanidad y la respuesta efectiva a los retos que tenemos como comunidad. Esta cuarta versiĂłn de las Memorias compila las ponencias presentadas en la XIII Jornada de InvestigaciĂłn de 2022, enmarcadas en los tres ejes temĂĄticos de investigaciĂłn que tiene la Universidad CatĂłlica de Colombia: i) Derecho, Cultura y Sociedad, ii) Desarrollo Humano y Sostenible, y iii) GestiĂłn de la TecnologĂ­a al Servicio de la Sociedad. Desde la DirecciĂłn Central de Investigaciones nos encontramos profundamente agradecidos con todos y cada uno de los participantes, y nos sentimos aĂșn mĂĄs orgullosos por la calidad de los trabajos presentados. Sea esta la oportunidad para hacer extensiva una felicitaciĂłn a los autores y a las diferentes Unidades AcadĂ©micas que, con su compromiso e invaluable labor, permitieron que este evento se desarrollara con Ă©xito.Persona, hospitalidad y construcciĂłn de comunidad desde la fraternidad. JosĂ© MartĂ­: acerca de la libertad en la condiciĂłn humana. Moda, imagen y alimentaciĂłn: una trĂ­ada para el bien y para el mal. Lecciones de la pandemia de covid-19: conflictos entre la protecciĂłn jurĂ­dica de las patentes farmacĂ©uticas y el interĂ©s general de la salud pĂșblica. PsicologĂ­a y sexualidad: propuesta para la formaciĂłn de psicĂłlogos colombianos. Estrategias para el desarrollo de herramientas que fomentan el aprendizaje para el reconocimiento y la apropiaciĂłn del patrimonio cultural. AnĂĄlisis descriptivo de relatos honestos y deshonestos por medio del sistema de evaluaciĂłn global. El uso de la herramienta LIWC para el estudio de relatos altruistas y prosociales. ÂżDe quĂ© manera influyen las redes sociales como medio de informaciĂłn en campañas polĂ­ticas?. Sistema de Seguridad Social en Colombia: una crisis deficitaria que se refuerza con el tiempo. Turismo sexual en menores de edad: problemĂĄtica endĂ©mica en el territorio colombiano. TransgresiĂłn de los derechos humanos en relaciĂłn con los asesinatos de lĂ­deres sociales en el Estado colombiano. El nuevo escenario para la procedencia de la eutanasia en Colombia: una mirada desde los derechos humanos. ProtecciĂłn de los derechos de la infancia frente a los grupos al margen de la ley. El derecho a un nivel de vida adecuado: un enfoque hacia el desplazamiento forzado de los pueblos indĂ­genas. TrĂĄfico de Ăłrganos humanos: delito transnacional que vulnera los derechos humanos y su regulaciĂłn en el marco jurĂ­dico colombiano. TransgresiĂłn de los derechos a la vida y la libertad en el sistema penitenciario como consecuencia de la violencia social. Acceso a la justicia colombiana en tiempos de SARS-CoV-2. Prioridades para la administraciĂłn de justicia penal en Colombia: Âżbalanceando espectĂĄculo e indicadores de eficacia? Desarrollo de competencias para la investigaciĂłn en neuropsicologĂ­a: experiencia del semillero experimental. La dificultad al ingreso de los centros geriĂĄtricos. Principio de realidad sobre la formalidad constitucional en contrato verbal laboral en un satĂ©lite del Consultorio JurĂ­dico de la Universidad CatĂłlica de Colombia. La pena de muerte en colisiĂłn con los derechos fundamentales. Maternidad subrogada: objetificaciĂłn y vulneraciĂłn de los derechos de la mujer. Una dieta inconsciente hacia el vegetarianismo. Sistema de evaluaciĂłn del bienestar gerontolĂłgico para un diseño arquitectĂłnico sostenible. Caso de estudio: hogar de paso San Francisco de AsĂ­s, Villavicencio, Meta. RevisiĂłn sistemĂĄtica interacciĂłn lĂ­der-colaborador: futuras investigaciones. AnĂĄlisis conceptual del talento acadĂ©mico desde los modelos teĂłricos que lo sustentan. IdentificaciĂłn de potenciales factores de riesgo suicida: una mirada contextual. La regulaciĂłn emocional en tiempos de coronavirus. GEES: GuĂ­a de EvaluaciĂłn de Edificaciones Sostenibles, vivienda de interĂ©s social, clima cĂĄlido hĂșmedo. Estructura proyectual y sostenible para el diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de vivienda de madera en San AndrĂ©s y