623 research outputs found

    Non-Rigid Designators in Epistemic and Temporal Free Description Logics (Extended Version)

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    Definite descriptions, such as 'the smallest planet in the Solar System', have been recently recognised as semantically transparent devices for object identification in knowledge representation formalisms. Along with individual names, they have been introduced also in the context of description logic languages, enriching the expressivity of standard nominal constructors. Moreover, in the first-order modal logic literature, definite descriptions have been widely investigated for their non-rigid behaviour, which allows them to denote different objects at different states. In this direction, we introduce epistemic and temporal extensions of standard description logics, with nominals and the universal role, additionally equipped with definite descriptions constructors. Regarding names and descriptions, in these languages we allow for: possible lack of denotation, ensured by partial models, coming from free logic semantics as a generalisation of the classical ones; and non-rigid designation features, obtained by assigning to terms distinct values across states, as opposed to the standard rigidity condition on individual expressions. In the absence of the rigid designator assumption, we show that the satisfiability problem for epistemic free description logics is NExpTime-complete, while satisfiability for temporal free description logics over linear time structures is undecidable

    An Ontology for Defect Detection in Metal Additive Manufacturing

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    A key challenge for Industry 4.0 applications is to develop control systems for automated manufacturing services that are capable of addressing both data integration and semantic interoperability issues, as well as monitoring and decision making tasks. To address such an issue in advanced manufacturing systems, principled knowledge representation approaches based on formal ontologies have been proposed as a foundation to information management and maintenance in presence of heterogeneous data sources. In addition, ontologies provide reasoning and querying capabilities to aid domain experts and end users in the context of constraint validation and decision making. Finally, ontology-based approaches to advanced manufacturing services can support the explainability and interpretability of the behaviour of monitoring, control, and simulation systems that are based on black-box machine learning algorithms. In this work, we provide a novel ontology for the classification of process-induced defects known from the metal additive manufacturing literature. Together with a formal representation of the characterising features and sources of defects, we integrate our knowledge base with state-of-the-art ontologies in the field. Our knowledge base aims at enhancing the modelling capabilities of additive manufacturing ontologies by adding further defect analysis terminology and diagnostic inference features

    Le allucinazioni sono immagini mentali?

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    Recentemente, una nuova proposta sulla natura delle allucinazioni ha scosso il consolidato dibattito in filosofia della percezione tra teorie disgiuntiviste e teorie del genere comune. Secondo alcuni autori (Nanay 2015, 2016; Allen 2015; Pagondiotis 2013), dovremmo considerare le allucinazioni come appartenenti allo stesso genere mentale delle immagini mentali. In questo articolo valuto la solidità di questa proposta e argomento in favore della tesi che essa, per come è stata delineata finora, non è accettabile. In ogni caso, suggerisco che le allucinazioni potrebbero essere eventi che appartengono a diversi generi mentali. In particolare, potrebbero esistere allucinazioni derivanti dal sistema delle esperienze percettive e allucinazioni derivanti dal sistema delle immagini mentali.Recentemente, una nuova proposta sulla natura delle allucinazioni ha scosso il consolidato dibattito in filosofia della percezione tra teorie disgiuntiviste e teorie del genere comune. Secondo alcuni autori (Nanay 2015, 2016; Allen 2015; Pagondiotis 2013), dovremmo considerare le allucinazioni come appartenenti allo stesso genere mentale delle immagini mentali. In questo articolo valuto la solidità di questa proposta e argomento in favore della tesi che essa, per come è stata delineata finora, non è accettabile. In ogni caso, suggerisco che le allucinazioni potrebbero essere eventi che appartengono a diversi generi mentali. In particolare, potrebbero esistere allucinazioni derivanti dal sistema delle esperienze percettive e allucinazioni derivanti dal sistema delle immagini mentali

    Non-Normal Modal Description Logics (Extended Version)

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    Modal logics are widely used in multi-agent systems to reason about actions, abilities, norms, or epistemic states. Combined with description logic languages, they are also a powerful tool to formalise modal aspects of ontology-based reasoning over an object domain. However, the standard relational semantics for modalities is known to validate principles deemed problematic in agency, deontic, or epistemic applications. To overcome these difficulties, weaker systems of so-called non-normal modal logics, equipped with neighbourhood semantics that generalise the relational one, have been investigated both at the propositional and at the description logic level. We present here a family of non-normal modal description logics, obtained by extending ALC-based languages with non-normal modal operators. For formulas interpreted on neighbourhood models over varying domains, we provide a modular framework of terminating, correct, and complete tableau-based satisfiability checking algorithms in NExpTime. For a subset of these systems, we also consider a reduction to satisfiability on constant domain relational models. Moreover, we investigate the satisfiability problem in fragments obtained by disallowing the application of modal operators to description logic concepts, providing tight ExpTime complexity results

