2,666 research outputs found

    ϕ2\phi^2 as Dark Matter

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    In this paper we consider ϕ2\phi^2 scalar field potential as a candidate to dark matter. If it is an ultralight boson particle, it condensates like a Bose-Einstein system at very early times and forms the basic structure of the Universe. Real scalar fields collapse in equilibrium configurations that oscillate in space-time (oscillatons).The cosmological behavior of the field equations are solved using the dynamical system formalism. We use the current cosmological parameters as constraints for the present value of the scalar field. We reproduce the cosmological predictions of the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model with this model. Therefore, scalar field dark matter seems to be a good alternative to cold dark matter nature.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS 11 pages, 7 figure

    Towards a manipulation of memory by science?: a contextualized analysis of the films Final Cut and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

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    In this article, after a general introduction about a brain prosthesis project - a substitute for the hippocampus -, started in 2003 by a team of neuroscientists from the University of Southern California, and experiments started between 2007 and 2009 by scientists of various nationalities, we present in more detail some of the main results of the latter, published in scientific articles, which allow us to predict some potential risks in the future, and pose ethical problems, for worthy intentions that scientists may have. Following this, we discuss films Final Cut (2004) by Omar Naїm and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), directed by Michel Gondry, which present multiple points of contact with the aforementioned scientific projects, anticipating some of the foreseeable dangers, and allow us to discuss the future possibility of a manipulation of memory (and of oblivion), through science. Although they are fiction films, much of what is shown in both is compatible (except for some aspects) with real neuroscience research projects that are currently underway.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A interrupção da transmissão da doença de Chagas na Venezuela

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    The interruption of vectorial transmission of Chagas disease in Venezuela is attributed to the combined effects of ongoing entomoepidemiological surveillance, ongoing house spraying with residual insecticides and the concurrent building and modification of rural houses in endemic areas during almost five decades. The original endemic areas which totaled 750,000 km², have been reduced to 365,000 km². During 1958-1968, initial entomological evaluations carried out showed that the house infestation index ranged between 60-80%, the house infection index at 8-11% and a house density index of 30-50 triatomine bugs per house. By 1990-98, these indexes were further reduced to 1.6-4.0%, 0.01-0.6% and 3-4 bugs per house respectively. The overall rural population seroprevalence has declined from 44.5% (95% C.I.: 43.4-45.3%) to 9.2% (95% C.I.: 9.0-9.4%) for successive grouped periods from 1958 to 1998. The annual blood donor prevalence is firmly established below 1%. The population at risk of infection has been estimated to be less than four million. Given that prevalence rates are stable and appropriate for public health programmes, consideration has been given to potential biases that may distort results such as: a) geographical differences in illness or longevity of patients; b) variations in levels of ascertainment; c) variations in diagnostic criteria; and d) variations in population structure, mainly due to appreciable population migration. The endemic areas with continuous transmission are now mainly confined to piedmonts, as well as patchy foci in higher mountainous ranges, where the exclusive vector is Rhodnius prolixus. There is also an unstable area, of which landscapes are made up of grasslands with scattered broad-leaved evergreen trees and costal plains, where transmission is very low and occasional outbreaks are reported.A interrupção da transmissão da doença de Chagas é atribuida aos efeitos conjuntos da vigilância soroepidemiológica, borrifação contínua de inseticidas residuais assim como a construção e modificação de casas rurais nas áreas endêmicas nas últimas cinco décadas. Os 750.000 km² originais da área endêmica foram reduzidos a 365.000 km². Durante os anos 1958 a 1968, avaliações entomológicas iniciais indicaram que o índice de infestação domiciliar variava de 60 a 80%, o índice de infeção domiciliar entre 8 e 11% e o índice de densidade domiciliar de 30 a 50 triatomíneos por casa. Para o período 1990 a 1998 estes índices foram respectivamente reduzidos para 1,6 a 4,0%, 0,01 a 0,6% e 3 - 4 triatomíneos por casa. A soroprevalência geral diminuiu de 44,5% (95% I.C.: 43,4 a 45,3) para 9,2% (95% I.C.: 9,0 a 9,4%) entre 1958 a 1998. A prevalência da infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi entre os doadores de sangue encontra-se abaixo de 1%. A população sob risco de infecção tem sido estimada em menos de quatro milhões de pessoas. Tendo em vista que as taxas de prevalência são estáveis e apropriadas para a avaliação de programas de saúde pública, atenção tem sido dada para tendências potenciais que poderiam alterar o sentido dos resultados tais como: diferenças geográficas na doença ou na longevidade dos pacientes; variações nos níveis de determinação; variações nos critérios de diagnóstico; e variações nas estruturas populacionais, assim como migrações significantes de populações. As áreas endêmicas com transmissão contínua estão restritas a sopés de montes e focos isolados em áreas montanhosas, onde o vetor exclusivo é Rhodnius prolixus. Existem ainda áreas onde a transmissão é muito baixa e ocorrem surtos ocasionais com poucos casos agudos notificados nos estados de Barinas e Portuguesa

