213 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship Education Monitor 2018: fĂŒr MINT-StudiengĂ€nge in Ostdeutschland

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    In Deutschland ist in Sachen Entrepreneurship an Hochschulen in den vergangenen 20 Jahren viel geschehen. Seit 1998 befördert das EXIST-Programm GrĂŒndungsgeist an Hochschulen. Laut der Forschungsgemeinschaft GrĂŒndungsforschung e.V. existieren insgesamt 134 Entrepreneurship-Professuren, davon 32 in Ostdeutschland. Es gibt eine Vielzahl an Wettbewerben und Förderprogrammen fĂŒr GrĂŒnderinnen und GrĂŒnder. FĂŒr alle an den Hochschulen, die sich schon fĂŒr das Thema Unternehmertum interessieren und mit dem Gedanken einer eigenen GrĂŒndung spielen, ist gut gesorgt. Es gibt hinreichend viele Anlaufstellen und Fördermöglichkeiten an und im Umfeld der Hochschulen. Doch eine Herausforderung ist es bis heute, potenzielle GrĂŒnderinnen und GrĂŒnder und weitere Akteure an Hochschulen ĂŒberhaupt fĂŒr unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln zu sensibilisieren. Vorhandene Angebote erreichen die, die interessiert sind und nicht jene, die noch nicht darĂŒber nachgedacht haben. Eine weitere Herausforderung gibt es. Sensibilisierung fĂŒr unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln geschieht im Rahmen des Studiums, jedoch leider nicht fĂŒr alle Studierenden. Ein Blick auf die Hochschulebene zeigt, dass noch vor fĂŒnf Jahren vor allem Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften von Angeboten rund um das Thema Entrepreneurship profitierten (GrĂŒndungsradar, 2013; Kulicke et al., 2012). Die „InterdisziplinaritĂ€t in der GrĂŒndungsförderung und die Ausschöpfung des Potenzials in nicht wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen FĂ€chern sind also noch ausbaufĂ€hig“ (GrĂŒndungsradar, 2013: 12). Gerade im Kontext der technischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, der sogenannten MINT-FĂ€cher, liegen Potenziale fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige technologische und ggf. auch unternehmerische Innovationen. Die Zielgruppe dieser Studierenden wird jedoch bislang kaum erreicht. Ein sicherer Weg, Studierende zu erreichen, ist die universitĂ€re Lehre entlang des Studiencurriculums. Es gibt verschiedene Argumente, die fĂŒr eine breite curriculare Verankerung von Entrepreneurship Education an Hochschulen sprechen. So wird dies im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs diskutiert (Nelson & Byers, 2008; Semrau, Fischbach & Schober, 2011) und im politischen Diskurs klar unterstĂŒtzt; so versteht sich die EuropĂ€ische Kommission als Katalysator, um Entrepreneurship Education zu einem Basiselement im Bildungssystem zu machen (EuropĂ€ische Kommission, 2018). Hier liegen Ursprung und Idee dieser Studie. Es war bisher nicht klar, wie die Chancen fĂŒr Studierende der MINT-FĂ€cher stehen, wĂ€hrend ihres Studiums mit Entrepreneurship in Kontakt zu kommen. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Studien, die sich mit der Umsetzung von Maßnahmen zur Sensibilisierung unternehmerischen Denkens und Handelns auf Hochschulebene beschĂ€ftigen. Umfassende Analysen, welche auf Studiengangebene analysieren, ob und inwiefern dort Inhalte mit Bezug zu Entrepreneurship verankert sind, sind kaum vorhanden (Gossel & Kalka, 2015). An dieser Stelle setzt die vorliegende Studie an. FĂŒr das wichtige Segment der MINT-StudiengĂ€nge wird im Rahmen einer Vollerhebung in sechs ostdeutschen BundeslĂ€ndern ermittelt, ob und inwiefern dort Inhalte mit Bezug zu Entrepreneurship curricular verankert sind. Ziel der Studie ist es, so breit und so tief wie möglich zu erfassen, wie es um den Erwerb unternehmerischer Kompetenzen in den MINT-StudiengĂ€ngen steht. Von der Verbreitung der Ergebnisse der Studie erhoffen wir uns eine Belebung der Diskussion rund um Entrepreneurship Education an Hochschulen in Deutschland. GrĂŒndungssensibilisierung ist und bleibt eine Daueraufgabe in der Hochschulbildung. Denjenigen Akteuren, die sich fĂŒr eine nachhaltige GrĂŒndungssensibilisierung in der Hochschullehre einsetzen, jenen, die StudiengĂ€nge ĂŒberarbeiten und Curricula modernisieren, und denjenigen, die darĂŒber entscheiden, ob es Mittel und Personal an Hochschulen fĂŒr Aufgaben der Entrepreneurship Education in der Hochschullehre gibt, soll diese Studie als Argumentations- und Diskussionsgrundlage dienen

