158 research outputs found

    Evolution of nectarivory in phyllostomid bats (Phyllostomidae Gray, 1825, Chiroptera: Mammalia)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bats of the family Phyllostomidae show a unique diversity in feeding specializations. This taxon includes species that are highly specialized on insects, blood, small vertebrates, fruits or nectar, and pollen. Feeding specialization is accompanied by morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations. Several attempts were made to resolve the phylogenetic relationships within this family in order to reconstruct the evolutionary transitions accompanied by nutritional specialization. Nevertheless, the evolution of nectarivory remained equivocal.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Phylogenetic reconstructions, based on a concatenated nuclear-and mitochondrial data set, revealed a paraphyletic relationship of nectarivorous phyllostomid bats. Our phylogenetic reconstructions indicate that the nectarivorous genera <it>Lonchophylla </it>and <it>Lionycteris </it>are closer related to mainly frugivorous phyllostomids of the subfamilies Rhinophyllinae, Stenodermatinae, Carolliinae, and the insectivorous Glyphonycterinae rather than to nectarivorous bats of the Glossophaginae. This suggests an independent origin of morphological adaptations to a nectarivorous lifestyle within Lonchophyllinae and Glossophaginae. Molecular clock analysis revealed a relatively short time frame of about ten million years for the divergence of subfamilies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study provides strong support for diphyly of nectarivorous phyllostomids. This is remarkable, since their morphological adaptations to nutrition, like elongated rostrums and tongues, reduced teeth and the ability to use hovering flight while ingestion, closely resemble each other. However, more precise examinations of their tongues (e.g. type and structure of papillae and muscular innervation) revealed levels of difference in line with an independent evolution of nectarivory in these bats.</p

    the impact of roosting ecology on a bat's mating strategy

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    With their extraordinary species richness and diversity in ecological traits and social systems, bats are a promising taxon for testing socio-ecological hypotheses in order to get new insights into the evolution of animal social systems. Regarding its roosting habits, proboscis bats form an extreme by occupying sites which are usually completely exposed to daylight (e.g. tree trunks, vines or rocks). This is accompanied by morphological and behavioural adaptations to remain cryptic in exposed day roosts. With long-term behavioural observations and genetic parentage analyses of individually marked proboscis bats, we assessed its social dispersion and male mating strategy during day and night. Our results reveal nocturnal male territoriality—a strategy which most closely resembles a resource-defence polygyny that is frequent also in other tropical bats. Its contrasting clumped social dispersion during the day is likely to be the result of strong selection for crypsis in exposed roosts and is accompanied by direct female defence in addition to male territoriality. To the best of our knowledge, such contrasting male mating strategies within a single day–night cycle have not been described in a vertebrate species so far and illustrate a possible evolutionary trajectory from resource-defence to female-defence strategy by small ecologically driven evolutionary steps

    Territorial songs indicate male quality in the sac-winged bat Saccopteryx bilineata (Chiroptera, Emballonuridae)

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    Defense of territories in many animal species involves the advertisement of territory holder quality by acoustic signaling. In the sac-winged bat Saccopteryx bilineata, males engage in territorial countersinging when reoccupying their day-roost territories in the morning and in the evening before abandoning the roost for the night. Females roost mainly in male territories, and territory holders are reproductively more successful than nonterritorial males. In territorial songs of male S. bilineata, we distinguished 6 syllable types and parameterized their acoustic properties. The analysis of 11 microsatellite loci allowed assignments of juveniles to their parents. Males had a higher reproductive success both when they uttered more territorial songs per day and when their long buzz syllables had a lower end frequency of the fundamental harmonic. Long buzzes had a harsh quality due to a pulsation of the fundamental frequency at the syllable onset and also had the highest sound pressure level of all syllable types in most territorial songs. Territorial songs and especially long buzz syllables are thus likely to advertise territory holder quality and competitive abilit

    Species- and sex-dependent changes in body size between 1892 and 2017, and recent biochemical signatures in rural and urban populations of two ground beetle species

