512 research outputs found

    Mediating boundaries between knowledge and knowing: ICT and R4D praxis

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    Research for development (R4D) praxis (theory-informed practical action) can be underpinned by the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) which, it is claimed, provide opportunities for knowledge working and sharing. Such a framing implicitly or explicitly constructs a boundary around knowledge as reified, or commodified – or at least able to be stabilized for a period of time (first order knowledge). In contrast ‘third-generation knowledge’ emphasizes the social nature of learning and knowledge-making; this reframes knowledge as a negotiated social practice, thus constructing a different system boundary. This paper offers critical reflections on the use of a wiki as a data repository and mediating technical platform as part of innovating in R4D praxis. A sustainable social learning process was sought that fostered an emergent community of practice among biophysical and social researchers acting for the first time as R4D co-researchers. Over time the technologically mediated element of the learning system was judged to have failed. This inquiry asks: How can learning system design cultivate learning opportunities and respond to learning challenges in an online environment to support R4D practice? Confining critical reflection to the online learning experience alone ignores the wider context in which knowledge work took place; therefore the institutional setting is also considered

    Neurophysiological evidence that frontoparietal connectivity and GABA-A receptor changes underpin the antidepressant response to ketamine

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer nature via the DOI in this recordData availability: The data underlying this article cannot be shared publicly as it was not part of the original ethics application to do so. The data will be shared on reasonable request to the corresponding author.Revealing the acute cortical pharmacodynamics of an antidepressant dose of ketamine in humans with depression is key to determining the specific mechanism(s) of action for alleviating symptoms. While the downstream effects are characterised by increases in plasticity and reductions in depressive symptoms—it is the acute response in the brain that triggers this cascade of events. Computational modelling of cortical interlaminar and cortico-cortical connectivity and receptor dynamics provide the opportunity to interrogate this question using human electroencephalography (EEG) data recorded during a ketamine infusion. Here, resting-state EEG was recorded in a group of 30 patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) at baseline and during a 0.44 mg/kg ketamine dose comprising a bolus and infusion. Fronto-parietal connectivity was assessed using dynamic causal modelling to fit a thalamocortical model to hierarchically connected nodes in the medial prefrontal cortex and superior parietal lobule. We found a significant increase in parietal-to-frontal AMPA-mediated connectivity and a significant decrease in the frontal GABA time constant. Both parameter changes were correlated across participants with the antidepressant response to ketamine. Changes to the NMDA receptor time constant and inhibitory intraneuronal input into superficial pyramidal cells did not survive correction for multiple comparisons and were not correlated with the antidepressant response. These results provide evidence that the antidepressant effects of ketamine may be mediated by acute fronto-parietal connectivity and GABA receptor dynamics. Furthermore, it supports the large body of literature suggesting the acute mechanism underlying ketamine’s antidepressant properties is related to GABA-A and AMPA receptors rather than NMDA receptor antagonism.Health Research Council of New ZealandWellcome Trus

    Automatically extracting functionally equivalent proteins from SwissProt

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    In summary, FOSTA provides an automated analysis of annotations in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot to enable groups of proteins already annotated as functionally equivalent, to be extracted. Our results demonstrate that the vast majority of UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot functional annotations are of high quality, and that FOSTA can interpret annotations successfully. Where FOSTA is not successful, we are able to highlight inconsistencies in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot annotation. Most of these would have presented equal difficulties for manual interpretation of annotations. We discuss limitations and possible future extensions to FOSTA, and recommend changes to the UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot format, which would facilitate text-mining of UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot

    The physiological cost index of walking with a powered knee ankle foot orthosis in subjects with poliomyelitis : A pilot study

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    Background: A powered knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) was developed to provide restriction of knee flexion during stance phase and active flexion and extension of the knee during swing phase of gait. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine its effect on the physiological cost index (PCI), walking speed and the distance walked in people with poliomyelitis compared to when walking with a KAFO with drop lock knee joints. Methods: Seven subjects with poliomyelitis volunteered for the study, and undertook gait analysis with both types of KAFO. Results: Walking with the powered KAFO significantly reduced walking speed (p=0.015) and the distance walked (p=0.004), and also it did not improve PCI values (p =0.009) compared to walking with the locked KAFO. Conclusion: Using a powered KAFO did not significantly improve any of the primary outcome measures during walking for poliomyelitis subjects

