530 research outputs found


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    У статті висвітлено та узагальнено основні підходи щодо трактування поняття «банківський капітал». Проаналізовано економічну природу капіталу залежно від періоду часу розвитку економіки. Досліджено взаємозв’язок понять «банківський капітал» та «ресурси банківських установ», а також охарактеризовано їх спільні та відмінні риси. Запропоновано схему взаємозв’язку між поняттями при дослідженні банківського капіталу. Виявлено, що прирівнювання понять «банківські ресурси» та «банківський капітал» у сучасній українській економіці можливе, оскільки задіяні та ефективно розміщені банком ресурси приносять йому стабільний дохід. (У статті висвітлено та узагальнено основні підходи щодо трактування поняття «банківський капітал». Про- аналізовано економічну природу капіталу залежно від періоду часу розвитку економіки. Досліджено взаємозв’язок понять «банківський капітал» та «ресурси банківських установ», а також охарактеризовано їх спільні та відмінні риси. Запропоновано схему взаємозв’язку між поняттями при дослідженні банківського капіталу. Виявлено, що прирівнювання понять «банківські ресурси» та «банківський капітал» у сучасній українській економіці можливе, оскільки задіяні та ефективно розміщені банком ресурси приносять йому стабільний дохід. (The article highlights and summarizes the main approaches to the interpretation of the term «bank capital». Analyzed the economic nature of capital, depending on the period of economic development. The interrelation between the concepts of «bank capital» and «resource banks» and describes their common features. The scheme of relationships between concepts in the study of bank capital. We found that equating the concepts of «resource bank» and «bank capital» in modern Ukrainian economy is possible, as engaged and effective resources available bank give him a steady income.

    The effect of phagocytosis of poly(L-lactic acid) fragments on cellular morphology and viability

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of phagocytosed poly(L-lactic acid) particles on the morpholgy and viability of phagocytes, mainly macrophages. Therefore, predegraded poly(L-lactic acid) (P-PLLA) and nontreated PLLA (N-PLLA) particles, both having diameters not exceeding 38 µm, were injected intraperitoneally in mice. P-PLLA particles were obtained by 25 kGy γ-irradiation of N-PLLA particles. N-PLLA and P-PLLA particles were injected using an 0.3% ethanol/0.9% saline solution intraperitoneally to the mice. We also studied the release of the absorbed ethanol as a possible model for the release of low molecular weight, potentially toxic products. As control, nondegradable polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) particles and the carrier solution were used. After 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 days, the cells of the abdominal cavity were harvested to study the effect of phagocytosis of polymer particles on phagocytic cell morphology and viability. Studies with transmission electron microscopy indicated that, upon injection of particles in the peritoneal cavity, macrophages demonstrated signs of cell damage, cell death, and cell lysis due to phagocytosis of a large amount of P-PLLA particles. The morphology of the cells that had phagocytosed the N-PLLA and PTFE particles did not differ substantially from those of control animals in which only the solution was injected. Also, in the controls, hardly any cell death and no debris was observed. When the PLLA particles were injected as a suspension in a 0.3% ethanol/0.9% saline solution, no difference was observed between N-PLLA and P-PLLA. After phagocytosis, both cause cell damage, sometimes leading to cell death. The highest numbers of necrotic cells were observed on day 2. The effects could be caused by the (peak) release of degradation products from P-PLLA fragments or by the release of the absorbed ethanol when the 0.3 ethanol/0.9 saline solution was used to administer the particles. In conclusion, it can be stated that cell damage, sometimes leading to cell death, may be caused by phagocytosed poly(L-lactic acid) particles

    Cystolitholapaxy in Ileal Conduit

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    AbstractUrolithiasis is a common complication of surgically treated bladder exstrophy. We report the case of a 43-year-old woman with a history of exstrophy, cystectomy, and ileal conduit urinary diversion presenting with a large calculus at the stomal neck of her conduit in the absence of a structural defect