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    Increasing urbanisation and intensified agriculture lead to rapid transitions of ecosystems. Species that persist throughout rapid transitions may respond to environmental changes across space and/or time, for instance by altering morphological and/or biochemical traits. We used natural history museum specimens, covering the Anthropocene epoch, to obtain long-term data combined with recent samples. We tested whether rural and urban populations of two ground beetle species, Harpalus affinis and H. rufipes, exhibit spatio-temporal intraspecific differences in body size. On a spatial scale, we tested signatures of nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes enrichments in different tissues and body components in recent populations of both species from urban and agricultural habitats. For body size examinations, we used beetles, collected from the early 20th century until 2017 in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, Germany, where urbanisation and agriculture have intensified throughout the last century. For stable isotope examinations, we used recent beetles from urban and agricultural habitats. Our results revealed no spatio-temporal changes in body size in both species' females. Body size of H. rufipes males decreased in the city but remained constant in rural areas over time. We discuss our findings with respect to habitat quality, urban heat and interspecific differences in activity pattern. Although nitrogen isotope ratios were mostly higher in specimens from agricultural habitats, some urban beetles reached equal enrichments. Carbon signatures of both species did not differ between habitats, detecting no differences in energy sources. Our results indicate that increasing urbanisation and intensified agriculture are influencing species' morphology and/or biochemistry. However, changes may be species- and sex-specific

    Pengaruh Intensitas Mengakses Twitter Duta Im3 terhadap Kepuasan Pengalaman Adopsi dan Kepuasan Pengalaman Adopsi terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan Program Im3

