615 research outputs found

    The pedagogical value of games and songs : The perceptions of teachers

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    Curs 2013-2014Aquest estudi intenta explorar i descobrir les actituds i creences d’alguns mestres de llengua anglesa de Catalunya sobre la naturalesa dels jocs i les cançons, així com el paper que juguen en les seves aules per ensenyar l’anglès als infants. Les opinions dels mestres de llengua anglesa van ser recollides mitjançant un qüestionari que contenia preguntes sobre els jocs i les cançons i els resultats s’analitzen i s’exposen en aquest estudi.The present study is an attempt to explore and discover the attitudes and beliefs of some Catalan Primary English foreign language teachers about the nature of games and songs as well as the role that they play in their EFL classrooms to teach young learners. English language teachers’ opinions were collected through a questionnaire which contained statements about both topics, games and songs and the results were analyzed and exposed in the present study

    Immersion in video games: The barrier between a virtual and real-world

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2021/2022This document presents the immersion in video games and what makes video games unique in this field . It shows a complex narrative world , ready to be turned into an RPG game and every thing necessary to bring it to life : art , narrative , code , and tools such as Unity , Blender , etc

    The Immigrants Intermarriage Premium: Italy 2004-2012

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    This master thesis studies the impact of intermarriage on the earnings of immigrants in Italy compared to the co-ethnically married counterparts. Towards this end, instrumental variables are applied on Cross-sectional data from the Income Survey (Il Bilancio delle Famiglie Italiane) which has been carried out within 2004 and 2012. Intermarriage premium is not observed for the full sample. However, there is an intermarriage premium that exceeds 100% of earnings in individuals with the highest linguistic distance to Italian language and higher education. The soundness of the result has been further verified by considering the immigrants education, experience, language, the region and the years since migration. The premium is more accentuated for the male and it might indicate that intermarriage fosters the assimilation rate of this category of individuals

    Pathways out of Poverty: Boys and Men of Color and Jobs in the Health Sector

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    Rapid job growth in California's health sector is presented as a potential remedy for the crisis of high unemployment among boys and men of color in that state. The report outlines viable pathways to make this opportunity a reality through coordinated effort on public K-12 education, the juvenile justice system, and men's health

    Modelling lean and green supply chain

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia IndustrialThe success of an organization depends on the effective control of its supply chain. It is important to recognize new opportunities for organization and its supply chain. In the last few years the approach to lean, agile, resilient and green supply chain paradigms has been addressed in the scientific literature. Research in this field shows that the integration of these concepts revealed some contradictions among so many paradigms. This thesis is mainly focused on the lean and green approaches. Thirteen different management frameworks, embodied in awards, standards and tools were studied to understand if they could contribute for the modelling process of a lean and green approach. The study reveals a number of categories that are common in most management frameworks, providing adequate conditions for a lean and green supply chain transformation. A conceptual framework for the evaluation of a lean and green organization`s supply chain was proposed. The framework considers six key criteria, namely, leadership, people, strategic planning, stakeholders, processes and results. It was proposed an assessment method considering a criteria score for each criterion. The purpose is to understand how lean and green supply chain can be compatible, using principles, practices, techniques or tools (i.e. elements) that support both, a lean and a green approach, in all key criteria. A case study in the automotive upstream supply chain was performed to understand more deeply if the elements proposed for the conceptual framework could be implemented in a real-scenario. Based on the conceptual framework and the case study, a roadmap to achieve a lean-green transformation is presented. The proposed roadmap revealed its contribution to the understanding on how and when an organization`s supply chain should apply the lean and green elements. This study is relevant to practice, as it may assist managers in the adoption of a lean and green supply chain approach, giving insights for the implementation of a hybrid supply chain.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - (PhD fellowship: SFRH/BD/60969/2009); Project entitled "Lean, agile, resilient and green supply chain management" (LARG_SCM) which facilitated the development of case study and make possible the submission of papers at several International Meetings and Conference

    Rutinas periodísticas y violencia medíatica

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    El presente documento es un análisis temático de las narrativas mediáticas sobre las juventudes realizado por el Observatorio de Jóvenes, Comunicación y Medios de la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Como espacio de investigación e intervención, realizamos un monitoreo sistemático sobre el modo en que los medios de comunicación abordan y modelan la condición juvenil. La sistematización de noticias nos permite analizar críticamente los sentidos acerca delo juvenil y cómo estos son organizados, negociados y disputados dentro de la escena mediática. En este informe elegimos como recorte para el abordaje de dicho monitoreo la relación entre las rutinas periodísticas y las juventudes a partir de noticias publicadas en medios gráficos durante el mes de mayo, reconociendo la importancia del discurso mediático a la hora de construir unos relatos y plataformas desde donde narrar los modos de vivir la experiencia juvenil contemporánea en/desde ámbitos vinculados a la conflictividad social y las tecnologías. El informe está estructurado en dos apartados. En una primera sección de análisis cuantitativos se aborda la descripción de las variables utilizadas en la clasificación de noticias: temas y motivos a los que se asocia la juventud, secciones, fuentes, territorios, entre otros. Este análisis se realiza a partir del relevamiento de los meses de marzo, abril y mayo, con el objetivo de obtener un balance general del relevamiento mediático realizado hasta el momento. En la segunda parte, se realiza un abordaje cualitativo para reconstruir el devenir mensual de la agenda mediática en torno al tema de nuestro interés, y se eligen los principales eventos o discusiones que concitaron la enunciación mediática, sobre los cuales se realiza una interpretación con mayor detalle, particularmente a partir del relevamiento del mes de mayo

    Acuerdo UE-MERCOSUR: impacto sobre los precios de los bienes del complejo agroindustrial argentino

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    Fil: Calá, Carla Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Medina, Juan Jorge. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Economía y Sociología; Argentina.Fil: Casellas, Karina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina
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