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 25, 1955

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    Dr. H. C. Wiggers to address pre-med society • Hawaiian holiday Friday in T-G gym • Enlistment opportunities • Music for you this Thursday night • Sholl, Cranston head waiters • Holmes, Blood, Ely, Kramer win in election; Head WAA, WSGA, YM-YW • Work on play begins • Rec center opened • Band elections in May • Marcon, German, Levin, Neborak honored • French Club set banquet for May 2 • Editorials: Suggestions are welcome, but • Letters to the editor • Fraternity row • Bruins take third with 8-1 Elizabethtown rout • Net gals drop first to Swarthmore, 3-2 • Ehlers paces attack in 9-3 F&M triumph • ZX cops inter-frat track tilt • Weak field results cause 79-47 Bruin track debacle • Meistersingers back from Spring tour • Career conference for placement • Pi Nu Epsilon initiation Saturday • Mr. S. Siemal speakshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1472/thumbnail.jp

    Critical Assessment of Single-Use Ureteroscopes in an In Vivo Porcine Model

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    Methods A female pig was placed under general anesthesia and positioned supine, and retrograde access to the renal collecting system was obtained. The LithoVue (Boston Scientific) and Uscope (Pusen Medical) were evaluated by three experienced surgeons, and each surgeon started with a new scope. The following parameters were compared between each ureteroscope: time for navigation to upper and lower pole calyces with and without implements (1.9 F basket, 200 μm laser fiber, and 365 μm laser fiber for upper only) in the working channel and subjective evaluations of maneuverability, irrigant flow through the scope, lever force, ergonomics, and scope optics. Results Navigation to the lower pole calyx was significantly faster with LithoVue compared to Uscope when the working channel was empty (24.3 vs. 49.4 seconds, p < 0.01) and with a 200 μm fiber (63.6 vs. 94.4 seconds, p=0.04), but not with the 1.9 F basket. Navigation to the upper pole calyx was similar for all categories except faster with LithoVue containing the 365 μm fiber (67.1 vs. 99.7 seconds, p=0.02). Subjective assessments of scope maneuverability to upper and lower pole calyces when the scope was empty and with implements favored LithoVue in all categories, as did assessments of irrigant flow, illumination, image quality, and field of view. Both scopes had similar scores of lever force and ergonomics. Conclusions In an in vivo porcine model, the type of single-use ureteroscope employed affected the navigation times and subjective assessments of maneuverability and visualization. In all cases, LithoVue provided either equivalent or superior metrics than Uscope. Further clinical studies are necessary to determine the implications of these findings

    The influence of surface morphology and wettability on the inflammatory response against poly(L-lactic acid): A semi-quantitative study with monoclonal antibodies

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    In this study, the influence of surface morphology and wettability of both degradable and nondegradable polymer films on the inflammatory response after subcutaneous implantation in the rat was investigated. Degradable nonporous, porous, and combi (porous with a nonporous layer on one side) poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) films and nondegradable polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and (porous) expanded PTFE (e-PTFE) were used. Contact angles measurements indicate that PLLA is more hydrophillic than PTFE. Assessment of the inflammatory response was performed after various periods of implantation (up till 180 days), with both conventional light microscopy and immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The inflammatory response observed initially can largely be considered as part of the wound healing reaction, and up till day 40 the inflammatory response against PLLA was minimally more intense than against PTFE (porous as well as nonporous). From day 40 on, the PLLA films provoke a more intense inflammatory response as compared to the PTFE films. Both porous PLLA and the porous side of the combi PLLA film provoke a more intense inflammatory response than nonporous PLLA and the nonporous side of the combi PLLA film, respectively. In general, PTFE and e-PTFE films provoke an inflammatory response which is minimally more intense than the one provoked by the sham operation. Almost no ingrowth of tissue was observed in the porous e-PTFE films. In contrast, there was abundant tissue ingrowth in and an inflammatory response against porous PLLA. It can be concluded that biodegradable PLLA films provoke a more intense inflammatory response than nondegradable PTFE films. Also, porosity enhances the inflammatory response. However, porosity enhances the inflammatory response only when the wettability of a biomaterial permits cellular ingrowth

    Development of an automatic control system of an irradiation unit supporting-rotating devices