    The present and future state of multi-brand platforms in luxury e-commerce: leveraging digital tools to build customer loyalty

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    Luxury fashion consumption is changing. For decades, the industry favored premium in-person experiences. Recently, however, luxury brands and consumers have taken notice of online channels, and competition is fiercer than ever. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the industry and specify recommendations for the improvement of a business model employed by major e commerce platforms in luxury fashion, the multi-brand model. Literature, a consumer survey and company records comprise the primary sources of information used to analyze the model and support the elaboration of three major recommendations: integration of metaverse technology, improved customer experience and digital loyalty development

    An uncertainty and sensitivity analysis applied to the prioritisation of pharmaceuticals as surface water contaminants from wastewater treatment plant direct emissions

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    In this study, the concentration probability distributions of 82 pharmaceutical compounds detected in the effluents of 179 European wastewater treatment plants were computed and inserted into a multimedia fate model. The comparative ecotoxicological impact of the direct emission of these compounds from wastewater treatment plants on freshwater ecosystems, based on a potentially affected fraction (PAF) of species approach, was assessed to rank compounds based on priority. As many pharmaceuticals are acids or bases, the multimedia fate model accounts for regressions to estimate pH-dependent fate parameters. An uncertainty analysis was performed by means of Monte Carlo analysis, which included the uncertainty of fate and ecotoxicity model input variables, as well as the spatial variability of landscape characteristics on the European continental scale. Several pharmaceutical compounds were identified as being of greatest concern, including 7 analgesics/anti-inflammatories, 3 β-blockers, 3 psychiatric drugs, and 1 each of 6 other therapeutic classes. The fate and impact modelling relied extensively on estimated data, given that most of these compounds have little or no experimental fate or ecotoxicity data available, as well as a limited reported occurrence in effluents. The contribution of estimated model input variables to the variance of freshwater ecotoxicity impact, as well as the lack of experimental abiotic degradation data for most compounds, helped in establishing priorities for further testing. Generally, the effluent concentration and the ecotoxicity effect factor were the model input variables with the most significant effect on the uncertainty of output results

    Preliminary results of an algorithm for customized soft contact lens ablation

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    OBJETIVO: Desenvolver simulação computadorizada de ablação para produzir lentes de contato personalizadas a fim de corrigir aberrações de alta ordem. MÉTODOS: Usando dados reais de um paciente com ceratocone, mensurados em um aberrômetro ("wavefront") com sensor Hartmann-Shack, foram determinados as espessuras de lentes de contato que compensam essas aberrações assim como os números de pulsos necessários para fazer ablação as lentes especificamente para este paciente. RESULTADOS: Os mapas de correção são apresentados e os números dos pulsos foram calculados, usando feixes com a largura de 0,5 mm e profundidade de ablação de 0,3 µm. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados simulados foram promissores, mas ainda precisam ser aprimorados para que o sistema de ablação "real" possa alcançar a precisão desejada.PURPOSE: To develop a computer simulation for customized soft contact lenses in order to correct aberrations of higher order. METHODS: Using real data from a patient diagnosed with keratoconus, which were measured using a Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor, the thickness of the contact lenses that compensate these aberrations as well the numbers of pulses required to ablate the lenses were specifically determined for the patient. RESULTS: The maps of correction are presented and the numbers of pulses are calculated, using a 0.5 mm beam width and a 0.3 µm ablation depth. CONCLUSIONS: The results shown here are promising, but they should be improved so that the ablation in actual physical systems can reach the desired accuracy