    Sediments, Facies Tracts, and Variations in Sedimentation Rates of Holocene Platform Carbonate Sediments and Associated Deposits, Northern Belize -- Implications for Representative Sedimentation Rates

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    In stratigraphic analysis and simulation, sedimentation rates are typically assumed to be constant for meter-scale sedimentation units of similar lithology. The rates of Holocene, shallow-marine carbonate and associated sediments within an 820 km2 area of Chetumal Bay in northern Belize were evaluated to test this assumption. Rates were determined from thickness data from 363 locations, durations derived from 14C age dates of mangrove peat on Pleistocene bedrock limestone and of overlying cerithid gravels, and reference to a sea-level curve for this area. The rate of entire Holocene sections (basal transgressive mangrove peat, shelly gravel, and overlying carbonate) varies from 0 to 118 cm/ky and averages 32 ± 26 cm/ky. Rates are the highest at two thick mud-mound depocenters (41 ± 27 cm/ky) and considerably lower elsewhere (16 ± 16 cm/ky). In general, sedimentation rate correlates positively with depth of bedrock below sea level. Basal mangrove peats beneath the mud mounds have the highest rates (214-938 cm/ky), whereas overlying to laterally correlative transgressive shelly gravels have the lowest rates (20-48 cm/ky). Rates of combined transgressive and earliest-highstand carbonates, the latter deposited in a catch-up mode, are 112-166 cm/ky, and rates of overlying youngest highstand carbonates deposited in a keep-up mode are 242-460 cm/ky. Sediment thickness may correlate positively with duration but does not correlate with sedimentation rate. A power-law relationship between sedimentation rate and duration (R2 = 0.63, 30 data points) is related to the completeness of the Holocene record. The large vertical and spatial variations in sedimentation rate across this shallow inner shelf during a single phase of sea-level rise are controlled by interactions among bedrock topography, mechanisms of sediment redistribution and accumulation, and rate and magnitude of sea-level rise. The assumption of a constant representative sedimentation rate may not be viable in qualitative and quantitative studies of ancient, meter-scale, platform subtidal carbonate units. The thickness of a time-stratigraphic unit is not a faithful proxy for duration of deposition, just the best-available

    Skvamocelularni karcinom oka u goveda: prikaz slučajeva u okolici grada Caltagirone u Italiji.

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    Twelve cases of ocular squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) are reported in the bovine red-pied breed (Simmental), kept in a farm in south Sicily. Lesions showed different clinical aspects (caulifl ower-shape masses and/or papilloma-like growths), protruding through the palpebral fissure, and placed at the level of the nictitating membrane or the sclera-conjunctival junction, or by a cutaneous swelling with a central crateriform area and ulcerations on the periorbital region, involving also the eyelids. Histopathological examination revealed a dermic neoplastic growth characterized by the proliferation of invasive squamous cells arranged with a pseudocord appearance. The possible relationships were analysed between the high prevalence of the condition and the poorly pigmented skin of this breed, the farming system employed and the exposure of the animals to ultraviolet radiation. Finally, issues related to animal welfare are also considered.Prikazano je 12 slučajeva skvamocelularnog karcinoma u goveda simentalske pasmine držanih na jednoj farmi na jugu Sicilije. Oštećenja su se klinički očitovala u obliku cvjetače i/ili rasta nalik na papilom, izbočujući se kroz naprslinu na vjeđi sa smještajem u području treće vjeđe ili na spoju bjeloočnice i spojnice, ili oteklinom kože sa središnjim uvrnućem i ulceracijama u periorbitalnom području zahvaćajući i vjeđe. Patohistološkom pretragom ustanovljena je kožna novotvorina koja se očitovala proliferacijom invazivnih skvamoznih užolikih stanica. Analizirani su mogući odnosi između visoke prevalencije karcinoma te slabe pigmentiranosti kože simentalske pasmine, načina držanja i izloženosti goveda ultraljubičastom zračenju. Razmatrani su i neki čimbenici dobrobiti životinja

