12 research outputs found


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    The aims of this research is to determine the role of trade unions in establishing industrial relations, as well as to find out the obstacles that hamper the role of trade unions in establishing industrial relations and to find out the efforts made in overcoming obstacles that hamper the role of trade unions in establishing industrial relations. The type of this research is uses descriptive qualitative research methods, by means of observation and interviews.Data collection techniques are carried out by interview. The research was conducted at the company PT. Herlina Indah East Jakarta with union chairman, coorporate industrial relations supervisors, logistics supervisors, and employees of PT. Herlina Indah East Jakarta as an informant source.The results of this study indicate that the role of trade unions in establishing industrial relations has been going very well because of the collective labor agreements that have been agreed with the company, but there are still some department managers from companies that have not been able to accept the existence of unions as partners in the company's business processes. Based on this, it is better for company leaders to socialize to all managers the importance of establishing industrial relations between companies and trade unions so that calm in business and work can be felt by both parties

    Analysis of Validity and Reliability of Self-Acceptance Scale Using Rasch Model

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    The measurement of self-acceptance in previous studies still uses classical methods. A valid and reliable self-acceptance scale will help measure the ability to recognize, accept oneself for uniqueness. This study aims to validate and develop the Self-Acceptance Scale. This study was conducted on 100 high school students in Lembang, West Java Province, which included 58 females and 42 males. Cross-sectional survey research methods and a quantitative methodology were employed in this study. The Rasch Model was utilized for data analysis with the Win steps 3.73 program. The findings indicated that 25 items and four scale alternatives where The Cronbach Alpha value represents the interaction between Person and Item is in the excellent category with a value of 0.56. A person's reliability is in a suitable category with a value of 0.47, which indicates the consistency of respondents' answers. The scale meets the criteria that can be used to measure student self-acceptance


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    Teknologi dan informasi kini menjadi faktor utama berkembangnya perusahaan, banyak perusahaan yang berhasil menjadi nomor satu dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dan informasi seperti Tokopedia dan Gojek. PT PIEL adalah perusahaan retail yang menjual barang-barang pekerjaan seperti sepatu dan souvenir khas Indonesia. Pangsa pasar utama PT PIEL adalah transaksi pariwisata, sehingga kebutuhan lahan menjadi kunci utama dalam bisnis ini. Perluasan lahan berdampak positif terhadap penjualan perusahaan, hal ini dibuktikan dengan peningkatan penjualan perusahaan yang mencapai nilai tertinggi dalam lima tahun terakhir setelah PT PIEL membeli lahan untuk kunjungan wisata. Permasalahan muncul karena keterbatasan sumber daya perusahaan, yang menyebabkan pengembangan sistem dilakukan secara bertahap dalam jangka waktu dua tahun. Untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan pada PT PIEL dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode RCA (Root Cause Analysis). Temuan dari penelitian ini, digitalisasi (sistem ERP) dapat memungkinkan integrasi data keuangan, penjualan, dan logistik dengan mempermudah pencatatan semua transaksi dan memperbarui data dan informasi secara instan berdasarkan hasil transkrip transaksi

    Prevalensi Blood Borne Virus pada Pasien Hemodialisis Kronik di Instalasi Hemodialisis RSMH Palembang

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    Pasien hemodialisis kronik lebih berisiko untuk mendapat infeksi Blood Borne Virus (BBV) seperti hepatitis B, hepatitis C, dan HIV karena penggunaan akses vaskular berulang. Pada pasien hemodialisis terdapat tiga faktor risiko utama mempengaruhi terjadinya penularan infeksi BBV yaitu, riwayat transfusi darah, riwayat transplantasi ginjal, dan durasi hemodialisis. Prevalensi BBV pada pasien hemodialisis berkisar 12-29%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi BBV di lingkungan hemodialisis. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif observasional, dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Data diperoleh dari catatan medik pasien hemodialisis di Instalasi Rekam Medik RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang periode 1 Januari 2013-31 Desember 2013. Dari 290 catatan medik pasien didapat 92 catatan medik yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Didapatkan 6 (6,5%) pasien terinfeksi HCV, 5 (5,4%) pasien terinfeksi HBV, 2 (2,2%) pasien terinfeksi HIV, dan tidak didapatkan pasien dengan koinfeksi. Pasien yang terinfeksi HBV dan HCV lebih banyak perempuan dari laki-laki. Infeksi Lebih banyak didapatkan pada pasien dengan riwayat transfusi darah. Rerata lama hemodialisis pasien yang terinfeksi lebih besar dibanding rerata pasien yang tidak terinfeksi dan rerata lama hemodialisis seluruh pasien. Pasien yang terinfeksi HBV dan HCV memiliki rerata usia lebih kecil dibanding dengan rerata usia pasien yang tidak terinfeksi. Prevalensi HCV pada pasien hemodialisis kronik di Instalasi Hemodialisis RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang adalah 6,5%, prevalensi HBV adalah 5,4%, dan prevalensi HIV adalah 2,2%. Pasien perempuan lebih banyak terinfeksi HBV dan HCV. Pasien dengan riwayat transfusi darah lebih banyak terinfeksi. Rerata lama hemodialisis pasien terinfeksi lebih lama dibanding pasien yang tidak terinfeksi

