100 research outputs found


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    This paper analyzes the microeconomic behavior of fishers responding to imperfectly enforced regulations through illegal fishing and efforts to avoid detection. An intraseasonal optimization model is analyzed to determine optimal (profit-maximizing) harvesting strategies at the individual fisher level in response to input controls (such as gear or labor usage) or output controls (individual harvest quotas). For each regulatory option, the analysis explores: (a) the manner by which enforcement affects individual decisions concerning fishing and avoidance activity, (b) the level of enforcement necessary to achieve specified conservation goals, and (c) the role of various behavioral parameters in determining fisher decisions. It is shown, in particular, that the nature of avoidance behavior plays a crucial role in determining fisher response to regulations. Broad implications of illegal behavior on the sustainability of fishery systems are also discussed.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    The influence of pyrite on the oxidation of galena

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    In this paper are given: (1) Confirmatory evidence of the influence of pyrite on the rate of oxidation of galena under conditions approximately natural, geological conditions. (2) Detailed description of all the chemical analyses involved --page 19

    The Special Standing of Community Foundations as Sponsors of Donor-Advised Funds

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    Accelerating growth of donor advised funds has attracted vocal advocates and critics whose arguments are fundamentally about definition (the purpose of philanthropy), values (good philanthropy versus bad philanthropy), regulation (government or market), policy (the role and value of tax incentives), and sponsorship (for profit or nonprofit agency). Community foundations assert a special standing as sponsors of donor advised funds (DAF) because of their unique role in communities as anchor institutions whose mission is to serve the interests of their community. The question is, is this role grounds enough to justify and preserve the distinctive value of donor advised funds held by community foundations in their present form

    Global Dam Watch: curated data and tools for management and decision making

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    Dams, reservoirs, and other water management infrastructure provide benefits, but can also have negative impacts. Dam construction and removal affects progress toward the UN sustainable development goals at local to global scales. Yet, globally-consistent information on the location and characteristics of these structures are lacking, with information often highly localised, fragmented, or inaccessible. A freely available, curated, consistent, and regularly updated global database of existing dams and other instream infrastructure is needed along with open access tools to support research, decision-making and management needs. Here we introduce the Global Dam Watch (GDW) initiative (www.globaldamwatch.org ) whose objectives are: (a) advancing recent efforts to develop a single, globally consistent dam and instream barrier data product for global-scale analyses (the GDW database); (b) bringing together the increasingly numerous global, regional and local dam and instream barrier datasets in a directory of databases (the GDW directory); (c) building tools for the visualisation of dam and instream barrier data and for analyses in support of policy and decision making (the GDW knowledge-base) and (d) advancing earth observation and geographical information system techniques to map a wider range of instream structures and their properties. Our focus is on all types of anthropogenic instream barriers, though we have started by prioritizing major reservoir dams and run-of-river barriers, for which more information is available. Our goal is to facilitate national-scale, basin-scale and global-scale mapping, analyses and understanding of all instream barriers, their impacts and their role in sustainable development through the provision of publicly accessible information and tools. We invite input and partnerships across sectors to strengthen GDW’s utility and relevance for all, help define database content and knowledge-base tools, and generally expand the reach of GDW as a global hub of impartial academic expertise and policy information regarding dams and other instream barriers

    Metallorganische Lewis-SĂ€uren. L

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    Die Metallorganischen Lewis-SĂ€uren Ph3PAuNO3 (1) und (CO)5ReFBF3 (2) setzen sich mit den Dithiolato-Metallkomplexen (Bu4N)2[M(mnt)2] (mnt = maleonitrildithiolato, M = Ni, Cu, Pt, Zn) und (Bu4N)2[Zn(dmit)2] (dmit = dimercaptoisotrithiono) zu den Komplexen (Ph3PAu)2mnt (3), (Bu4N)[Ph3PAu(mnt)] (4), (Ph3PAu)2Pt(mnt)2 (5) und (Ph3PAu)2dmit (10) bzw. [(CO)5Re]2Ni(mnt)2 (6), (Bu4N){[(CO)5Re]M(mnt)2} (M = Ni, Pt, 7, 8), [(CO)5Re]2(mnt)2 (9) und [(CO)5Re]2Ni(dmit)2 (11) um. Die Strukturen von 3, 4 und 5 wurden röntgenographisch bestimmt. In 4 ist der Chelatligand symmetrisch an das AuI-Atom gebunden. Im Kristall von 3 entstehen durch schwache AuAu-Wechselwirkungen Ketten (dAuAu = 309 pm). Die trans-anti-Konfiguration im Komplex 5 wird aus sterischen GrĂŒnden auch fĂŒr die analogen Komplexe 6 und 11 angenommen. WĂ€hrend 1 mit K2[M(dto)2] (dto = dithiooxalato, M = Pd, Pt) die erwarteten Bis(triphenylphosphangold)-Addukte 12 und 13 bildet, ergibt 2 [(CO)5Re]2 (dto)2 (14) als stabiles Endprodukt. Das Triphenylphosphangold-Analogon 15 erhĂ€lt man durch Reaktion von 1 mit K2dto. [(CO)5Re]2FeNO(dto)2 (16) kann als primĂ€res Produkt der Reaktion von 2 mit [Fe(NO)(dto)2]2- isoliert werden. Re(CO)5+ und Ph3PAu+ können an die verbrĂŒckenden S-Atome von [(ON)2Fe(-S)2Fe(NO)2]2- unter Bildung von 17 und 18 addiert werden

