61 research outputs found

    Književnost i suvremeni mediji: Campbellov monomit u videoigrama "Dragon Age" i "Mass Effect"

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    Storytelling is one of basic human activities and it has multiple purposes in human life: educational, socializational, therapeutic, and entertaining. In his work The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell claims that the path of the hero develops according to a similar pattern in mythology and literature worldwide and throughout human history because it reenacts in various historical and cultural contexts the same basic story of a kind of a rite of passage. People identify and sympathize with the hero and through his or her adventures and trials learn about themselves and cope with their problems, just as heroes manage to overcome monsters or complete various quests. Today, the advancement of technology and the emergence of contemporary media enables storytelling to assume new forms and achieve new levels of interactivity. Video games are such an example where the player can achieve a previously unattainable level of immersion by projecting their identity onto the character should they wish so, and influencing the narrative directly via their actions and decisions. This essay analyzes the main similarities between Campbell's Monomyth model and video game trilogies Mass Effect and Dragon Age and suggests that even the new digital media continue to observe the hero's pattern as outlined in Campbell's Monomyth

    Književnost i suvremeni mediji: Campbellov monomit u videoigrama "Dragon Age" i "Mass Effect"

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    Storytelling is one of basic human activities and it has multiple purposes in human life: educational, socializational, therapeutic, and entertaining. In his work The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell claims that the path of the hero develops according to a similar pattern in mythology and literature worldwide and throughout human history because it reenacts in various historical and cultural contexts the same basic story of a kind of a rite of passage. People identify and sympathize with the hero and through his or her adventures and trials learn about themselves and cope with their problems, just as heroes manage to overcome monsters or complete various quests. Today, the advancement of technology and the emergence of contemporary media enables storytelling to assume new forms and achieve new levels of interactivity. Video games are such an example where the player can achieve a previously unattainable level of immersion by projecting their identity onto the character should they wish so, and influencing the narrative directly via their actions and decisions. This essay analyzes the main similarities between Campbell's Monomyth model and video game trilogies Mass Effect and Dragon Age and suggests that even the new digital media continue to observe the hero's pattern as outlined in Campbell's Monomyth

    Književnost i suvremeni mediji: Campbellov monomit u videoigrama "Dragon Age" i "Mass Effect"

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    Storytelling is one of basic human activities and it has multiple purposes in human life: educational, socializational, therapeutic, and entertaining. In his work The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell claims that the path of the hero develops according to a similar pattern in mythology and literature worldwide and throughout human history because it reenacts in various historical and cultural contexts the same basic story of a kind of a rite of passage. People identify and sympathize with the hero and through his or her adventures and trials learn about themselves and cope with their problems, just as heroes manage to overcome monsters or complete various quests. Today, the advancement of technology and the emergence of contemporary media enables storytelling to assume new forms and achieve new levels of interactivity. Video games are such an example where the player can achieve a previously unattainable level of immersion by projecting their identity onto the character should they wish so, and influencing the narrative directly via their actions and decisions. This essay analyzes the main similarities between Campbell's Monomyth model and video game trilogies Mass Effect and Dragon Age and suggests that even the new digital media continue to observe the hero's pattern as outlined in Campbell's Monomyth

    Biodegradation of n-alkanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and phenols by strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa san ai

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    Negativan uticaj organskih zagađujućih supstanci, uključujući naftu i njene derivate na ekosistem, kao i njihovi toksični efekti na biotu postaju sve veći problem na planeti Zemlji...The negative impact of organic pollutants, including oil and its derivatives on the ecosystem, as well as their toxic effects on biota, have become a growing problem on the Planet Earth..

