184 research outputs found

    Public Preferences and Values for Rural Land Preservation in Florida

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    This study develops a method to evaluate the influence of local geography on respondents values for land conservation programs. The study employs a choice experiment to evaluate alternative conservation plans. Results indicate that residents local landscapes do matter to the estimated values for such conservation programs. Our results also provide information about the divergence of political and economic jurisdictions for land conservation programs in Florida.Land Economics/Use,

    Awareness and Utilization of Library Resources and Services by the Students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus - A Study

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    The educational system\u27s support for education and research includes the library and information center, which significantly influences how people teach, learn, and conduct research. The present research investigated the extent to which undergraduate and postgraduate students from various departments at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL), Anantapur Women\u27s Campus, make use of library resources for their academic purposes. The objective of this research is to assess the library resources, services, and facilities available at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL), specifically at Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. A comprehensive dataset was obtained from a group of 150 students who participated in the online survey and submitted full responses. The study\u27s result found that the majority of participants 32.67 percent visited the library twice a week. Mostly use the library to obtain books and reference materials, and the resources offered by the library. Approximately 62.67% of the participants visit the library to borrow books and read the competitive materials, and 59.33% of them used the OPAC search tool to find required documents in the library. Furthermore, a significant number of respondents (94.67 percent) consistently relied on subject textbooks for their academic needs. However, the study concluded that the extent of library resource utilization does not have a significant impact on students\u27 academic performance. Based on the study\u27s findings, several recommendations were proposed to enhance library usage. The most prominent suggestion was to acquire more current and pertinent information sources for the library, ensuring that students have access to the latest research and educational materials

    Hennekam lymphangiectasia syndrome

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    Hennekam lymphangiectasia syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive condition. Onset is usually in childhood. The prevalence is unknown but less than 50 cases have been reported in the literature. Incidence is about 1 in 100000 and occurs in all ethnic groups. The syndrome is characterized by the association of lymphedema, intestinal lymphangiectasia, intellectual deficit and facial dysmorphism. Here is a case presented with distension of abdomen with ascites, bilateral pedal oedema, macrocephaly, left half facial edema, left half hypertrophied tongue, dental anomalies, acanthosis nigricans, acrochordons and syndactyly consistent with a diagnosis of Hennekam syndrome. The diagnosis of Hennekam is suspected on the basis of clinical phenotypic features. This is one of the very few cases reported from India

    Incidence, severity, prognostic significance of thrombocytopenia in malaria

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    Background: Malaria is an infectious disease caused by plasmodium parasite. P. falciparum account for majority of morbidity and mortality. Thrombocytopenia and anaemia are the most frequently associated hematological complications in malaria. The low platelet count together with acute febrile syndrome emerged as the strongest predictor of malaria a finding that is frequent and present even before anemia and splenomegaly sets in. Severe thrombocytopenia is a good predictor of poor prognosis than mild and moderate thrombocytopenia. The aim is to study the incidence, severity, prognostic significance of thrombocytopenia in malaria.Methods: This was an observational and prospective study. The study enrolled 100 patients with thrombocytopenia and fever who were proven to have malaria either by peripheral smear or Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC) test or malarial antigen assay were included in the study and patients with thrombocytopenia due to other causes were excluded from the study. Platelet count was estimated on a fully automated quantitative analyzer. All the 100 patients were followed during the hospital stay and upto discharge or till the outcome.  Results: The incidence of thrombocytopenia was 73% indicating a common association in malaria. Complicated malaria was observed in 58.80% of P. falciparum infection whereas 66% of P. vivax infection was associated with uncomplicated malaria. Severe thrombocytopenia showed positive correlation with severity of malaria. Thrombocytopenic patients with effective anti-malarial treatment showed 95.90% recovery and 3 patients 4.10% had mortality. Patients with severe thrombocytopenia were 8.5 times more likely to have complicated malaria with P <0.001 according to student ‘t’ test.  Conclusion: Thrombocytopenia is the most common hematological finding in malaria. Severe thrombocytopenia showed positive correlation with complicated malaria and a good predictor of poor prognosis. Patients with classical malarial fever and thrombocytopenia who were negative for malaria parasite were not included in the study.