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    Nama : Diyan H Ayu KinasihNIM : D2C009029Judul : Pengaruh Intensitas Mengakses Twitter Duta IM3 terhadapKepuasan Pengalaman Adopsi dan Kepuasan PengalamanAdopsi terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan Program IM3ABSTRAKTwitter sebagai salah satu promotion tools yang digunakan oleh PTIndosat Tbk, diharapkan dapat memperkenalkan program-program serta eventyang dilakukan oleh Indosat. Melalui duta IM3 sebagai brand ambassador, Indosatmencoba meraih pasar anak muda dengan melakukan kegiatan promosi.Tipe penelitian ini adalah eksplanatory yang menjelaskan pengaruhintensitas mengakses twitter duta IM3 terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsiterhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi, dan kepuasan pengalaman adopsi terhadapkeputusan penggunaan program IM3. Teknik pengambilan sampling denganproporsional random sampling. Uji pengaruh antara variabel intensitasmengakses twitter duta IM3 (X1) terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi (X2)menggunakan Uji Regresi Linier Sederhana sementara uji pengaruh variabelkepuasan pengalaman adopsi (X2) terhadap keputusan penggunaan program IM3(Y) menggunakan Uji Regresi Logistik Biner.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat intensitas mengakses twitterduta IM3 berpengaruh negatif terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi dimanahanya 6,1% Perubahan pada variabel Kepuasan Pengalaman Adopsi (X2)disebabkan oleh variabel Intensitas Mengakses Twitter Duta IM3 (X1) sisanya93,9% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar model yang diajukan. Serta kepuasanpengalaman adopsi (X2) berpengaruh positif terhadap keputusan penggunaanprogram IM3 (Y) dengan taraf kepercayaan sebesar 95%. Twitter merupakanmedia sosial yang bersifat real time. Sifat real time ini dapat menjadi kelebihanyaitu twitter mampu memberikan informasi secara cepa, namun juga memberikankelemahan yaitu cepat berlalunya informasi Dalam penelitian ini, twitter duta IM3dirasa kurang memberikan pengaruh yang maksimal dalam kegiatan komunikasipemasaran. Masih rendahnya frekuensi responden terhadap jumlah tweet yangdilihat per harinya menjadi salah satu penyebabnya. Pada kepuasan pengalamanadopsi, untuk kategori persyaratan tarif sendiri masih terhitung rendah namunsecara keseluruhan sudah merasa puas terhadap program-program IM3. Padaakhirnya keputusan yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah memutuskan untuktetap menggunakan program IM3, yang paling mendominasi adalah besarnyakeinginan untuk tetap merekomendasikan program IM3 kepada orang lain.Kata kunci: komunikasi pemasaran, intensitas mengakses twitter duta im3,keputusan menggunakan program im3.Nama : Diyan H Ayu KinasihNIM : D2C009029Judul : The influence of Intensity of Accessing to Twitter IM3Ambassador against Satisfaction of The Adoption Experienceand Satisfaction of The Adoption Experience against TheDecision Use of IM3 ProgramsABSTRACTTwitter as one of promotion tools used by PT Indosat Tbk, is expected tointroduce programmes and events carried out by Indosat. Through AmbassadorIM3 Indosat as brand ambassador, trying to grab the youth market by conductingpromotional activities.This research type is explanatory which explains the influence ofintensity of accessing twitter IM3 ambassadors against satisfaction of the adoptionexperience, and satisfaction of the adoption experience against decision use ofIM3 program. Retrieval technique of sampling with proportional randomsampling. Test of influence of variable intensity access twitter ambassadors IM3(X 1) to the satisfaction of the adoption experience (X 2) using Simple Linearregression test while the test influences of variable satisfaction the experience ofadoption (x 2) against the decision use of IM3 programs (Y) using BinaryLogistic regression test.The results of this research indicate there is an intensity to access twitterambassadors IM3 effect negatively to the satisfaction of the adoption experiencewhere only 6.1% change in the variable Satisfaction of the adoption Experience(X 2) the variable Intensity caused by Accessing Twitter Ambassadors IM3 (X 1)rest 93,9% influenced by variables other than the model asked. As well assatisfaction of the adoption experience (X2) have a positive effect against thedecision of the IM3 program (Y) with 95% confidence level. Twitter is a socialmedia in real time. This real time can be an excess of twitter to provideinformation we have load, but also give a quick passage of the weakness of theinformation. In this study, twitter proved less IM3 Ambassadors providemaximum influence in the activity of marketing communications. Still the lowfrequency of respondents against the number of tweets viewed per day to be oneof the cause. On the adoption experience, satisfaction for its own costrequirements category still accounts for low but overall it feels satisfied towardsIM3 programs. Ultimately the decision taken in this research is decided to stay,using program im3 most dominate is the desire to remain im3 programrecommends to others.Keywords: marketing communications, intensity of accessing twitter im3ambassadors, decision of the use of im3 programs.I Latar BelakangBanyak operator seluler di Indonesia menjadikan persaingan pasarsemakin ketat. Masing-masing operator meluncurkan program-program tambahanyang menawarkan berbagai macam bonus seperti bonus sms, telepon, maupuninternet. Untuk memperkenalkan program-program tersebut tentu dibutuhkanbauran promosi seperti TVC, radio, flayer, billboard/Baliho, poster, event, maupunsponsorship.Dari hasil survey awareness yang dilakukan kepada masyarakat Bandungterhadap salah satu program Indosat yaitu 7 Hari 7 Malam, menunjukkan hasilbahwa responden mengetahui program tersebut dengan presentase 88%.Sementara responden yang memahami informasi yang didapat sebanyak 44%.Dan responden yang menggunakan program tersebut hanya 35% saja. Kurangnyainformasi dari Indosat inilah yang mengakibatkan responden tidak menggunakanprogram