    Velocity measurement based on inertial measuring unit

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    Vehicles technology have been a priority area of research over the last few decades. With the increasing the use of electronic components in the automotive industry to measure conditions around the vehicle, the focus of automotive technology development is now leading to the development of active technology. Information on the speed of conventional vehicles is generally still obtained based on the rotation of the wheel, but there are weakness in the system that is the diference between wheel and road through vehicle also changes wheel radius of the vehicle due to wind tube air preasure that can change at any time. In this research used Inertial Measuring Unit (IMU) 6 axis (accelerometer and gyroscope) which have been done filtering by using Kalman filter in order to make output sensor value more stable, results obtained at the test of 0 m/s had an RMS error of 0.8696 m/s when elevation is +450; 0.0393 m/s when elevation is 00; and 0.3030 m/s when elevation is -450. this research is expected to be an exploration for the development of a decent system that is suitable to be used as vehicle speed estimator which is as reliable as it is by using an existing speedometer on a ground vehicle generally regardless of slippage and changes in wind capacity on wheels

    Prevalensi Blood Borne Virus pada Pasien Hemodialisis Kronik di Instalasi Hemodialisis RSMH Palembang

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    Pasien hemodialisis kronik lebih berisiko untuk mendapat infeksi Blood Borne Virus (BBV) seperti hepatitis B, hepatitis C, dan HIV karena penggunaan akses vaskular berulang. Pada pasien hemodialisis terdapat tiga faktor risiko utama mempengaruhi terjadinya penularan infeksi BBV yaitu, riwayat transfusi darah, riwayat transplantasi ginjal, dan durasi hemodialisis. Prevalensi BBV pada pasien hemodialisis berkisar 12-29%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi BBV di lingkungan hemodialisis. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif observasional, dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Data diperoleh dari catatan medik pasien hemodialisis di Instalasi Rekam Medik RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang periode 1 Januari 2013-31 Desember 2013. Dari 290 catatan medik pasien didapat 92 catatan medik yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Didapatkan 6 (6,5%) pasien terinfeksi HCV, 5 (5,4%) pasien terinfeksi HBV, 2 (2,2%) pasien terinfeksi HIV, dan tidak didapatkan pasien dengan koinfeksi. Pasien yang terinfeksi HBV dan HCV lebih banyak perempuan  dari laki-laki. Infeksi Lebih banyak didapatkan pada pasien dengan riwayat transfusi darah. Rerata lama hemodialisis pasien yang terinfeksi lebih besar dibanding rerata pasien yang tidak terinfeksi dan rerata lama hemodialisis seluruh pasien. Pasien yang terinfeksi HBV dan HCV memiliki rerata usia lebih kecil dibanding dengan rerata usia pasien yang tidak terinfeksi. Prevalensi HCV pada pasien hemodialisis kronik di Instalasi Hemodialisis RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang adalah 6,5%, prevalensi HBV adalah 5,4%, dan prevalensi HIV adalah 2,2%. Pasien perempuan lebih banyak terinfeksi HBV dan HCV. Pasien dengan riwayat transfusi darah lebih banyak terinfeksi. Rerata lama hemodialisis pasien terinfeksi lebih lama dibanding pasien yang tidak terinfeksi

    Enhancement Material Removal Rate Optimization of Sinker EDM Process Parameters Using a Rectangular Graphite Electrode

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    This article discusses the optimization of sinker electrical discharge machining (sinker EDM) processes using SPHC material that has been hardened. The sinker EDM method is widely employed, for example, in the production of moulds, dies, and automotive and aeronautical components. There is neither contact nor a cutting force between the electrode and the   work material in sinker EDM. The disadvantage of the sinker EDM is its low material removal rate. This work aims to optimize the material removal rate (MRR) using graphene electrodes in a rectangular configuration. The SPHC material was selected to determine the optimum MRR model of the sinker EDM input parameter. The Taguchi experimental design was chosen. The Taguchi technique used three input parameters and three experimental levels. Pulse current (I), spark on time (Ton), and gap voltage were among the input parameters (Vg). The graphite rectangle was chosen as an electrode material. The input parameter effect was evaluated by S/N ratio analysis. The result showed that pulse current has the most significant impact on material removal rate in the initial study, followed by spark on time and gap voltage. All input parameters are directly proportional to the MRR. For optimal material removal rate, the third level of pulse current, spark on time, and gap voltage must be maintained. In addition, the proposed Taguchi optimization model could be applied to an existing workshop floor as a simple and practical electronic tool for predicting wear and future research

