70 research outputs found


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    Background According to WHO, worldwide up to 70% of pregnant mothers do not know the importance of dental health care during pregnancy and this has led to various severe outcomes in the context of maternal and child health and survival. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of pregnant mothers towards dental health care during gestation at Mpigi H/C IV Mpigi District.  Methods:  This was a descriptive cross-sectional study that employed quantitative methods of data collection where Multi-stage sampling and simple random sampling procedures were used to obtain a sample of 60 respondents.  Results:  The majority of the respondents, 70%, were unaware of the importance of dental health care during pregnancy. Most respondents 77% had a poor attitude towards dental health care during pregnancy. The majority of the respondents 70% had poor practices about dental health care during pregnancy and this has led to various severe negative outcomes to both the mother and the unborn child.  Conclusion: Most respondents had adequate knowledge of the importance of dental health care during pregnancy. More than three quarters had a negative attitude towards utilization of dental health care during pregnancy and more than half had inappropriate practices towards dental health care during pregnancy.  Recommendations:  The Ministry of Health should strengthen health education on the importance of dental health care during pregnancy at all points of contact with mothers and clear sensitization should be done to the community, cultural leaders and religious leaders should use their influence to sensitize and encourage the community to embrace dental health care services during pregnancy at cultural and religious gatherings, community outreaches should be held and refresher training of health workers with an emphasis towards this aspect should be done

    Pengaruh Indikator Makro Ekonomi dan Bencana Alam terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Pulau Sumatera Menggunakan Pendekatan Regresi Spasial Data Panel

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang rawan bencana di dunia. Hasil riset pengurangan resiko bencana oleh Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) menyebutkan Indonesia berada pada urutan pertama sebagai negara rawan tsunami dan tanah longsor di dunia, peringkat ketiga dalam bencana gempa bumi, serta urutan keenam untuk banjir. Negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia kehilangan 5 dari Produk Nasional Bruto setiap tahunnya akibat bencana alam karena kejadian bencana alam dapat menghambat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang bisa berakibat pada kerugian finansial. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemodelan pertumbuhan ekonomi menggunakan regresi spasial data panel untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh, pengaruh bencana alam, beserta pengaruh spasial atau wilayah dengan sampel yang digunakan yaitu provinsi di Pulau Sumatera dan rentang tahun 2010-2015. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu pertumbuhan ekonomi di Pulau Sumatera yang digambarkan dari PDRB setiap provinsi di Pulau Sumatera naik setiap tahunnya. Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Pulau Sumatera dipengaruhi secara positif oleh penanaman modal asing, penanaman modal dalam negeri, dan secara negatif oleh kejadian bencana, sedangkan nilai ekspor tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Selain itu, pertumbuhan ekonomi di suatu wilayah juga dipengaruhi oleh wilayah lain yang berdekatan dengan nilai koefisien korelasi spasial sebesar 0,5752. ================================================================= Indonesia is one of the most vulnerable country to natural disaster in the world. The research about disaster risk reduction by the United Nations (UN) also states that Indonesia is ranked the first place as vulnerable country in the world to tsunami and landslide, ranked third place in the earthquake disaster, and ranked sixth place in the flood disaster. The developing country, including Indonesia lost 5 of Gross National Product annually due to natural disaster, because the natural disaster events can slow down the economic growth that impact to financial losses. Therefore, in this research purpose to obtain the model of economic growth using spatial panel data regression to find out the influencing factors, the effect of natural disaster, and spatial dependence effect that affect the economic growth with the sample used is province in Sumatera Island and year range 2010-2015. The results obtained are economic growth in Sumatera Island that depicted from the GDP of each province are increase from year to year. Economic growth in Sumatera Island is positively influenced by foreign investment, domestic investment, and negatively influenced by the events of natural disaster, while export value has no significant effect to the economic growth. Furthermore, the economic growth in a region also influenced by the other neighborhood region with spatial correlation coefficient amount 0,5752

    Assessment of customers’ knowledge and attitudes towards e-commerce in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality

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    In numerous developed markets, E-commerce is generally utilised and considered an effective method of reaching global players, gaining market share and building extended relationships between customers and businesses and between businesses. Yet, in South Africa- a developing country, the E-commerce market remains fairly underutilized and is primarily focused on the non-food market and targeting high-end customers. Current estimates are that 37% (13 - 15million) of South Africans have online access, and while this is considered to offer great potential for E-commerce to flourish, it has not been the case in South Africa. The aim of this study was to assess customer knowledge and attitude towards E-commerce through a framework in the context of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM). To answer the research question and accomplish the aim, the study explored and described how customers’ knowledge and attitudes towards E-commerce manifest themselves. Theories surmised in making assumptions and explaining the behaviour of customers towards E-commerce to potentially enhance an understanding on underlying factors that influence the knowledge and attitudes of customers towards E-commerce were used as a lens to develop a priori research conceptual framework that was employed to guide data collection and analysis. The underpinning theories are Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. The conceptual research framework for this study had three fundamental blocks: customer characteristics, knowledge and persuasion. Putting together these three main aspects, the thesis was able to figure out the perceived usefulness and attitude of people to E-commerce in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, and to provide recommendations on how to improve E commerce in BCMM. This qualitative study adopted the relativist and constructionist perspective as an ontological assumption. From the onset, the study claimed that online platforms for E-commerce exist in reality and that most people in South Africa have access to internet and that many own smartphones, but their knowledge and attitude towards E-commerce is not well understood. Thus this study explored the participant’s iv knowledge and attitude towards E-commerce as a reality that is socially constructed in their contextual background, and this was the epistemological stance of the study. An interpretive approach was followed in collecting and analysing the data. The data were obtained through face-to-face interviews with 12 middle class adult participants whom were purposively selected from different areas within BCMM. In terms of gender, participants comprised of eight females and four males. Observations were also conducted to obtain the data that could not be obtained through the interviews. Data were analysed inductively using thematic analysis approach. The research revealed that BCMM customers are knowledgeable about and have a positive attitude towards E-commerce, yet most do not engage in online shopping. There was also suggesting evidence that low levels of acceptance among customers in BCMM is caused by nervousness to engage in online shopping, and the levels of discomfort in relation to usage, varied between males and females. Females were found to be shopping online more than males. Findings suggest that some customers have trust issues with E-commerce and perceive online shopping as risky, with a number of them expressing security fears related to potential misuse of their personal information on websites of E-Commerce shops. It also transpired that a majority of them do not have an understanding of what constitutes a secured website. Despite the low level of utility of the E-commerce, it is concluded that customers in BCMM are knowledgeable and have positive attitude towards E-Commerce. However, to increase usage of online E-commerce in BCMM, education on how E-commerce works needs to be prioritised. Furthermore, it is recommended that E-commerce shops need to devise genuine strategies of allaying customers’ fears about E-commerce in order to improve their trust. This would likely increase the utility of E-commerce by customers in BCMM.Graduate School of Business LeadershipM.B.L

    Analisis Evaluasi Kinerja Aparatur Sipil Negara, Studi di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Tanjungbalai

