74 research outputs found

    De l’individu et de sa liberté

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    On peut retracer une pratique discursive dès le xviie siècle en Occident qui met la responsabilité et la liberté individuelle au centre de l’explication du social. Aujourd’hui, cette vision centrée sur l’individu est traversée par des injonctions paradoxales et contradictoires qui frôlent parfois la déraison et l’enfermement plutôt que l’émancipation. En remontant dans le temps, on peut retrouver des éléments d’explication de cette « liberté » paradoxale dans l’étrange histoire d’une liberté qui met fin à elle-même. Au début de cette histoire et à la source du paradoxe est la notion de la propriété de soi.A discursive practice placing individual responsibility and freedom at the heart of social explanation can be traced back to the 17th century in the West. In the current context, this focus on the individual can give rise to contradictory and paradoxical injunctions that can be stressful and limiting rather than emancipatory. Going back in time, elements of explanation for this paradoxical «liberty» can be found in the strange story of a freedom that puts an end to itself. At the beginning of the story, and at the root of the paradox, is the notion of being one’s own property.Se puede describir una práctica discursiva a partir del siglo XVII en Occidente que pone al individuo y su libertad en el centro de la explicación de lo social. En la actualidad, esta visión centrada en el individuo está atravesada por prescripciones paradójicas y contradictorias que rozan a veces la sin razón y el encerramiento más bien que la emancipación. Al remontar en el tiempo, se pueden encontrar elementos de explicación de esta «libertad” paradójica en la extraña historia de una libertad que pone fin a ella misma. Al comienzo de esta historia y en la fuente de la paradoja está el concepto de la propiedad de sí

    Sly - Boots : Fox Trot

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    Refurbishment of an odour collection and biofilter treatment system at a municipal solid waste composting facility in Perth, Western Australia

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    [Abstract] This paper discusses a case study at a large, regional Municipal Solid Waste composting plant in Perth, Western Australia, where odour emissions from the facility have resulted in adverse odour impacts in the surrounding community. The plant was designed as a fully-enclosed operation, where all ventilation air from two major processing buildings was to be collected and treated in four large biofilters. The paper describes a detailed investigation into the collection and treatment systems at the plant, which identified deficiencies in the design of both systems. It contains the results of the physical and olfactory investigations, and documents the design for an upgraded collection and biofilter-treatment system that has subsequently been installed

    Le vieux rêve

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    Une soirée du mois de septembre. André, qui a passé plusieurs années de sa vie dans la rue et dans les refuges et qui a un diagnostic de troubles mentaux modérés, est chez lui en train de réfléchir sur le chemin parcouru depuis qu’on lui a trouvé un appartement et qu’il est suivi par une équipe d’intervenants du projet Chez Soi à Montréal. « J’étais chez moi, une fin de semaine, un samedi ou un dimanche soir, j’écoute de la musique, tranquille, j’étais là avec ma machine à coudre, j’avais un ..

    A review of independent living adaptations

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    This study will explore and test potential changes to the structural and delivery mechanisms for independent living adaptations. This is in order to move towards the Welsh Government goal of ensuring that adaptations can be delivered more speedily to those who need them. In doing so, it will help reduce inherent inequalities in the current system by ensuring joined up solutions, prevention and early intervention activity. This Review was commissioned in the light of some £35 million being spent annually by local authorities in Wales on Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) and the Welsh Government’s own spending of approximately £8 million on Physical Adaptations Grants (PAG) for social tenants. The Review was carried out between May and November 2014 and addressed three aims: mapping the current system performance Indicators testing the feasibility of options for change

    A review of independent living adaptations

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    This study will explore and test potential changes to the structural and delivery mechanisms for independent living adaptations. This is in order to move towards the Welsh Government goal of ensuring that adaptations can be delivered more speedily to those who need them. In doing so, it will help reduce inherent inequalities in the current system by ensuring joined up solutions, prevention and early intervention activity. This Review was commissioned in the light of some £35 million being spent annually by local authorities in Wales on Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) and the Welsh Government’s own spending of approximately £8 million on Physical Adaptations Grants (PAG) for social tenants. The Review was carried out between May and November 2014 and addressed three aims: mapping the current system performance Indicators testing the feasibility of options for change

    Pour une approche globale et solidaire en sécurité alimentaire

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    Les données disponibles sur l'insécurité alimentaire sont souvent réductrices ou inadéquates, donnant lieu à une certaine «invisibilisation» du problème. En France, la dernière enquête d'ampleur réalisée il y a dix ans par l'Agence nationale, alimentation, environnement, travail précisait que 12% des ménages étaient en insécurité alimentaire, surtout les petits salariés, les personnes seules, les familles et les personnes sans abri (ANSES 2007). Au Canada, en 2012, l'insécurité alimentaire touchait 11,4% de la population, dont 1,15 million d'enfants (Tarasuk et al. 2012). Les groupes les plus concernés sont les familles monoparentales, les femmes, les autochtones, les personnes à faible revenu (dont les personnes assistées sociales et les travailleurs pauvres), les personnes seules, les personnes vivant en colocation (souvent aux études) et les familles avec des enfants âgés de 5 à 12 ans (Régimbal, et al, 2016). En Italie, en 2014, 12,6% de la population était touchée par ce problème (contre 7,5% en 2008) (Eurostat 2015 ; Maino et al., 2016). Bien qu'il n'existe aucune donnée spécifique sur la situation de la pauvreté alimentaire en Espagne et en Catalogne, il est permis de croire que près d'un tiers de la population risque de se retrouver dans cette situation (Fargas et al., 2014; Pomar et Tendero, 2015)

    Intersectionality and gender mainstreaming in international health: Using a feminist participatory action research process to analyse voices and debates from the global south and north

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    Critiques of gender mainstreaming (GM) as the officially agreed strategy to promote gender equity in health internationally have reached a critical mass. There has been a notable lack of dialogue between gender advocates in the global north and south, from policy and practice, governments and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs). This paper contributes to the debate on the shape of future action for gender equity in health, by uniquely bringing together the voices of disparate actors, first heard in a series of four seminars held during 2008 and 2009, involving almost 200 participants from 15 different country contexts. The series used (Feminist) Participatory Action Research (FPAR) methodology to create a productive dialogue on the developing theory around GM and the at times disconnected empirical experience of policy and practice. We analyse the debates and experiences shared at the seminar series using concrete, context specific examples from research, advocacy, policy and programme development perspectives, as presented by participants from southern and northern settings, including Kenya, Mozambique, India, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Canada and Australia. Focussing on key discussions around sexualities and (dis)ability and their interactions with gender, we explore issues around intersectionality across the five key themes for research and action identified by participants: 1) Addressing the disconnect between gender mainstreaming praxis and contemporary feminist theory; 2) Developing appropriate analysis methodologies; 3) Developing a coherent theory of change; 4) Seeking resolution to the dilemmas and uncertainties around the ‘place’ of men and boys in GM as a feminist project; and 5) Developing a politics of intersectionality. We conclude that there needs to be a coherent and inclusive strategic direction to improve policy and practice for promoting gender equity in health which requires the full and equal participation of practitioners and policy makers working alongside their academic partners