231 research outputs found

    Los estilos cerámicos de la región cultural de Gran Coclé, Panamá

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    Gran Coclé comprende una región cultural cuyos límites cronológicos y geográficos se han definido sobre la base de una serie de características tecnológicas y estilísticas de su tradición cerámica. Desde la primera aparición de ésta en el Istmo de Panamá, hacia el 2500 a.C., hasta la llegada de los conquistadores españoles a mediados del siglo XVI, la cerámica de esta región cultural evolucionó en sus técnicas de manufactura, tratamiento de superficie y decoración. En un esfuerzo por constatar el hecho de que Gran Coclé representa una región culturalmente independiente, hemos trazado y analizado la evolución de los diseños geométricos, zoomorfos y representaciones antropomorfas de su tradición cerámica.Gran Cocle describes a region whose chronological and geographical limits are defined by a series of specific technological and stylistic characteristics associated with its ceramic tradition. Since the first appearance of pottery on the Isthmus of Panama, around 2500 B.C., to the arrival of Spanish Conquistadors in the middle of the 16th century, pottery in this cultural area has evolved in its manufacturing techniques, surface treatment, and decoration. In an effort to strengthen the notion that the Gran Coclé represents a culturally independent region, we have traced the evolution of geometric designs, zoomorphological, and anthropomorphological representations of their pottery tradition

    El arte rupestre de la cuenca del río Coclé del Sur, Panamá

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    One of the goals of the «Proyecto Arqueológico Coclé» is the study of rock art in the Coclé Sur Basin. Our purpose is to inventory petroglyphs emphasizing subject matter, and stylistic and technological attributes, with a view to comparing their imagery with that of Gran Coclé polychrome pottery and thus determine whether we can identify a stylistic/technology sequence through time. We have made a map of recorded petroglyphs and their designs, created with G.I.S. This procedure has enabled us to identify relationships between the petroglyphs motifs and designs and their geographic and topographic location

    Prospecciones electromagnéticas en el yacimiento arqueológico de Japoto, Manabí, Ecuador

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    En el año 2007 se encontró en el yacimiento arqueológico de Japoto, provincia de Manabí, Ecuador, una estructura prehispánica de adobe y quincha bajo uno de los montículos del sitio. Dos años más tarde, una vez realizada la excavación parcial de dicha estructura, Carlos Mayo realizó una prospección electromagnética en este yacimiento con el objeto de establecer, en lo posible, los límites de la estructura en la parte no excavada y determinar si ésta forma parte de un edificio aislado o de un complejo arquitectónico de mayor envergadura. Los resultados del trabajo de campo nos permitieron lanzar la hipótesis de que efectivamente el edificio estuvo formando parte de un complejo mayor.En 2007, une structure préhispanique d’adobe et de quincha a été découverte sous l’un des monticules du complexe archéologique de Japoto, province de Manabí, Équateur. Deux ans plus tard, après avoir réalisé une fouille partielle de cette structure, Carlos Mayo a effectué une prospection électromagnétique sur le site afin d’établir, dans la mesure du possible, les limites de la structure sur la zone non fouillée, et de déterminer si elle faisait partie d’un édifice isolé ou d’un complexe architectural de plus grande envergure. Les résultats de ce travail de terrain permettent d’émettre l’hypothèse que cet édifice appartenait effectivement à un complexe plus grand.In 2007, a Prehispanic structure made of adobe and quincha was found at the archaeological site of Japoto, in the Manabí province, Ecuador. The structure was under one of the mounds at the site, a portion of the structure was excavated. In 2009, Carlos Mayo made an electromagnetic survey there in order to establish the limit of the structure. The goal was to understand whether the structure was an isolated building or part of a larger architecture complex. The investigation suggested that the structure was part of a large architectural compound

    Estructuras arquitectónicas incipientes y áreas de explotación minera prehispánica de las cuencas de los ríos Grande y Coclé del Sur, Panamá

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    Archaeological researches realized up today in Gran Coclé, have always been focused, as isolated studies, on certain types of sites as for example rock shelters, shell-bearing middens sites or burials. The result is a parcial view of the historical and cultural development of this region, due that all of these studies raise specific subjects like isolated ideas (diet, lithic technology...). Our research, which parcial results of the first two years of researchs that we develop in a dossier, agglutinates all this information regarding a wide spatial context, using Geographical Information System (GIS), and considering a more diversity of sites, some of which are unpublished, like the small scale architectural features and prehispanic mine

    Resultados de las prospecciones magnética y eléctrica del yacimiento arqueológico El Caño (NA-20), Gran Coclé, Panamá

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    In this work we have presented the results of the application of the geophysical methods that we have used for the location of Pre-Columbian features in El Caño (NA-20) archaeological site. In this place we have made magnetic and electrical surveys with the objective of detecting accurately the organization and space configuration of this occupation and the degree of anthropogenic disturbance recent product of the agrarian activity and non-professional excavations

    Worldwide dynamic biogeography of zoonotic and anthroponotic dengue

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    Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. The rapid spread of dengue could lead to a global pandemic, and so the geographical extent of this spread needs to be assessed and predicted. There are also reasons to suggest that transmission of dengue from non-human primates in tropical forest cycles is being underestimated. We investigate the fine-scale geographic changes in transmission risk since the late 20th century, and take into account for the first time the potential role that primate biogeography and sylvatic vectors play in increasing the disease transmission risk. We apply a biogeographic framework to the most recent global dataset of dengue cases. Temporally stratified models describing favorable areas for vector presence and for disease transmission are combined. Our models were validated for predictive capacity, and point to a significant broadening of vector presence in tropical and non-tropical areas globally. We show that dengue transmission is likely to spread to affected areas in China, Papua New Guinea, Australia, USA, Colombia, Venezuela, Madagascar, as well as to cities in Europe and Japan. These models also suggest that dengue transmission is likely to spread to regions where there are presently no or very few reports of occurrence. According to our results, sylvatic dengue cycles account for a small percentage of the global extent of the human case record, but could be increasing in relevance in Asia, Africa, and South America. The spatial distribution of factors favoring transmission risk in different regions of the world allows for distinct management strategies to be prepared

    Sympathetically cooled highly charged ions in a radio-frequency trap with superconducting magnetic shielding

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    We sympathetically cool highly charged ions (HCI) in Coulomb crystals of Doppler-cooled Be+ ions confined in a cryogenic linear Paul trap that is integrated into a fully enclosing radio-frequency resonator manufactured from superconducting niobium. By preparing a single Be+ cooling ion and a single HCI, quantum logic spectroscopy toward frequency metrology and qubit operations with a great variety of species are enabled. While cooling down the assembly through its transition temperature into the superconducting state, an applied quantization magnetic field becomes persistent, and the trap becomes shielded from subsequent external electromagnetic fluctuations. Using a magnetically sensitive hyperfine transition of Be+ as a qubit, we measure the fractional decay rate of the stored magnetic field to be at the 10−10 s−1 level. Ramsey interferometry and spin-echo measurements yield coherence times of >400 ms, demonstrating excellent passive magnetic shielding at frequencies down to DC