    The Glasgow Outcome Scale -- 40 years of application and refinement

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    The Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) was first published in 1975 by Bryan Jennett and Michael Bond. With over 4,000 citations to the original paper, it is the most highly cited outcome measure in studies of brain injury and the second most-cited paper in clinical neurosurgery. The original GOS and the subsequently developed extended GOS (GOSE) are recommended by several national bodies as the outcome measure for major trauma and for head injury. The enduring appeal of the GOS is linked to its simplicity, short administration time, reliability and validity, stability, flexibility of administration (face-to-face, over the telephone and by post), cost-free availability and ease of access. These benefits apply to other derivatives of the scale, including the Glasgow Outcome at Discharge Scale (GODS) and the GOS paediatric revision. The GOS was devised to provide an overview of outcome and to focus on social recovery. Since the initial development of the GOS, there has been an increasing focus on the multidimensional nature of outcome after head injury. This Review charts the development of the GOS, its refinement and usage over the past 40 years, and considers its current and future roles in developing an understanding of brain injury

    Subglacial lake drainage detected beneath the Greenland ice sheet

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    The contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to sea-level rise has accelerated in recent decades. Subglacial lake drainage events can induce an ice sheet dynamic response—a process that has been observed in Antarctica, but not yet in Greenland, where the presence of subglacial lakes has only recently been discovered. Here we investigate the water flow paths from a subglacial lake, which drained beneath the Greenland ice sheet in 2011. Our observations suggest that the lake was fed by surface meltwater flowing down a nearby moulin, and that the draining water reached the ice margin via a subglacial tunnel. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar-derived measurements of ice surface motion acquired in 1995 suggest that a similar event may have occurred 16 years earlier, and we propose that, as the climate warms, increasing volumes of surface meltwater routed to the bed will cause such events to become more common in the future

    The VMC survey – XLVIII. Classical cepheids unveil the 3D geometry of the LMC

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    We employed the VISTA near-infrared YJK(s) survey of the Magellanic System (VMC) to analyse the Y, J, and K-s light curves of delta Cepheid stars (DCEPs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Our sample consists of 4408 objects accounting for 97 per cent of the combined list of OGLE IV and Gaia DR2 DCEPs. We determined a variety of period-luminosity (PL) and period-Wesenheit PW relationships for Fundamental (F) and First Overtone (1O) pulsators. We discovered for the first time a break in these relationships for 1O DCEPs at P = 0.58 d. We derived relative individual distances for DCEPs in the LMC with a precision of similar to 1 kpc, calculating the position angle of the line of nodes and inclination of the galaxy: theta = 145.6 +/- 1.0 deg and i = 25.7 +/- 0.4 deg. The bar and the disc are seen under different viewing angles. We calculated the ages of the pulsators, finding two main episodes of DCEP formation lasting similar to 40 Myr which happened 93 and 159 Myr ago. Likely as a result of its past interactions with the SMC, the LMC shows a non-planar distribution, with considerable structuring: the bar is divided into two distinct portions, the eastern and the western displaced by more than 1 kpc from each other. Similar behaviour is shown by the spiral arms. The LMC disc appears 'flared' and thick, with a disc scale height of h similar to 0.97 kpc. This feature can be explained by strong tidal interactions with the Milky Way and/or the Small Magellanic Cloud or past merging events with now disrupted LMC satellites

    An integrated 1D–2D hydraulic modelling approach to assess the sensitivity of a coastal region to compound flooding hazard under climate change

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    Coastal regions are dynamic areas that often lie at the junction of different natural hazards. Extreme events such as storm surges and high precipitation are significant sources of concern for flood management. As climatic changes and sea-level rise put further pressure on these vulnerable systems, there is a need for a better understanding of the implications of compounding hazards. Recent computational advances in hydraulic modelling offer new opportunities to support decision-making and adaptation. Our research makes use of recently released features in the HEC-RAS version 5.0 software to develop an integrated 1D–2D hydrodynamic model. Using extreme value analysis with the Peaks-Over-Threshold method to define extreme scenarios, the model was applied to the eastern coast of the UK. The sensitivity of the protected wetland known as the Broads to a combination of fluvial, tidal and coastal sources of flooding was assessed, accounting for different rates of twenty-first century sea-level rise up to the year 2100. The 1D–2D approach led to a more detailed representation of inundation in coastal urban areas, while allowing for interactions with more fluvially dominated inland areas to be captured. While flooding was primarily driven by increased sea levels, combined events exacerbated flooded area by 5–40% and average depth by 10–32%, affecting different locations depending on the scenario. The results emphasise the importance of catchment-scale strategies that account for potentially interacting sources of flooding