    Lipofilnost salicilamida

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    Molecular lipophilicity was studied using salicylamide as a model drug. Log P value for the target compound was experimentally determined by the "shake-flask" method and calculated using nine different computer programs based on atom/fragment contributions, structural parameters, atom-type electrotopological-state indices and neural network modeling, and on topological structure descriptors. Our analysis demonstrates good agreement between the experimentally observed log P value of salicylamide and the value calculated by the CSLogP program, based on topological structure descriptors and electrotopological indices.U radu je dan pregled istraživanja molekularne lipofilnosti na primjeru salicamida. Log P vrijednost određena je eksperimentalnom («shake-flash») metodom i izračunata je pomoću devet različitih računalnih programa koji se temelje na atom/fragmentarnoj metodi, strukturnim parametrima, atom elektrotopologijskim indeksima uz modeliranje putem neuronskih mreža i topologijskim deskriptorima. Statistička obrada dobivenih rezultata pokazala je najbolju korelaciju eksperimentalno dobivene vrijednosti s log P vrijednošću dobivenom računalnim programoma CslogP, koji se temelji na topologijskim deskriptorima i elektrotopologijskim indeksima

    Impact of medical school training on students' attitudes about methods of treatment of psychiatric disorders

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    Psihijatrijski poremećaji predstavljaju jedan od prioritetnih javnozdravstvenih problema kako u svijetu, tako i u Hrvatskoj. Psihijatrijski poremećaji nastaju kao rezultat kompleksnih interakcija bioloških, psiholoških i socijalnih čimbenika. Stoga je liječenje psihijatrijskih poremećaja uvijek multidimenzionalno, odnosno obuhvaća psihofarmakološko liječenje, psihoterapijsko liječenje, te niz ostalih komplementarnih terapijskih pristupa poput psihoedukacije, radne terapije, obiteljske terapije i socioterapije. Stavovi današnjih studenata medicine, budućih liječnika važni su pretkazatelji njihove skrbi za oboljele od poremećaja za čije su liječenje indicirani psihijatrijski lijekovi i psihoterapija. U radu smo istražili utjecaj obvezne edukacije iz psihijatrije na stavove studenata medicine 4. godine Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Ispitali smo stavove o psihijatrijskim lijekovima i psihoterapiji pomoću upitnika koji su se ispunjavali u dva navrata, na početku turnusa iz psihijatrije te na kraju turnusa iz psihijatrije. Upitnike je ispunilo 190 studenata (stopa odgovora 79,8%). Nakon odslušanog turnusa iz psihijatrije, svi studenti statistički su značajno imali pozitivnije mišljenje o koristi psihijatrijskih lijekova i psihoterapiji, manje izraženo mišljenje o rizicima psihijatrijskih lijekova te se povećala spremnost za uzimanjem psihijatrijskih lijekova i psihoterapiju u odnosu na stavove studenata prije turnusa. Temeljem naših rezultata smatramo da bi se više pozornosti trebalo posvetiti edukaciji o psihijatrijskim lijekovima i psihoterapiji kako bi se održao pozitivan utjecaj edukacije, moguće na kasnijim godinama fakulteta.Psychiatric disorders represent one of the priority public health problems both in the world and in Croatia. Psychiatric disorders occur as a result of the complex interaction of biological, psychological and social factors. Therefore, the treatment of psychiatric disorders is always multidimensional, and includes psychopharmacological treatment,psychotherapeutic treatment, as well as a range of other complementary therapeutic approaches such as psycho-education, occupational therapy, family therapy, and socio-therapy. The attitudes of today's medical students -future doctors- are important predictors of their care for patients suffering from disorders for which the treatment indicated psychiatric medications and psychotherapy. In this paper we determined the impact of compulsory education in psychiatry on the attitudes of medical students of the fourth year of the Medical Faculty of the University of Zagreb. We tested attitudes toward psychiatric medications and psychotherapy using questionnaires that were filled out twice, at the beginning of psychiatry placement and at the end of psychiatry placement. Questionnaires were completed by 190 students (response rate 79.8 %). Ater the placement, students' views about treatment in psychiatry turned significantly positive; they expressed more positive opinion about benefits of psychiatric medication and psychotherapy, they were less concerned about the risk of psychiatric medications and more prone to take psychiatric medications and attend psychotherapy. Based on our results, we believe that more attention should be paid to the education of psychiatric medication and psychotherapy in order to maintain the positive impact of education, possibly in the later years of college

    Broomrape seed germination on nutritive media and possibility of its biological control