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    Роботу виконано на кафедрі ком’пютерно-інтегрованих технологій Тернопільського національного технічного університету імені Івана Пулюя Міністерства освіти і науки України Захист відбудеться 23 червня 2021 р. о 09 .00 годині на засіданні екзаменаційної комісії № 23 у Тернопільському національному технічному університеті імені Івана Пулюя за адресою: 46001, м. Тернопіль, вул.Руська, 56, навчальний корпус №1, ауд. 403МартинякМ.О, Матлага М.С.Розробка автоматизованої системи керування опорно-поворотними пристроями опромінювальних установок. 151 –Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології. –Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя. –Тернопіль, 2021. У кваліфікаційній роботі було проведено аналіз можливих варіантів виконання силової установки опорно-поворотних пристроїв базового блоку керування. Обґрунтовано вибір в цій якості дискретного електроприводу. На основі розрахунку електродинамічних характеристик вантажу вибрано для ланок опорно-поворотних пристроїв крокові двигуни та технологічну схему їх блоку живлення.Martynyak M.O., Matlaga M.S. Development of an automatic control system of an irradiation unit supportingrotating devices. 151 - Automation and computer integrated technologies. - Ivan Puliuyi Ternopil National Technical University. - Ternopil, 2021. In the qualification work the analysis of possible variants of execution of power installation of basic and rotary devices of the basic control unit was carried out. The choice of a discrete electric drive in this capacity is substantiated. Based on the calculation of the electrodynamic characteristics of the load, stepper motors and the technological scheme of their power supply are selected for the links of the support and rotary devices.Вступ 7 1. АНАЛІТИЧНА ЧАСТИНА 8 1.1. Аналіз цифрових слідкуючих електроприводів 8 1.2. Огляд елементів цифрових слідкуючих приводів 12 1.3. Огляд типових схем цифрових слідкуючих приводах 16 1.4. Імпульсні цифрові слідкуючі приводи 18 2. ПРОЕКТНА ЧАСТИНА 23 2.1. Порівняльна оцінка приводів для опорно-поворотних пристроїв опрмінювальних установок 23 2.2. Вибір крокових двигунів для кінематичних пар опорно-поворотних пристроїв опрмінювальних установок 25 2.3. Вибір структурної схеми системи керування 30 2.4. Вибір схеми і розрахунок підсилювача потужності 35 2.5. Вибір та розрахунок блоків живлення 50 3. СПЕЦІАЛЬНА ЧАСТИНА 55 3.1. Розробка програмного забезпечення для мікроЕОМ системи керування опорно-поворотними пристроями опрмінювальних установок 55 4. БЕЗПЕКА ЖИТТЄДІЯЛЬНОСТІ, ОСНОВИ ХОРОНИ ПРАЦІ 60 Висновки 68 Перелік посилань 6

    Renal crystal deposits and histopathology in patients with cystine stones

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    We have biopsied the papillae of patients who have cystine stones asking if this stone type is associated with specific tissue changes. We studied seven cystine stone formers (SF) treated with percutaneous nephrolithotomy using digital video imaging of renal papillae for mapping and obtained papillary biopsies. Biopsies were analyzed by routine light and electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, electron diffraction, and micro-CT. Many ducts of Bellini (BD) had an enlarged ostium, and all such were plugged with cystine crystals, and had injured or absent lining cells with a surrounding interstitium that was inflamed to fibrotic. Crystal plugs often projected into the urinary space. Many inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD) were dilated with or without crystal plugging. Apatite crystals were identified in the lumens of loops of Henle and IMCD. Abundance of interstitial Randall's plaque was equivalent in amount to that of non-SF. In the cortex, glomerular obsolescence and interstitial fibrosis exceeded normal. Cystine crystallizes in BD with the probable result of cell injury, interstitial reaction, nephron obstruction, and with the potential of inducing cortical change and loss of IMCD tubular fluid pH regulation, resulting in apatite formation. The pattern of IMCD dilation, and loss of medullary structures is most compatible with such obstruction, either from BD lumen plugs or urinary tract obstruction from stones themselves