83 research outputs found


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    MAYA PUSPITASARI, The Influence Of Perceived Playfulness, Perceived Trust, And Subjective Norm Toward Continuance Intention To Use Tablet With User Satisfaction As An Intervening Variable In College Students In East Bekasi. Thesis, Jakarta, Commerce Education Studies Program, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. This research was conducted in two colleges located in East Bekasi, for four months from February to June 2016. The purpose of this study is to gain the proper knowledge (valid, correct, valid) and can be trusted on the influence of perceived playfulness, perceived trust and subjective norms toward continuance intention to use Tablet with user satisfaction as an intervening variable in college students in East Bekasi. The method used is survey method with questionnaire technique, the population used are all students in East Bekasi. The sampling technique used was by purposive sampling a total of 207 students. Analysis of the data used is the Statistical Process for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Structural Equation Model (SEM) from 22.00 AMOS statistical package to process and analyze the research data. Results from this study is the H1 has a CR value of 0.165 0,05 which means that this hypothesis is rejected. H2 received CR 3.616 > 1,96 and P of *** ( 1,96 and P of *** ( 1,96 and P of *** ( 1,96 and P of *** (< 0,001) ā‰¤ 0,05, which means that this hypothesis is accepted

    Investigating the washback effect of the national examination on Indonesian practices: Perceptions of teachers, students and parents of test impact

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    Washback is a phenomenon found internationally in high stakes examinations. This study set in Indonesia sought to explore the washback influence of the national examination system on the attitudes, behaviours and motivations of teachers, learners and parents (Pearson, 1998). Previous studies on national examination in Indonesia had explored the concept without paying sufficient attention to the context and culture within which washback takes place; a culture where examination corruption remains professionally unacknowledged but all too often remains part of practice. Using an interpretivist paradigm this study explored the perceptions of the experiences of teachers, learners and parents involved in the national examination system and identified its washback effect. In particular it explored ways in which the national examination affected teaching and learning practices in final year classrooms that in Indonesia are dominated by the national examination cycle. Finally, the study investigated how studentsā€˜ experiences in the national examination year might be improved. The evidence emerging from the thematic analysis of interviews with eight English teachers, ten parents and focus group discussions with 29 final year students attending junior secondary schools identified three main washback themes. The national examination had influenced participantsā€˜ feelings, their perceptions and their practices. All participating groups had participants who reported a wide range of feelings about their experiences of national examination, from neutral feelings to high levels of anxiety. The analysis also indicated that participants in each group had recognised both the positive and negative washback effects of national examination. The use of the examination for selection purposes was perceived to motivate students to learn. However, the findings also suggested that the national examination was considered by members of each group to assess students in ways that were regarded as unfair. All three groups showed how the examination influenced their role and practices as teachers, students and parents. However, although members of both parental and pupil communities made reference to a number of corrupt practices, no teacher acknowledged such practice focusing only on the more conventional washback effects of curriculum narrowing and rehearsal pedagogy. The evidence from this study was used to extend a model of the relationship between learning and assessment theory proposed by Baird, et.al. (2017). Only when there is an adequate consideration of the culture within which these theories emerge can there be potential for these theories to have traction in offering a lens through which to interrogate practice. Finding ways to engage with features of Indonesian school culture including anxiety, religion, family expectations, corruption, gender inequality and collectivism is a central part of understanding the nature of national examination washback. Without a deeper understanding and acceptance of the problem, Indonesia, and other countries in similar circumstances, is likely to remain in a cycle of constant innovation with little meaningful, constructive change in the assessment process

    Analisis Rasio Likuiditas, Permodalan Dan Manajemendi Ksps Bmt Logam Mulia

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kesehatan KSPS BMT Logam Mulia dilihat dari aspek likuiditas, permodalan dan manajemen. Jenis Penelitian ini deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode interview, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Selanjutnya data diuji keabsahannya, dianalisis menggunakan rasio keuangan koperasi dan disajikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kesehatan KSPS BMT Logam Mulia dilihat dari aspek likuiditas, permodalan dan manajemen selama tahun 2013 yang terbagi ke dalam 12 bulan nilainya bervariasi. Pertama, Aspek likuiditas bahwa rasio pembiayaan terhadap dana yang diterima nilainya cukup likuid. Kedua, aspek permodalan bahwa tingkat kesehatan koperasi dilihat dari rasio kecukupan modal (CAR) nilainya sehat. Ketiga, aspek manajemen menunjukkan tingkat kesehatan koperasi dilihat dari manajemen umum nilainya baik.Kata Kunci: Likuiditas, Permodalan, ManajemenANALYSIS OF LIQUDITY, CAPITAL AND MANAJEMEN OF KJKS BMT LOGAM MULIA. The purpose of this article is measuring the degree of cooperation health looking from the aspects of liquidity, capital, and management. Data are collected through interview, observation, and documentation. Then, data are analyzed using cooperation financial ratio. Result shows KSPS BMT Logam Mulia in 2013 looking from liquidity, capital and management are varied. The ratio of finance towards cash credit is liquid. Secondly, its\u27 CAR is health, and thirdly, its management is also in good condition