tersebut. Informasi disini berkaitan tentang cara pemakaian, berapanominal pulsa yang harus dipakai, serta apa kelebihan dan kekurangan dariprogram tersebut. Masyarakat Bandung mengetahui program tersebut mayoritasdari iklan televisi dan radio dengan presentase 86%, sementara sisanya mengakumengetahui program tersebut dari billboard/Baliho, event, maupunbanner(http://www.academia.edu/3519915/HASIL_SURVEY_AWARENESS_MASYARAKAT_BANDUNG_TERHADAP_PROMO_INDOSAT_7h7m).Dengan menggunakan sosial media twitter melalui akun pribadi duta IM3diharapkan mampu mempromosikan segala program maupun event Indosatkepada masyarakat.II Perumusan MasalahMenurut hasil survey terhadap salah satu program Indosat yaitu 7 hari 7malam yang dilakukan di Kota Bandung, menunjukkan bahwa mayoritasresponden sudah mengetahui adanya program 7 hari 7 malam, namun karenakurangnya pemahaman informasi tentang program 7 hari 7 malam sepertiinformasi mengenai cara pemakaian, berapa nominal pulsa yang harus digunakan,dan apa kelebihan-kekurangan dari program tersebut menjadikan masyarakatmemilih untuk tidak menggunakan program 7 hari 7 malam. Ketika ditanyaresponden mengetahui program tersebut darimana, responden mayoritasmenjawab dari iklan televisi dan radio. Kedua media iklan yang disebutkan olehresponden merupakan media iklan yang bersifat satu arah, dimana tidak terdapatumpan Balik atau feedback dari pengirim pesan.Keterbatasan informasi yang disampaikan serta komunikasi yang terjalinbersifat satu arah inilah yang menjadi awal mula terjadinya masalah. Awarenessmasyarakat mengenai produk memang sudah baik, namun dikarenakanketerbatasan informasi yang diberikan dari Indosat menjadikan masyarakatenggan untuk mencoba menggunakan program tertentu.Melihat keterbatasan tersebut, Indosat dengan menggunakan sosial mediatwitter melalui para duta IM3 melakukan kegiatan promosi mengenai setiapprogram-program terbaru yang dikeluarkan oleh Indosat. Duta IM3 yang dipilihdari anak-anak SMA inilah akan mendapat tugas sebagai ambassador, salesendorser, public influencer, community acquisition, indosat representatif.Kecenderungan konsumsi remaja menggunakan sosial media twitter inilah yangmenjadi alasan Indosat untuk menggerakkan duta IM3 melakukan promosi disosial media khususnya twitter. Dengan demikian, apakah ada pengaruh antaraintensitas mengakses twitter duta IM3 terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi dankepuasan pengalamn adopsi terhadap keputusan penggunaan program IM3.III Tujuan PenelitianPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara intensitasmengakses twitter duta IM3 terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi. Dan pengaruhantara kepuasan pengalaman adopsi terhadap keputusan penggunaan programIM3.IV HipotesisDalam penelitian ini dapat dirumuskan hipotesis sebagai berikut :1. Terdapat pengaruh positif antara intensitas mengakses twitter duta IM3(X1) terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi (X2)2. Terdapat pengaruh positif antara kepuasan pengalaman adopsi (X2)terhadap keputusan penggunaan program IM3 (Y)V Landasan TeoriDalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan 3 teori yang menjadi acuanatau dasar dalam pengerjaan penelitian ini yakni :Teori Difusi InovasiPada proses pengambilan keputusan inovasi, konsumen akan melaluibeberapa tahap yaitu pengetahuan, persuasi, keputusan, implementasi, dankonfirmasi (Shimp, 2003: 270).Low Involvement HierarchyLow involvement hierarchy menyebutkan bahwa tahapan Perubahansikap untuk produk low involvement yaitu penerima setelah menerima pesan yangdikomunikasikan atau tahap kognitif, penerima akan langsung melakukantindakan (behavior), dan baru setelah itu kemudian dipandang sebagai lewat dariingatan untuk perilaku untuk sikap Perubahan (afektif) (Belch, 2003 : 152).Teori Hierarki BelajarTeori hirarki belajar (The Learning Hierarchy Theory) (Liliweri, 1992 :90) menerangkan bahwa setiap informasi pertama-tama akan menerpa khalayakdan akibatnya terjadi Perubahan komponen kognitif dari khalayak tersebut.Perubahan itu meliputi kesadaran, perhatian, pemahaman khalayak terhadapproduk yang dipersuasifkan. Dengan kata lain, khalayak pertama-tama harusmemperhatikan, mengerti, dan paham tentang informasi.VI Metoda PenelitianTipe penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksplanatori, yaitu penelitian yangmenjelaskan hubungan kausal antara variabel-variabel yaitu intensitas mengaksestwitter duta IM3, kepuasan pengalaman adopsi, dan keputusan penggunaanprogram IM3.Dari total populasi 19511 follower duta IM3 Semarang, diambilsebanyak 100 responden sebagai sampel dengan teknik pengambilan sampelproporsional random sampling. Metode pengambilan sampel ini digunakanapabila populasi terdiri dari beberapa unit yang memiliki besar kecil yangberbeda. Dengan mengetahui jumlah setiap unit populasi yang ada, sampelkemudian diambil dari setiap unit secara berimbang berdasarkan besar kecilnyajumlah. Dari ukuran sampel 100, kemudian didistribusikan secara proporsionalmasing-masing ke dalam 10 unit duta IM3, yang disesuaikan dengan persentasejumlah total populasi yang dimiliki sampel. Kemudian tiap follower pada 10 unitduta IM3 diberi nomer terlebih dahulu, sesuai dengan jumlah anggota populasidan dilakukan pengundian.