478 research outputs found

    Eficiência do mercado de capitais

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    Em torno das questões epistemológicas da psicanálise

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    Partindo de uma breve contextualização científica dos paradigmas dos séculos XIX e XX, pretendeu-se enquadrar epistemologicamente a Psicanálise. Verificando-se uma evolução epistemológic a dentro do corpo teórico psicanalítico, de Freud a Bion, no sentido de uma dimensão relacional, conclui- se que a cientificidade da Psicanálise deve passar pelo encontro de modelos analíticos, num enquadramento actual da Ciência.ABSTRACT: From a brief scientific context of the paradigms from the 19th and 20th centuries, an intention to enclose Psychoanalysis epistemologically was made. Acknowledging an epistemological evolution in the area of psychoanalitic theory, from Freud to Bion, in the sense of a relating dimension, it can be concluded that the scientific of Psychoanalysis must engage analytical models, in an actual context of Science

    Incontinência urinária feminina, qualidade de vida e funcionamento sexual

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Ispa – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia da Saúde.Introdução: A Incontinência Urinária acarreta inúmeras consequências para o quotidiano da mulher em fase de menopausa, nomeadamente no funcionamento sexual e na qualidade de vida. O objetivo deste estudo é explorar o impacto da Incontinência Urinária (IU) no Funcionamento Sexual Feminino e na Qualidade de Vida, numa amostra clínica portuguesa de meia-idade, tendo em consideração a idade, o relacionamento afetivo-sexual e a fase de menopausa. Método: Neste estudo transversal participaram 1466 mulheres com IU, com idades entre os 40-65 anos (Midade=50,00; DPidade=6,58). Foi desenvolvido o modelo de equações estruturais para explorar as relações entre as variáveis em estudo. Resultados: O modelo estrutural revelou um bom ajustamento (TLI= ,937; CFI= ,946; RMSEA= ,053; SRMR = ,052). A qualidade de vida foi excluída por apresentar baixa qualidade psicométrica. O funcionamento sexual feminino é afetado negativamente pelos sintomas de IU (β=-,110; p<,001), sendo impactado pela idade (β=-,088; p=,001), fase de menopausa (β=-,105; p<,001), relacionamento afetivo sexual (β =,554; p<,001). Conclusão: A Incontinência Urinária afeta o Funcionamento Sexual e estudos futuros poderão contemplar intervenções psicoeducativas, onde tenham em consideração os índices de funcionamento sexual e de forma a minimizar ou prevenir sintomatologia, promover uma gestão eficaz dos sintomas uroginecológicos e aumentar o acesso aos cuidados de saúde.ABSTRACT: Introduction: Urinary Incontinence has numerous consequences for the daily life of menopausal women, namely in terms of Sexual Functioning and Quality of Life. The aim of this study is to explore the impact of Urinary Incontinence on Female Sexual Functioning and Quality of Life in a Portuguese middle-aged clinical sample, considering age, affective-sexual relationship, and menopausal stage. Method: In this cross-sectional study, 1466 women with UI between 40-65 years old (Mage= 50,00; SDage= 6,58) participated. A structural equation model was developed to explore the relationships between the variables under study. Results: The structural model showed a good fit (TLI= .937; CFI= .946; RMSEA= .053; SRMR = .052). Female sexual functioning is negatively affected by UI symptoms (β= - .110; p <.001) , being impacted by age (β= - .088; p=.001), menopausal phase (β= - .105 ; p < .001), sexual affective relationship (β =.554; p < .001). Conclusion: Urinary Incontinence affects Sexual Functioning and future studies should contemplate psychoeducational interventions, considering women´s sexual functioning indices to minimize or prevent symptoms, promote effective management of urogynecological symptoms and increase access to health care

    Pension expenditure determinants: the case of Portugal

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    Assessing pension expenditure determinants is crucial for the sustainability of public finances. This study aims to disentangle the impact of demographic and economic variables, such as ageing, productivity, and unemployment, on pension expenditure in Portugal. With the use of time-series data, from 1975 to 2014, statistical evidence was found of co-integration between unemployed people aged between 15 and 64 years old, apparent productivity of labour, the old age dependency ratio and pension expenditure as a share of gross domestic product. The use of a vector error correction model, with impulse-response functions and variance decomposition, showed that ageing has an almost insignificant impact in the long-run, when compared with unemployment and productivity

    An Appraisal of Public Pension Reserve Funds Management -Evidence From Portugal

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    Abstract The creation of a public pension reserve fund is one of the reform measures that many countries implemented in order to guarantee the long term viability of existing government-operated pension systems. However, this measure raises the issue of the need to ensure sound management of those pension funds. This article focuses on the experience of the Portuguese public pension reserve fund and on the role it should accomplish in helping to finance the rising cost of public pensions

    Management of pension funds : the case of Portugal

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    The concern with the long term viability of most of existing government-operated pension systems, due to demographic changes, have led to various proposals for pensions reform, many of which have already been put into action. However, pension reform remains a highly controversial issue due to its complexity. This article brings attention to the management performance issue concerning funded systems. Detailed evidence and discussion is given to both investment performance results of public pension reserve funds, within the Social Security system, and to private pension funds in Portugal. Policy implications are also analysed and discussed.peer-reviewe

