628 research outputs found

    The Relationship Of Health-Promoting Behaviors To Hospital Admissions In Adults With Congestive Heart Failure

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    Successful medical treatment for acute health conditions has precipitated an increase in the number of chronic health problems. One such chronic condition is congestive heart failure. Heart failure is the number one discharge diagnosis among Medicare recipients. The financial burden for the management of this chronic condition is astronomical. Health care providers are commissioned to manage this chronic illness prudently. The purpose of this correlational descriptive study was to determine if there was any relationship between health-promoting behaviors and readmission rates of adults with congestive heart failure. A convenience sample of participants was obtained from a hospital facility. Subjects were asked to fill out two research tools, the Demographic Data Sheet and the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II. The theoretical framework used was the Pender Health Promotion Model. The null hypothesis was tested which stated, There will be no relationship between health perceptions and related hospital admissions among adults with congestive heart 1 1 1 failure. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Pearson product-moment correlation. Findings of the study failed to reject the null hypothesis. Correlational statistics were then used to determine whether a relationship existed between any demographic factor or one of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle II subscales and hospitalizations. Statistical significance was noted between the health responsibility subscale on the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II and hospitalizations. The study has implications for nursing research, education, and practice. Recommendations for future studies include implementation of qualitative research to determine the effect of personal characteristics and health beliefs on health-promoting behaviors

    Essai. L’autopsie d’une amitié, ou la sacralisation de l’« états-unicité »

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    Cet article examine l’exacerbation de l’hégémonie exercée par la droite d’inspiration chrétienne fondamentaliste sur le discours politique états-unien depuis le 11 septembre 2001. Sous forme d’un essai personnel, il cherche à comprendre comment des critiques de la guerre en Irak et de la (ré)élection de G.W. Bush, formulées par l’auteur, ont valu à ce dernier des accusations d’antiaméricanisme. L’analyse du climat intellectuel américain au lendemain du 11 septembre permet d’identifier comment le fondamentalisme évangélique, prééminent aux États-Unis depuis la colonisation, a pu court-circuiter le débat politique suite à l’attaque sur le territoire de la nouvelle Terre promise.This article explores the exacerbation of the Christian fundamentalist rightwing’s hegemony over political discourse in the United States in the aftermath of 9/11. Adopting the form of a personal essay, the article seeks to understand how its author’s critiques of the Iraq war and of the (re)election of G.W. Bush elicited accusations of anti-Americanism. An analysis of the intellectual climate in the US after 9/11 shows how evangelical fundamentalism, predominant in American culture since colonisation, stifled political debate in the aftermath of the attack on the new Promised Land

    Demonstration of short-haul aircraft aft noise reduction techniques on a twenty inch (50.8 cm) diameter fan, volume 1

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    Tests of a 20 inch diameter, low tip speed, low pressure ratio fan which investigated aft fan noise reduction techniques are reported. These techniques included source noise reduction features of selection of vane-blade ratio to reduce second harmonic noise, spacing effects, and lowering the Mach number through a vane row. Aft suppression features investigated included porosity effects, variable depth treatment, and treatment regenerated flow noise. Initial results and selected comparisons are presented

    Getrennt sind wir stark:: Der kanadische Föderalismus als Modell?

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    Les fondements rationnels et sociaux des passions politiques : Vers une sociologie de la violence contemporaine avec Weber et Foucault

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    Cet article s’inspire de la sociologie historique de Max Weber afin de : 1) dégager les conditions de possibilité sociales de l’expression des passions humaines ; et 2) identifier les acteurs, les intérêts et les institutions qui façonnent l’expression contemporaine des passions politiques et les formes de violence concomitantes. Dans sa Sociologie de la musique, Weber (1921) démontre que l’expression de la passion est soumise à des conditions de possibilité inhérentes à une rationalité parfaitement impersonnelle et que la rationalité propre à la musique occidentale est le produit des intérêts matériels et idéels d’une couche sociale particulière ainsi que des moyens techniques à sa disposition. Cet article s’appuie sur cet aperçu wébérien afin de proposer un ancrage sociologique et historique à l’analyse des passions politiques de la contemporanéité. Si le biopouvoir actuel façonne l’expression des passions et les canalise vers de nouvelles formes de violence, les technès de pouvoir seuls ne peuvent expliquer le devenir des passions humaines. L’article expose comment la gouvernementalité contemporaine repose non seulement sur un régime de véridiction logiquement cohérent, mais sur des acteurs sociaux particuliers partageant des intérêts et des institutions.Drawing on Max Weber’s historical sociology, this article seeks 1) to reveal the social conditions of possibility for the expression of human passion ; and 2) to identify the actors, interest, and institutions that shape contemporary political passions and their concomitant modes of violence. In his Sociology of Music, Weber (1921) shows that the expression of musical passion depends on the inherent logic of an entirely impersonal form of reason and that the rationality of western music is the product of the material and ideal interests of a particular social group and of the technical means at its disposal. This Weberian insight guides the article’s attempt to provide a sociological and historical underpinning to the analysis of contemporary political passions. While current biopolitical power shapes the expression of passions and channels them into new forms of violence, these techniques of power cannot alone explain the fate of human passions. The article exposes how contemporary governmentality rests not only on a logically coherent truth regime but on the interests and institutions of a particular group of social actors.Este artículo se inspira en la sociología histórica de Max Weber con el fin de : 1) Evidenciar las condiciones de posibilidad sociales de expresión de las pasiones humanas ; 2) identificar los actores, los intereses y las instituciones que moldean la expresión contemporánea de las pasiones políticas y las formas de violencia concomitantes. En su Sociología de la música, Weber (1921) demuestra que la expresión de la pasión está sometida a condiciones de posibilidad inherentes a una racionalidad perfectamente impersonal y que la racionalidad propia de la música occidental es el producto de los intereses materiales e ideales de un estrato social particular así como de los medios técnicos de que dispone. Este artículo se apoya en dicha percepción weberiana con el fin de proponer un arraigamiento sociológico e histórico del análisis de las pasiones políticas contemporáneas. Si el bio-poder contemporáneo moldea la expresión de las pasiones y las canaliza hacia nuevas formas de violencia, las technès de poder no pueden explicar el devenir de las pasiones humanas. El artículo expone cómo la gobernabilidad contemporánea reposa no sólo sobre un régimen de validación lógicamente coherente, sino sobre los actores sociales particulares que comparten intereses e instituciones

    Twenty-First New Hampshire Symposium

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    The influence of the perceived emotions anger and fear on leadership ratings

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    The Case of Children with Autism

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    The effect of hydrogen on gas porosity in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of AlSi10Mg

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    The density of components built using selective laser melting systems are greatly affected by pore formation during rapid solidification. By limiting the hydrogen content of the AlSi10Mg powder and the solidification through build parameters, gas porosity can be reduced. In this study, three types of porosity were characterized in AlSi10Mg samples built by both SLM and Concept Laser systems. Trends relating to energy input and pore type were established for gas, keyhole, and lack of fusion. The physical mechanisms for each type of pore formation were rationalized relative to solidification parameters such as, thermal gradient and solidification front velocity. Areal and volumetric density values were compared for samples built with specific techniques for eliminating hydrogen. The hydrogen content of both powders and builds were analyzed. This measured content confirmed the effectiveness of reducing gas porosity through process parameter control. Finally, the evolution of hydrogen concentrations is evaluated during solidification and the nucleation of gas pores is discussed
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