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan mengajukanpertanyaan secara langsung atau wawancara terhadap responden mengenaipertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tertera pada kuesioner.VII PembahasanHasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat intensitas mengakses twitterduta IM3 berpengaruh negatif terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi dimanahanya 6,1% Perubahan pada variabel Kepuasan Pengalaman Adopsi (X2)disebabkan oleh variabel Intensitas Mengakses Twitter Duta IM3 (X1) sisanya93,9% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar model yang diajukan. Sehingga H1ditolak.Serta kepuasan pengalaman adopsi (X2) berpengaruh positif terhadapkeputusan penggunaan program IM3 (Y) dengan taraf kepercayaan sebesar 95%.Sehingga H2 diterima.Twitter merupakan media sosial yang bersifat real time. Sifat real timeini dapat menjadi kelebihan yaitu twitter mampu memberikan informasi secaracepa, namun juga memberikan kelemahan yaitu cepat berlalunya informasi Dalampenelitian ini, twitter duta IM3 dirasa kurang memberikan pengaruh yangmaksimal dalam kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran. Masih rendahnya frekuensiresponden terhadap jumlah tweet yang dilihat per harinya menjadi salah satupenyebabnya. Pada kepuasan pengalaman adopsi, untuk kategori persyaratan tarifsendiri masih terhitung rendah namun secara keseluruhan sudah merasa puasterhadap program-program IM3. Pada akhirnya keputusan yang diambil dalampenelitian ini adalah memutuskan untuk tetap menggunakan program IM3, yangpaling mendominasi adalah besarnya keinginan untuk tetap merekomendasikanprogram IM3 kepada orang lain.VIII KesimpulanBerdasarkan uraian pokok bahasan penelitian sebelumnya, maka dalambab ini berisi tentang kesimpulan atas hasil penelitian pengaruh intensitasmengakses twitter duta IM3 terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi dan kepuasanpengalaman adopsi terhadap keputusan penggunaan program IM3 :1. Intensitas mengakses twitter duta IM3 berpengaruh negatif terhadap kepuasanpengalaman adopsi. Setiap kenaikan pada frekuensi dan durasi twittermenyebabkan penurunan pada kepuasan pengalaman adopsi.2. Kepuasan pengalaman adopsi berpengaruh positif terhadap keputusanpenggunaan program IM3. Tingkat kepuasan pengalaman adopsi membuatfollower twitter memutuskan untuk tetap menggunakan program Indosat.IX Saran1. Penggunaan twitter melalui akun pribadi duta IM3 dirasa masih kurangmemberikan pengaruh yang maksimal dalam aktifitas komunikasipemasaran, oleh karena itu penggunaan promotion tools lainnya perludipertimbangkan.2. Perlu adanya perencanaan dalam penggunaan sosial media dalam kegiatankomunikasi pemasaran, hal ini berkaitan dengan pemilihan waktu yangtepat untuk melakukan aktifitas dalam twitter. Para duta IM3 sebaiknyamemperhatikan waktu-waktu yang tergolong “premier” dimana pada jamjamtersebut mayoritas follower twitternya sedang mengakses twitter.3. Indosat perlu memperhatikan kembali ketentuan tarif yang dikenakanuntuk menggunakan program tertentu dengan melihat banyak respondenyang merasa kurang puas dengan persyaratan tarif program. Denganbegitu diharapkan masyarakat akan tetap menggunakan program IM3yang ditawarkan.DAFTAR PUSTAKABelch, George and Michael A Belch. (2003). Advertising and Promotion:AnIntegrated Marketing Communications Perspective (6th ed.). The McGraw-HillCompaniesDuden. (2003). Deutsche Grammatik. Manheim Leipzig Wein: DudenverlagFahmi, Abu Bakar. (2011). Mencerna Situs Jejaring Sosial. Jakarta: PT ElexMedia KomputindoKasali, Rhenald. (1995). Manajemen Periklanan. Jakarta: Pustaka Utama GrafitiSumartono. (2002). Terperangkap dalam Iklan:Meneropong Imbas Pesan IklanKomputer. Bandung: CV AlfabetaKotler, Philip. (1995). Manajemen Pemasaran Analysis Perencanaan danImplementasi. Jakarta: Salemba EmpatLiliweri, Alo. (1992). Dasar-Dasar Komunikasi Periklanan. Bandung: PT CitraAditya BaktiNisfiannoor, Muhammad. (2009). Pendekatan Statistika Modern untuk IlmuSosial. Jakarta: Salemba HumanikaRuslan, Rosadi. (2006). Metode Penelitian Public Relation dan Komunikasi.Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo PersadaShimp A, Terence. (2003). Periklanan Promosi dan Aspek Tambahan KomunikasiPemasaran Terpadu (5th ed. Jilid 1). Jakarta: ErlanggaSugiarto, dkk. (2001). Teknik Sampling. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka UtamaSugiyono. (2007). Statistika untuk Penelitian. Bandung: CV AlfabetaTrihendradi,C. 2011. Langkah Mudah Melakukan Analisis Statistik MenggunakanSPSS 19. Yogyakarta : Penerbit AndiSumber Internet :Hasil Survey Top Brand Index. (2013). Dalam http://www.topbrandaward.com/top-brand-survey/survey-result/top-brand-index-2013/ Diunduh pada10 April 2013 pukul 10.30 WIBAdhima, Faza. (2013). Hasil Survey Awareness Masyarakat Bandung TerhadapPromo Indosat 7 Hari 7 Malam. Dalamhttp://www.academia.edu/3519915/HASIL_SURVEY_AWARENESS_MASYARAKAT_BANDUNG_TERHADAP_PROMO_INDOSAT_7h7m Diunduhpada 15 Mei 2013 pukul 13.00 WIBDela Permata Jadi Duta IM3 Queen 2012. (2012). Dalamhttp://www.tribunnews.com/2012/06/17/della-permata-jadi-duta-im3-queen-2012 Diunduh pada 15 Mei 2013 pukul 14.00 WIBHariyanti, Dini. (2011). Remaja, 64 Persen Pengguna Jejaring Sosial. Dalamhttp://www.jurnas.com/news/34328/Remaja,_64_Persen_Pengguna_Jejaring_Sosial_/2/Sosial_Budaya/Saintek Diunduh pada 16 Mei 2013 pukul 20.00 WIBhttps://twitter.com/search?q=%23DUTAIM3SASMG&amp;src=hash Diunduh pada16 Mei 2013 pukul 21.30 WIBhttp://www.telkomsel.com/kartuas Diunduh pada 2 Agustus 2013 pukul 19.30WIBhttp://www.telkomsel.com/product/simpati/631-simPATI-Freedom.htmlDiunduh pada 2 Agusutus 2013 pukul 20.00 WIBhttp://www.telkomsel.com/promosimpati Diunduh pada 2 Agustus 2013 pukul21.00 WIBhttp://www.xl.co.id/id/internet/paket/hotrod Diunduh pada 21 Agustus 2013pukul 19.00http://www.xl.co.id/id/prabayar Diunduh pada 21 Agustus 2013 pukul 20.00http://www.xl.co.id/id/prabayar/perdana/xl-ku Diunduh pada 21 Agustus 2013pukul 20.30http://www.indosat.com/Personal/IM3_Update/IM3_Sekalee Diunduh pada 22Agustus 2013 pukul 15.00http://www.indosat.com/Personal/IM3_Update/IM3_SMS_SUKA_SUKADiunduh pada 22 Agustus 2013 pukul 15.30http://indosat.com/Personal/Personal/DOBEL_1000_BERKAH Diunduh pada22 Agustus 2013 pukul 17.00http://icity.indosat.com/t5/Events-Announcements/Terbaru-Dari-Indosat-Pulsa-Isi-Ulang-12000/td-p/78840 Diunduh pada 7 November 2013 pukul 19.00http://www.indosat.com/Personal/IM3_Update/IM3_Play Diunduh pada 7November 2013 pukul 19.30http://koran-Jakarta.com/index.php/detail/view01/113510 Diunduh pada 9 April2013 pukul 21.00http://www.indosat.com/Public_Relations/Press_Release_Photo_Gallery/INDOSAT_GELAR_IM3_MOBILE_ACADEMY_KE6 Diunduh pada 7 November 2013pukul 20.00Jurnal dan Skripsi :Raditya, C. 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    Complex vocal imitation during ontogeny in a bat