    Clinical Deterioration during Antitubercular Treatment at a District Hospital in South Africa: The Importance of Drug Resistance and AIDS Defining Illnesses

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    Background: Clinical deterioration on drug therapy for tuberculosis is a common cause of hospital admission in Africa. Potential causes for clinical deterioration in settings of high HIV-1 prevalence include drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), co-morbid illnesses, poor adherence to therapy, tuberculosis associated-immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (TB-IRIS) and subtherapeutic antitubercular drug levels. It is important to derive a rapid diagnostic work-up to determine the cause of clinical deterioration as well as specific management to prevent further clinical deterioration and death. We undertook this study among tuberculosis (TB) patients referred to an adult district level hospital situated in a high HIV-1 prevalence setting to determine the frequency, reasons and outcome for such clinical deterioration. Method: A prospective observational study conducted during the first quarter of 2007. We defined clinical deterioration as clinical worsening or failure to stabilise after 14 or more days of antitubercular treatment, resulting in hospital referral. We collected data on tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment, HIV-1 status and antiretroviral treatment, and investigated reasons for clinical deterioration as well as outcome. Results: During this period, 352 TB patients met inclusion criteria; 296 were admitted to hospital accounting for 17% of total medical admissions (n = 1755). Eighty three percent of TB patients (291/352) were known to be HIV-1 co-infected with a median CD4 count of 89cells/mm3 (IQR 38-157). Mortality among TB patients admitted to hospital was 16% (n = 48). The median duration of hospital admission was 9.5 days (IQR 4-18), longer than routine in this setting (4 days). Among patients in whom HIV-1 status was known (n = 324), 72% of TB patients (n = 232) had an additional illness to tuberculosis; new AIDS defining illnesses (n = 80) were the most frequent additional illnesses (n = 208) in HIV-1 co-infected patients (n = 291). Rifampin-resistant M.tb (n = 41), TB-IRIS (n = 51) and drug resistant bacterial infections (n = 12) were found in 12%, 14% and 3.4% of the 352 cases, respectively. Interpretation: In our setting, new AIDS defining illnesses, drug resistant M.tb and other drug resistant bacteria are important reasons for clinical deterioration in HIV-1 co-infected patients receiving antitubercular treatment. HIV-1 coinfected patients may be at increased risk of acquiring nosocomial drug resistant pathogens because profound immune suppression results in co-morbid illnesses that require prolonged inpatient admissions. Routine infection control is essential and needs to be strengthened in our setting. Copyright: © 2009 Pepper et al