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    In tests of sunflower hybrids' susceptibility to broomrape under artificial inoculation conditions, a high germination rate of broomrape seed used for infestation is prerequisite. On the other hand, one of the ways to reduce the great potential of broomrape seeds is biological control. Seed germination was evaluated on three different media. The first medium was water agar with giberellic acid (GA3) and presence of roots of the susceptible sunflower hybrid NS-H-111. The medium for the evaluation of influence of the biological agent on seed germination was the same with bioagent Trifender added in concentration of 1%. The check was a medium with GA3 only. Seeds of Orobanche cumana were collected in sunflower fields in Vojvodina at five different localities. The seeds were placed in Petri dishes with nutritive media and incubated at 25°C in the dark. Germination rate, germ length and distance of germinated broomrape seed from sunflower root were determined at 7 day intervals under the dissecting microscope. After 28 days on the GA3 medium with sunflower roots broomrape seeds germinated at the rate of 44-68%, while on media with Trifender they had significantly lower germination (4-41%). There was no broomrape seed germination on water agar with GA3 only in any sample. Germ lengths of seeds on the GA3+sunflower roots media were significantly longer than those on the medium with Trifender. Orobanche seed which were closer to the sunflower root had better germination on both media

    Influence of nutritive media and low temperatures on broomrape seed germination

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    The germination of broomrape seeds on different nutritive media and at low temperatures was tested. Broomrape seed was collected from three localities in Northern part of Serbia. Nutritive media which were used are: water agar, water agar with gibberelic acid and water agar with biological agent Trifender. Temperature regimes were: without cooling, and in the fridge for 7, 14 and 21 days at + 4°C. The highest number of germinated seeds was observed on the agar medium with gibberelic acid in presence of sunflower roots. Cooling of broomrape seeds on 4°C during 21 day leads to stimulation of their germination and average radicle length. The effect of bio-agent Trifender should be further investigated

    Incidencija i mortalitet zloćudne novotvorine jajnika u Zadarskoj županiji od 1998. do 2016. godine, po dobnim skupinama

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    Cilj: Prikazati trendove incidencije i mortaliteta zloćudne novotvorine jajnika u žena u Zadarskoj županiji od 1998. do 2016. godine, po dobnim skupinama. Materijali i metode: U radu su korišteni podaci incidencije za C56, zloćudna novotvorina jajnika, Registra za rak Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo i mortalitetni podaci Državnog zavoda za statistiku od 1998. do 2016. godine. Podatke smo obradili deskriptivnim statističkim metodama. Rezultati: U Zadarskoj županiji, zloćudna novotvorina jajnika po mortalitetu je vodeći karcinom ženskih spolnih organa, dok je po incidenciji na trećem mjestu među karcinomima ženskih spolnih organa. U promatranom razdoblju incidencija zloćudne novotvorine jajnika bilježi trend rasta. Sveukupno su oboljele 273 žene (4,4% od ukupnog broja novooboljelih žena od zloćudnih novotvorina). Dobno standardizirana stopa kretala se od 5,4 do 20,9/100.000. U istom razdoblju, od zloćudne novotvorine jajnika umrlo je 176 žena (5,1% od ukupno umrlih žena od zloćudnih novotvorina). Stope su se kretale od 3,6 do 12/100.000. Prosječno godišnje povećanje stope incidencije iznosilo je 1,9%, a stope mortaliteta 2,2%. Stope incidencije i mortaliteta najveće su u dobi 65+ godina, te su u pojedinim godinama stope izjednačene. Stope u fertilnoj dobi očekivano su najniže, te je razlika između incidencije i mortaliteta najizraženija. Zaključak: Zloćudna novotvorina jajnika u Zadarskoj županiji, u promatranom razdoblju, bilježi rastući trend incidencije i mortaliteta. Prosječno godišnje povećanje stope incidencije iznosilo je 1,9%, a mortaliteta 2,2%. Potrebno je povećati javnozdravstvenu svijest o ovoj bolesti te poticati žene na redovite ginekološke preglede, kao bi se ranom dijagnostikom i liječenjem smanjila smrtnost od ove bolesti