598 research outputs found

    Urban grasslands support threatened water voles

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    Urbanisation is often linked with habitat loss and a reduction in species richness but some species may be able to adapt to urban environments. Water voles Arvicola amphibius, a rapidly declining species in the UK, have recently been recorded in isolated grassland habitats in Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city (human population 1.2 million). The aim of this study was to determine the distribution and habitat characteristics of water vole populations occupying these dry grasslands. Field work was undertaken from March to October 2014 in a 34 km2 study area located 3 km east of the city centre. Field sign transects recorded water vole presence in 21/65 (32%) and 19/62 (31%) surveyed sites in spring and autumn, respectively. Vole occupancy increased with distance from water and was greatest in parkland, followed by sites with rank vegetation and roadside habitats. Occupancy was lower where signs of predators were recorded but surprisingly occupancy was found to be greater in the most disturbed sites, perhaps linked to the fact that many of these sites were public parks containing suitable grassland. Sites occupied by water voles were classed as neutral grasslands with species composition dominated by two main species. The number of grassland sites occupied by water voles, especially within public areas suggests that careful management of these urban grassland habitats will benefit the conservation of this highly threatened species in the UK

    GPS Rates of Vertical Bedrock Motion Suggest Late Holocene Ice-Sheet Readvance in a Critical Sector of East Antarctica

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    We investigate present-day bedrock vertical motion using new GPS timeseries from the Totten-Denman glacier region of East Antarctica (∼77-120°E) where models of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) disagree, glaciers are likely losing mass, and few data constraints on GIA exist. We show that varying surface mass balance loading (SMBL) is a dominant signal, contributing random-walk-like noise to GPS timeseries across Antarctica. In the study region, it induces site velocity biases of up to ∼+1 mm/yr over 2010-2020. After correcting for SMBL displacement and GPS common mode error, subsidence is evident at all sites aside from the Totten Glacier region where uplift is ∼1.5 mm/yr. Uplift near the Totten Glacier is consistent with late Holocene ice retreat while the widespread subsidence further west suggests possible late Holocene readvance of the region’s ice sheet, in broad agreement with limited glacial geological data and highlighting the need for sampling beneath the current ice sheet

    A three-dimensional approach to visualize pairwise morphological variation and its application to fragmentary palaeontological specimens

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    Classifying isolated vertebrate bones to a high level of taxonomic precision can be difficult. Many of Australia's Cretaceous terrestrial vertebrate fossil-bearing deposits, for example, produce large numbers of isolated bones and very few associated or articulated skeletons. Identifying these often fragmentary remains beyond high-level taxonomic ranks, such as Ornithopoda or Theropoda, is difficult and those classified to lower taxonomic levels are often debated. The ever-increasing accessibility to 3D-based comparative techniques has allowed palaeontologists to undertake a variety of shape analyses, such as geometric morphometrics, that although powerful and often ideal, require the recognition of diagnostic landmarks and the generation of sufficiently large data sets to detect clusters and accurately describe major components of morphological variation. As a result, such approaches are often outside the scope of basic palaeontological research that aims to simply identify fragmentary specimens. Herein we present a workflow in which pairwise comparisons between fragmentary fossils and better known exemplars are digitally achieved through three-dimensional mapping of their surface profiles and the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm. To showcase this methodology, we compared a fragmentary theropod ungual (NMV P186153) from Victoria, Australia, identified as a neovenatorid, with the manual unguals of the megaraptoran Australovenator wintonensis (AODF604). We discovered that NMV P186153 was a near identical match to AODF604 manual ungual II-3, differing only in size, which, given their 10–15Ma age difference, suggests stasis in megaraptoran ungual morphology throughout this interval. Although useful, our approach is not free of subjectivity; care must be taken to eliminate the effects of broken and incomplete surfaces and identify the human errors incurred during scaling, such as through replication. Nevertheless, this approach will help to evaluate and identify fragmentary remains, adding a quantitative perspective to an otherwise qualitative endeavour

    A Compton reflection dominated spectrum in a peculiar accreting neutron star

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    We report on a puzzling event occurred during a long BeppoSAX observation of the slow-rotating binary pulsar GX 1+4. During this event, lasting about 1 day, the source X-ray flux was over a factor 10 lower than normal. The low-energy pulsations disappeared while at higher energies they were shifted in phase. The spectrum taken outside this low-intensity event was well fitted by an absorbed cut-off power law, and exhibited a broad iron line at ~6.5 keV probably due to the blending of the neutral (6.4 keV) and ionised (6.7 keV) K_alpha iron lines. The spectrum during the event was Compton reflection dominated and it showed two narrow iron lines at ~6.4 keV and ~7.0 keV, the latter never revealed before in this source. We also present a possible model for this event in which a variation of the accretion rate thickens a torus-like accretion disc which hides for a while the direct neutron star emission from our line of sight. In this scenario the Compton reflected emission observed during the event is well explained in terms of emission reflected by the side of the torus facing our line of sight.Comment: 10 pages; to be published in MNRA