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    The paper entitled ā€œUsing clustering technique to improve studentsā€™ writing skills of descriptive textā€. The aim of the research paper is to find out the effectiveness of clustering technique to improve studentsā€™ writing skills of descriptive text and also to know whether or not the students like being taught the writing descriptive using clustering technique at the second grade of SMP Manggala. The research method is a pre-experimental using 33 students as sample from 104 students of population. To obtain the data, the researcher uses pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. The sample is given the pre-test before the treatment and post-test afterwards. The post-test and the questionnaire are given in order to find out the improvement of the sample after the treatment using clustering technique. The data result of the test is analyzed by using t-test. The finding of this research shows that clustering technique is not effective to improve studentsā€™ writing skills of descriptive text. It can be seen from the t-observed is lowest that t-table (-1.973 &lt; 2.042) at p = 0.5. That means Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted. Other than that, from the questionnaire data result clustering technique get the positive responses from the participant. Although, clustering technique can not improve their writing skills but can made the students interested in writing descriptive text.Key words: Writing Skills, Descriptive Text, Clustering Techniqu


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    This policy paper aims to analyze strategies for fulfillment the needs of the population of Jember Regency for Universal Health Coverage in reducing stunting, maternal and infant mortality. This is motivated by the results of the 2022 Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey which stated that Jember Regency was ranked highest in the prevalence of stunting under five in East Java Province and the East Java Provincial Health Service stated that Jember Regency's maternal and infant mortality rate was the highest in East Java Province. Meanwhile, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in 2030 target reducing the maternal mortality rate to less than 70 per 100,000 live births, reducing the infant mortality rate (IMR) to 12 per 1,000 live births, reducing stunting by 14% by 2024. On the other hand , the population of Jember Regency who are JKN-KIS participants has only reached 66% of the total population, while Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System (SJSN) and Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 1 of 2022 concerning Optimizing the Implementation of the Health Insurance Program National mandates that the entire population be protected by Universal Health Coverage of at least 98% by 2024. The analysis technique used in this policy paper is SWOT analysis. The strength of the internal factors is that the Jember Regency Government pays special attention to handling high stunting, maternal and infant mortality rates, including free services, continuous monitoring and evaluation, providing a budget, and making reducing stunting and maternal and infant mortality a priority for development in the health sector. and also the existence of Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2022. The weaknesses are internal factors, namely the Universal Health Coverage budget allocation for the population of Jember Regency which is not enough, the Universal Health Coverage budget is also not yet a priority in the APBD budget allocation, the J-Pasti Kuereen program which can trigger participants Independent JKN-KIS does not pay its contributions, and there is a lack of interest among residents in becoming independent JKN-KIS participants. Meanwhile, the threat from external factors is that the JKN-KIS membership achievement of the Jember Regency population in June 2023 is still 66% of the target in 2024 of 98%, the public's demand for the quality of health services is increasing, the Maternal and Infant Mortality and Stunting rates in Jember Regency are the highest in all time. East Java Province. And the opportunity for external factors is the high attention of the Jember Regency Government to handling high levels of stunting, maternal and infant mortality, providing budget allocations in order to handle reducing stunting, maternal and infant mortality as well as the government's encouragement to realize Universal Health Coverage in Jember Regency. So that the proposed alternative strategy can be formulated, namely making Universal Health Coverage a priority in Jember Regency APBD budgeting in order to reduce stunting, maternal and infant mortality rates so that health services can be implemented preventively, promotively, curatively and rehabilitatively in order to create a health program that is covered by the JKN budget. -KIS so that it can be carried out in a comprehensive and integrated manner. There is APBD support in the budget allocation to support Universal Health Coverage for the residents of Jember Regency and a shift in the free health services budget to the Universal Health Coverage budget


