113 research outputs found

    Calidad de servicio de la defensa pública y niveles de atención brindada

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre la calidad de servicios en las consultas legales y niveles de atención brindada al usuario de defensa pública de Ica, 2015, para orientar su deficiencia a mejorar el servicio que el estado pretende mejorar últimamente. En mi condición de tesista consideré necesario realizar la presente investigación en el año 201 5, en el departamento de Ica, siendo el método científico empleado en este estudio básico aborda un enfoque cuantitativo, asimismo el nivel del estudio es correlacional porque se quiere saber cómo se puede comportar una variable, conociendo el comportamiento de otras u otras variables relacionadas. Además, el diseño del estudio es corte transversal descriptivo, porque examina el tema a investigar describiendo las variables y analizando su incidencia e interrelación en un momento dado y un lugar determinado. La población es finita y heterogénea porque estuvo constituida por usuarios, y ciudadanos de la provincia que se encuentre familiarizado con el tema. El cálculo y tamaño de la muestra se determinó en base a un muestreo no probabilístico y el método obteniendo una muestra significativa de 40 personas encuestadas (modelo Servperf). Por último, de los datos se concluyó que no existe relación significativa en calidad de servicios en las consultas legales y niveles de atención brindada al usuario de defensa pública de Ica, 2015

    Gender mainstreaming as a pathway for sustainable arbovirus control in Latin America?

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    Submitted by Fátima Lopes ([email protected]) on 2020-06-03T13:50:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GenderMainstreaming.pdf: 307423 bytes, checksum: bd9388c4ef351855b5de142382a3be06 (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Fátima Lopes ([email protected]) on 2020-06-03T14:35:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GenderMainstreaming.pdf: 307423 bytes, checksum: bd9388c4ef351855b5de142382a3be06 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2020-06-03T14:35:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GenderMainstreaming.pdf: 307423 bytes, checksum: bd9388c4ef351855b5de142382a3be06 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2020London School of Economics. Department of Health Policy. London, United Kingdom.University of York. Department of Politics. York, United Kingdom.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Rene Rachou. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil/ Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais. Vila Rosário, MG, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Rene Rachou. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.The 2015 to 2017 outbreak of Zika generated global attention on the risk of a spectrum of neurological disorders posed to women and their unborn children—including, but not limited to, microcephaly—that came to be known as congenital Zika syndrome (CZS). Images of women cradling babies born with CZS underscored the gendered nature of the epidemic. Nonetheless, the media attention towards the highly gendered dimensions of the outbreak was not matched by a recognition of the importance of female participation in the decision-making for the control of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the vector responsible for the spread of Zika. Moreover, while women were the target population of the public health response to the epidemic, the impact of arbovirus policies on women was largely neglected. This paradox—the absence of gender in the policy response to a problem where the gender dimensions were evident from the start—adds to other questions about the sustainability of arbovirus control

    Development and characterization of multilayer films based on polyhydroxyalkanoates and hydrocolloids

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    New biodegradable polymeric materials have been developed in order to minimize the environmental impact caused bythe traditional packaging found in the market. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biopolymers with important features such as biode-gradability and biocompatibility; however, the costs associated with PHAs production and the limited mechanical properties reducetheir application. Whey is a residual product from dairy industry and gelatin is a biopolymer with good processing characteristics. Inthis context, a filmogenic solution based on these two biopolymers was incorporated into pure PHA films to improve their optical,mechanical, and structural properties. The filmogenic solution was prepared from gelatin, cheese whey and PHAs, using glycerol asplasticizer agent. The multilayers films (gelatin concentrations at 3 and 5%, w/v) showed higher values for all properties when com-pared with the PHA standard film. In this sense, the addition of this solution was responsible for the improvement of the film prop-erties. The 5% gelatin multilayers films added of cheese whey and PHAs showed better results when compared with the multilayersfilms with gelatin at 3%. The film composed of gelatin 5% and cheese whey showed a water vapor permeability ranging from 0.45 gmm/m2/d/kPa, elongation of 2.18%, and opacity of 14.5%. However, the results of the morphological analysis showed that both filmspresented a homogeneous surface without cracks. Moreover, the results of the thermal analysis of both films indicate polymeric misci-bility. Thus, the choice of the best film will depend on its applicabilityPostprint (published version