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    Untuk meningkatkan pelaksanaan pemerintahan yang lebih berdaya guna dan berhasil guna, bersih, akuntabel, dan dalam rangka mewujudkan good governance, Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Tanjungbalai telah melaksanakan berbagai macam program untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja pegawai di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Tanjungbalai. Aparatur Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Tanjungbalai merupakan unsur aparatur pemerintahan, serta pelayan masyarakat, kinerjanya sering dihadapkan pada sorotan negatif dari banyak pihak, terutama yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan pengangkatan pegawai negeri sipil dalam jabatan struktural, penataan pegawai, dan penempatan pegawai.Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 46 tahun 2011 tentang Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang mengganti DP3 (Daftar Penilaian Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan) yang diberlakukan sejak 1 Januari 2014, bertujuan agar penilain melalui DP3 yang selama ini hanya bersifat kualitatif dan subyektif, menjadi penilaian target-target yang jelas dan terukur melalui dokumen Sasaran Kinerja Pegawai (SKP). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja pegawai di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Tanjungbalai, dlihat dari aspek kreativitas, kualitas kerja, kuantitas kerja dan ketepatan waktu. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode campuran (mix methode), yaitu penggabungan antara pendekatan kuantitatif dengan kualitatif. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 52 orang, dan informan penelitiannya diambil secara purposive sampling, yaitu Kepala BKD, sekretaris BKD dan para Kepala Bidang. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriftif.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja pegawai pada Badan Kepagawaian Daerah Kota Tanjungbali yang dilihat dari aspek produktivitas, kualitas kerja, kuantitas kerja dan ketepatan waktu, secara umum menjukkan hasil yang baik.Terkait dengan kinerja pegawai, permasalahan yang melingkupi adalah kurang adanya inisiatif dari para pegawai dalam meningkatkan kuantitas/jumlah hasil pekerjaannya, kurangnya kemampuan para pegawai dalam penggunaan alat bantu pekerjaan, dan kurangnya komunikasi diantara sesama pegawai dalam melaksanakan atau menyelesaikan pekerjaan.To improve the implementation of a more effective and efficient, clean, accountable, and in the context of realizing good governance, the Regional Personnel Board of Tanjungbalai City has implemented various programs to optimize the performance of employees in the Government of Tanjungbalai. The personnel apparatus of the Regional Personnel Agency of Tanjungbalai City is an element of the government apparatus, as well as the public servant, whose performance is often faced with negative attention from many parties, especially with regard to the policy of appointment of civil servants in structural positions, staffing and staffing. Government Regulation No. 46 of 2011 on the Performance Appraisal of Civil Servants who replaced DP3 (List of Job Implementation Assessment) which was enacted since January 1, 2014, aims to make penilain through DP3 which has been only qualitative and subjective, to the assessment of clear targets and measured through the Employee Performance Target (SKP) document. This study aims to analyze the performance of employees in the Regional Personnel Board of Tanjungbalai City, seen from the aspects of creativity, quality of work, quantity of work and punctuality. The method used is a mixed method (mix methode), which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The sample of research is 52 people, and the researcher is taken by purposive sampling, ie Head of BKD, BKD secretary and Head of Division. Data analysis was done descriptively. The results of this study indicate that the performance of employees at the Regional Board of Personnel Tanjungbali seen from the aspect of productivity, quality of work, quantity of work and timeliness, generally menjukkan good results. Related to employee performance, the problems that surrounds is the lack of initiative from employees in increasing the quantity / amount of work, lack of ability of employees in the use of job aids, and lack of communication among fellow employees in implementing or completing the work

    Radiation Dose Evaluation for Radiotherapy Workers at Unand Hospital Using Four-Element Thermoluminescence Dosimetry

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    Radiotherapy is a non-surgery therapy that employs ionizing radiation like X-ray or even radiation to cure cancer as a curative activity. Radiation dose rate analysis is required for the person who worked on radiotherapy to strengthen safety precautions for radiation protection, notably in oncology radiation. The research attempted to disclose time trends and radiation dose rate exposure variations among personnel in radiotherapy installation. Radiation dose examination utilizing four-elements TLD received from 16 respondents grouped into six groups (radiation oncologist, medical physicist, radiotherapist, electromedicine, nurse, and sculptor). The number of occupancy exposures rose 55.5% from 2018 to 2022. The most significant annual radiation dose rate for 900 patient workloads attained by medical physicists was 0.996 mSv. In addition, electronics receive the lowest annual radiation dose at Unand Hospital. Annual effective dose exposure by radiation is still safe, below national or international regulations. However, a protective improvement process is vital to limit radiation interaction, particularly for medical physicists, who are the most vulnerable to radiation exposure