    A structural analysis of William Shakespeare’s Sonnet XVIII

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    INDONESIA: Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap ritem, rima dan bahasa kiasan pada Soneta XVIII karya William Shakespeare. Soneta XIII merupakan salah satu karya besar William Shakespeare yang diproduksi ulang dalam bentuk lagu oleh David Gilmour, vokalis sekaligus gitaris di band Pink Floyd. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan 1. Jenis-jenis ritem pada Soneta XVIII karya William Shakespeare, 2. Jenis-jenis rima pada Soneta XVIII karya William Shakespeare dan 3. Jenis-jenis bahasa kiasan pada Soneta XVIII karya William Shakespeare. Akhirnya, tujuan utama dari studi ini adalah untuk membuktikan bahwa Soneta XVIII karya William Shakespeare adalah sebuah struktur yang mempunyai; ide keseluruhan, ide transformasi dan ide tentang pengaturan diri sendiri. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode formal dan menggunakan pendekatan strukturalis untuk menemukan unsur-usur interinsik pada Soneta XVIII, terutama ritem, rima and bahasa kiasan. Data utama pada studi ini adalah dari teks Soneta XVIII; keseluruhan, bait, baris, kalimat dan kata. Di dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti melakukan beberapa tahapan: 1. Parafrase, 2. Analisis; identifikasi dan klasifikasi, 3. Mendiskusikan fungsi dari unsur-unsur seperti diatas. Berdasarkan analisis diatas, peniliti menemukan beberapa fenomena di dalam Soneta XVIII karya William Shakespeare. Pertama adalah ritem pada Soneta XVIII; peneliti menemukan berbagai macam jenis ritem yang digunakan William Shakespeare pada Soneta XVIII, adalah pyrrhic, spondaic dan trochaic. Kedua adalah rima. Secara umum Soneta karya WilliamShakespeare ditata menjadi abab, cdcd, efef dan gg. Didalam penelitian ini, peniliti juga menemukan jenis-jenis pembagian rima; rima berdasarkan alam, rima berdasarkan nilai, rima berdasarkan bentuk dan rima internal. Ketiga adalah penggunaan bahasa kiasan di dalam Soneta XVIII karya William Shakespeare; Peneliti menemukan metafora, personifikasi, apostrop, hiperbola dan simile. Hasil akhir dari studi ini peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa; Shakespeare tidak hanya menggunakan ritem iambic yang menjadi ritem yang umum digunakan dalam sebuah soneta. Shakespeare menggunakan bermacam-macam jenis ritem pada Soneta XVIII. William Shakespeare juga menggunakan berbagai macam jenis rima seperti di atas, tidak hanya rima berdasarkan susunannya. Dengan segala aturan dalam sebuah Soneta, William Shakespeare mampu menggunakan berbagai macam bahasa kiasan. Akhirnya, Soneta XVIII karya William Shakespeare terbukti mempunyai; ide keseluhan, ide transformasi dan ide untuk mengatur diri sendiri. ENGLISH: The present study is to explore the structure of William Shakespeare’s Sonnet XVIII, especially rhythmic pattern, rhyme pattern and figurative language used. Sonnet XVIII is a poem which contains the beauty and eternal of poem. It is also the great sonnet by William Shakespeare which is reproduced as a song by vocalist, also guitarist, of Pink Floyd band. The objectives of the present study are intended to find: 1.Rhythmic pattern in William’s Shakespeare’s Sonnet XVIII, 2. Rhyme pattern in William’s Shakespeare’s Sonnet XVIII, 3. Kinds of figurative language in William’s Shakespeare’s Sonnet XVIII. Finally, the goal of the present study is to prove that William Shakespeare’s Sonnet XVIII has idea of wholeness, idea of transformation and has the idea of self-regulation. This study uses formal method. This study uses structural approach to understand the intrinsic elements of Sonnet XVIII, especially rhythmic pattern, rhyme pattern and figurative language. The data were in forms of lines, sentences, phrases and words. The main instrument is text of William Shakespeare’s Sonnet XVIII. To collect the data, the researcher did some steps; paraphrasing, analyzing; identification and classification and discussion about the function of each element in the structure. Based on the analysis and discussion, there are several phenomena about structure of William Shakespeare’s Sonnet XVIII. The first is about rhythmic pattern of Sonnet XVIII. There are some rhythmic patternsfound, such as pyrrhic, spondaic and trochaic pattern. Second is about rhyme pattern. In general, Sonnet XVIII is in ababcdcdefefand ggrhyme pattern. It is also analyzed using rhyme by nature, rhyme by value, rhyme by form and also internal rhyme. Third is about figurative language used in Sonnet XVIII. There are figurative languages which are found in this sonnet such as; metaphor, personification, aposthrope, hyperbole and simile. For final result, Shakespeare doesn’t use only iambic. He uses variety in rhythm of Sonnet XVIII. In the rhyme pattern, Sonnet XVIII also has variety. It is organized as rhyme by nature, rhyme by value, rhyme by form and also internal rhyme. By the rule that bind sonnet, Shakespeare can use so many variety of figurative language in his Sonnet XVIII. Finally, William Shakespeare’s Sonnet XVIII is proven to be a structure which has idea of wholeness, idea of treansformation and idea of self-regulation

