33 research outputs found


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    Pendahuluan: Pasien dengan psychomotor agitation yang dirawat di ruang intensif mengalami pergerakan yang tidak dapat terkontrol sehingga restrain sering dilakukan untuk mengatasi pergerakan pasien, namun penerapan restrain masih banyak menyebabkan cedera pada pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengekplorasi pengalaman perawat dalam melakukan restrain pada pasien di ruang perawatan intensif. Metode: Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi, pengumpulkan data menggunakan indepth interview pada delapan partisipan di ruang rawat intensif, analisa data menggunakan metode Collaizi. Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan dua tema yaitu restrain sebagai dampak dari beban kerja perawat dan mengurangi tindakan invasif berulang. Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan permasalahan dalam pelaksanaan restrain dan beban kerja perawat perlu di perhatikan untuk meningkatkan keselamatan pasien. Direkomendasikan agar menyesuaikan rasio perawat dan pasien serta beban kerja perawat sebagai salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan keselamatan pasien.Introduction: Patients with psychomotor agitation who are treated in the intensive care unit experience uncontrolled movements so that restraint is often done to overcome the patient's movement, but the application of restraint still causes a lot of injury to the patient. The purpose of this study was to explore nurses’ experiences performing physical restraint in intensive care wards. Method: This type of qualitative research with a phenomenological design, collecting data using depth interviews in eight participants in the intensive care wards, data analysis used the Collaizi method. Result: The result identified two themes namely restraint as a result of the workload of nurses and reducing repetitive invasive procedures. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate problems in implementation restraint and the workload of nurses need to be considered to improve patient safety. It is recommended to adjust the ratio of nurses to patients and the workload of nurses as an effort to improve patient safety

    Pengaruh Inflasi, Likuiditas dan Struktur Modal terhadap Profitabilitas Perusahaan yang Termasuk dalam Jakarta Islamic Index Tahun 2010-2020

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    The Jakarta Islamic Index contains 30 sharia-based stocks that have the highest market capitalization and transaction values. based on the 2010-2020 documentation, there is a gap with the theory of inflation, liquidity and capital structure on profitability. In 2012 inflation rose to 4.3% from the previous year's 3.79%, but the profitability of Indonesian Telecommunications companies and Unilever fell. In 2014 the liquidity at Kalbe Farma company decreased to 29.38% this was not followed by an increase in profitability. The capital structure of United Tractors company in 2011 decreased to 68.85% from 2010's 83.88% but was not followed by the increase in the profitability of United Tractors company. This study uses quantitative methods with a sample of 4 companies in the Jakarta Islamic Index. With 44 data from 2010-2020. The source of research data is secondary data, while the data collection method uses documentation from companies in the Jakarta Islamic Index. The independent variables are inflation, liquidity and capital structure, while the dependent variable is profitability. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, and multiple regression. The results showed that the inflation variable had no significant effect on the company's profitability, while liquidity and capital structure had a significant effect on the company's profitability. Partially inflation, liquidity and capital structure have a significant effect on company profitability with a coefficient of determination of 41.2%


