33 research outputs found

    Sperm whales forage year-round in the ross sea region

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    We investigated the seasonal and spatial occurrence of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in the Ross Sea region of the Southern Ocean derived from passive acoustic data. Two Autonomous Multichannel Acoustic Recorders (AMARs) moored about 10 m above the seabed were deployed in the austral summer of 2018 and recovered 1 year later. The northern AMAR (A3) was located on the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge at 63.7°S and the southern AMAR (A1) at 73.1°S on the Iselin Bank, part of the continental slope of the Ross Sea. Sperm whale echolocation signals were detected using signal processing scripts and validated by visual inspection of spectrograms. Our results demonstrate that sperm whales are present in the Ross Sea region year-round. At A1, sperm whale vocalisations were detected in every month between February and November, but absent in December and January. Whales were detected most often in February with an average of 0.310 detections per hour. Sperm whale vocalisations were detected at station A3 in every month except February when we had no observations. Our results contrast to a paucity of reported sightings of sperm whales from fishing and research vessels in the Ross Sea region between December and February. Probabilities of detecting sperm whales at A3 were on average 14.2 times higher than at A1 for the same month and monthly mean detections per hour were an average of 74.4 times higher at A3 than A1. At A1, we found a significant preference for day-time foraging rather than during the night or nautical twilight. In contrast, at A3, no clear day/dusk/night/dawn differences in sperm whale occurrence were found. Low sea-ice concentration (< 80%) and open water within ∼50 km were necessary but not sufficient conditions for higher detection rates of sperm whales (>0.1 detections per hour). Overall, our research provides baseline information on sperm whale occurrence and establishes a method to track long-term change to help evaluate the conservation value of the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area

    Increased captures of the critically endangered leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) around New Zealand: the contribution of warming seas and fisher behavior

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    Five species of sea turtles are known to occur in New Zealand waters, with the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) being the most frequently reported. In New Zealand all sea turtles are protected, but there are currently no fisheries bycatch mitigation measures. We describe fishery captures of leatherbacks from Ministry observer and fisher self-reported data. A generalized additive model (GAM) was then used to evaluate which factors might explain the observed year trend in captures. Between fishing years 2007–08 and 2020–21 (years starting 1 October), there were 217 captures of leatherback turtles, an annual average of 15.5. Reported captures increased substantially to 50 in 2020–21. Nearly all (97.7%) captures were reported from surface longline fisheries. Because of sparse observer coverage most captures (85.3%) were self-reported by fishers. Within the main fishery, just 9.4% of the vessels reported 94.5% of the leatherback captures, and one vessel reported 40.4% of all captures. Some non-reporting of captures seems likely. The GAM estimated a higher probability of capture with increasing SST from a constant-over-time spatial pattern of monthly sea surface temperature, and predicted the increase in captures in 2020–21. Much of the increase in bycatch could therefore be explained by the fleet moving into warmer areas where the probability of leatherback capture was higher. Capture mitigation measures could include restricting fishing in turtle ‘hotspot’ times and areas. New Zealand waters should be recognized as an important seasonal foraging ground for leatherback turtles where capture mitigation measures are necessary

    First observations of Weddell seals foraging in sponges in Erebus Bay, Antarctica

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    Attaching cameras to marine mammals allows for first-hand observation of underwater behaviours that may otherwise go unseen. While studying the foraging behaviour of 26 lactating Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) in Erebus Bay during the austral spring of 2018 and 2019, we witnessed three adults and one pup investigating the cavities of Rossellidae glass sponges, with one seal visibly chewing when she removed her head from the sponge. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such behaviour. While the prey item was not identifiable, some Trematomus fish (a known Weddell seal prey) use glass sponges for shelter and in which to lay their eggs. Three of the four sponge foraging observations occurred around 13:00 (NZDT). Two of the three sponge foraging adults had higher-than-average reproductive rates, and the greatest number of previous pups of any seal in our study population, each having ten pups in 12 years. This is far higher than the study population average of three previous pups (± 2.6 SD). This novel foraging strategy may have evolved in response to changes in prey availability, and could offer an evolutionary advantage to some individuals that exploit prey resources that others may not. Our observations offer new insight into the foraging behaviours of one of the world’s most studied marine mammals. Further research on the social aspects of Weddell seal behaviour may increase our understanding of the extent and mechanisms of behavioural transfer between conspecifics. Research into the specific foraging behaviour of especially successful or experienced breeders is also warranted