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    Vocal imitation-the ability to learn a previously unknown acoustic signal from a tutor-is considered to be a key innovation in the evolution of speech. This faculty is very rare and patchily distributed within the animal kingdom, suggesting multiple instances of convergent evolution. It has long been predicted that bats should be capable of vocal imitation and our results provide evidence for this phenomenon. We report that pups of the bat Saccopteryx bilineata learn a complex vocalization through vocal imitation. During ontogeny, pups of both sexes imitate territorial song from adult males, starting with simple precursor songs that develop into genuine renditions. The resemblance of pup renditions to their acoustic model is not caused by physical maturation effects, is independent of pups&apos; gender and relatedness towards adult males and becomes more pronounced during ontogeny, showing that auditory experience is essential for vocal development. Our findings indicate that the faculty of vocal imitation is more widespread than previously thought and emphasize the importance of research on audiovocal communication in bats for a better understanding of the evolutionary origin of vocal imitation

    Historical isolation facilitates species radiation by sexual selection: Insights from Chorthippus grasshoppers

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    Theoretical and empirical studies have shown that species radiations are facilitated when a trait under divergent natural selection is also involved in sexual selection. It is yet unclear how quick and effective radiations are where assortative mating is unrelated to the ecological environment and primarily results from sexual selection. We address this question using sympatric grasshopper species of the genus Chorthippus, which have evolved strong behavioural isolation while lacking noticeable ecomorphological divergence. Mitochondrial genomes suggest that the radiation is relatively recent, dating to the mid‐Pleistocene, which leads to extensive incomplete lineage sorting throughout the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. Nuclear data shows that hybrids are absent in sympatric localities but that all species have experienced gene flow, confirming that reproductive isolation is strong but remains incomplete. Demographic modelling is most consistent with a long period of geographic isolation, followed by secondary contact and extensive introgression. Such initial periods of geographic isolation might facilitate the association between male signaling and female preference, permitting the coexistence of sympatric species that are genetically, morphologically, and ecologically similar, but otherwise behave mostly as good biological species