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    This paper entitled ā€œthe effectiveness of using miming game in teaching the present continuous tenseā€ is written as partial fulfillment of the recruitments of sarjana pendidikan degree. The objective of this research is to know whether miming game is effective to improve the studentsā€™ mastery of present continuous tense and to know the studentsā€™ response to ward the method. This research is conducted to answer the question: Is the miming games technique effective to improve studentsā€™ mastery of present continuous tense? And What are the studentsā€™ response toward the use of miming game in learning present continuous tense? A pre- experimental research is applied as the research design in the first grade students of Mts Negeri 1 Bandung. The sample of this research is class H with the total 30 students as sample. The technique used to gain the data is tests, those are pre-test, and post-test, and also questionnaire. And the result of the value of t- that is 5.691 with the df = 29 at p = 0.05 of two tailed, the critical value of t-table is 2.045. As the value of the derived t- is higher than t-table (5.691 &gt; 2.045) so that the Null Hypotheses (Ho) is rejected and the Alternative Hypotheses (Ha) is accepted meaning that there is significant difference in the result of students score before and after the treatment using miming game. This means that the use of miming game in teaching present continuous tense to the first grade of Mts Negeri 1 Bandung is effective. Furthermore, from the questionnaire, most of the students gave positive response toward the use of miming game in learning present continuous tense. This can be seen from the result of the questionnaire that miming game make them motivated in learning English especially present continuous tense.Key word : Game, Teaching, present continuous tens

    English High-stakes Testing in Indonesia: Friend or Foe?

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    The Education Ministry has eliminated standardised high-stakes testing called Ujian Nasional (UN) since 2021 throughout schools all around Indonesia. However, it might be practical to look backwards at the UN and its implementation with the impact it gives on the teachers. This article has a concern about the washback consequences of a high-stakes exam on teachers. The effects were investigated within the specific context of the 2016 UN for students in Indonesia at the junior secondary level. A semi-structured interview with eight English teachers was set up to explore the teachers' perceptions towards the UN. Regarding feelings, all participants shared divergent feelings ranging from disinterested to excessive levels of fear or anxiety and mixed feelings. The data also showed mixed opinions, both positive and negative, regarding the examination. The students were thought to be motivated to study because the examination was used for selection purposes. The results did, however, also imply that the students' performance on the national exam was thought to have been assessed unfairly. The instructors demonstrated how the exam affected their teaching roles and methods. Making the national exam a low-stakes test was one of the suggestions made by attendees to enhance it

    Unveiling Teachersā€™ Perception: Cultural Influences on Educators' Decision-Making in High-Stakes Exams

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    This study analyses the diverse motives of educators entering the teaching profession and their impact on pedagogical decisions during high-stakes exams. Semi-structured interviews with eight participants (six male and two female teachers) from secondary schools in Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, lasted up to forty minutes. These interviews aimed to elicit insights into the participants' beliefs on their professional calling.Three key themes emerged from the interviews' thematic analysis: the trajectory of a teacher's personal history, the influential role of degree choice, and the weight of accountability. Furthermore, the findings highlighted how gender identity not only influenced the teachers but also echoed across their familial spheres, guiding them towards a profession in education.This investigation underlined the critical significance of cultural beliefs in developing educators' motivations, which serve as the foundation of their professional identity. As a result, this identification has a substantial impact on their pedagogical practises in the classroom, particularly when confronted with the demands imposed by high-stakes exams. This study sheds insight into the intricacies underpinning educators' decision-making processes, particularly in circumstances typified by rigorous assessments, by providing a comprehensive view of the delicate interplay between cultural factors, individual motives, and professional practice.Ā 


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    This paper is entitled ā€œThe Correlation between Studentsā€™ Motivation in Learning English and Their Speaking Skillā€ (a correlation study done in the 8th semester of English Education Study Program of Bale Bandung University). The research was intended to investigate whether there is correlation between studentsā€™ motivation and their speaking skill or not. The population of this research was the 8th semester of English Education Study Program of Bale Bandung University for about 60 students from three classes as the population. The number of the sample was one class with 25 students. To collect the primary data, the writer used questionnaire and speaking test. The result of the research showed that the r-value is 0.591, this means that there is correlation between studentsā€™ motivation in learning English and their speaking skill, the correlation is moderate and positive. The value of t-observed t (to) is 3.517 and the critical value of t-table is 2.069 at 23 degree of freedom and .05 level significant of two tailed. As the value of the derived t (to) is bigger than the critical t (t-table) 3.517 &gt; 2.069, the null hypotheses (Ho) is rejected, and the alternative hypotheses (Ha) is accepted. Stating that there is significant correlation between studentsā€™ motivation in learning English and their speaking skill of the 8th semester of English Education Study Program of Bale Bandung University. This means that the correlation between studentsā€™ motivation in learning English and their speaking skill is moderate, positive and significant. Finally, the writer concluded that students with high motivation will get better speaking ability and better opportunity to achieve their goals in learning English, especially speaking skill
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