    Role of small Rhizaria and diatoms in the pelagic silica production of the Sourther Ocean

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    We examined biogenic silica production and elementary composition (biogenic Si, particulate organic carbon and particulate organic nitrogen) of Rhizaria and diatoms in the upper 200 m along a transect in the Southwest Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean during austral summer (January–February 2019). From incubations using the 32Si radioisotope, silicic acid uptake rates were measured at 15 stations distributed in the Polar Front Zone, the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the Ross Sea Gyre. Rhizaria cells are heavily silicified (up to 7.6 nmol Si cell−1), displaying higher biogenic Si content than similar size specimens found in other areas of the global ocean, suggesting a higher degree of silicification of these organisms in the silicic acid rich Southern Ocean. Despite their high biogenic Si and carbon content, the Si/C molar ratio (average of 0.05 ± 0.03) is quite low compared to that of diatoms and relatively constant regardless of the environmental conditions. The direct measurements of Rhizaria's biogenic Si production (0.8–36.8 μmol Si m−2 d−1) are of the same order of magnitude than previous indirect estimations, confirming the importance of the Southern Ocean for the global Rhizaria silica production. However, diatoms largely dominated the biogenic Si standing stock and production of the euphotic layer, with low rhizarians' abundances and biogenic Si production (no more than 1%). In this manuscript, we discuss the Antarctic paradox of Rhizaria, that is, the potential high accumulation rates of biogenic Si due to Rhizaria in siliceous sediments despite their low production rates in surface waters.Versión del editor3,38

    FeCycle: Attempting an iron biogeochemcial budget from a mesoscale SF 6 tracer experiment in unpertutbed low iron waters

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    An improved knowledge of iron biogeochemistry is needed to better understand key controls on the functioning of high-nitrate low-chlorophyll (HNLC) oceanic regions. Iron budgets for HNLC waters have been constructed using data from disparate sources ranging from laboratory algal cultures to ocean physics. In summer 2003 we conducted FeCycle, a 10-day mesoscale tracer release in HNLC waters SE of New Zealand, and measured concurrently all sources (with the exception of aerosol deposition) to, sinks of iron from, and rates of iron recycling within, the surface mixed layer. A pelagic iron budget (timescale of days) indicated that oceanic supply terms (lateral advection and vertical diffusion) were relatively small compared to the main sink (downward particulate export). Remote sensing and terrestrial monitoring reveal 13 dust or wildfire events in Australia, prior to and during FeCycle, one of which may have deposited iron at the study location. However, iron deposition rates cannot be derived from such observations, illustrating the difficulties in closing iron budgets without quantification of episodic atmospheric supply. Despite the threefold uncertainties reported for rates of aerosol deposition (Duce et al., 1991), published atmospheric iron supply for the New Zealand region is ∼50-fold (i.e., 7-to 150-fold) greater than the oceanic iron supply measured in our budget, and thus was comparable (i.e., a third to threefold) to our estimates of downward export of particulate iron. During FeCycle, the fluxes due to short term (hours) biological iron uptake and regeneration were indicative of rapid recycling and were tenfold greater than for new iron (i.e. estimated atmospheric and measured oceanic supply), giving an "fe" ratio (uptake of new iron/ uptake of new + regenerated iron) of 0.17 (i.e., a range of 0.06 to 0.51 due to uncertainties on aerosol iron supply), and an "Fe" ratio (biogenic Fe export/uptake of new + regenerated iron) of 0.09 (i.e., 0.03 to 0.24)