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat prototipe alat monitoring dan controlling pH serta suhu pada budidaya akuaponik berbasis IoT (Internet of Things). Prototipe ini dapat melakukan pemantauan terhadap nilai parameter pH serta suhu pada budidaya akuaponik, selain itu dapat melakukan pengendalian terhadap nilai parameter pH serta suhu melalui aplikasi android. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah parameter pH dan suhu serta penerapan konsep IoT untuk memantau dan mengendalikan parameter pH serta suhu yang terdapat pada budidaya akuaponik. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi laboratorium. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa prototipe dapat mengetahui nilai parameter pH dan suhu pada budidaya akuaponik dari jarak jauh melalui aplikasi android, pengguna dapat melihat nilai secara realtime yang diperbaharui setiap 5 detik dengan rata-rata kesalah pengukuran sebesar 0,94% untuk pH dan 0,55% untuk suhu. Pengendalian parameter pH serta suhu dapat dilakukan dengan mengisi kolom yang tersedia pada aplikasi android, nilai masukan tersebut akan dijadikan parameter referensi dimana prototipe akan mengendalikan pH serta suhu agar tetap berada pada nilai rentang yang telah ditentukan. Penggunaan internet pada prototipe ini dapat mempermudah pengguna untuk melakukan kegiatan monitoring dan controlling parameter pH serta suhu pada budidaya akuaponik. Kata Kunci: Monitoring, Controlling, pH, Suhu, NodeMCU, ESP32, Budidaya Akuaponik, Internet of Things This research aims to make a prototype of a monitoring and controlling tool for pH and temperature in IoT (Internet of Things)-based aquaponics cultivation. This prototype can monitor the pH parameter value and temperature in aquaponics cultivation. Besides, it can control the pH parameter value and temperature through an Android application. This research uses experimental methods with a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study are pH and temperature parameters as well as the application of the IoT concept to monitor and control the pH and temperature parameters contained in aquaponics cultivation. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis with laboratory observation data collection techniques. The results of this study show that the prototype can remotely determine the value of pH and temperature parameters in aquaponics cultivation using an Android application. Users can see the value in real-time, which is updated every 5 seconds with an average measurement error of 0.94% for pH and 0.55% for temperature. Controlling the pH and temperature parameters can be done by filling in the fields available in the android application. The input value will be used as a reference parameter where the prototype will control the pH and temperature to stay in the predetermined range of values. The use of the internet in this prototype could make it easier for users to monitor and control pH parameters and temperature in aquaponics cultivation. Keywords: Monitoring, Controlling, pH, Temperature, NodeMCU, ESP32, Aquaponics Cultivation, Internet of Things

    Dakwah Communication: An Alternative Way For Children Caused By Broken Home

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    The family includes the primary shaper of this character and supporting factors in realizing these teachings through the formation of morality, as we all know that since birth, the people closest to humans are family members. This article aims to find out about da'wah communication, which is used as an alternative way for children who experience broken homes. This study uses a qualitative research method with the type of research in the form of qualitative descriptive by positioning the author as a critical instrument. As for the results in this study, that parent-child often contains views about power and authority. So it is common for children living in such families to experience rebellion. So, da'wah communication can be a solution for broken home children, based on their parents as preachers who encourage children. Because of the participation of the communicants (mad'u) of their children in the ideas or messages conveyed by the communicators (da'i), namely their parents

    Banana Caramelized : Inovasi Kuliner Dengan Menerapkan Konsep Kewirausahaan

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    Pisang merupakan salah satu bahan baku yang dapat diolah untuk dijadikan kuliner.  Banyaknya kuliner yang terbuat dari pisang yang laris dipasaran, salah satunya yaitu keripik pisang. Dengan melihat larisnya kuliner keripik pisang dipasaran oleh karena itu penulis bergagasan membuat suatu usaha dengan menciptakan produk keripik pisang yang diinovasikan dengan menambahkan caramel pada keripik pisang, yang penulis beri nama Banana caramelized. Tujuan usaha ini adalah menginovasi cemilan keripik pisang untuk dijadikan cemilan yang diminati oleh masyarakat khususnya milenial dengan menerapkan konsep kewiraswataan dalam menjalankan usaha. Metode yang digunakan meliputi persiapan, pelaksanaan, pemanfaatan riset pasar dan formulasi produk serta perancangan strategi pemasaran. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu dengan bermodalkan RP. 48.000 sebagai modal awal dan setelah melakukan penjualan sebanyak 7 kali, usaha ini memperoleh omset sebesar RP. 493.000 dan memperoleh laba bersih sebesar RP. 237.00


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    The aim of this research was to determine the effects of filler loading and pressure of hot press on tensile strength of zinc oxide (ZnO) filled polyester composites. The Composites were prepared by using polyester as the matrix, methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKPO) as the catalyst. The composites were filled by the zinc oxide at 0%; 1%; 3%; 5%; and 7% were molded by hot press with pressure variation of 50 psi, 75 psi, 100 psi, 125 psi and 150 psi. Composites have been molded, then tested for the characteristics Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and tests of tensile strength. The best result of tensile strength, impact and flexural were found on the addition of 3% ZnO at a pressure of 150 psi with a tensile strength of 55,12 MPa. SEM characterization showed a rough surface on the addition of 3% ZnO at a pressure of 150 psi because had a good wetting between matrix and filler ZnO