3,235 research outputs found

    The use of Twitter on fashion brands. A comparison between luxury and low-cost brands

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    En este artículo se analizó comparativamente la capacidad dialógica de las marcas de moda de lujo frente a las denominadas low-cost en la red social Twitter. Para ello, se recurrió a la metodología cuantitativa y se realizó un análisis de contenido de 1135 tuits publicados por H&M, Zara, Ralph Lauren y Hugo Boss. Se observó que no existe consenso entre las organizaciones para dirigirse a sus públicos, y si bien las marcas low-cost son las que hacen un mayor esfuerzo por mantener un diálogo, las firmas de lujo reciben más interacciones.In this paper, we made a comparative analysis about the dialogical capacity of luxury fashion brands and low-cost brands in the social network Twitter. For this, we used a quantitative methodology and conducted a content analysis of 1,135 tweets published by H&M, Zara, Ralph Lauren and Hugo Boss. We observed that there is no consensus among brands to address their audiences, and while low-cost brands make the greatest effort to maintain a dialogue, luxury brands receive more interactions.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Un ciclo de mejora docente para la formación de maestros y maestras en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales

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    El Ciclo de Mejora Docente (CMD) presentado en esta comunicación aborda el desarrollo competo de los contenidos que se trabajan en la asignatura de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales del Grado de Educación Primaria. A través de cinco problemas de trabajo interrelacionados y encadenados, se pone el foco de atención en la necesidad de explicitar los contenidos que se pretenden enseñar, de planificar secuencias de actividades para trabajarlos y de tener en cuenta las ideas de los estudiantes para conocer la evolución de sus aprendizajes y sus obstáculos durante el proceso

    Development of Citizenship Competencies through the Teaching of History of Spain

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    La necesidad actual de formar a los jóvenes en el desarrollo del sistema democrático en el que viven y del que deben participar activamente está constituyendo un nuevo marco de enseñanza y aprendizaje. La evolución de una sociedad democrática pasa porque sus ciudadanos conozcan y valoren su sistema y sean capaces de participar tanto desde el plano político como desde la realidad social. Desde esta concepción, la  enseñanza de la Historia ha tenido mucho que ver con el desarrollo y la implantación de la ciudadanía en el ámbito escolar. El presente artículo recoge una investigación realizada sobre cómo la Historia de España puede educar ciudadanamente a los estudiantes, poniendo de manifiesto que, pese a las finalidades educativas de esta materia, el alumnado no es capaz de utilizar dicho conocimiento histórico para dar respuesta a problemáticas sociales. Finalmente, se presenta el modelo de ciudadano que en la actualidad se está fomentando desde las instituciones educativas.The current need to train young people in the development of the democratic system in which they live and to be actively involved is developing a new framework for teaching and learning. The evolution of a democratic society is because their citizens know and value system and they are able to participate both from the political and social reality. From this view, the teaching of history has had much to do with the development and implementation of citizenship in schools. This article describes an investigation about the history of Spain can educate the citizenship skills of students, showing that despite the educational goals of this subject, students are not able to use this historical knowledge to answer social problems. Finally, we present the model citizen who is currently being promoted from educational institution

    La importancia de la formación ciudadana en la educación vista desde el contexto europeo

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    Resumen: En la actualidad, el concepto de ciudadanía ha cobrado un interés especial. Tan antiguo como las polis griegas, donde ya existía una condición de ciudadanía, actualmente no sólo es concebido de manera abstracta, sino que se traduce en derechos y deberes concretos. Así, todos los estados democráticos reflejan en sus políticas públicas la concepción y los valores que han de guiar a una ciudadanía democrática, pero también los derechos y deberes asociados a la misma. Por tanto, cada vez se es más consciente que términos como el de ciudadanía o formación ciudadana no son ni estables ni poseen una única e inamovible definición, pues será el contexto y su realidad el que nos permitirá una definición u otra. Junto a ello, no es posible, en el mundo actual, considerar la dimensión de ciudadanía al hecho único de participar en unas elecciones, sino que debe ir aparejado a todas aquellas acciones que repercuten positivamente en el desarrollo comunitario. Con la finalidad de hacer una fotografía acorde a esta realidad, en esta comunicación recogemos algunas de las definiciones de ciudadanía y de educación para la ciudadanía que a nivel internacional existen. Igualmente, reflejamos las causas de su creciente estudio en la actualidad, fuertemente marcado por los cambios sociales en los que nos encontramos. Seguidamente, describimos aquellas medidas internacionales destinadas a su promoción en los países democráticos del mundo para, finalmente, referenciar algunos de los problemas que su enseñanza tiene