    The SOLAS air-sea gas exchange experiment (SAGE) 2004

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 (2011): 753-763, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.015.The SOLAS air-sea gas exchange experiment (SAGE) was a multiple-objective study investigating gas-transfer processes and the influence of iron fertilisation on biologically driven gas exchange in high-nitrate low-silicic acid low-chlorophyll (HNLSiLC) Sub-Antarctic waters characteristic of the expansive Subpolar Zone of the southern oceans. This paper provides a general introduction and summary of the main experimental findings. The release site was selected from a pre-voyage desktop study of environmental parameters to be in the south-west Bounty Trough (46.5°S 172.5°E) to the south-east of New Zealand and the experiment conducted between mid-March and mid-April 2004. In common with other mesoscale iron addition experiments (FeAX’s), SAGE was designed as a Lagrangian study quantifying key biological and physical drivers influencing the air-sea gas exchange processes of CO2, DMS and other biogenic gases associated with an iron-induced phytoplankton bloom. A dual tracer SF6/3He release enabled quantification of both the lateral evolution of a labelled volume (patch) of ocean and the air-sea tracer exchange at the 10’s of km’s scale, in conjunction with the iron fertilisation. Estimates from the dual-tracer experiment found a quadratic dependency of the gas exchange coefficient on windspeed that is widely applicable and describes air-sea gas exchange in strong wind regimes. Within the patch, local and micrometeorological gas exchange process studies (100 m scale) and physical variables such as near-surface turbulence, temperature microstructure at the interface, wave properties, and wind speed were quantified to further assist the development of gas exchange models for high-wind environments. There was a significant increase in the photosynthetic competence (Fv/Fm) of resident phytoplankton within the first day following iron addition, but in contrast to other FeAX’s, rates of net primary production and column-integrated chlorophyll a concentrations had only doubled relative to the unfertilised surrounding waters by the end of the experiment. After 15 days and four iron additions totalling 1.1 tonne Fe2+, this was a very modest response compared to the other mesoscale iron enrichment experiments. An investigation of the factors limiting bloom development considered co- limitation by light and other nutrients, the phytoplankton seed-stock and grazing regulation. Whilst incident light levels and the initial Si:N ratio were the lowest recorded in all FeAX’s to date, there was only a small seed-stock of diatoms (less than 1% of biomass) and the main response to iron addition was by the picophytoplankton. A high rate of dilution of the fertilised patch relative to phytoplankton growth rate, the greater than expected depth of the surface mixed layer and microzooplankton grazing were all considered as factors that prevented significant biomass accumulation. In line with the limited response, the enhanced biological draw-down of pCO2 was small and masked by a general increase in pCO2 due to mixing with higher pCO2 waters. The DMS precursor DMSP was kept in check through grazing activity and in contrast to most FeAX’s dissolved dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentration declined through the experiment. SAGE is an important low-end member in the range of responses to iron addition in FeAX’s. In the context of iron fertilisation as a geoengineering tool for atmospheric CO2 removal, SAGE has clearly demonstrated that a significant proportion of the low iron ocean may not produce a phytoplankton bloom in response to iron addition.SAGE was jointly funded through the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (FRST) programs (C01X0204) "Drivers and Mitigation of Global Change" and (C01X0223) "Ocean Ecosystems: Their Contribution to NZ Marine Productivity." Funding was also provided for specific collaborations by the US National Science Foundation from grants OCE-0326814 (Ward), OCE-0327779 (Ho), and OCE 0327188 OCE-0326814 (Minnett) and the UK Natural Environment Research Council NER/B/S/2003/00282 (Archer). The New Zealand International Science and Technology (ISAT) linkages fund provided additional funding (Archer and Ziolkowski), and the many collaborator institutions also provided valuable support