    The impact of concomitant chronic total occlusion on clinical outcomes in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a large single-center analysis

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    BackgroundCoronary artery disease (CAD) is a common finding in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). However, the impact on prognosis of chronic total occlusions (CTOs), a drastic expression of CAD, remains unclear.Methods and resultsWe retrospectively reviewed 1,487 consecutive TAVR cases performed at a single tertiary care medical center. Pre-TAVR angiograms were analyzed for the presence of a CTO. At the time of TAVR, 11.2% (n = 167) patients had a CTO. There was no significant association between the presence of a CTO and in-hospital or 30-day mortality. There was also no difference in long-term survival. LV ejection fraction and mean aortic gradients were lower in the CTO group.ConclusionsOur analysis suggests that concomitant CTO lesions in patients undergoing TAVR differ in their risk profile and clinical findings to patients without CTO. CTO lesion per se were not associated with increased mortality, nevertheless CTOs which supply non-viable myocardium in TAVR population were associated with increased risk of death. Additional research is needed to evaluate the prognostic significance of CTO lesions in TAVR patients

    Eine deskriptive Bestandsaufnahme von Entrepreneurship Education in MINT-StudiengÀngen in sechs BundeslÀndern

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    ZusammenfassungWĂ€hrend die Bedeutung des Lehrens und Lernens unternehmerischer Kompetenzen auch in MINT-StudiengĂ€ngen von der Forschung intensiv diskutiert und politisch weithin gefordert wird, stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit Entrepreneurship Education tatsĂ€chlich in den jeweiligen Curricula verankert ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert deshalb einen Überblick ĂŒber den Status quo der curricularen Verankerung von Entrepreneurship Education am Beispiel der Hochschulen der sechs ostdeutschen BundeslĂ€nder einschließlich Berlin. FĂŒr alle 1361 MINT-StudiengĂ€nge an 58 Hochschulen wurde eine Dokumentenrecherche und -analyse von Studiengangdokumenten durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen eine geringe Verankerung von Entrepreneurship Education in den Curricula der MINT-StudiengĂ€nge mit indes auffĂ€lligen Unterschieden zwischen den FĂ€chergruppen.SchlĂŒsselwörter: Entrepreneurship Education, MINT, curriculare Verankerung___________A descriptive study of entrepreneurship education in STEM degree courses in six German LaenderAbstractWhile the importance of teaching and learning entrepreneurial competencies also in STEM degree courses is intensively discussed in research and widely demanded politically, the question remains to what extent entrepreneurship education is part of the respective curricula. This study delivers an overview of the status quo of curricular anchoring of entrepreneurship education in STEM degree courses for the six East German Laender including Berlin. For a total of 1361 STEM degree courses from 58 East German higher education institutions, an in-depth search and analysis of course documents was conducted. The results show a slight anchoring of entrepreneurship education in the curricula of STEM degree courses. However, noticeable differences between the detailed fields of study can be observed.Keywords: entrepreneurship education, STEM, curricular anchorin

    [Ni(NHC)2] as a scaffold for structurally characterized trans [H-Ni-PR2] and trans [R2P-Ni-PR2] complexes

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    The addition of PPh2H, PPhMeH, PPhH2, P(para-Tol)H2, PMesH2 and PH3 to the two-coordinate Ni0 N-heterocyclic carbene species [Ni(NHC)2] (NHC=IiPr2, IMe4, IEt2Me2) affords a series of mononuclear, terminal phosphido nickel complexes. Structural characterisation of nine of these compounds shows that they have unusual trans [H−Ni−PR2] or novel trans [R2P−Ni−PR2] geometries. The bis-phosphido complexes are more accessible when smaller NHCs (IMe4>IEt2Me2>IiPr2) and phosphines are employed. P−P activation of the diphosphines R2P−PR2 (R2=Ph2, PhMe) provides an alternative route to some of the [Ni(NHC)2(PR2)2] complexes. DFT calculations capture these trends with P−H bond activation proceeding from unconventional phosphine adducts in which the H substituent bridges the Ni−P bond. P−P bond activation from [Ni(NHC)2(Ph2P−PPh2)] adducts proceeds with computed barriers below 10 kcal mol−1. The ability of the [Ni(NHC)2] moiety to afford isolable terminal phosphido products reflects the stability of the Ni−NHC bond that prevents ligand dissociation and onward reaction

    [Ni(NHC)2] as a scaffold for structurally characterized trans [H-Ni-PR2] and trans [R2P-Ni-PR2] complexes