    Modelling trade offs between public and private conservation policies

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    To reduce global biodiversity loss, there is an urgent need to determine the most efficient allocation of conservation resources. Recently, there has been a growing trend for many governments to supplement public ownership and management of reserves with incentive programs for conservation on private land. At the same time, policies to promote conservation on private land are rarely evaluated in terms of their ecological consequences. This raises important questions, such as the extent to which private land conservation can improve conservation outcomes, and how it should be mixed with more traditional public land conservation. We address these questions, using a general framework for modelling environmental policies and a case study examining the conservation of endangered native grasslands to the west of Melbourne, Australia. Specifically, we examine three policies that involve: i) spending all resources on creating public conservation areas; ii) spending all resources on an ongoing incentive program where private landholders are paid to manage vegetation on their property with 5-year contracts; and iii) splitting resources between these two approaches. The performance of each strategy is quantified with a vegetation condition change model that predicts future changes in grassland quality. Of the policies tested, no one policy was always best and policy performance depended on the objectives of those enacting the policy. This work demonstrates a general method for evaluating environmental policies and highlights the utility of a model which combines ecological and socioeconomic processes.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    The metabolic bone disease associated with the Hyp mutation is independent of osteoblastic HIF1α expression

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    Fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF23) controls key responses to systemic phosphate increases through its phosphaturic actions on the kidney. In addition to stimulation by phosphate, FGF23 positively responds to iron deficiency anemia and hypoxia in rodent models and in humans. The disorder X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is characterized by elevated FGF23 in concert with an intrinsic bone mineralization defect. Indeed, the Hyp mouse XLH model has disturbed osteoblast to osteocyte differentiation with altered expression of a wide variety of genes, including FGF23. The transcription factor Hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF1α) has been implicated in regulating FGF23 production and plays a key role in proper bone cell differentiation. Thus the goals of this study were to determine whether HIF1α activation could influence FGF23, and to test osteoblastic HIF1α production on the Hyp endocrine and skeletal phenotypes in vivo. Treatment of primary cultures of osteoblasts/osteocytes and UMR-106 cells with the HIF activator AG490 resulted in rapid HIF1α stabilization and increased Fgf23 mRNA (50-100 fold; p < 0.01-0.001) in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Next, the Phex gene deletion in the Hyp mouse was bred onto mice with a HIF1α/Osteocalcin (OCN)-Cre background. Although HIF1α effects on bone could be detected, FGF23-related phenotypes due to the Hyp mutation were independent of HIF1α in vivo. In summary, FGF23 can be driven by ectopic HIF1α activation under normal iron conditions in vitro, but factors independent of HIF1α activity after mature osteoblast formation are responsible for the disease phenotypes in Hyp mice in vivo

    Trans-Planckian physics and signature change events in Bose gas hydrodynamics

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    We present an example of emergent spacetime as the hydrodynamic limit of a more fundamental microscopic theory. The low-energy, long-wavelength limit in our model is dominated by collective variables that generate an effective Lorentzian metric. This system naturally exhibits a microscopic mechanism allowing us to perform controlled signature change between Lorentzian and Riemannian geometries. We calculate the number of particles produced from a finite-duration Euclidean-signature event, where we take the position that to a good approximation the dynamics is dominated by the evolution of the linearized perturbations, as suggested by Calzetta and Hu [Phys. Rev. A 68 (2003) 043625]. We adapt the ideas presented by Dray et al. [Gen. Rel. Grav. 23 (1991) 967], such that the field and its canonical momentum are continuous at the signature-change event. We investigate the interplay between the underlying microscopic structure and the emergent gravitational field, focussing on its impact on particle production in the ultraviolet regime. In general, this can be thought of as the combination of trans-Planckian physics and signature-change physics. Further we investigate the possibility of using the proposed signature change event as an amplifier for analogue "cosmological particle production" in condensed matter experiments.Comment: 18 pages, revtex

    INTEGRAL discovery of a bright highly obscured galactic X-ray binary source IGR J16318-4848

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    INTEGRAL regularly scans the Galactic plane to search for new objects and in particular for absorbed sources with the bulk of their emission above 10-20 keV. The first new INTEGRAL source was discovered on 2003 January 29, 0.5 degree from the Galactic plane and was further observed in the X-rays with XMM-Newton. This source, IGR J16318-4848, is intrinsically strongly absorbed by cold matter and displays exceptionally strong fluorescence emission lines. The likely infrared/optical counterpart indicates that IGR J16318-4848 is probably a High Mass X-Ray Binary neutron star or black hole enshrouded in a Compton thick environment. Strongly absorbed sources, not detected in previous surveys, could contribute significantly to the Galactic hard X-ray background between 10 and 200 keV.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures (fig 1 quality lowered), accepted for publication in A&A letters (INTEGRAL special issue

    Sex-Biased Gene Flow Among Elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

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    We quantified patterns of population genetic structure to help understand gene flow among elk populations across the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. We sequenced 596 base pairs of the mitochondrial control region of 380 elk from eight populations. Analysis revealed high mitochondrial DNA variation within populations, averaging 13.0 haplotypes with high mean gene diversity (0.85). The genetic differentiation among populations for mitochondrial DNA was relatively high (FST = 0.161; P = 0.001) compared to genetic differentiation for nuclear microsatellite data (FST = 0.002; P = 0.332), which suggested relatively low female gene flow among populations. The estimated ratio of male to female gene flow (mm/mf = 46) was among the highest we have seen reported for large mammals. Genetic distance (for mitochondrial DNA pairwise FST) was not significantly correlated with geographic (Euclidean) distance between populations (Mantel’s r = 0.274, P = 0.168). Large mitochondrial DNA genetic distances (e.g., FST . 0.2) between some of the geographically closest populations (,65 km) suggested behavioral factors and/or landscape features might shape female gene flow patterns. Given the strong sex-biased gene flow, future research and conservation efforts should consider the sexes separately when modeling corridors of gene flow or predicting spread of maternally transmitted diseases. The growing availability of genetic data to compare male vs. female gene flow provides many exciting opportunities to explore the magnitude, causes, and implications of sex-biased gene flow likely to occur in many species
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