    Validating remotely-sensed ocean colour data using a moored databuoy

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    SeaWiFS, and the other new generation of ocean colour sensors, must be backed by comprehensive calibration and validation programmes if they are to achieve their aims of accurate, synoptic, global measurement of oceanic phytoplankton biomass and production. In situ measurements of normalised water-leaving radiance (Lwn) made simultaneously with satellite measurements can complement on-orbit methods of tracking changes in the calibration of the satellite radiometer and allow end-to-end vicarious validation of the whole remote sensing method, including new atmospheric correction methods. A moored, optical databuoy was developed to measure Lwn in the western English Channel for extended periods. Tests indicate that the buoy is capable of measuring spectral incident irradiance with less than 10% error and water-leaving radiance with less than 20% error; the errors are reduced by averaging the data. There were 24 match-ups with good quality SeaWiFS data at the buoy site during the 10 months of deployment between May 1997 and September 1998. The RMS differences between the buoy and SeaWiFS measurements of Lwn varied from 49.5% at 555nm to 101.5% at 412 nm. This leads to the diffuse attenuation at 490 nm [KEd(490)] being systematically overestimated by the SeaWiFS algorithm by between 50 and 70%, with an RMS difference of 68.6%. Near surface chlorophyll-a concentrations (Ca) differ from those based on the buoy optical measurements by between -52% (SeaWiFS estimate lower than buoy estimate) to +123%, with an RMS difference of 57%. The RMS differences in measurements of Lwn could be reduced to less than 13% by increasing the calibration coefficients of SeaWiFS by between 3.7% and 0.25% in the visible bands and by tuning the extrapolation of aerosol radiances from the near infra red to the visible wavelengths. This study also found that remotely sensed measurements of KEd(490) and Ca may be biased because of undersampling

    phytoclass: A pigment-based chemotaxonomic method to determine the biomass of phytoplankton classes

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    Pigment-based chemotaxonomy is a widely utilized tool to determine the biomass of phytoplankton classes from pigment biomarkers. The CHEMTAX approach is sensitive to the initial estimates of pigment-to-chlorophyll a (Chl a) ratios for the phytoplankton classes required, even though these are modified by the CHEMTAX process. We present an alternative chemotaxonomic method that utilizes simulated annealing with a steepest descent algorithm to derive class abundances and pigment-to-Chl a ratios. The simulated annealing algorithm is tested on two synthetic datasets of Southern Ocean phytoplankton communities. Each dataset is composed of 1000 inversion samples (set of phytoplankton class abundances, pigment ratios, and pigment profiles) with sizes ranging between 5 and 60 individual samples. We show that the new simulated annealing approach displays higher accuracy than two common configurations of the CHEMTAX method, with lower differences between true and estimated class abundances. Symmetric mean absolute percentage error were 4.8–11%, compared to 18–70% with CHEMTAX approaches. Proportions of variance explained (R) between true and estimated class abundances using the simulated annealing approach were 0.98–0.99 compared to 0.71–0.89 for CHEMTAX. Overall, this new methodology is capable of determining phytoplankton class abundances at higher accuracy than CHEMTAX without sensitivity to initial estimates of pigment-to-Chl a ratios.The authors acknowledge NIWA for providing funding through the NIWA PhD scholarship (CDPS2001) and the University of Otago (Department of Marine Science) for their support throughout the PhD program. The authors are also grateful to the New Zealand MBIE Endeavor Program C01X1710 (Ross-RAMP), Antarctic Science Platform, Project 3 (MBIE contract ANTA1801), MBIE NIWA SSIF (“Structure and function of marine ecosystems”) for their support to M.H.P. and A.G.-R

    Twenty-six years of phytoplankton pigments reveal a circumpolar Class Divide around the Southern Ocean

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    Abstract Regional taxonomic variation of phytoplankton communities in the Southern Ocean remains largely uncharacterised despite the distinct trophic and biogeochemical roles of different taxa in anthropogenic carbon uptake, biogeochemical processes, and as the primary source of energy for marine ecosystems. Here we analysed 26 years of pigment data (14,824 samples between 32°S and the Antarctic coast) from over 50 voyages (1996 – 2022), using the phytoclass software. The analysis confirms that the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) is a circumpolar phytoplankton class boundary, separating haptophyte dominated communities to the north from diatom domination of chlorophyll a in the south, and thereby a biological analogue corresponding to the Biogeochemical Divide. Furthermore, community composition was remarkably similar in different zones south of the APF despite substantial spatial variation in biomass. This circumpolar characterisation of the geospatial distribution of phytoplankton community composition will contribute to improved modelling and projection of future change in ecosystems and carbon in the Southern Ocean