Providencia, Colombia. InnovaciĂłn social para la gestiĂłn territorial. ConstrucciĂłn de material didĂĄctico para el entrenamiento en habilidades de regulaciĂłn emocional e interpersonales dirigidas a poblaciones expuestas a situaciones de violencia polĂ­tica. Alternativas sostenibles de modelos de desarrollo industrial. La ruralidad dentro de los procesos del desarrollo local en Usme. Se ha dejado de dibujar arquitectura con las manos. Calidad de vida, bienestar y felicidad en el trabajo: una revisiĂłn sistemĂĄtica de la literatura cientĂ­fica, 2011-2021. AutonomĂ­a, autorregulaciĂłn y educaciĂłn moral: reflexiones desde la psicologĂ­a del desarrollo moral. CaracterĂ­sticas de los niños, niñas y adolescentes expuestos a contextos de conflicto armado en Colombia. RevisiĂłn bibliomĂ©trica de artĂ­culos sobre la crianza en niños, niñas y adolescentes colombianos. Narrativas sociales en el proceso de cualificaciĂłn de lo pĂșblico La habitaciĂłn exterior como extensiĂłn de la vivienda. UtilizaciĂłn de nanopartĂ­culas magnĂ©ticas Fe3O4 y ozono para la degradaciĂłn/eliminaciĂłn de azul de metileno en agua residual textil. Estudio paramĂ©trico de un modelo numĂ©rico Fem de un ensayo CBR. ÂżCĂłmo construir identidad de manera incluyente a partir del reconocimiento de patrimonio cultural construido?. Veracidad de los resultados del ensayo de penetraciĂłn dinĂĄmica de CONO(PDC). AnĂĄlisis de texto a partir del procesamiento de lenguaje natural para identificar sintomatologĂ­a depresiva en redes sociales. AnĂĄlisis de texto para la detecciĂłn de depresiĂłn en comentarios de usuarios de la red social Instagram. Diseño y desarrollo de un videojuego para evaluar la interacciĂłn de las redes atencionales en la sintomatologĂ­a depresiva. Herramienta tecnolĂłgica para el apoyo en la detecciĂłn de sintomatologĂ­a ansiosa en jĂłvenes. OptimizaciĂłn del despliegue de aplicaciones web a partir de computaciĂłn en nube sin servidor. Prototipo alfa de un videojuego serio para el apoyo en la detecciĂłn de sintomatologĂ­a depresiva en adultos jĂłvenes. La importancia de la visualizaciĂłn de datos en la era del Big Data y sus herramientas. Prototipo de sensor para el registro electroencefalogrĂĄfico. Prototipo de un algoritmo basado en inteligencia artificial para el apoyo a especialistas en el diagnĂłstico del Alzheimer. EvaluaciĂłn posocupacional del confort tĂ©rmico en la vivienda social: anĂĄlisis de una revisiĂłn sistemĂĄtica prisma desde el diseño resiliente. Inteligencia artificial, problema u oportunidad para el Derecho. Impacto en el empleo en relaciĂłn con las TIC y la inteligencia artificial. Neuroprivacidad. El test de asociaciĂłn implĂ­cita, un paradigma que permite abordar nuestras actitudes inconscientes. ÂżCuĂĄl es el lĂ­mite del uso de las tecnologĂ­as frente al derecho de informaciĂłn y de la libre expresiĂłn?. Tendencias de fijaciĂłn de precios basados en el valor: un anĂĄlisis desde la minerĂ­a de datos. Recorrido virtual de la Universidad CatĂłlica de Colombia Sede Claustro para la inducciĂłn de estudiantes y docentes. IntroducciĂłn a la bioarquitectura del paisaje, cartilla Paisaje, ambiente y tecnologĂ­a. DescripciĂłn plan piloto (ChoachĂ­). CaracterizaciĂłn de las habilidades especĂ­ficas para el reconocimiento del patrimonio cultural – Borde urbano sur oriental de BogotĂĄ. Videojuego para estimular la memoria episĂłdica en pacientes con deterioro cognitivo leve: validaciĂłn de contenido. CONCLUSIONESTercera ediciĂł

    Stoma-free survival after anastomotic leak following rectal cancer resection: worldwide cohort of 2470 patients