    Thermoregulatory Requirements Shape Mating Opportunities of Male Proboscis Bats

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    The spatiotemporal distribution of females is a major factor affecting animal social systems. Predation risk and the distribution of feeding resources often determine where females are found, but abiotic factors (e.g., temperature) can also shape the distribution of females and therefore variation in social organization and mating systems. Given the predicted future changes in climatic variation, it is vital to understand how animal mating systems and the sexual selection process may be altered by temperature. In bats, female distribution is tightly linked to roosting ecology and particularly to the microclimatic conditions at the roost. Proboscis bats (Rhynchonycteris naso) form cohesive and stable multi-male-multi-female groups and inhabit exposed day roosts (e.g., tree trunks, vines, buildings). Strong selection to remain inconspicuous to visually oriented predators in the exposed day roosts has been suggested to promote a rather rare male mating strategy termed site-specific dominance where males defend females directly but are successful in doing so only in their own territory. The choice of open-roost structures can result in the bats roosting under direct sunlight, making individuals susceptible to overheating. Here we investigate whether regular relocations of R. naso social groups among male territories are a mechanism of behavioral thermoregulation. Our results suggest that in general R. naso choose the warmest suitable roost sites within a roost, possibly to minimize the energetic costs of thermoregulation. However, on days with high midday temperatures at the primary roost site, bats commonly relocate to alternative, cooler sites within their roosts. These thermoregulatory relocations entail that a social group regularly switches among the territories of several males. Thus, the need for behavioral thermoregulation determines the spatial distribution of females and shapes the mating opportunities of males during the day. This is supported by our result that territorial males defending primary roost sites are reproductively more successful than territorial males of alternate roost sites. In line with other studies, our findings suggest that the increase in ambient temperatures associated with climate change has the potential to affect the intensity of sexual selection in bat species and may have far-reaching behavioral, demographic, and evolutionary consequences for their populations

    Diversity and Paleodemography of the Addax (<i>Addax nasomaculatus</i>), a Saharan Antelope on the Verge of Extinction.

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    Since the 19th century, the addax (Addax nasomaculatus) has lost approximately 99% of its former range. Along with its close relatives, the blue antelope (Hippotragus leucophaeus) and the scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah), the addax may be the third large African mammal species to go extinct in the wild in recent times. Despite this, the evolutionary history of this critically endangered species remains virtually unknown. To gain insight into the population history of the addax, we used hybridization capture to generate ten complete mitochondrial genomes from historical samples and assembled a nuclear genome. We found that both mitochondrial and nuclear diversity are low compared to other African bovids. Analysis of mitochondrial genomes revealed a most recent common ancestor ~32 kya (95% CI 11-58 kya) and weak phylogeographic structure, indicating that the addax likely existed as a highly mobile, panmictic population across its Sahelo-Saharan range in the past. PSMC analysis revealed a continuous decline in effective population size since ~2 Ma, with short intermediate increases at ~500 and ~44 kya. Our results suggest that the addax went through a major bottleneck in the Late Pleistocene, remaining at low population size prior to the human disturbances of the last few centuries