79 research outputs found

    Whale sharks as oceanic nurseries for Golden Trevally

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    The Golden Trevally, Gnathanodon speciosus, is a large predatory fish with an extremely broad tropical Indo-Pacific distribution that crosses many biogeographical boundaries. Both published information and freely available imagery suggest that small juvenile G. speciosus are often associated with whale sharks, Rhincodon typus; an association that could explain the unusually widespread distribution of G. speciosus, and suggests a novel nursery relationship. The possibility of such an association has the potential to reshape our understanding of the ecological roles played by long-range migrants such as R. typus and other megafauna, our understanding of the full extent of their conservation value, and how we manage both members of the relationship

    10 Hz GPS seismology for moderate magnitude earthquakes: the case of the Mw 6.3 L’Aquila (Central Italy) event

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    The 2009 April 6th Mw 6.3 L'Aquila destructive earthquake was successfully recorded by closely spaced 10-Hz and 1-Hz recording GPS receivers and strong motion accelerometers located above or close to the 50° dipping activated fault. We retrieved both static and dynamic displacements from Very High-Rate GPS (VHRGPS) recordings by using Precise Point Positioning kinematic analysis. We compared the GPS positions time series with the closest displacement time series obtained by doubly-integrating strong motion data, first, to assess the GPS capability to detect the first seismic arrivals (P waves) and, secondly, to evaluate the accelerometers capability to detect co-seismic offsets up to ~45 s after the earthquake occurrence. By comparing seismic and VHRGPS frequency contents, we inferred that GPS sampling rates greater than 2.5 Hz (i.e. 5 or 10 Hz) are required in the near-field of moderate magnitude events to provide “alias-free” solutions of coseismic dynamic displacements. Finally, we assessed the consistency of the dynamic VHRGPS results as a constraint on the kinematic rupture history of the mainshock. These results suggested that the high-rate sampling GPS sites in the near field can be as useful as strong motion station for earthquake source studies

    Geodetic model of the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence inferred from InSAR and GPS data

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    We investigate a large geodetic data set of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)and GPS measurements to determine the source parameters for the three main shocks of the 2016Central Italy earthquake sequence on 24 August and 26 and 30 October (Mw6.1, 5.9, and 6.5,respectively). Our preferred model is consistent with the activation of four main coseismic asperitiesbelonging to the SW dipping normal fault system associated with the Mount Gorzano-Mount Vettore-Mount Bove alignment. Additional slip, equivalent to aMw~ 6.1–6.2 earthquake, on a secondary (1) NEdipping antithetic fault and/or (2) on a WNW dipping low-angle fault in the hanging wall of the mainsystem is required to better reproduce the complex deformation pattern associated with the greatestseismic event (theMw6.5 earthquake). The recognition of ancillary faults involved in the sequencesuggests a complex interaction in the activated crustal volume between the main normal faults and thesecondary structures and a partitioning of strain releas

    A core outcome set for pre‐eclampsia research: an international consensus development study

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    Objective To develop a core outcome set for pre‐eclampsia. Design Consensus development study. Setting International. Population Two hundred and eight‐one healthcare professionals, 41 researchers and 110 patients, representing 56 countries, participated. Methods Modified Delphi method and Modified Nominal Group Technique. Results A long‐list of 116 potential core outcomes was developed by combining the outcomes reported in 79 pre‐eclampsia trials with those derived from thematic analysis of 30 in‐depth interviews of women with lived experience of pre‐eclampsia. Forty‐seven consensus outcomes were identified from the Delphi process following which 14 maternal and eight offspring core outcomes were agreed at the consensus development meeting. Maternal core outcomes: death, eclampsia, stroke, cortical blindness, retinal detachment, pulmonary oedema, acute kidney injury, liver haematoma or rupture, abruption, postpartum haemorrhage, raised liver enzymes, low platelets, admission to intensive care required, and intubation and ventilation. Offspring core outcomes: stillbirth, gestational age at delivery, birthweight, small‐for‐gestational‐age, neonatal mortality, seizures, admission to neonatal unit required and respiratory support. Conclusions The core outcome set for pre‐eclampsia should underpin future randomised trials and systematic reviews. Such implementation should ensure that future research holds the necessary reach and relevance to inform clinical practice, enhance women's care and improve the outcomes of pregnant women and their babies

    Magnano e il suo territorio: un patrimonio da scoprire. Progetti per la sua valorizzazione

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    Un gruppo di ricerca del Politecnico di Torino, con specifiche competenze nell'ambito del Rilievo Urbano e del Restauro aveva scelto il Comune di Magnano, piccolo ma ricco di storia, come caso-studio per sperimentare una metodologia di analisi delle valenze storiche di un territorio, con particolare attenzione all'architettura, nell'ottica della loro conservazione e valorizzazione. La convinta adesione al progetto di giovani studiosi e soprattutto dell'Amministrazione e della popolazione magnanese ha permesso di ottenere i risultati sintetizzati in questo volume. Il libro si apre con i saggi delle autrici che esaminano i vari aspetti del problema: l'analisi critica e il rilievo dell'edificato e del suo contesto ambientale, nonchĂ© i criteri per una pratica di restauro sostenibile dei beni culturali identificati dal rilievo. Sulla scorta di questi approcci metodologici, il volume propone poi alcune idee progettuali “di minima”, quelle che il Sindaco definisce «Prove di recupero del patrimonio culturale». Il capitolo di Pia Davico (Rilievo del territorio e del costruito. Un'indagine finalizzata a progetti per la loro valorizzazione) analizza in particolare il nucleo piĂč antico del concentrico, il ricetto fondato nel 1204. Tuttora ben leggibile nella struttura urbana e di difesa (cinta muraria e torre-porta), e nelle sue cellule tardo medievali, costituisce una delle gemme del patrimonio storico di Magnano che, se valorizzato, potrebbe diventare un polo culturale, tale da segnare la rinascita di un paese oggi in difficili condizioni di semiabbandono