    Perlindungan Hukum Mitra Ojek Daring di Indonesia

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    As one of the countries with the highest population density in the world, the opportunity to work in Indonesia is not directly proportional to its population density so that the number of unemployed is still relatively high. The development of technology has entered in business and it is seen as an alternative with its emergence of the online transportation service providers such as Go-Jek. In the case of partnership agreements used by partners with Go-Jek, partners as parties that have weak bargaining power while Go-Jek has strong bargaining power. From a legal standpoint, the main problem is the absence of legislation that clearly regulates online motorcycle taxis and partnership agreements between partners and Go-Jek. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the online motorcycle taxi, and the legal protection aspects against partners based on partnership agreements and legal remedies in the event of a dispute in the implementation of the partnership agreement. With doctrinal research, this article argues that the partnership agreement is an agreement on innominaat so that in its implementation it should not conflict with the laws and regulations on it. The results of the study indicate that online motorcycle taxis have not yet been regulated in Indonesian laws and regulations, the partnership agreement has not provided legal protection for partners and in the event of a dispute, there can be legal action in accordance with the partnership agreement clause. Keywords: Legal Protection, Partnership Agreement, Online Taxi

    Priority Determination of Maintenance Sediment Control Bengawan River Basin, Indonesia

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    The volume of sedimentation in the Bengawan Solo river is 592,936.05 m3 per year. Several check dams have been built to overcome the sedimentation problem. However, this check dam building has experienced a decrease in performance due to sedimentation. Therefore, the research in this thesis aims to determine the priority of maintenance and repair of sediment control buildings (check dams). Determining priorities due to lack of budget for buildings processed by the government. Use guidelines for classifying check dam damage and building maintenance. Determining maintenance priorities based on the condition of the building using the analytical hierarchical process method. The location of the case study is a check dam building on the Bengawan Solo River and the results of the analysis show that the one with maintenance and repair priorities is the ploso check dam with severe damage (42.5%) and the maintenance carried out is rehabilitative (performance <60%)

    UNet-VGG16 with transfer learning for MRI-based brain tumor segmentation

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    A brain tumor is one of a deadly disease that needs high accuracy in its medical surgery. Brain tumor detection can be done through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Image segmentation for the MRI brain tumor aims to separate the tumor area (as the region of interest or ROI) with a healthy brain and provide a clear boundary of the tumor. This study classifies the ROI and non-ROI using fully convolutional network with new architecture, namely UNet-VGG16. This model or architecture is a hybrid of U-Net and VGG16 with transfer Learning to simplify the U-Net architecture. This method has a high accuracy of about 96.1% in the learning dataset. The validation is done by calculating the correct classification ratio (CCR) to comparing the segmentation result with the ground truth. The CCR value shows that this UNet-VGG16 could recognize the brain tumor area with a mean of CCR value is about 95.69%

    Rodents as potential hosts and reservoirs of parasites along the edge of a Central African forest: Bwindi impenetrable national park, South Western Uganda

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    Background: Rodents which constitute 42% of the world\u2019s mammalian population are major reservoirs of pathogens that cause zoonoses. Currently we know little about rodents\u2019 potential zoonotic transfer from human settlements into protected areas and how any such threats might be reduced. Objective: To investigate the role of rodents as reservoirs of zoonotic pathogens along the boundary of Bwindi. Methods: A rodent inventory in three villages along the edge of Bwindi, was carried using live trapping techniques and the local rodents\u2019 ecto and endoparasite fauna investigated. Results: Two hundred eighty eight rodents captured belonged to 24 species, 17 genera and 4 families with Lophuromys aquilus being most abundant (30.2%). 240 ectoparasites which included mites, fleas and ticks were collected from 88 rodents out of 249. Proamys jacksoni rodents were most infested. Although the mites represented the largest proportion (84.6%), the highest species diversity was shown among the fleas (9 species). Some 36.9% of the rodents were infected with endoparasites of which L. aquilus haboured most. Endoparasitic genera identified included Nippostrongylus, Ascaris , Strongyloides, Trichuris, Hymenolepis , Taenia and Cryptosporidium . Conclusion: Rodents have a zoonotic potentiality. There is need for developing effective integrated rodent management programs against rodent to reduce chances of parasite transmission within the protected areas
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