44 research outputs found

    Of less known literary work of Ivan Golub before the 1990s

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    Kronologija objavljivanja književnih djela svećenika, književnika i znanstvenika Ivana Goluba sugerira da se, osim rijetkih izuzetaka iz ranijeg razdoblja, književnim stvaralaštvom intenzivnije počeo baviti tek 1990-ih godina. No, kada u obzir uzmemo do danas uglavnom nepoznata njegova djela koja su nastala znatno prije, ali su objavljena tek 1990-ih godina, i to vjerojatno prije svega zahvaljujući slomu komunističkog društveno-političkog poretka koji je do tada proskribirao književnost kršćanskog nadahnuća, postaje jasno da se Golub književnim stvaralaštvom u kontinuitetu i otprilike jednakim intenzitetom ustvari bavio još od 1970-ih pa sve do danas.The order in which literary works by Ivan Golub, a Croatian priest, author and scientist, were published suggests, with some rare exceptions early on, that he started writing intensely only after the 1990s. However, we should take into consideration his works that are mostly unknown today and were created well before, but published only in the 1990s. That is probably because of the collapse of the communist socio-political order, which had prohibited literature of Christian inspiration up until then. It then becomes clear that Golub has been writing with the same intensity ever since the 1970s and to this day

    Halogen bonding with carbon:directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures †

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    Carbon, although the central element in organic chemistry, has been traditionally neglected as a target for directional supramolecular interactions. The design of supramolecular structures involving carbon-rich molecules, such as arene hydrocarbons, has been limited almost exclusively to non-directional π-stacking, or derivatisation with heteroatoms to introduce molecular assembly recognition sites. As a result, the predictable assembly of non-derivatised, carbon-only π-systems using directional non-covalent interactions remains an unsolved fundamental challenge of solid-state supramolecular chemistry. Here, we propose and validate a different paradigm for the reliable assembly of carbon-only aromatic systems into predictable supramolecular architectures: not through non-directional π-stacking, but via specific and directional halogen bonding. We present a systematic experimental, theoretical and database study of halogen bonds to carbon-only π-systems (C-I⋯πC bonds), focusing on the synthesis and structural analysis of cocrystals with diversely-sized and -shaped non-derivatised arenes, from one-ring (benzene) to 15-ring (dicoronylene) polycyclic atomatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and fullerene C60, along with theoretical calculations and a systematic analysis of the Cambridge Structural Database. This study establishes C-I⋯πC bonds as directional interactions to arrange planar and curved carbon-only aromatic systems into predictable supramolecular motifs. In &gt;90% of herein presented structures, the C-I⋯πC bonds to PAHs lead to a general ladder motif, in which the arenes act as the rungs and halogen bond donors as the rails, establishing a unique example of a supramolecular synthon based on carbon-only molecules. Besides fundamental importance in the solid-state and supramolecular chemistry of arenes, this synthon enables access to materials with exciting properties based on simple, non-derivatised aromatic systems, as seen from large red and blue shifts in solid-state luminescence and room-temperature phosphorescence upon cocrystallisation.</p

    Hydrolytic stability in hemilabile metal–organic frameworks

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    Highly porous metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), which have undergone exciting developments over the past few decades, show promise for a wide range of applications. However, many studies indicate that they suffer from significant stability issues, especially with respect to their interactions with water, which severely limits their practical potential. Here we demonstrate how the presence of ‘sacrificial’ bonds in the coordination environment of its metal centres (referred to as hemilability) endows a dehydrated copper-based MOF with good hydrolytic stability. On exposure to water, in contrast to the indiscriminate breaking of coordination bonds that typically results in structure degradation, it is non-structural weak interactions between the MOF’s copper paddlewheel clusters that are broken and the framework recovers its as-synthesized, hydrated structure. This MOF retained its structural integrity even after contact with water for one year, whereas HKUST-1, a compositionally similar material that lacks these sacrificial bonds, loses its crystallinity in less than a day under the same conditions

    Guest-Controlled Incommensurate Modulation in a Meta-Rigid Metal-Organic Framework Material