    Injustiça na resposta internacional à COVID-19: lições a aprender

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    Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic surprised even the most economically developed nations. The surprise was not the emergence of a new pandemic, which was already on the horizon of the most attentive health professionals, but its intensity and effects in all countries, even the richest ones. In terms of response, although initiatives such as the COVAX Mechanism (WHO) were encouraged by everyone, they were not sufficient to guarantee minimally fair conditions for responses to the pandemic around the world. Objective: to critically analyze the experience of the COVAX Facility project as an international solidarity project. Discussion: The effects of colonial and neocolonial exploitation and coloniality preserve injustices in political relations and prevent a fairer distribution of resources to combat the pandemic. Pandemics such as Covid-19 have exposed the exploitative nature of globalization: the circulation of goods, people and services around the world generates a vector of capital accumulation directed at central countries, and its effects, for example, the spread of infectious diseases with high infectivity, they penalize the poorest countries even more. Inequalities in access to vaccines and health services between countries are unfair and constitute fertile ground for new viral strains that can be even more transmissible and of greater severity. Final considerations: The social determinants of the health and disease process must be considered when planning responses to health emergencies, both locally and internationally, recognizing that the protection of citizens and communities must be recognized as an ethical imperative. The Anthropocene is a reality, and it is necessary to take care of the planet as a whole, with effectively solidary actions, in terms of reflective solidarity as Dean suggests, if we want to avoid collapse.Introducción: La pandemia de Covid-19 sorprendió incluso a las naciones económicamente más desarrolladas. La sorpresa no fue la aparición de una nueva pandemia, que ya estaba en el horizonte de los profesionales sanitarios más atentos, sino su intensidad y efectos en todos los países, incluso en los más ricos. En términos de respuesta, si bien iniciativas como el Mecanismo COVAX (OMS) fueron alentadas por todos, no fueron suficientes para garantizar condiciones mínimamente justas para las respuestas a la pandemia en todo el mundo. Objetivo: analizar críticamente la experiencia del proyecto COVAX Facility como proyecto de solidaridad internacional. Discusión: Los efectos de la explotación colonial y neocolonial y la colonialidad preservan las injusticias en las relaciones políticas e impiden una distribución más justa de los recursos para combatir la pandemia. Pandemias como la Covid-19 han puesto de manifiesto el carácter explotador de la globalización: la circulación de bienes, personas y servicios en todo el mundo genera un vector de acumulación de capital dirigido a los países centrales, y sus efectos, por ejemplo, la propagación de enfermedades infecciosas con alta infectividad, penalizan aún más a los países más pobres. Las desigualdades en el acceso a vacunas y servicios de salud entre países son injustas y constituyen un terreno fértil para nuevas cepas virales que pueden ser aún más transmisibles y de mayor gravedad. Consideraciones finales: Se deben considerar los determinantes sociales del proceso de salud y enfermedad al planificar respuestas a emergencias de salud, tanto a nivel local como internacional, reconociendo que la protección de los ciudadanos y las comunidades debe ser reconocida como un imperativo ético. El Antropoceno es una realidad, y es necesario cuidar el planeta en su conjunto, con acciones efectivamente solidarias, en términos de solidaridad reflexiva como sugiere Dean, si queremos evitar el colapso.Introdução: A pandemia da Covid-19 surpreendeu até as nações economicamente mais desenvolvidas. A surpresa não foi o surgimento de uma nova pandemia, que já estava no horizonte dos sanitaristas mais atentos, mas a sua intensidade e efeitos em todos os países, mesmo nos mais ricos. Em termos de resposta, embora iniciativas como o Mecanismo COVAX (OMS) tenham sido encorajadas por todos, não foram suficientes para garantir condições minimamente justas para respostas à pandemia em todo o mundo. Objetivo: analisar criticamente a experiência do projeto COVAX Facility como projeto de solidariedade internacional. Discussão: Os efeitos da exploração colonial e neocolonial e da colonialidade preservam as injustiças nas relações políticas e impedem uma distribuição mais justa de recursos para combater a pandemia. Pandemias como a Covid-19 expuseram o carácter explorador da globalização: a circulação de bens, pessoas e serviços em todo o mundo gera um vector de acumulação de capital dirigido aos países centrais, e os seus efeitos, por exemplo, a propagação de doenças infecciosas com elevada infectividade , penalizam ainda mais os países mais pobres. As desigualdades no acesso às vacinas e aos serviços de saúde entre os países são injustas e constituem um terreno fértil para novas cepas virais que podem ser ainda mais transmissíveis e com maior gravidade. Considerações finais: Os determinantes sociais do processo de saúde e doença devem ser considerados no planejamento de respostas às emergências de saúde, tanto localmente como internacional, reconhecendo que a proteção dos cidadãos e das comunidades deve ser reconhecida como um imperativo ético. O Antropoceno é uma realidade, e é necessário cuidar do planeta na totalidade, com ações efetivamente solidárias, em termos da solidariedade reflexiva como sugere Dean, se quisermos evitar o colapso

    Estado, sociedade e formação profissional em saúde : contradições e desafios em 20 anos de SUS

