383 research outputs found

    Constraints on hot metals in the Vicinity of the Galaxy

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    We have searched for evidence of soft X-ray absorption by hot metals in the vicinity of the Galaxy in the spectra of a small sample of fifteen Type I AGN observed with the high resolution X-ray gratings on board Chandra. This is an extension of our previous survey of hot OVII and OVIII absorbing gas in the vicinity of the Galaxy. The strongest absorption signatures within a few hundred km/s of their rest-frame energies are most likely due to warm absorbing outflows from the nearest AGN, which are back-lighting the local hot gas. We emphasize that absorption signatures in the spectra of some distant AGN that are kinematically consistent with the recessional velocity of the AGN are most likely to be due to hot local gas. Along the sightline towards PG 1211+143, PDS 456 and MCG-6-30-15 there is a very large absorbing Fe column density which is kinematically consistent with absorption by hot, local Fe. The sightlines to these three AGN pass through the limb of the Northern Polar Spur (NPS), a local bubble formed from several supernovae which, if rich in Fe, may account for a large local Fe column. We obtain limits on the column density of local, highly ionized N, Ne, Mg, Si along all of the sightlines in our sample. We correlate the column density limits with those of highly ionized O along the same sightlines. Assuming the hot local gas is in collisionally ionized equilibrium, we obtain limits on the temperature and relative abundances of the metals in the hot local gas. Our limits on the ionic column densities in the local hot gas seem to be consistent with those observed in the hot halo gas of edge-on normal spiral galaxies.Comment: 9 pages,2 figures, MNRAS (accepted

    On rapid migration and accretion within disks around supermassive black holes

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    Galactic nuclei should contain a cluster of stars and compact objects in the vicinity of the central supermassive black hole due to stellar evolution, minor mergers and gravitational dynamical friction. By analogy with protoplanetary migration, nuclear cluster objects (NCOs) can migrate in the accretion disks that power active galactic nuclei by exchanging angular momentum with disk gas. Here we show that an individual NCO undergoing runaway outward migration comparable to Type III protoplanetary migration can generate an accretion rate corresponding to Seyfert AGN or quasar luminosities. Multiple migrating NCOs in an AGN disk can dominate traditional viscous disk accretion and at large disk radii, ensemble NCO migration and accretion could provide sufficient heating to prevent the gravitational instability from consuming disk gas in star formation. The magnitude and energy of the X-ray soft excess observed at ~0.1-1keV in Seyfert AGN could be explained by a small population of ~10^{2}-10^{3} accreting stellar mass black holes or a few ULXs. NCO migration and accretion in AGN disks are therefore extremely important mechanisms to add to realistic models of AGN disks.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, MNRAS Letters (accepted

    The Kinematics and Physical Conditions pf the Ionized Gas in Markarian 509. II. STIS Echelle Observations

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    We present observations of the UV absorption lines in the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509, obtained with the medium resolution (lambda/Delta-lambda ~ 40,000) echelle gratings of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. The spectra reveal the presence of eight kinematic components of absorption in Ly-alpha, C IV, and N V, at radial velocities of -422, -328, -259, -62, -22, +34, +124, and +210 km s^-1 with respect to an emission-line redshift of z = 0.03440, seven of which were detected in an earlier Far Ultraviolet Spectrographic Explorer (FUSE) spectrum. The component at -22 km s^-1 also shows absorption by Si IV. The covering factor and velocity width of the Si IV lines were lower than those of the higher ionization lines for this component, which is evidence for two separate absorbers at this velocity. We have calculated photoionization models to match the UV column densities in each of these components. Using the predicted O VI column densities, we were able to match the O VI profiles observed in the FUSE spectrum. Based on our results, none of the UV absorbers can produce the X-ray absorption seen in simultaneous Chandra observations; therefore, there must be more highly ionized gas in the radial velocity ranges covered by the UV absorbers.Comment: 30 pages, three figures (Figure 1 is in color). Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Predicting dentists decisions: a choice-based conjoint analysis of Medicaid participation

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    Objectives: Private practice dentists are the major source of care for the dental safety net; however, the proportion of dentists who participate in state Medicaid programs is low, often due to poor perceptions of the program’s administration and patient population. Using a discrete choice experiment and a series of hypothetical scenarios, this study evaluated trade-offs dentists make when deciding to accept Medicaid patients. Methods: An online choice-based conjoint survey was sent to 272 general dentists in Iowa. Hypothetical scenarios presented factors at systematically varied levels. The primary determination was whether dentists would accept a new Medicaid patient in each scenario. Using an ecological model of behavior, determining factors were selected from the categories of policy, administration, community, and patient population to estimate dentists’ relative preferences. Results: 62 percent of general dentists responded to the survey. The probability of accepting a new Medicaid patient was highest (81 percent) when reimbursement rates were 85 percent of the dentist’s fees, patients never missed appointments, claims were approved on first submission, and no other practices in the area accepted Medicaid. Although dentists preferred higher reimbursement rates, 56 percent would still accept a new Medicaid patient when reimbursement decreased to 55 percent if they were told that the patient would never miss appointments and claims would be approved on initial submission. Conclusions: This study revealed trade-offs that dentists make when deciding to participate in Medicaid. Findings indicate that states can potentially improve Medicaid participation without changing reimbursement rates by making improvements in claims processing and care coordination to reduce missed appointments.Funding for this project came from an Innovation Fund for Oral Health award from the DentaQuest Foundation (Boston, MA)

    Tracing a Disk Wind in NGC 3516

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    X-ray spectra of AGN often contain signatures indicative of absorption in multiple layers of gas whose ionization-state and covering fraction may vary with time. It has been unclear to date how much of the observed X-ray spectral and timing behavior in AGN can be attributed to variations in absorption, versus variations in the strengths of emission or reflection components. Diagnostics of the inner regions of AGN cannot be reliably performed until the origin of observed effects is understood. We investigate the role of the X-ray absorbers in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3516. Time-averaged and flux-selected spectroscopy is used to examine the behavior of NGC 3516 observed in Chandra HETG and XMM data from Oct 2006. New H-like and He-like emission and absorption features discovered in the Fe K regime reveal a previously unknown zone of circumnuclear gas in NGC 3516 with log xi ~ 4.3 and column density 1E23 cm^-2. A lower-ionization layer with log xi ~2 and of similar column density is confirmed from previous observations, this layer has a covering fraction around 50%, and changes in covering provide a simple explanation of a deep dip in the light curve that we interpret as an eclipse of the continuum due to passage of a cloud across the sight line within half a day. These inner zones of absorbing gas are detected to have outflow velocities in the range 1000-2000 km/s, this, and constraints on radial location are consistent with an origin as part of a disk wind in NGC 3516.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A&A Feb 26 2008 Version 2: Figs 1 & 2 were corrected for a problem with ACIS section of the data. Little impact on text of the pape
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