22 research outputs found

    Early Intervention for Children at High Risk of Developmental Disability in Low- and Middle-Income Countries:A Narrative Review

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    In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), while neonatal mortality has fallen, the number of children under five with developmental disability remains unchanged. The first thousand days are a critical window for brain development, when interventions are particularly effective. Early Childhood Interventions (ECI) are supported by scientific, human rights, human capital and programmatic rationales. In high-income countries, it is recommended that ECI for high-risk infants start in the neonatal period, and specialised interventions for children with developmental disabilities as early as three months of age; more data is needed on the timing of ECI in LMICs. Emerging evidence supports community-based ECI which focus on peer support, responsive caregiving and preventing secondary morbidities. A combination of individual home visits and community-based groups are likely the best strategy for the delivery of ECI, but more evidence is needed to form strong recommendations, particularly on the dosage of interventions. More data on content, impact and implementation of ECI in LMICs for high-risk infants are urgently needed. The development of ECI for high-risk groups will build on universal early child development best practice but will likely require tailoring to local contexts

    Counting outcomes, coverage and quality for early child development programmes

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    Improved measurement in early child development (ECD) is a strategic focus of the WHO, UNICEF and World Bank Nurturing Care Framework. However, evidence-based approaches to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of ECD projects in low-income and middle-income countries (LMIC) are lacking. The Grand Challenges Canada®-funded Saving Brains® ECD portfolio provides a unique opportunity to explore approaches to M&E of ECD programmes across diverse settings. Focused literature review and participatory mixed-method evaluation of the Saving Brains portfolio was undertaken using an adapted impact framework. Findings related to measurement of quality, coverage and outcomes for scaling ECD were considered. Thirty-nine ECD projects implemented in 23 LMIC were evaluated. Projects used a 'theory of change' based M&E approach to measure a range of inputs, outputs and outcomes. Over 29 projects measured cognitive, language, motor and socioemotional outcomes. 18 projects used developmental screening tools to measure outcomes, with a trade-off between feasibility and preferred practice. Environmental inputs such as the home environment were measured in 15 projects. Qualitative data reflected the importance of measurement of project quality and coverage, despite challenges measuring these constructs across contexts. Improved measurement of intervention quality and measurement of coverage, which requires definition of the numerator (ie, intervention) and denominator (ie, population in need/at risk), are needed for scaling ECD programmes. Innovation in outcome measurement, including intermediary outcome measures that are feasible and practical to measure in routine services, is also required, with disaggregation to better target interventions to those most in need and ensure that no child is left behind

    Early care and support for young children with developmental disabilities and their caregivers in Uganda: The Baby Ubuntu feasibility trial.

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    Background: Early care and support provision for young children with developmental disabilities is frequently lacking, yet has potential to improve child and family outcomes, and is crucial for promoting access to healthcare and early education. We evaluated the feasibility, acceptability, early evidence of impact and provider costs of the Baby Ubuntu participatory, peer-facilitated, group program for young children with developmental disabilities and their caregivers in Uganda. Materials and methods: A feasibility trial, with two parallel groups, compared Baby Ubuntu with standard care. Caregivers and children, aged 6-11 months with moderate-severe neurodevelopmental impairment, were recruited and followed for 12 months. Quantitative and qualitative methods captured information on feasibility (ability to recruit), acceptability (satisfactory attendance), preliminary evidence of impact (family quality of life) and provider costs. Results: One hundred twenty-six infants (median developmental quotient, 28.7) were recruited and randomized (63 per arm) over 9 months, demonstrating feasibility; 101 (80%) completed the 12-month follow-up assessment (9 died, 12 were lost to follow up, 4 withdrew). Of 63 randomized to the intervention, 59 survived (93%); of these, 51 (86%) attended ≥6 modules meeting acceptability criteria, and 49 (83%) completed the 12 month follow-up assessment. Qualitatively, Baby Ubuntu was feasible and acceptable to caregivers and facilitators. Enabling factors included community sensitization by local champions, positive and caring attitudes of facilitators toward children with disability, peer support, and the participatory approach to learning. Among 101 (86%) surviving children seen at 12 months, mixed methods evaluation provided qualitative evidence of impact on family knowledge, skills, and attitudes, however impact on a scored family quality of life tool was inconclusive. Barriers included stigma and exclusion, poverty, and the need to manage expectations around the child's progress. Total provider cost for delivering the program per participant was USD 232. Conclusion: A pilot feasibility trial of the Baby Ubuntu program found it to be feasible and acceptable to children, caregivers and healthcare workers in Uganda. A mixed methods evaluation provided rich programmatic learning including qualitative, but not quantitative, evidence of impact. The cost estimate represents a feasible intervention for this vulnerable group, encouraging financial sustainability at scale. Clinical trial registration: [https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN44380971], identifier [ISRCTN44380971]

    Preterm Birth Associated With Group B Streptococcus Maternal Colonization Worldwide: Systematic Review and Meta-analyses.