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    Structural transitions of host systems in response to guest binding dominate many chemical processes. We report an unprecedented type of structural flexibility within a meta-rigid material, MFM-520, which exhibits a reversible periodic-to-aperiodic structural transition resulting from a drastic distortion of a [ZnO4N] node controlled by the specific host-guest interactions. The aperiodic crystal structure of MFM-520 has no three-dimensional (3D) lattice periodicity but shows translational symmetry in higher-dimensional (3 + 2)D space. We have directly visualized the aperiodic state which is induced by incommensurate modulation of the periodic framework of MFM-520·H2O upon dehydration to give MFM-520. Filling MFM-520 with CO2 and SO2 reveals that, while CO2 has a minimal structural influence, SO2 can further modulate the structure incommensurately. MFM-520 shows exceptional selectivity for SO2 under flue-gas desulfurization conditions, and the facile release of captured SO2 from MFM-520 enabled the conversion to valuable sulfonamide products. MFM-520 can thus be used as a highly efficient capture and delivery system for SO2

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Coordination polymers of ZnII and 5-methoxy isophthalate

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    This work was funded by the British Heart Foundation (NH/11/8/29253) and the EPSRC (EP/K005499/1).Solvothermal reaction of Zn(OAc)2 and 5-methoxy isophthalic acid (H2MeOip) in aqueous alcohols ROH (R = H, Me, Et, or iPr) affords four different novel coordination polymers. Zn2(HMeOip)(MeOip)(OAc) (1) forms as a 1D 'ribbon of rings' polymer. Zn6(MeOip)4.5(HMeOip)(OH)2(H2O)2·5.5H2O (2) crystallises as a complex 3D framework. Zn(MeOip)(H2O)2 H2O (3) is a 1D coordination polymer that contains almost planar strips of Zn(MeOip). compound 4, Zn5(MeOip)4(OH)2(H2O)4·H2O, obtained from aqueous iPrOH, crystallises as a 2D polymer containing two crystallographically distinct Zn5(OH)2 clusters. Preliminary nitric oxide release experiments have been conducted.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Rhenium Corrole Dimers: Electrochemical Insights into the Nature of the Metal–Metal Quadruple Bond

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    The interaction of free-base triarylcorroles with Re2(CO)10 in 1,2- dichlorobenzene in the presence of 2,6-lutidine at 180 °C under strict anerobic conditions afforded approximately 10% yields of rhenium corrole dimers. The compounds exhibited diamagnetic 1 H NMR spectra consistent with a metal−metal quadruple bond with a σ2 π4 δ2 orbital occupancy. One of the compounds proved amenable to single-crystal X-ray structure determination, yielding a metal−metal distance of ∼2.24 Å, essentially identical to that in triple-bonded osmium corrole dimers. On the other hand, the electrochemical properties of Re and Os corrole dimers proved to be radically different. Thus, the reduction potentials of the Re corrole dimers are some 800 mV upshifted relative to those of their Os counterparts. Stated differently, the Re corrole dimers are dramatically easier to reduce, reflecting electron addition to δ* versus π* molecular orbitals for Re and Os corrole dimers, respectively. The data also imply electrochemical HOMO-LUMO gaps of only 1.0− 1.1 V for rhenium corrole dimers, compared with values of 1.85−1.90 V for their Os counterparts. These HOMO−LUMO gaps rank among the first such values reported for quadruple-bonded transition-metal dimers for any type of supporting ligand, porphyrin-type or not


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    Acid-catalyzed condensation of pyrrole, 4-trifluoromethylbenzaldehyde, and azulene, followed by DDQ oxidation, has resulted in the isolation of the novel macrocycle azulicorrole, arguably the first example of a carbacorrole aside from N-confused corrole. Despite poor yields (<1%), the free ligand could be structurally characterized and converted to the formal Cu(III) and Au(III) derivatives, of which the Cu(III) complex could also be structurally characterized. Both the free base and the two metal complexes exhibit richly structured UV–vis spectra that extend well into the near-infrared, suggesting potential applications in bioimaging and photodynamic therapy