    Chapitre V. La Vision et les rÚgles d'opération

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    La vision de l'organisation est sa force dominante et si la vision est correctement mise en place, le reste suivra. C'est une dĂ©claration que l'Ă©quipe peut partager, Ă  laquelle elle aspire et avec laquelle elle peut s'identifier. Ce chapitre dĂ©finit la signification de la vision dans le modĂšle de conduite par vision : il dĂ©crit comment la vision a Ă©tĂ© mise en place pour l'Équipe ainsi que les effets des mots dans leur performance et dans d'autres organisations. Pour l'Équipe de Nouvelle-ZĂ©lan..

    Teamthink : Management d'équipe : clé du succÚs

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    Bien des facteurs interviennent dans la rĂ©alisation d'une performance, surtout dans les sports oĂč le matĂ©riel, comme en voile, joue un rĂŽle prĂ©pondĂ©rant. L'exemple, dĂ©veloppĂ© dans cet ouvrage, en tĂ©moigne : comment la Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande, petit pays de cinq millions d'habitants perdu dans le Pacifique Sud, a pu tenir tĂȘte aux gĂ©ants de la planĂšte et remporter, en 1995, la prestigieuse Coupe de l'America, dĂ©trĂŽnant les grandes nations maritimes comme les États-Unis, dĂ©tentrice du trophĂ©e. Quand on sait qu'aucune supĂ©rioritĂ© technologique Ă©vidente ne pouvait ĂȘtre reconnue Ă  la Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande, il devenait intĂ©ressant de s'attarder sur les facteurs humains. C'est l'objet de Teamthink. Ce livre est destinĂ© aux lecteurs intĂ©ressĂ©s par la gestion d'Ă©quipes de cinq Ă  deux cents personnes, qui veulent atteindre un but difficile, avec une composante technique et une durĂ©e relativement importantes. Ainsi, les managers pourront Ă©tudier les leçons de ce DĂ©fi et Ă©tablir un lien avec les grands projets qui sont entrepris dans l'industrie : dĂ©veloppement de produit nouveau et mise en Ɠuvre de programmes d'amĂ©lioration permanents tels TQM


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    Lorsque l'on écrit un livre il est difficile de savoir quand il est définitivement terminé. C'est vrai pour celui-ci. Il y a toujours beaucoup de choses que l'on pourrait écrire encore, mais je n'ajouterais probablement que 10 % au contenu alors qu'il me faudrait deux fois plus de temps pour l'achever. Je crois qu'il est préférable de mettre le livre sur le marché pour que les gens puissent le lire, en retenir ce qu'ils pensent important à leurs yeux et commencer à appliquer son contenu pour ..