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    "No processo de construção do SUS, a temática da formação dos trabalhadores técnicos da saúde tornou-se uma preocupação crescente, alvo de ações públicas em face da escassez e má distribuição entre os estados brasileiros, mas principalmente por causa do grande contingente de trabalhadores com precária ou nenhuma formação profissional”, informam os organizadores na apresentação da obra que discute temas que abrangem desde a expropriação da classe operária à seguridade social, da globalização neoliberal à Reforma Sanitária até chegar à política educacional brasileira na sociedade do conhecimento e a educação dos trabalhadores da saúde, sob a égide da produtividade. Há uma necessidade inadiável de ‘renascer das cinzas’ e disputar os rumos e sentidos da sociedade e dos direitos do trabalho, da saúde e da educação como dimensões humanas fundamentais, opina o filósofo e educador Gaudêncio Frigotto na contracapa da publicação, que reflete avanços e dificuldades da política pública do país e indica caminhos para a superação de seus impasses. Assim, em dez capítulos, cada qual escrito por especialistas das mais variadas áreas do conhecimento, constrói-se no livro uma multiplicidade de olhares acerca do tema principal


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    The tomato plant has narrow genetic base due to intensive breeding and domestication of wild varieties. On the other hand, accessions are a potential source of germplasm against insect pests for tomato crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate the injury caused by Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in the leaves and plant of Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme. The phenotypic and qualitative variability among 15 accessions, injury in leaves and plant after 20 days were evaluated. The injury in leaves and plant were carried out by the scale notes. In general, the accession CCAUFES 40 was the most resistant to T. absoluta, what indicate that one have potential as a source of germplasm for plants breeding of tomato against T. absoluta.O tomateiro possui estreita base genética, devido ao intensivo melhoramento e domesticação de espécies selvagens. Por outro lado, acessos são fontes potenciais de germoplasma contra insetos-praga dessa cultura. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os danos causados por Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) em folhas e nas plantas de Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme. A variabilidade fenotípica e qualitativa entre 15 acessos, os danos nas folhas e plantas após 20 dias foram avaliados. O dano nas folhas e plantas foi avaliado por escala notas. De maneira geral, o acesso CCAUFES 40 foi a mais resistente a T. absoluta, o que indica que o mesmo possui potencial como fonte de germoplasma para o melhoramento de plantas de tomate contra T. absoluta

    OSCIP’s e a Necessidade de Licitação

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    O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar se as OSCIPs que recebem recursos públicos, através do Termo de Parceira, estão obrigadas a realizar prévio processo licitatório, na hipótese de pretenderem contratar serviços e adquirir bens perante a iniciativa privada

    Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) waste protein-based films

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    The demand for new materials and technologies that are able to minimize the environmental impact generated by the disposal of materials from fossil sources has increased significantly in the past years. As these materials normally include gelatin, a high cost ingredient, our aim was to find a more effective solution through the development of films based on protein isolate sourced from Nile tilapias. Thickness, water solubility, water vapor permeability (WVP), tensile strength, elongation, color attributes, and opacity were evaluated. Casting technique was used to obtain the films, using different combinations of protein isolate, gelatin, and plasticizers (glycerol or sorbitol) in an experimental design 23. The films showed good continuity and handling. Surface was free from bubbles and cracks. Key results observed: thickness from 0.04 to 0.09 mm, solubility in water from 4.11 to 28.72%, WVP from 7.12 to 16.36 g mm d-1 KPa-1 m-2, tensile strength from 12.43 to 155.57 MPa, and elongation from 2.14 to 125.33%. Gelatin protein films were promising from the point of view of mechanical properties, visual appearance and easy handling, as well as low WVP and low solubility in water. However, the replacement of gelatin in the formulations implicated in films with reduced tensile strengthsPostprint (published version

    The promise and pitfalls of social science research in an emergency: lessons from studying the Zika epidemic in Brazil, 2015-2016.

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    Social science generates evidence necessary to control epidemics. It can help to craft appropriate public health responses, develop solutions to the epidemic impacts and improve understanding of why the epidemic occurred. Yet, there are practical constraints in undertaking this international research in a way that produces quality, ethical and appropriate data, and that values all voices and experiences, especially those of local researchers and research participants. In this paper, we reflected on the experience of undertaking social science research during the 2015/2016 Zika epidemic in Brazil. This experience was considered from the perspective of this paper's authors: three Brazilian academics, two UK academics and two mothers of children affected by congenital Zika syndrome. This group came together through the conduct of the Social and Economic Impact of Zika study, a mixed-methods social science study. The key findings highlight practical issues in the achievement of three goals: the conduct of high-quality social science in emergencies and efforts towards the decolonisation of global health in terms of levelling the power between Brazilian and UK researchers and optimising the role of patients within research. From our perspective, the information collected through social science was valuable, providing detailed insight into the programmatic needs of mothers and their affected children (eg, economic and social support and mental health services). Social science was considered a low priority within the Zika epidemic despite its potential importance. There were logistical challenges in conducting social science research, foremost of which are the difficulties in developing a trusting and balanced power relationship between the UK and Brazilian researchers in a short time frame. When these issues were overcome, each partner brought unique qualities, making the research stronger. The mothers of affected children expressed dissatisfaction with research, as they were involved in many studies which were not coordinated, and from which they did not see a benefit. In conclusion, the importance of social science in epidemics must continue to be promoted by funders. Funders can also set in place mechanisms to help equalise the power dynamics between foreign and local researchers, researchers and participants, both to promote justice and to create best quality data