    Complexity of Safety and coSafety Fragments of Linear Temporal Logic

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    Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is the de-facto standard temporal logic for system specification, whose foundational properties have been studied for over five decades. Safety and cosafety properties define notable fragments of LTL, where a prefix of a trace suffices to establish whether a formula is true or not over that trace. In this paper, we study the complexity of the problems of satisfiability, validity, and realizability over infinite and finite traces for the safety and cosafety fragments of LTL. As for satisfiability and validity over infinite traces, we prove that the majority of the fragments have the same complexity as full LTL, that is, they are PSPACE-complete. The picture is radically different for realizability: we find fragments with the same expressive power whose complexity varies from 2EXPTIME-complete (as full LTL) to EXPTIME-complete. Notably, for all cosafety fragments, the complexity of the three problems does not change passing from infinite to finite traces, while for all safety fragments the complexity of satisfiability (resp., realizability) over finite traces drops to NP-complete (resp., Π2P{\Pi}^P_2-complete)

    Toward culturally sensitive tourism Report from Finnish Lapland

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    Cultural sensitivity in Sámi tourism: A systematic literature review in the Finnish context

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    The use of Sámi cultures in the Finnish tourism business has been problematic for many decades. The aim of this article is to explore how the notion of cultural sensitivity could help to find alternative approaches and new solutions to this situation, especially for Sámi tourism. For this purpose, a systematic literature review method was used to examine and describe how previous academic literature has approached the issue of cultural sensitivity in the Finnish context. While the concept has not been used in tourism research in Finland, previous discussions have focused on questions of respect, cultural sustainability, cultural carrying capacity, cultural representations and cultural identity in tourism contexts. Simultaneously, research in other fields of study has drawn attention to the importance of healing, reconciliation and recognition for Sámi cultures. Reviewing the social work and pedagogy literature indicates how the idea of cultural sensitivity can enrich the search for more responsible ways of thinking, doing and researching tourism. In sum, the article calls for future research, theoretical conceptualization and practical application of cultural sensitivity that emphasizes recognition of and respect for cultural differences.Kulttuurisensitiivisyys saamelaismatkailussa: Suomea koskeva systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus Saamelaiskulttuurien käyttö suomalaisessa matkailuliiketoiminnassa on ollut ongelmallista vuosikymmenten ajan. Tässä artikkelissa pohdimme, kuinka kulttuurisensitiivisyyden käsitteen avulla voitaisiin löytää vaihtoehtoisia lähestymistapoja ja uusia ratkaisuja tähän tilanteeseen. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla tarkastelemme, miten aiemmassa akateemisessa kirjallisuudessa on lähestytty kulttuurisensitiivisyyttä. Katsauksen mukaan kulttuurisensitiivisyyden käsitettä ei ole aiemmin käytetty matkailun yhteydessä; sen sijaan on keskusteltu kunnioituksesta, kulttuurisesta kestävyydestä, kulttuurisesta kantokyvystä, kulttuurisista representaatioista ja kulttuurisesta identiteetistä. Muilla tieteenaloilla on korostettu eheytymisen, väliensovittelun ja saamelaiskulttuurien tunnustamisen tärkeyttä. Sosiaalityön ja pedagogiikan alojen kirjallisuus osoittaa, että kulttuurisensitiivisyys auttaa etsimään vastuullisempia tapoja ajatella, tehdä ja tutkia matkailua. Kaiken kaikkiaan artikkeli peräänkuuluttaa kulttuurisensitiivisyyden käyttöä tutkimuksessa, sen teoreettista käsitteellistämistä ja käytäntöön soveltamista

    Living Without Beth and Craig: Definitions and Interpolants in Description Logics with Nominals and Role Inclusions

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    The Craig interpolation property (CIP) states that an interpolant for an implication exists iff it is valid. The projective Beth definability property (PBDP) states that an explicit definition exists iff a formula stating implicit definability is valid. Thus, the CIP and PBDP transform potentially hard existence problems into deduction problems in the underlying logic. Description Logics with nominals and/or role inclusions do not enjoy the CIP nor PBDP, but interpolants and explicit definitions have many potential applications in ontology engineering and ontology-based data management. In this article we show the following: even without Craig and Beth, the existence of interpolants and explicit definitions is decidable in description logics with nominals and/or role inclusions such as ALCO, ALCH and ALCHIO. However, living without Craig and Beth makes this problem harder than deduction: we prove that the existence problems become 2ExpTime-complete, thus one exponential harder than validity. The existence of explicit definitions is 2ExpTime-hard even if one asks for a definition of a nominal using any symbol distinct from that nominal, but it becomes ExpTime-complete if one asks for a definition of a concept name using any symbol distinct from that concept name.Comment: We have added results on description logics with role inclusions and an ExpTime-completeness result for the explicit definability of concept names. The title has been modified by adding role inclusions. This paper has been accepted for AAAA 202