    Enhancement material removal rate optimization of sinker EDM process parameters using a rectangular graphite electrode

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    This article discusses the optimization of sinker electrical discharge machining (sinker EDM) processes using SPHC material that has been hardened. The sinker EDM method is widely employed, for example, in the production of moulds, dies, and automotive and aeronautical components. There is neither contact nor a cutting force between the electrode and the work material in sinker EDM. The disadvantage of the sinker EDM is its low material removal rate. This work aims to optimize the material removal rate (MRR) using graphene electrodes in a rectangular configuration. The SPHC material was selected to determine the optimum MRR model of the sinker EDM input parameter. The Taguchi experimental design was chosen. The Taguchi technique used three input parameters and three experimental levels. Pulse current (I), spark on time (Ton), and gap voltage were among the input parameters (Vg). The graphite rectangle was chosen as an electrode material. The input parameter effect was evaluated by S/N ratio analysis. The result showed that pulse current has the most significant impact on material removal rate in the initial study, followed by spark on time and gap voltage. All input parameters are directly proportional to the MRR. For optimal material removal rate, the third level of pulse current, spark on time, and gap voltage must be maintained. In addition, the proposed Taguchi optimization model could be applied to an existing workshop floor as a simple and practical electronic tool for predicting wear and future research


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    This study directed to analyze the formation of optimal portfolio shares in the Indonesian Stock Exchange during the period from 2009 to 2013. The sample in this study using an active stock by frequency trade transactions and respectively dividend payment by the company during the period 2009-2013 by using single index model method. The purpose of this study was to know the shares of LQ 45 which can be used as forming an optimal portfolio and how much the proportion of funds, determine the magnitude of expected return and risk of the portfolio that is formed and to know the difference between incoming return portfolio candidateswith that who do not make the candidate portfolios. This research is descriptive with quantitative approach. The data used is secondary data analysis of the data using Single Index Model application. Results of the analysis in this study has selected 10 shares of LQ 45 which is forming an optimal portfolio and the proportion is as follows INDF at 6.59%, KLBF amounted to 7.09%, BII amounted to 7,77%, INTP amounted to 9.63% , ADRO by 10.05%, amounting to 10.26% JSMR, ASII of 10.50%, amounting to 10.87% ITMG, BMRI amounted to 12.13%, and amounted to 15.11% SMGR. Single Index optimal portfolio based on this model provides a portfolio of 0.582708 expectations or 58.27%., While for the risk of the portfolio is formed by 0.324522, or 32.45%. From the test results raised the hypothesis that it can be concluded that appear between stock returns candidates who entered the portfolio with stock returns that do not make the candidate portfolio paddock there is a difference significant value of 5% (0,231>0,50),then the investor should choose stocks included in candidate portfolio. Investors should be using Single Index Model because it can obtain the expected return with the lowest return and investors who invest in stocks should perform on several stock diversification to reduce risk. Keywords: optimal portfolio, risk, and retur


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    Sensor satelit SAR mampu mengukur elevasi permukaan bumi menggunakan metode interferometri (InSAR) atau radargrametri (StereoSAR). Metode InSAR memanfaatkan fase dari citra SAR, sedangkan StereoSAR menggunakan nilai amplitudo untuk menghasilkan elevasi permukaan bumi. Kedua metode mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan. Beberapa permasalahan adalah akurasi rendah DEM menggunakan InSAR citra SAR di area bayangan dan singgahan, sedangkan pada metode kedua, permasalahan muncul jika korelasi silang antara kedua citra rendah. Makalah ini mengajukan metode penggabungan citra DEM InSAR dan StereoSAR untuk pembuatan citra DEM baru menggunakan citra SAR resolusi tinggi. Pasangan citra TerraSAR-X atau TanDEM-X dengan sudut datang 21 derajat digunakan dalam penelitian ini, diolah menggunakan metode InSAR dan sepasang citra dengan sudut masing-masing 21 derajat dan 41 derajat menggunakan metode StereoSAR di area Bandung dan sekitarnya. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa DEM fusi kedua metode tersebut mempunyai akurasi yang lebih baik, dengan kesalahan absolut lebih kecil dari pada masing-masing metode InSAR dan StereoSAR, secara terpisah yaitu meningkat sebesar 3.48 m dan 1.80 m