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    The addition of PPh(2)H, PPhMeH, PPhH(2), P(para‐Tol)H(2), PMesH(2) and PH(3) to the two‐coordinate Ni(0) N‐heterocyclic carbene species [Ni(NHC)(2)] (NHC=IiPr(2), IMe(4), IEt(2)Me(2)) affords a series of mononuclear, terminal phosphido nickel complexes. Structural characterisation of nine of these compounds shows that they have unusual trans [H−Ni−PR(2)] or novel trans [R(2)P−Ni−PR(2)] geometries. The bis‐phosphido complexes are more accessible when smaller NHCs (IMe(4)>IEt(2)Me(2)>IiPr(2)) and phosphines are employed. P−P activation of the diphosphines R(2)P−PR(2) (R(2)=Ph(2), PhMe) provides an alternative route to some of the [Ni(NHC)(2)(PR(2))(2)] complexes. DFT calculations capture these trends with P−H bond activation proceeding from unconventional phosphine adducts in which the H substituent bridges the Ni−P bond. P−P bond activation from [Ni(NHC)(2)(Ph(2)P−PPh(2))] adducts proceeds with computed barriers below 10 kcal mol(−1). The ability of the [Ni(NHC)(2)] moiety to afford isolable terminal phosphido products reflects the stability of the Ni−NHC bond that prevents ligand dissociation and onward reaction

    The International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2023

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    The 2023 International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting was held in Valencia, Spain, from 24–26 May 2023, attracting approximately 180 participants worldwide. The primary objective of the conference was to establish a dynamic scientific environment conducive to discussion, collaboration, and the generation of novel research ideas. As the first in-person event following the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the meeting facilitated highly interactive exchanges among attendees. It served as a pivotal gathering for gaining insights into the current status of virus bioinformatics research and engaging with leading researchers and emerging scientists. The event comprised eight invited talks, 19 contributed talks, and 74 poster presentations across eleven sessions spanning three days. Topics covered included machine learning, bacteriophages, virus discovery, virus classification, virus visualization, viral infection, viromics, molecular epidemiology, phylodynamic analysis, RNA viruses, viral sequence analysis, viral surveillance, and metagenomics. This report provides rewritten abstracts of the presentations, a summary of the key research findings, and highlights shared during the meeting

    In-situ estimation of ice crystal properties at the South Pole using LED calibration data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory

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    The IceCube Neutrino Observatory instruments about 1 km3 of deep, glacial ice at the geographic South Pole using 5160 photomultipliers to detect Cherenkov light emitted by charged relativistic particles. A unexpected light propagation effect observed by the experiment is an anisotropic attenuation, which is aligned with the local flow direction of the ice. Birefringent light propagation has been examined as a possible explanation for this effect. The predictions of a first-principles birefringence model developed for this purpose, in particular curved light trajectories resulting from asymmetric diffusion, provide a qualitatively good match to the main features of the data. This in turn allows us to deduce ice crystal properties. Since the wavelength of the detected light is short compared to the crystal size, these crystal properties do not only include the crystal orientation fabric, but also the average crystal size and shape, as a function of depth. By adding small empirical corrections to this first-principles model, a quantitatively accurate description of the optical properties of the IceCube glacial ice is obtained. In this paper, we present the experimental signature of ice optical anisotropy observed in IceCube LED calibration data, the theory and parametrization of the birefringence effect, the fitting procedures of these parameterizations to experimental data as well as the inferred crystal properties.</p

    In situ estimation of ice crystal properties at the South Pole using LED calibration data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory

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    The IceCube Neutrino Observatory instruments about 1 km3 of deep, glacial ice at the geographic South Pole. It uses 5160 photomultipliers to detect Cherenkov light emitted by charged relativistic particles. An unexpected light propagation effect observed by the experiment is an anisotropic attenuation, which is aligned with the local flow direction of the ice. We examine birefringent light propagation through the polycrystalline ice microstructure as a possible explanation for this effect. The predictions of a first-principles model developed for this purpose, in particular curved light trajectories resulting from asymmetric diffusion, provide a qualitatively good match to the main features of the data. This in turn allows us to deduce ice crystal properties. Since the wavelength of the detected light is short compared to the crystal size, these crystal properties include not only the crystal orientation fabric, but also the average crystal size and shape, as a function of depth. By adding small empirical corrections to this first-principles model, a quantitatively accurate description of the optical properties of the IceCube glacial ice is obtained. In this paper, we present the experimental signature of ice optical anisotropy observed in IceCube light-emitting diode (LED) calibration data, the theory and parameterization of the birefringence effect, the fitting procedures of these parameterizations to experimental data, and the inferred crystal properties.Peer Reviewe