    Multiculturalism, interculturalism, human rights and gender violence: brief reflections on female genital mutilation in Portugal and how to address it

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    A situação de multiculturalidade é hoje uma realidade crescentemente vivida nas sociedades de acolhimento de imigrantes, onde emergem cidades que se constituem como lugares de passagem, de encontro ou mestiçagem cultural, mas também de contraste ou antagonismo social. A interculturalidade aparece como utensílio de favorecimento de vinculação à ideia de outro, promovendo, por um lado, a integração e a defesa do direito à diferença, e, por outro, evitando – ou mesmo denunciando – as estruturas de hegemonização sobre minorias. Mas esta diversidade cultural só pode ser protegida, promovida e aceite desde que não coloque em causa os direitos humanos nem provoque exclusões ou desigualdades. É neste campo, difícil e persistentemente aberto ao debate (e não raro promotor de polarizações), que nos propomos a apresentar um conjunto breve de apontamentos que contribua para pensar a mutilação genital feminina na sua indissolúvel condição de violência sobre a mulher, partindo do exemplo da realidade portuguesa actual.ABSTRACT - Multiculturalism is an ever-growing reality in societies with increasing numbers of immigrants, where cities emerge as places of passage, encounter or cultural miscegenation, but also of social contrast or antagonism. Interculturalism appears as a tool for encouraging links with the idea of otherness, promoting integration and upholding the right to difference while avoiding – or even denouncing – structures of domination over minorities. But this cultural diversity can only be protected, promoted and accepted as long as it does not question human rights or provoke exclusion or inequality. It is in this difficult realm, which is open to constant debate (and that frequently promotes polarizations), that we present brief notes that contribute to considering female genital mutilation in its inextricable condition as violence against women, based on the current Portuguese reality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Huellas que no se borran. Ruptura y desdoblamiento psíquico en tres obras de Luisa Valenzuela

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    The emotional rupture caused by experiences of repression, displacement and exile originates a dislocation in the identity of the subject which often leads into a schizophrenic search for a new identity.  In the process of adaptation to the new condition the characters often unfold into split subjects which cause them to act irrationally.This essay will explore the psychic transformations suffered by characters in their efforts to reconstitute a coherent and stable self in three works by Luisa Valenzuela: Novela negra con argentinos (1990), “Tiempo de retorno” (2008), and Realidad nacional desde la cama (1990). Her characters are split between the external reality and a repressed trauma, a situation where Memory and the wish to erase an unspeakable past strive to arouse into the surface of consciousness. Valenzuela’s protagonists are driven by the hidden desire to reach the Secret of their desolation. The true re-encounter and reconstitution of the Self will only be possible after the recognition of the indelible traces engraved in the collective Memory.

    Ideational aspects of binge eating disorder: study with the Rorschach

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    Subjects with binge eating disorder (DSM-IV) have been described as being prone to difficulties in thinking processes which are important for the maintenance of their psychopathological picture and their treatment. To assess the cognitive functioning of subjects diagnosed with binge eating disorder. The design was of an exploratory study, and the elected instrument was the Rorschach method, Comprehensive System, which allows us to access the psychological aspects with less conscious control than self-reports, questionnaires and scales. The selected Rorschach variables were those associated with the ideational functioning. The sample consisted of 43 adult women (mean= 37, 2 years) with binge eating disorder. In the Rorschach they showed difficulties in the ideational activity, predominance of a more concrete and immature level of ideation, loss of reality boundaries and boundaries among events. There is also a tendency to cognitions of a negative tone. The defensive use of fragile intellectualizations predisposes these women to emotional overload. However, also observed was a capacity to think in a flexible and constructive way, resources associated with a good prognostic in psychotherapy.Pessoas com diagnóstico de transtorno da compulsão alimentar periódica (DSM-IV) são descritas como propensas a distúrbios nos processos de pensamento que são relevantes para a manutenção do quadro e para o tratamento. Este é um estudo exploratório visando avaliar o funcionamento cognitivo de sujeitos com o diagnóstico citado, sendo escolhido como instrumento o método de Rorschach, que permite acessar aspectos psicológicos menos sujeitos ao controle consciente do que os aferidos por escalas e auto-relatos. Foram selecionadas variáveis do Rorschach associadas ao funcionamento ideacional. A amostra constitui-se de 43 mulheres (média de 37,2 anos de idade), que, no Rorschach, evidenciam dificuldades na atividade ideativa, com predominância de um nível concreto e imaturo de ideação, perda dos limites da realidade e dos limites entre os eventos. Também há tendência a cognições de tom negativo. O uso defensivo de intelectualizações frágeis predispõe a sobrecargas emocionais. Mas também é observada a capacidade para pensar de forma flexível e construtiva, recurso associado a bom prognóstico em psicoterapias.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL