3,142 research outputs found

    Construction and modification of the autonomy of school mathematical knowledge in Portugal

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    During the second half of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century the discipline of secondary mathematics was gradually built in Portugal and certified teachers, textbooks, programs, special teaching techniques emerge. This consolidation process ends with the emergency of school subjects that develop some kind of autonomy as Chervel puts it. This article discusses how the school discipline of mathematics in secondary education in Portugal was set. This process is inseparable from teacher training and so we will observe professional legitimation processes paying special attention to ways in which autonomy has been building and modifying over time

    Construcción y modificación de la autonomía del conocimiento matemático escolar en Portugal

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    During the second half of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century the discipline of secondary mathematics was gradually built in Portugal and certified teachers, textbooks, programs, special teaching techniques emerge. This consolidation process ends with the emergency of school subjects that develop some kind of autonomy as Chervel puts it. This article discusses how the school discipline of mathematics in secondary education in Portugal was set. This process is inseparable from teacher training and so we will observe professional legitimation processes paying special attention to ways in which autonomy has been building and modifying over time.Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX la disciplina de las matemáticas en secundaria fue construida gradualmente en Portugal y emergen libros de texto, programas, técnicas de enseñanza especiales y la certificación de maestros. Este proceso de consolidación termina con el surgimiento de disciplinas escolares desarrolladas con algún tipo de autonomía como la planteada por Chervel. Este artículo describe cómo se creó la disciplina escolar de las matemáticas en la educación secundaria en Portugal. Este proceso va unido a la formación docente y, por tanto, se observan procesos de legitimación profesional, prestando especial atención a las formas en que la autonomía se ha estado construyendo y modificando en el tiempo

    Construction and modification of the autonomy of school mathematical knowledge in Portugal

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    During the second half of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century the discipline of secondary mathematics was gradually built in Portugal and certified teachers, textbooks, programs, special teaching techniques emerge. This consolidation process ends with the emergency of school subjects that develop some kind of autonomy as Chervel puts it. This article discusses how the school discipline of mathematics in secondary education in Portugal was set. This process is inseparable from teacher training and so we will observe professional legitimation processes paying special attention to ways in which autonomy has been building and modifying over time. Construcción y modificación de la autonomía del conocimiento matemático escolar en Portugal Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX la disciplina de las matemáticas en secundaria fue construida gradualmente en Portugal y emergen libros de texto, programas, técnicas de enseñanza especiales y la certificación de maestros. Este proceso de consolidación termina con el surgimiento de disciplinas escolares desarrolladas con algún tipo de autonomía como la planteada por Chervel. Este artículo describe cómo se creó la disciplina escolar de las matemáticas en la educación secundaria en Portugal. Este proceso va unido a la formación docente y, por tanto, se observan procesos de legitimación profesional, prestando especial atención a las formas en que la autonomía se ha estado construyendo y modificando en el tiempo.Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10481/39494WOS-ESC

    Gas mass-flow meters: Principles and applications

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    Gas mass-flow meters (GMFM) for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) applications are presently found in a relatively easy and cheap way. GMFM may be applied in a number of different situations but technical formation concerning its principles of measurement and applications are still misleading. In this paper, the principles of GMFM measurement are discussed and the operating parameters are clarified. A concept of gas mass-flow response factor is introduced and further used in a model for gas mass-flow measurement that is suitable to any gas mixture of known composition. In addition, a model for the application of GMFM to dynamic volumetric methods of dilution is presented and generalized

    Changing representations and practices in school mathematics: the case of Modern Math in Portugal

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    The curricular movement known as Modern Mathematics aimed at the transformation of representations and practices in school mathematics. Its study provides us with ways of understanding how these changes came about. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the ways in which representations of school mathematics gradually were influenced by ideas from the Modern Mathematics movement, how these new ideas merged into local educational traditions, and how they were transformed into meaningful practice. This work is centred on the Portuguese context from the middle 1950s to the middle 1960s, and builds on Chervel’s notion of school culture and Gruzinski’s discussion of connected histories.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia(FCT

    Alguns dados para o estudo do Franciscano Pe. Jerónimo Emiliano de Andrade (1789-1847) e da sua acção espiritual, cultural e social nos Açores

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    O Padre Jerónimo Emiliano de Andrade nasceu na cidade de Angra, na ilha Terceira nos Açores, em 30 de Setembro de 1789 e pertenceu à congregação dos Franciscanos. Dedicou-se ao ensino e, simultaneamente foi produzindo uma obra intelectual, quer impressa em Lisboa quer naquele arquipélago, onde são predominantes os temas de natureza histórica, teológica e pedagógica. De entre estas suas obras avulta a intitulada Topographia, ou descryção physyca, política, civil, ecclesiastica e histórica da ilha Terceira dos Açores, de 1843-1845. Após ter sido o primeiro Reitor do Liceu de Angra do Heroísmo (com nomeação em 6 de Agosto de 1846), veio a falecer em 11 de Dezembro do ano seguinte. Este franciscano dá hoje o seu nome à Escola Secundária da mesma cidade.ABSTRACT: The Priest Jeronimo Emiliano de Andrade was born in the city of Angra, on the Terceira Island, in Azores, on the 30th September 1789, and was part of the Franciscan congregation. His life was dedicated to the teaching and, simultaneously, to the production of an intellectual legacy – printed both in Lisbon and in his homeland Azores – where the main themes are History, Theology or Pedagogy. Among these stands out his works entitled Topographia, ou descryção physyca, política, civil, ecclesiastica e histórica da ilha Terceira dos Açores, from 1843-1845. After became the first director of the Angra do Heroísmo Lyceum (nominated on August the 6th of 1846), Jeronimo Emiliano died on the 11th December of the following year. The Lyceum of this city was named after his death

    Grand challenges in industrial informatics

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    Propriedades Termofísicas de alguns Gases, Sólidos e da Água

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    Trata-se de um trabalho que resultou da compilação de informação com o objectivo de fornecer informação de base aos modelos computacionais que temos em uso para diversas finalidades (docência, investigação e desenvolvimento)