    Spirituality in Patients at the End of Life—Is It Necessary? A Qualitative Approach to the Protagonists

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    Spirituality is the most unknown aspect of palliative care despite being the need that is most altered in the last moments of life. Objective. To identify on the one hand the spiritual needs of patients who are at the end of life and on the other hand, the way in which nursing professionals can work to provide effective accompaniment in this process. Method. A qualitative study was conducted which applied different data collection techniques. This was done to describe the phenomenon from a holistic perspective in relation to experts’ perceptions of the competencies required by health professionals and palliative patients’ spiritual needs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted within both populations. In order to analyze the qualitative data collected through interviews, discourse was analyzed according to the Taylor–Bodgan model and processed using Atlas.ti software. Results. Three well-differentiated lines of argument are extracted from the discourse in each of the groups, on the one hand in the group of patients they define the concept of spirituality, system of values and beliefs, and the Factors that influence the spirituality of patients at the end of life (differentiating palliative care areas/other areas) and on the other, the professionals agree with the patients in the line of argument of concept of spirituality although they define more metaphysical categories and the other two lines of argument that result are the spiritual attention in this process and the need for formation in spirituality. Conclusions. The provision of spiritual care gives meaning to the actions of nursing professionals when it comes to providing end-of-life care, achieving holistic care, humanizing death, and promoting a dignified en

    Do We Educate Citizens in the Course of History?

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    In the current educational context, the history of Spain is a compulsory subject which all the students of Bachillerato have to study. This fact can be explained by the qualities that this subject shares with citizenship education whenever we pressume the students will be able to use the learned contents to face the social problems in a complex way. In this paper, we expose the results of a research in which the students' conceptions related to this topic are analised, the students’ difficulties are made evident, an idea about the possible causes of the difficulties are given and some improvement strategies are presented

    The initiation of rotational motion of a lying object caused by wind gusts

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    In this paper, the initiation of motion of an object lying on a horizontal floor due to the aerodynamic force produced by a time-dependent wind is considered. It is assumed in this paper that when the aerodynamic force is large enough, the body starts to rotate around the most rearward supporting contact point, or pivoting point. This motion is analyzed by studying the dynamics of the rotation of the body around a pivoting point fixed to the floor, and placed in a gravity field under time-dependent aerodynamic loads produced by a non-steady incoming flow. This rotation initiation phase, which is relevant in the case of a time-varying gusty flow, is an intermediate phase between the two stages generally considered, namely, the initial static equilibrium without motion, and the final flight. In this intermediate phase, which is studied here, the rotational dynamics of the body should be taken into account and the gust characteristics as well, in order to determine whether once initiated the motion it leads to either a frustrated motion or to a successful one. A non-linear mathematical model has been developed, and a linear approximation is deduced, which allows us to obtain the condition for a successful flight. This condition shows two limits, valid for either long or short duration gusts, respectively. Some experiments have been performed in a gust wind tunnel, and results show a satisfactory agreement. To take into account the intrinsic random character of the phenomena in practical situations, expressions for the probability of exceeding the condition for successful flight under short duration gusts are obtained, assuming common probability density functions for the random parameters involved

    IT and dynamic capabilities

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    Organisations are involved in a continuous process of change in order to renew capabilities and achieve a competitive advantage in a hypercompetitive setting. This paper proposes a model for the creation of dynamic capabilities and studies the complementary role of Information Technology Capabilities in supporting this creation process: 1) Identifying the firm's repertory of capabilities (over time and space); 2) maintaining a capabilities catalogue; and, 3) assisting the transformation of existing capabilities and internal transfer of new synthesised capabilities throughout the organisation

    Cinematic representations of medical technologies in the Spanish official newsreel, 1943–1970

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    NO-DO, the Spanish official newsreel produced by Franco's dictatorship (1939–1975), held a 30-year monopoly over audio-visual information in Spain from 1943 to 1975. This paper reports on an analysis of the coverage of medical technologies by the Spanish Cinematic Newsreel Service, NO-DO, from 1943 to 1970. The study focuses on the changing roles played by cultural representations of medical technologies deployed in NO-DO. Our analysis shows how these representations offered a new space for the legitimization of the regime and, more importantly, played a key role in the attempts to construct and enforce a hegemonic national identity after the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939). During the period of isolationist autocracy that ended in the mid-1950s, the images of medical technologies reinforced the idea of a self-sufficient “national space” and deepened the break with the historical past. Once the international isolation of the regime was overcome in the late 1950s and the 1960s, the representation of medical technologies contributed to establishing a Spanish national identity that mirrored the outside world, the foreign space. Finally, gender representations in NO-DO are also explored