12 research outputs found


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    This is one of two papers commissioned by the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium on various aspects related to the agricultural sector of a prospective North American Free Trade Agreement. The companion paper to this one has been prepared by a working group chaired by Thomas Grennes, North Carolina State University. To minimize duplication with the Grennes paper, this paper has given greater attention to the general trade policy issues raised by a NAFTA, institutional factors, additional commodity detail in cereals, fruit and vegetables, and the relevance of other regional trade agreements such as the Canada-U.S. Trade Agreement. This work has also benefitted from an earlier report and its annexes, prepared for the Fraser Institute, under the direction of Tim Josling.International Relations/Trade,

    Towards understanding crime dynamics in a heterogeneous environment:A mathematical approach

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    Crime data provides information on the nature and location of the crime but, in general, does not include information on the number of criminals operating in a region. By contrast, many approaches to crime reduction necessarily involve working with criminals or individuals at risk of engaging in criminal activity and so the dynamics of the criminal population is important. With this in mind, we develop a mechanistic, mathematical model which combines the number of crimes and number of criminals to create a dynamical system. Analysis of the model highlights a threshold for criminal efficiency, below which criminal numbers will settle to an equilibrium level that can be exploited to reduce crime through prevention. This efficiency measure arises from the initiation of new criminals in response to observation of criminal activity; other initiation routes - via opportunism or peer pressure - do not exhibit such thresholds although they do impact on the level of criminal activity observed. We used data from Cape Town, South Africa, to obtain parameter estimates and predicted that the number of criminals in the region is tending towards an equilibrium point but in a heterogeneous manner - a drop in the number of criminals from low crime neighbourhoods is being offset by an increase from high crime neighbourhoods

    Disability rights and robotics: Co-producing futures

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    This project brought together a team of 25 co-researchers from the University of the West of England, Fairfield Farm College and Wiltshire Centre of Independent Living. The co-researchers are a diverse group including disabled people, carers, students, and academics from social work, psychology and sociology to robotics. Our research team demonstrates a wealth of experiences as some members had both lived experience of disability, in addition to being involved in teaching, learning and research. The research question for the project was:How can robotic technologies support disability rights? Rights are about everyday opportunities to live life to the full, human rights that everyone is entitled to (The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) 2009 (Enable.un.org, 2019). In this time of rapid social change to our social and work lives, relationships and leisure, there are new technologies that might support disability rights like ‘driverless cars’, smart phones, social media and new robotic technologies. The project had two aims:‱to identify priority research questions into disability rights and robotics‱to develop the co-production process for future researc


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    This is one of two papers commissioned by the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium on various aspects related to the agricultural sector of a prospective North American Free Trade Agreement. The companion paper to this one has been prepared by a working group chaired by Thomas Grennes, North Carolina State University. To minimize duplication with the Grennes paper, this paper has given greater attention to the general trade policy issues raised by a NAFTA, institutional factors, additional commodity detail in cereals, fruit and vegetables, and the relevance of other regional trade agreements such as the Canada-U.S. Trade Agreement. This work has also benefitted from an earlier report and its annexes, prepared for the Fraser Institute, under the direction of Tim Josling

    Two Cases of Restavek-Related Illness: Clinical Implications of Foster Neglect in Haiti

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    Restaveks, or indentured foster children, are a poorly understood, vulnerable subclass of Haitian society. From 2001 to the present, a partnership between multiple US academic medical centers and Project Medishare for Haiti has held an ongoing series of mobile clinics in rural Haiti. Multiple cases of restavek-related illness were identified. At a recent pair of mobile clinics, the authors identified two restavek cases that were significantly worse off than their communal peer groups and required immediate care. Given the lack of a robust legal support to protect orphaned children in Haiti, clinicians have an important role in advocating for restaveks at the bedside. The plight of Haiti's restaveks is widely reported in the human rights literature but is not publicly recognized as an issue for community health and wellbeing among physicians. To address these health disparities, the health consequences of an entire class of neglected children must be further explored

    Summer and Winter Defoliation Impacts on Mixed-Grass Rangeland

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    Combined growing- and dormant-season pasture use has potential to increase herbage harvest without causing the undesirable shift in species composition that occurs with excessive utilization. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of summer clipping on winterpastures and winter clipping on summer pastures regarding standing crop, plant community composition, and forage quality. The study was conducted from 2003–2006 at the Antelope and Cottonwood Research Stations located in the mixed-grass prairie of western South Dakota. At each location, the experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications that included 18 clipping treatments arranged as a split-split plot. Whole plots consisted of four summer clipping dates (May–August). Subplot treatments were two clipping intensities (clipped to residual height to achieve 25% or 50% utilization). Sub-subplots consisted of two winter clipping intensities (unharvested or clipped to a residual height to achieve a total utilization of 65%). Two winter control treatments were arranged in the subplot and split into two clipping intensities of 50% and 65% utilization. Winter biomass for the May 25% clipping treatment was similar to winter biomass for winter-only clipping. No increase in forage quality resulted from summer clipping compared with winter clipping. Three consecutive yr of combined growing-season and dormant-season defoliation to 65% utilization resulted in no change in functional groupcomposition compared with ≀ 50% utilization treatments. Clipping in June resulted in reduced midgrass biomass at both stations and increased shortgrass biomass at Cottonwood. Results suggest that producers could combine growing and dormant-season grazing to increase the harvest of herbage on mixed-grass prairie, but should change season of use periodically to avoid an undesirable shift in plant composition