79 research outputs found

    Seinäjoen Kotijoukkue Oy:n asiakastyytyväisyystutkimus

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää Seinäjoen Kotijoukkueen asiakkaiden, ostajien sekä myyjien, tyytyväisyyttä Kotijoukkueen palveluun. Ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli perehtyä asiakaspalveluun ja henkilökohtaiseen myyntityöhön, sekä niiden merkitykseen kiinteistönvälityksessä. Toisena tavoitteena oli toteuttaa asiakastyytyväisyyskysely Seinäjoen Kotijoukkueen asiakkaille sekä analysoida se. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuus käsittelee asiakaspalvelua sekä henkilökohtaista myyntityötä. Aluksi perehdytään siihen, mitä asiakaspalvelu on ja minkälaista on hyvä asiakaspalvelu. Tämän jälkeen perehdytään hyvän myyjän ominaisuuksiin, kuten asenteeseen, ulkoiseen olemukseen ja erilaisten persoonien kanssa toimeen tulemiseen. Lopuksi käsitellään myynnin erivaiheita, aina lähestymisestä kaupan varmistamiseen sekä asiakastyytyväisyyttä ja sen mittaamista. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena puhelinkyselynä. Puhelinkysely toteutettiin syyskuussa 2013 ja kohderyhmänä olivat ostajat sekä myyjät, jotka olivat asioineet Kotijoukkueen kanssa aikavälillä 1.2.2013–15.9.2013. Molemmille kohderyhmille oli oma kyselylomake. Vastauksia saatiin yhteensä 80 kappaletta, 40 myyjältä ja 40 ostajalta. Pääsääntöisesti Kotijoukkueen asiakkaat olivat tyytyväisiä Kotijoukkueen toimintaan, mutta kehityskohtiakin löytyi. Erityisesti myyjät toivoivat parempaa yhteydenpitoa asiakkaaseen. Esiin nousi myös myyjien nöyrän asenteen tärkeys. Erityisesti nuorempien ihmisten keskuudessa korostui Internetin tärkeys markkinointiväylänä.The purpose of this thesis was to examine the satisfaction of customers, both sellers and buyers, with the service received from Seinäjoen Kotijoukkue Oy. Another objective was to get new ideas and to collect data in order that the services could be targeted better. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with customer service and personal selling. The first objective was to deal with what customer service is and what good customer service is. The second objective was to focus on the properties of a good seller, such as attitude, appearance and getting along with different personalities. Finally, the theoretical part deals with the sales stages, from approach to closing the deal. After that, the theoretical part deals with customer satisfaction and how to measure it. The thesis was carried out as quantitative phone survey. The phone survey was carried out in the autumn of 2013. The target group consisted of all the sellers and buyers who have done business with Seinäjoen Kotijoukkue between 1 Feb 2013 and 15 Sep 2013. Both target groups, sellers and buyers, had their own questionnaire. The final number of answers was 80: 40 answers from sellers and 40 from buyers. The results of the analysis show that the customers were satisfied on average but there were also some targets for development. Sellers demand better communication between the seller and the real estate agent. Another thing that came up was the importance of a humble attitude, as well as the importance of the Internet as a marketing channel, especially among young people

    EU-neuvotteluihin yhteispohjoismaisin tavoittein

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    Vastuuta on laajennettava

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    Pienin askelin

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    ADHD desynchronizes brain activity during watching a distracted multi-talker conversation

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    Individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have difficulties navigating dynamic everyday situations that contain multiple sensory inputs that need to either be attended to or ignored. As conventional experimental tasks lack this type of everyday complexity, we administered a film-based multi-talker condition with auditory distractors in the background. ADHD-related aberrant brain responses to this naturalistic stimulus were identified using intersubject correlations (ISCs) in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data collected from 51 adults with ADHD and 29 healthy controls. A novel permutation-based approach introducing studentized statistics and subject-wise voxel-level null-distributions revealed that several areas in cerebral attention networks and sensory cortices were desynchronized in participants with ADHD (n = 20) relative to healthy controls (n = 20). Specifically, desynchronization of the posterior parietal cortex occurred when irrelevant speech or music was presented in the background, but not when irrelevant white noise was presented, or when there were no distractors. We also show regionally distinct ISC signatures for inattention and impulsivity. Finally, post-scan recall of the film contents was associated with stronger ISCs in the default-mode network for the ADHD and in the dorsal attention network for healthy controls. The present study shows that ISCs can further our understanding of how a complex environment influences brain states in ADHD.Peer reviewe

    Structure of transmembrane prolyl 4-hydroxylase reveals unique organization of EF and dioxygenase domains

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    Prolyl 4-hydroxylases (P4Hs) catalyze post-translational hydroxylation of peptidyl proline residues. In addition to collagen P4Hs and hypoxia-inducible factor P4Hs, a third P4H—the poorly characterized endoplasmic reticulum–localized transmembrane prolyl 4-hydroxylase (P4H-TM)—is found in animals. P4H-TM variants are associated with the familiar neurological HIDEA syndrome, but how these variants might contribute to disease is unknown. Here, we explored this question in a structural and functional analysis of soluble human P4H-TM. The crystal structure revealed an EF domain with two Ca2+-binding motifs inserted within the catalytic domain. A substrate-binding groove was formed between the EF domain and the conserved core of the catalytic domain. The proximity of the EF domain to the active site suggests that Ca2+ binding is relevant to the catalytic activity. Functional analysis demonstrated that Ca2+-binding affinity of P4H-TM is within the range of physiological Ca2+ concentration in the endoplasmic reticulum. P4H-TM was found both as a monomer and a dimer in the solution, but the monomer–dimer equilibrium was not regulated by Ca2+. The catalytic site contained bound Fe2+ and N-oxalylglycine, which is an analogue of the cosubstrate 2-oxoglutarate. Comparison with homologous P4H structures complexed with peptide substrates showed that the substrate-interacting residues and the lid structure that folds over the substrate are conserved in P4H-TM, whereas the extensive loop structures that surround the substrate-binding groove, generating a negative surface potential, are different. Analysis of the structure suggests that the HIDEA variants cause loss of P4H-TM function. In conclusion, P4H-TM shares key structural elements with other P4Hs while having a unique EF domain.publishedVersio

    Associations between Sports Videogames and Physical Activity in Children

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the associations of sports video gaming behaviour in the sociological concept of Physical Activity Relationships (PAR) and to see if sports video gaming differs by gender.Methods: A convenience sample of children between 11-12 years of age (n = 114) from three Finnish regions completed a questionnaire on perceptions of their video gaming and physical activity habits. Differences by gender were tested by contingency tables, and blockwise binary logistic regressions were used to examine the strength of association with physical activity behaviour in PAR.Results: Almost all girls had low importance to video gaming and over two thirds (71%) reported their frequency in sports video gaming was less than monthly. Sports video gaming was positively associated with physical activity behaviours (OR = 3.4, CI =1.3-9.0), but when combined with perceived physical activity importance and spectating in sports, the association was no longer statistically significant. There were no differences in gender for non-sports video gaming.Conclusions: For children who partake in sports video games, the activity can be an integral part of their overall PAR. These preliminary results require further exploring prior to drawing societal implications or sports video games or applying them for intervention to promote physical activity.</p