466 research outputs found

    SportinSpot : planejamento de marketing para um aplicativo mobile

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Departamento de Audiovisuais e Publicidade, Projeto Final em Publicidade e Propaganda, 2013.Todos os dias surgem novas empresas disputando espaço no mercado. Atualmente, a maior parte dessas empresas nascem voltadas para o mercado tecnológico e buscam um reconhecimento dentro de seus nichos a fim de se estabelecerem como empresas consolidadas geradoras de lucro. Para que isso seja possível, é necessário se pensar em estratégias de comunicação e marketing, traçando metas e objetivos; analisando a si mesma e o mercado em que a empresa está inserida. O presente estudo visa demonstrar um modelo de planejamento estratégico de marketing e comunicação voltado para uma startup brasiliense chamada SportinSpot, que está segmentada no nicho de esportes. _________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTEveryday new companies arise competing for recognition within the Market. Nowadays, most of these companies are born in order to claim part of the technological market and search for their place within their specific niche, as to be seen as a successful and profit-generating company. In order to achieve these goals, it is of utmost importance to think marketing and communication strategies, tracing targets and goals; analyzing itself and the market in which the company is inserted. This study demonstrates a model for strategical marketing and communication planning for SportinSpot – a startup based in Brasília which revolves around the sports Market

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    "Mudar para que tudo fique como está”: a reforma do ensino médio e o aprofundamento da dependência educacional no Brasil

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    Este estudo almeja pesquisar a Reforma do Ensino Médio (REM), suas determinações e consequências para a educação pública. Partimos da Teoria Marxista da Dependência como forma de analisar a realidade brasileira e, a partir dela, compreender as contradições da REM, gestada em um contexto de crise do capitalismo para satisfazer os imperativos de ampliação da acumulação de capital além de consolidação da dominação social. Analisamos, além da legislação nacional, o Plano de Implementação do “Novo Ensino Médio” na rede estadual do Rio de Janeiro (SEEDUC-RJ, 2021). Constatamos que a implementação da REM resultará em: expropriação do conhecimento científico da juventude e a sua conformação aos valores do capital, além da retirada de direitos trabalhistas e privatização da educação pública, agravando o quadro de dependência educacional.&nbsp

    Detrusor Arreflexia as an End Stage of Neurogenic Bladder in HAM/TSP?

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    The HTLV-1 virus is a known agent involved in the development of HAM/TSP. Past studies have typically observed patients with autonomic dysfunction consisting of detrusor overactivity and detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia, with the occasional observation of underactive detrusor or detrusor arreflexia. However, studies have not yet evaluated the progression of neurogenic bladder over time. In this paper, we describe a HAM/TSP patient with the initial development of overactive detrusor, and subsequent development of detrusor arreflexia. Given a paucity of studies characterizing the effects of HTLV-1 on the autonomic nervous system, particularly aspects controlling continence, this patient's clinical course may represent one type of end point for patients with HAM/TSP and neurogenic bladder. Further cohort or case-series studies, with particular emphasis on the progression of neurogenic bladder, are needed to evaluate the significance of this described case in relation to typical disease progression patterns

    Influence of delivery method on neuroprotection by bone marrow mononuclear cell therapy following ventral root reimplantation with fibrin sealant

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOThe present work compared the local injection of mononuclear cells to the spinal cord lateral funiculus with the alternative approach of local delivery with fibrin sealant after ventral root avulsion (VRA) and reimplantation. For that, female adult Lewis rats were divided into the following groups: avulsion only, reimplantation with fibrin sealant; root repair with fibrin sealant associated with mononuclear cells; and repair with fibrin sealant and injected mononuclear cells. Cell therapy resulted in greater survival of spinal motoneurons up to four weeks post-surgery, especially when mononuclear cells were added to the fibrin glue. Injection of mononuclear cells to the lateral funiculus yield similar results to the reimplantation alone. Additionally, mononuclear cells added to the fibrin glue increased neurotrophic factor gene transcript levels in the spinal cord ventral horn. Regarding the motor recovery, evaluated by the functional peroneal index, as well as the paw print pressure, cell treated rats performed equally well as compared to reimplanted only animals, and significantly better than the avulsion only subjects. The results herein demonstrate that mononuclear cells therapy is neuroprotective by increasing levels of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). Moreover, the use of fibrin sealant mononuclear cells delivery approach gave the best and more long lasting results.The present work compared the local injection of mononuclear cells to the spinal cord lateral funiculus with the alternative approach of local delivery with fibrin sealant after ventral root avulsion (VRA) and reimplantation. For that, female adult Lewis98113FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO2010/0986-5; 2010/00729-2sem informaçãosem informaçã

    Comparison of static friction with self-ligating, modified slot design and conventional brackets