    Accounting for the dissociating properties of organic chemicals in LCIA: an uncertainty analysis applied to micropollutants in the assessment of freshwater ecotoxicity

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    In life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) models, the sorption of the ionic fraction of dissociating organic chemicals is not adequately modeled because conventional non-polar partitioning models are applied. Therefore, high uncertainties are expected when modeling the mobility, as well as the bioavailability for uptake by exposed biota and degradation, of dissociating organic chemicals. Alternative regressions that account for the ionized fraction of a molecule to estimate fate parameters were applied to the USEtox model. The most sensitive model parameters in the estimation of ecotoxicological characterization factors (CFs) of micropollutants were evaluated by Monte Carlo analysis in both the default USEtox model and the alternative approach. Negligible differences of CFs values and 95% confidence limits between the two approaches were estimated for direct emissions to the freshwater compartment; however the default USEtox model overestimates CFs and the 95% confidence limits of basic compounds up to three orders and four orders of magnitude, respectively, relatively to the alternative approach for emissions to the agricultural soil compartment. For three emission scenarios, LCIA results show that the default USEtox model overestimates freshwater ecotoxicity impacts for the emission scenarios to agricultural soil by one order of magnitude, and larger confidence limits were estimated, relatively to the alternative approach

    Envelhecendo com HIV: um estudo de caso na Amazônia Ocidental

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar los cambios en la vida de una persona que adquirió el virus del VIH después de los 60 años de edad, con el fin de comprender el fenómeno en el proceso de envejecimiento y el rescate de las experiencias que nos permiten inferir los significados atribuidos a la vida antes y después de la infección. Para lograr los objetivos de esta investigación, se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo, recurriendo al estudio de caso, y al uso metodológico de la historia oral mediante entrevista. A través de este caso podemos ver que la enfermedad fue un hito definitivo en la vida del enfermo: antes de ello era alegre, tenía muchos amigos, una relación fácil con las mujeres y una tranquila vejez en perspectiva, a continuación de enfermar su vida se volvió un caos, aislándose por miedo a ser rechazado o a transmitir el virus a otras personas.This research aimed to analyze the changes in the life that suffered a person who acquired the HIV virus after 60 years old, in order to understand the phenomenon in the aging process and the rescue of experiences that allow us to infer meanings ascribed to life before and after infection. To achieve the objectives of this research, a qualitative approach, using the case study, and the methodological use of oral history by interviewing was used. Through this case we can see that the disease was a definite milestone in the patient's life: before it, he was cheerful, had many friends, an easy relationship with women and overlooking a quiet old age, then sick, it was chaos: transforming his life, insulation, fear of being rejected and to transmit the virus to others.Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as mudanças ocorridas na vida de uma pessoa que adquiriu o vírus HIV após os 60 anos de idade, a fim de compreender o fenômeno no processo de envelhecimento, resgatando experiências que nos permitam depreender os significados atribuídos à vida antes e após a infecção. Para atingir os objetivos desta investigação, empregou-se a abordagem qualitativa, recorrendose ao estudo de caso, tendo como recurso metodológico a história oral utilizando a entrevista aberta. Por meio deste caso podemos observar que a doença foi um marco definitivo na vida do colaborador, antes se apresentava alegre, cheio de amigos, de fácil entrosamento com as mulheres e com uma perspectiva de uma velhice tranquila, depois sua vida transformouse o caos isolando-se por medo de ser rejeitado e de transmitir o vírus a outras pessoas.peerReviewe