4,802 research outputs found

    Any-order propagation of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    We derive an exact propagation scheme for nonlinear Schroedinger equations. This scheme is entirely analogous to the propagation of linear Schroedinger equations. We accomplish this by defining a special operator whose algebraic properties ensure the correct propagation. As applications, we provide a simple proof of a recent conjecture regarding higher-order integrators for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, extend it to multi-component equations, and to a new class of integrators.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A Block Minorization--Maximization Algorithm for Heteroscedastic Regression

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    The computation of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator for heteroscedastic regression models is considered. The traditional Newton algorithms for the problem require matrix multiplications and inversions, which are bottlenecks in modern Big Data contexts. A new Big Data-appropriate minorization--maximization (MM) algorithm is considered for the computation of the ML estimator. The MM algorithm is proved to generate monotonically increasing sequences of likelihood values and to be convergent to a stationary point of the log-likelihood function. A distributed and parallel implementation of the MM algorithm is presented and the MM algorithm is shown to have differing time complexity to the Newton algorithm. Simulation studies demonstrate that the MM algorithm improves upon the computation time of the Newton algorithm in some practical scenarios where the number of observations is large

    Quantum Statistical Calculations and Symplectic Corrector Algorithms

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    The quantum partition function at finite temperature requires computing the trace of the imaginary time propagator. For numerical and Monte Carlo calculations, the propagator is usually split into its kinetic and potential parts. A higher order splitting will result in a higher order convergent algorithm. At imaginary time, the kinetic energy propagator is usually the diffusion Greens function. Since diffusion cannot be simulated backward in time, the splitting must maintain the positivity of all intermediate time steps. However, since the trace is invariant under similarity transformations of the propagator, one can use this freedom to "correct" the split propagator to higher order. This use of similarity transforms classically give rises to symplectic corrector algorithms. The split propagator is the symplectic kernel and the similarity transformation is the corrector. This work proves a generalization of the Sheng-Suzuki theorem: no positive time step propagators with only kinetic and potential operators can be corrected beyond second order. Second order forward propagators can have fourth order traces only with the inclusion of an additional commutator. We give detailed derivations of four forward correctable second order propagators and their minimal correctors.Comment: 9 pages, no figure, corrected typos, mostly missing right bracket

    Higher-order splitting algorithms for solving the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation and their instabilities

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    Since the kinetic and the potential energy term of the real time nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation can each be solved exactly, the entire equation can be solved to any order via splitting algorithms. We verified the fourth-order convergence of some well known algorithms by solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation numerically. All such splitting algorithms suffer from a latent numerical instability even when the total energy is very well conserved. A detail error analysis reveals that the noise, or elementary excitations of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger, obeys the Bogoliubov spectrum and the instability is due to the exponential growth of high wave number noises caused by the splitting process. For a continuum wave function, this instability is unavoidable no matter how small the time step. For a discrete wave function, the instability can be avoided only for \dt k_{max}^2{<\atop\sim}2 \pi, where kmax=π/Δxk_{max}=\pi/\Delta x.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Numerical Implementation of Gradient Algorithms

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    A numerical method for computational implementation of gradient dynamical systems is presented. The method is based upon the development of geometric integration numerical methods, which aim at preserving the dynamical properties of the original ordinary differential equation under discretization. In particular, the proposed method belongs to the class of discrete gradients methods, which substitute the gradient of the continuous equation with a discrete gradient, leading to a map that possesses the same Lyapunov function of the dynamical system, thus preserving the qualitative properties regardless of the step size. In this work, we apply a discrete gradient method to the implementation of Hopfield neural networks. Contrary to most geometric integration methods, the proposed algorithm can be rewritten in explicit form, which considerably improves its performance and stability. Simulation results show that the preservation of the Lyapunov function leads to an improved performance, compared to the conventional discretization.Spanish Government project no. TIN2010-16556 Junta de Andalucía project no. P08-TIC-04026 Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo project no. A2/038418/1

    Pseudo-High-Order Symplectic Integrators

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    Symplectic N-body integrators are widely used to study problems in celestial mechanics. The most popular algorithms are of 2nd and 4th order, requiring 2 and 6 substeps per timestep, respectively. The number of substeps increases rapidly with order in timestep, rendering higher-order methods impractical. However, symplectic integrators are often applied to systems in which perturbations between bodies are a small factor of the force due to a dominant central mass. In this case, it is possible to create optimized symplectic algorithms that require fewer substeps per timestep. This is achieved by only considering error terms of order epsilon, and neglecting those of order epsilon^2, epsilon^3 etc. Here we devise symplectic algorithms with 4 and 6 substeps per step which effectively behave as 4th and 6th-order integrators when epsilon is small. These algorithms are more efficient than the usual 2nd and 4th-order methods when applied to planetary systems.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Dimension-adaptive bounds on compressive FLD Classification

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    Efficient dimensionality reduction by random projections (RP) gains popularity, hence the learning guarantees achievable in RP spaces are of great interest. In finite dimensional setting, it has been shown for the compressive Fisher Linear Discriminant (FLD) classifier that forgood generalisation the required target dimension grows only as the log of the number of classes and is not adversely affected by the number of projected data points. However these bounds depend on the dimensionality d of the original data space. In this paper we give further guarantees that remove d from the bounds under certain conditions of regularity on the data density structure. In particular, if the data density does not fill the ambient space then the error of compressive FLD is independent of the ambient dimension and depends only on a notion of ‘intrinsic dimension'