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    Background: Preterm birth complications are the leading cause of deaths among children <5 years of age. Studies have suggested that group B Streptococcus (GBS) maternal rectovaginal colonization during pregnancy may be a risk factor for preterm delivery. This article is the fifth of 11 in a series. We aimed to assess the association between GBS maternal colonization and preterm birth in order to inform estimates of the burden of GBS. Methods: We conducted systematic literature reviews (PubMed/Medline, Embase, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature [LILACS], World Health Organization Library Information System [WHOLIS], and Scopus) and sought unpublished data from investigator groups on the association of preterm birth (<37 weeks' gestation) and maternal GBS colonization (GBS isolation from vaginal, cervical, and/or rectal swabs; with separate subanalysis on GBS bacteriuria). We did meta-analyses to derive pooled estimates of the risk and odds ratios (according to study design), with sensitivity analyses to investigate potential biases. Results: We identified 45 studies for inclusion. We estimated the risk ratio (RR) for preterm birth with maternal GBS colonization to be 1.21 (95% confidence interval [CI], .99-1.48; P = .061) in cohort and cross-sectional studies, and the odds ratio to be 1.85 (95% CI, 1.24-2.77; P = .003) in case-control studies. Preterm birth was associated with GBS bacteriuria in cohort studies (RR, 1.98 [95% CI, 1.45-2.69]; P < .001). Conclusions: From this review, there is evidence to suggest that preterm birth is associated with maternal GBS colonization, especially where there is evidence of ascending infection (bacteriuria). Several biases reduce the chance of detecting an effect. Equally, however, results, including evidence for the association, may be due to confounding, which is rarely addressed in studies. Assessment of any effect on preterm delivery should be included in future maternal GBS vaccine trials

    The Recognition of and Care Seeking Behaviour for Childhood Illness in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Pneumonia, diarrhoea, and malaria are among the leading causes of death in children. These deaths are largely preventable if appropriate care is sought early. This review aimed to determine the percentage of caregivers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with a child less than 5 years who were able to recognise illness in their child and subsequently sought care from different types of healthcare providers. Methods and Findings: We conducted a systematic literature review of studies that reported recognition of, and/or care seeking for episodes of diarrhoea, pneumonia or malaria in LMICs. The review is registered with PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42011001654). Ninety-one studies met the inclusion criteria. Eighteen studies reported data on caregiver recognition of disease and seventy-seven studies on care seeking. The median sensitivity of recognition of diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia was low (36.0%, 37.4%, and 45.8%, respectively). A median of 73.0% of caregivers sought care outside the home. Care seeking from community health workers (median: 5.4% for diarrhoea, 4.2% for pneumonia, and 1.3% for malaria) and the use of oral rehydration therapy (median: 34%) was low. Conclusions: Given the importance of this topic to child survival programmes there are few published studies. Recognition of diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia by caregivers is generally poor and represents a key factor to address in attempts to improve health care utilisation. In addition, considering that oral rehydration therapy has been widely recommended for over forty years, its use remains disappointingly low. Similarly, the reported levels of care seeking from community health workers in the included studies are low even though global action plans to address these illnesses promote community case management. Giving greater priority to research on care seeking could provide crucial evidence to inform child mortality programmes

    Counting outcomes, coverage and quality for early child development programmes

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    Improved measurement in early child development (ECD) is a strategic focus of the WHO, UNICEF and World Bank Nurturing Care Framework. However, evidence-based approaches to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of ECD projects in low-income and middle-income countries (LMIC) are lacking. The Grand Challenges Canada®-funded Saving Brains® ECD portfolio provides a unique opportunity to explore approaches to M&E of ECD programmes across diverse settings. Focused literature review and participatory mixed-method evaluation of the Saving Brains portfolio was undertaken using an adapted impact framework. Findings related to measurement of quality, coverage and outcomes for scaling ECD were considered. Thirty-nine ECD projects implemented in 23 LMIC were evaluated. Projects used a 'theory of change' based M&E approach to measure a range of inputs, outputs and outcomes. Over 29 projects measured cognitive, language, motor and socioemotional outcomes. 18 projects used developmental screening tools to measure outcomes, with a trade-off between feasibility and preferred practice. Environmental inputs such as the home environment were measured in 15 projects. Qualitative data reflected the importance of measurement of project quality and coverage, despite challenges measuring these constructs across contexts. Improved measurement of intervention quality and measurement of coverage, which requires definition of the numerator (ie, intervention) and denominator (ie, population in need/at risk), are needed for scaling ECD programmes. Innovation in outcome measurement, including intermediary outcome measures that are feasible and practical to measure in routine services, is also required, with disaggregation to better target interventions to those most in need and ensure that no child is left behind

    The median percentage of caregivers who sought healthcare, by disease (Asia)<sup>1</sup>.

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    1<p>The range is shown in brackets if there are two or more data points. The definition of each category of healthcare is stated in the methods. The values do not add up to 100% because of the varying categorisation of healthcare providers in the included studies and because some studies recorded more than one care seeking event.</p>2<p>Appropriate health facilities included all government and trained private health practitioners, but not traditional healers, pharmacies and unqualified medical practitioners.</p>3<p>Abbreviations: Gov  =  Governmental; CHW  =  Community Health Worker; Trad. Healer = Traditional Healer; ORT  =  Oral Rehydration Therapy; -  =  no data available.</p

    Number of studies on care seeking behaviour, by the 5 countries with the highest number of under-five deaths<sup>1</sup>.

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    1<p>The five countries with the highest number of under-five deaths were taken from the annual report by the UN Interagency Group for Child Mortality Estimation <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0093427#pone.0093427-UNICEF1" target="_blank">[1]</a>.</p

    Features of studies on care seeking behavior.

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    1<p>Simulated case studies presented caregivers with a scenario of an illness in their child and asked whether and where he/she would seek care.</p>2<p>Rural/urban refers to studies that were carried out in both urban and rural areas.</p