    Involvement of TSC genes and differential expression of other members of the mTOR signaling pathway in oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite extensive research, the five-year survival rate of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients has not improved. Effective treatment of OSCC requires the identification of molecular targets and signaling pathways to design appropriate therapeutic strategies. Several genes from the mTOR signaling pathway are known to be dysregulated in a wide spectrum of cancers. However, not much is known about the involvement of this pathway in tumorigenesis of OSCC. We therefore investigated the role of the tumor suppressor genes, <it>TSC1 </it>and <it>TSC2</it>, and other members of this pathway in tumorigenesis of OSCC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Expression of genes at the RNA and protein levels was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and western blot analyses, respectively. Loss of heterozygosity was studied using matched blood and tumor DNA samples and microsatellite markers from the <it>TSC1</it>, <it>TSC2 </it>and <it>PTEN </it>candidate regions. The effect of promoter methylation on TSC gene expression was studied by treating cells with methyltransferase inhibitor 5-azacytidine. Methylation status of the <it>TSC2 </it>promoter in tissue samples was examined by combined bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed downregulation of <it>TSC1</it>, <it>TSC2</it>, <it>EIF4EBP1 </it>and <it>PTEN</it>, and upregulation of <it>PIK3C2A</it>, <it>AKT1</it>, <it>PDPK1</it>, <it>RHEB</it>, <it>FRAP1</it>, <it>RPS6KB1</it>, <it>EIF4E </it>and <it>RPS6 </it>in tumors. A similar observation was made for AKT1 and RPS6KB1 expression in tumors at the protein level. Investigation of the mechanism of downregulation of TSC genes identified LOH in 36.96% and 39.13% of the tumors at the TSC1 and TSC2 loci, respectively. No mutation was found in TSC genes. A low LOH rate of 13% was observed at the PTEN locus. Treatment of an OSCC cell line with the methyltransferase inhibitor 5-azacytidine showed a significant increase in the expression of TSC genes, suggesting methylation of their promoters. However, the 5-azacytidine treatment of non-OSCC HeLa cells showed a significant increase in the expression of the <it>TSC2 </it>gene only. In order to confirm the results in patient tumor samples, the methylation status of the <it>TSC2 </it>gene promoter was examined by COBRA. The results suggested promoter hypermethylation as an important mechanism for its downregulation. No correlation was found between the presence or absence of LOH at the TSC1 and TSC2 loci in 50 primary tumors to their clinicopathological variables such as age, sex, T classification, stage, grade, histology, tobacco habits and lymph node metastasis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study suggests the involvement of TSC genes and other members of the mTOR signaling pathway in the pathogenesis of OSCC. LOH and promoter methylation are two important mechanisms for downregulation of TSC genes. We suggest that known inhibitors of this pathway could be evaluated for the treatment of OSCC.</p

    Shapes of magnetically controlled electron density structures in the dayside Martian ionosphere

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    Nonhorizontal localized electron density structures associated with regions of near‐radial crustal magnetic fields are routinely detected via radar oblique echoes on the dayside of Mars with the ionospheric sounding mode of the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding (MARSIS) radar onboard Mars Express. Previous studies mostly investigated these structures at a fixed plasma frequency and assumed that the larger apparent altitude of the structures compared to the normal surrounding ionosphere implied that they are bulges. However, the signal is subjected to dispersion when it propagates through the plasma, so interpretations based on the apparent altitude should be treated with caution. We go further by investigating the frequency dependence (i.e., the altitude dependence) of the shape of 48 density structure events, using time series of MARSIS electron density profiles corrected for signal dispersion. Four possible simplest shapes are detected in these time series, which can give oblique echoes: bulges, dips, downhill slopes, and uphill slopes. The altitude differences between the density structures and their edges are, in absolute value, larger at low frequency (high altitude) than at high frequency (low altitude), going from a few tens of kilometers to a few kilometers as frequency increases. Bulges dominate in numbers in most of the frequency range. Finally, the geographical extension of the density structures covers a wide range of crustal magnetic fields orientations, with near‐vertical fields toward their center and near‐horizontal fields toward their edges, as expected. Transport processes are suggested to be a key driver for these density structures

    Effect of ground-state deformation on isoscalar giant resonances in Si 28

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    Multipole strength distributions for isoscalar L 642 transitions in Si28 have been extracted using 386-MeV inelastic \u3b1 scattering at extremely forward angles, including 0. Observed strength distributions are in good agreement with microscopic calculations for an oblate-deformed ground state. In particular, a large peak at an excitation energy of 17.7 MeV in the isoscalar giant monopole resonance strength is consistent with the calculations

    Transverse wobbling in Pr 135

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    A pair of transverse wobbling bands is observed in the nucleus Pr135. The wobbling is characterized by ΔI=1, E2 transitions between the bands, and a decrease in the wobbling energy confirms its transverse nature. Additionally, a transition from transverse wobbling to a three-quasiparticle band comprised of strong magnetic dipole transitions is observed. These observations conform well to results from calculations with the tilted axis cranking model and the quasiparticle rotor model