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the static frictional forces generated at the bracket/wire interface of stainless steel brackets with different geometries and angulations, combined with orthodontic wires of different diameters. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The frictional forces were evaluated with three different types of metal brackets: a passive self-ligating (SmartClipTM, 3M/Unitek, Monrovia, USA), with a modified slot design (Mini Uni TwinTM, 3M/Unitek, Monrovia, USA) and conventional (Kirium, Abzil, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil). The samples were mounted in a testing device with three different angulations and tested with 0.014" and 0.018" stainless steel wires (American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, USA). The static frictional force was measured using a universal testing machine (DL 500, EMIC®, São José dos Pinhais, Brazil) with a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Statistical analysis was performed by two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni's post hoc test. RESULTS: There was a significant difference (

    First detection of Leishmania of the subgenus viannia in Alipiopsitta xanthops, endemic bird of South America

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    We report the first molecular detection of Leishmania infection (subgenus Viannia) in the yellow-faced parrot (Alipiopsitta xanthops), at a wildlife rehabilitation center located in the city of Campo Grande, Brazil, an endemic area for leishmaniasis. PCRs targeting kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) and the small subunit of ribosomal RNA of Leishmania spp. were performed, both positive, followed by the sequencing of the amplified region of the SSU rDNA gene, which confirmed the identity of the parasite. This is the first report of success obtained in the use of PCR targeting the IRBP (Interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein) gene as an internal control in the molecular diagnosis of pathogens in bird species

    A translation of mexicanisms into Portuguese in the film ¿Qué culpa tiene el niño?: A sociolinguistic analysis

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    The present article is the result of an analysis of the mexicanisms present in the Mexican movie ¿Qué culpa tiene el niño? (A nine-month hangover). The purpose of this paper is to analyze, from the sociolinguistic perspective, the choices made by translators to perform the translation of mexicanisms, to observe if translators take into consideration the socio-linguistic-cultural influences of translation theory and practice. Also, the study aims at observing if translators follow the technical subtitling standards, as demonstrated in the options made during the translation process. The data collected allowed us to conclude that, at the moment of the translation of mexicanisms into Portuguese, the translator/subtitle translator does not always consider the socio-linguistic-cultural influences of the theory and practice of translation, that is, they do not translate the cultural references present in the original movie audio into the language of the viewer.Keywords: Audiovisual translation, sociolinguistics, mexicanisms, movie subtitles.</p

    Effect of plot size and plant spatial arrangement on the efficiency of family selection in sugarcane

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the ideal sample size representing a family in its potential, to identify superior families and, in parallel, determine in which spatial arrangement they may have a better accuracy in the selection of new varieties of sugarcane. For such purpose, five families of full-sibs were evaluated, each with 360 individuals, in the randomized blocks design, with three replications in three different spacing among plants in the row (50 cm, 75 cm, and 100 cm) and 150 cm between the rows. To determine the ideal sample size, as well as the better spacing for evaluation, the bootstrap method was adopted. It was observed that 100 cm spacings provided the best average for the stalk numbers, stalk diameter and for estimated weight of stalks in the stool. The spacing of 75 cm between the plants allowed a better power of discrimination among the families for all characters evaluated. At this 75 cm spacing  was also possible to identify superior families with a sample of 30 plants each plot and 3 reps in the trial. Highlights The bootstrap method was efficient to determine the ideal sample size, as well as the best spacing for evaluation. The 75-cm spacing had the highest power of discrimination among families, indicating that this spacing is the most efficient in evaluating sugarcane families for selection purposes. From all the results and considering selective accuracy as the guiding parameter for decision making, the highest values obtained considering the number of stalks and weight of stalks in the stools were found at the 75-cm spacing.The purpose of this study was to identify the ideal sample size representing a family in its potential, to identify superior families and, in parallel, determine in which spatial arrangement they may have a better accuracy in the selection of new varieties of sugarcane. For such purpose, five families of full-sibs were evaluated, each with 360 individuals, in the randomized blocks design, with three replications in three different spacing among plants in the row (50 cm, 75 cm, and 100 cm) and 150 cm between the rows. To determine the ideal sample size, as well as the better spacing for evaluation, the bootstrap method was adopted. It was observed that 100 cm spacings provided the best average for the stalk numbers, stalk diameter and for estimated weight of stalks in the stool. The spacing of 75 cm between the plants allowed a better power of discrimination among the families for all characters evaluated. At this 75 cm spacing  was also possible to identify superior families with a sample of 30 plants each plot and 3 reps in the trial. Highlights The bootstrap method was efficient to determine the ideal sample size, as well as the best spacing for evaluation. The 75-cm spacing had the highest power of discrimination among families, indicating that this spacing is the most efficient in evaluating sugarcane families for selection purposes. From all the results and considering selective accuracy as the guiding parameter for decision making, the highest values obtained considering the number of stalks and weight of stalks in the stools were found at the 75-cm spacing