224 research outputs found


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    Reliability, variability, and validity of stroke rate measured via a Digitrainer accelerometer and GoPro 60 Hz video camera were determined. Six elite New Zealand kayakers (three males, three females) performed three trials of 300-m sprints in a single kayak (K1) mounted with the Digitrainer and camera. Average individual within-trial reliability and between-trial reliability and variability were calculated using data from 40 strokes beginning at 200-m. Both Digitrainer and video showed good reliability (Mdiff% =5%; ES =0.6), and moderate variability (IC

    B Cell Activation in Insulin Resistance and Obesity

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    Our group has demonstrated that inflammatory diseases such as type 2 diabetes (DM), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and periodontal disease (PD) are associated with altered B cell function that may contribute to disease pathogenesis. B cells were found to be highly activated with characteristics of inflammatory cells. Obesity is a pre-disease state for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes and is considered a state of chronic inflammation. Therefore, we sought to better characterize B cell function and phenotype in obese patients. We demonstrate that (Toll-like receptor) TLR4 and CD36 expression by B cells is elevated in obese subjects, suggesting increased sensing of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and other TLR ligands. These ligands may be of microbial, from translocation from a leaky gut, or host origin. To better assess microbial ligand burden and host response in the bloodstream, we measured LPS binding protein (LBP), bacterial/permeability increasing protein (BPI), and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1). Thus far, our data demonstrate an increase in LBP in DM and obesity indicating increased responses to TLR ligands in the blood. Interestingly, B cells responded to certain types of LPS by phosphorylating extracellular-signal-regulated kinases (ERK) 1/2. A better understanding of the immunological state of obesity and the microbial and endogenous TLR ligands that may be activating B cells will help identify novel therapeutics to reduce the risk of more dangerous conditions, such as cardiovascular disease


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    Rowing on ergometers is often required due to on-water conditions and testing requirements. Force generation between on-water sculling, fixed and sliding ergometers, has been examined, but there are only a few studies with elite level rowers. Forces at the handle, rowing gate, and foot block were recorded for four elite rowers during 1,000-m on a fixed ergometer, sliding ergometer and an on-water double scull. Handle forces were greater on the fixed and sliding ergometer than the on-water double. There was a trend for the foot forces to be similar between all three conditions. However, the timing of application of force was considerably earlier on the fixed and sliding ergometer than the on-water condition. The use of ergometers as a substitute for on-water rowing needs to be reconsidered in light of these results

    A Guide for Graduate Students Interested in Postdoctoral Positions in Biology Education Research

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    Intended as a resource for life sciences graduate students, this essay discusses the diversity of postdoctoral positions in biology education and the careers to which they lead. The authors also provide advice to help graduate students develop the skills necessary to obtain a biology education research postdoctoral position

    An Ecologic Analysis of County-Level PM2.5 Concentrations and Lung Cancer Incidence and Mortality

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    Few studies have explored the relationship between PM2.5 and lung cancer incidence. Although results are mixed, some studies have demonstrated a positive relationship between PM2.5 and lung cancer mortality. Using an ecologic study design, we examined the county-level associations between PM2.5 concentrations (2002–2005) and lung cancer incidence and mortality in North Carolina (2002–2006). Positive trends were observed between PM2.5 concentrations and lung cancer incidence and mortality; however, the R2 for both were <0.10. The slopes for the relationship between PM2.5 and lung cancer incidence and mortality were 1.26 (95% CI 0.31, 2.21, p-value 0.01) and 0.73 (95% CI 0.09, 1.36, p-value 0.03) per 1 μg/m3 PM2.5, respectively. These associations were slightly strengthened with the inclusion of variables representing socioeconomic status and smoking. Although variability is high, thus reflecting the importance of tobacco smoking and other etiologic agents that influence lung cancer incidence and mortality besides PM2.5, a positive trend is observed between PM2.5 and lung cancer incidence and mortality. This suggests the possibility of an association between PM2.5 concentrations and lung cancer incidence and mortality

    Patient-reported experience of clinical care of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: Research on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with rare diseases is limited. Few studies compare healthcare throughout the progression of the ongoing pandemic. Aims: To assess the impact of the pandemic on individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta across two consecutive years, understand what challenges were encountered, and analyse the experience of remote consultation. Methods: An initial survey was distributed following the first lockdown in August 2020, and a second survey in April 2021. The surveys explored four themes- effects on therapy, alternatives to consultation, effect on mental health, and perceived risks of COVID-19. Results: In the 2020 survey, of the 110 respondents, 69 (63%) had at least one appointment delayed due to the lockdown, compared with 89 of the 124 respondents (72%) in 2021. Of the 110 respondents in 2020, 57 (52%) had a remote consultation, increasing to 92 of 124 (74%) in the follow-up survey. In the 2020 survey 63 of 91 respondents (69%) expressed anxiety due to lockdown, compared with 76 of 124 (61%) in 2021. The percentage of total respondents expressing a preference for remote consultation was 48% in 2020, increasing to 71% in 2021. Conclusions: The pandemic has had widespread effects on the mental and physical health of those with OI. These effects, alongside appointment delays, have increased as the pandemic progresses. Encouragingly, the increasing preference for remote consultation may indicate that this could be a viable long-lasting alternative to face-to-face appointments, especially for patients who previously traveled vast distances for specialist care

    Exploring inequities in child welfare and child protection services: explaining the 'inverse intervention law'

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    Attempts to record, understand and respond to variations in child welfare and protection reporting, service patterns and outcomes are international, numerous and longstanding. Reframing such variations as an issue of inequity between children and between families opens the way to a new approach to explaining the profound difference in intervention rates between and within countries and administrative districts. Recent accounts of variation have frequently been based on the idea that there is a binary division between bias and risk (or need). Here we propose seeing supply (bias) and demand (risk) factors as two aspects of a single system, both framed, in part, by social structures. A recent finding from a study of intervention rates in England, the 'inverse intervention law', is used to illustrate the complex ways in which a range of factors interact to produce intervention rates. In turn, this analysis raises profound moral, policy, practice and research questions about current child welfare and child protection services

    Post hoc Analysis for Detecting Individual Rare Variant Risk Associations Using Probit Regression Bayesian Variable Selection Methods in Case-Control Sequencing Studies

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    Rare variants (RVs) have been shown to be significant contributors to complex disease risk. By definition, these variants have very low minor allele frequencies and traditional single-marker methods for statistical analysis are underpowered for typical sequencing study sample sizes. Multimarker burden-type approaches attempt to identify aggregation of RVs across case-control status by analyzing relatively small partitions of the genome, such as genes. However, it is generally the case that the aggregative measure would be a mixture of causal and neutral variants, and these omnibus tests do not directly provide any indication of which RVs may be driving a given association. Recently, Bayesian variable selection approaches have been proposed to identify RV associations from a large set of RVs under consideration. Although these approaches have been shown to be powerful at detecting associations at the RV level, there are often computational limitations on the total quantity of RVs under consideration and compromises are necessary for large-scale application. Here, we propose a computationally efficient alternative formulation of this method using a probit regression approach specifically capable of simultaneously analyzing hundreds to thousands of RVs. We evaluate our approach to detect causal variation on simulated data and examine sensitivity and specificity in instances of high RV dimensionality as well as apply it to pathway-level RV analysis results from a prostate cancer (PC) risk case-control sequencing study. Finally, we discuss potential extensions and future directions of this work
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