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    Background: The optimal treatment of anastomotic leak after rectal cancer resection is unclear. This worldwide cohort study aimed to provide an overview of four treatment strategies applied. Methods: Patients from 216 centres and 45 countries with anastomotic leak after rectal cancer resection between 2014 and 2018 were included. Treatment was categorized as salvage surgery, faecal diversion with passive or active (vacuum) drainage, and no primary/secondary faecal diversion. The primary outcome was 1-year stoma-free survival. In addition, passive and active drainage were compared using propensity score matching (2: 1). Results: Of 2470 evaluable patients, 388 (16.0 per cent) underwent salvage surgery, 1524 (62.0 per cent) passive drainage, 278 (11.0 per cent) active drainage, and 280 (11.0 per cent) had no faecal diversion. One-year stoma-free survival rates were 13.7, 48.3, 48.2, and 65.4 per cent respectively. Propensity score matching resulted in 556 patients with passive and 278 with active drainage. There was no statistically significant difference between these groups in 1-year stoma-free survival (OR 0.95, 95 per cent c.i. 0.66 to 1.33), with a risk difference of -1.1 (95 per cent c.i. -9.0 to 7.0) per cent. After active drainage, more patients required secondary salvage surgery (OR 2.32, 1.49 to 3.59), prolonged hospital admission (an additional 6 (95 per cent c.i. 2 to 10) days), and ICU admission (OR 1.41, 1.02 to 1.94). Mean duration of leak healing did not differ significantly (an additional 12 (-28 to 52) days). Conclusion: Primary salvage surgery or omission of faecal diversion likely correspond to the most severe and least severe leaks respectively. In patients with diverted leaks, stoma-free survival did not differ statistically between passive and active drainage, although the increased risk of secondary salvage surgery and ICU admission suggests residual confounding

    Evaluation of a quality improvement intervention to reduce anastomotic leak following right colectomy (EAGLE): pragmatic, batched stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized trial in 64 countries

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    Background Anastomotic leak affects 8 per cent of patients after right colectomy with a 10-fold increased risk of postoperative death. The EAGLE study aimed to develop and test whether an international, standardized quality improvement intervention could reduce anastomotic leaks. Methods The internationally intended protocol, iteratively co-developed by a multistage Delphi process, comprised an online educational module introducing risk stratification, an intraoperative checklist, and harmonized surgical techniques. Clusters (hospital teams) were randomized to one of three arms with varied sequences of intervention/data collection by a derived stepped-wedge batch design (at least 18 hospital teams per batch). Patients were blinded to the study allocation. Low- and middle-income country enrolment was encouraged. The primary outcome (assessed by intention to treat) was anastomotic leak rate, and subgroup analyses by module completion (at least 80 per cent of surgeons, high engagement; less than 50 per cent, low engagement) were preplanned. Results A total 355 hospital teams registered, with 332 from 64 countries (39.2 per cent low and middle income) included in the final analysis. The online modules were completed by half of the surgeons (2143 of 4411). The primary analysis included 3039 of the 3268 patients recruited (206 patients had no anastomosis and 23 were lost to follow-up), with anastomotic leaks arising before and after the intervention in 10.1 and 9.6 per cent respectively (adjusted OR 0.87, 95 per cent c.i. 0.59 to 1.30; P = 0.498). The proportion of surgeons completing the educational modules was an influence: the leak rate decreased from 12.2 per cent (61 of 500) before intervention to 5.1 per cent (24 of 473) after intervention in high-engagement centres (adjusted OR 0.36, 0.20 to 0.64; P < 0.001), but this was not observed in low-engagement hospitals (8.3 per cent (59 of 714) and 13.8 per cent (61 of 443) respectively; adjusted OR 2.09, 1.31 to 3.31). Conclusion Completion of globally available digital training by engaged teams can alter anastomotic leak rates. Registration number: NCT04270721 (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov)