2,648 research outputs found

    Confirmation of the presence of Mycobacterium-tuberculosis complex-specific DNA in three archaeological specimens

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    This journal published the first reported identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTE) DNA in ancient human remains but CONCERNS were raised about the article two years after publication. These were based on methodology which, in the field of ancient DNA, was still developing. Here we present a re-examination of the 1993 research conducted on three specimens which exhibited palaeopathologies indicative of tuberculosis. The specimens were: an ulna from pre-European-contact Borneo, a spine from Byzantine Turkey, and a lumbar-sacral spine from 17th century Scotland. There was insufficient material to permit re-examination of all of the original samples. The earlier results were confirmed in two independent laboratories using different methodologies. MTB DNA complex-specific Dna amplicons were obtained, and sequenced in both laboratories, in a re-analysis of samples which supported the earlier findings

    Strongly Variable z=1.48 FeII and MgII Absorption in the Spectra of z=4.05 GRB 060206

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    We report on the discovery of strongly variable FeII and MgII absorption lines seen at z=1.48 in the spectra of the z=4.05 GRB 060206 obtained between 4.13 to 7.63 hours (observer frame) after the burst. In particular, the FeII line equivalent width (EW) decayed rapidly from 1.72+-0.25 AA to 0.28+-0.21 AA, only to increase to 0.96+-0.21 AA in a later date spectrum. The MgII doublet shows even more complicated evolution: the weaker line of the doublet drops from 2.05+-0.25 AA to 0.92+-0.32 AA, but then more than doubles to 2.47+-0.41 AA in later data. The ratio of the EWs for the MgII doublet is also variable, being closer to 1:1 (saturated regime) when the lines are stronger and becoming closer to 2:1 (unsaturated regime) when the lines are weaker, consistent with expectations based on atomic physics. We have investigated and rejected the possibility of any instrumental or atmospheric effects causing the observed strong variations. Our discovery of clearly variable intervening FeII and MgII lines lends very strong support to their scenario, in which the characteristic size of intervening patches of MgII ``clouds'' is comparable to the GRB beam size, i.e, about 10^16 cm. We discuss various implications of this discovery, including the nature of the MgII absorbers, the physics of GRBs, and measurements of chemical abundances from GRB and quasar absorption lines.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; ApJ Letters, accepte

    Development of GaAs Detectors for Ionising Radiation

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    This thesis presents an account of the development of particle detectors made on gallium arsenide semiconductor material. The state of the art in semiconductor detectors is reviewed and likely requirements for the future at LHC outlined. Fabrication of devices is described, as is their characterisation and testing in the laboratory. Less than full charge collection efficiency for devices fabricated on semi-insulating material has been explained in terms of a limited sensitive thickness. Reverse-bias leakage currents appear to be due to generation of carriers at surface states. The performance of materials grown by different processes is compared. Detectors have been tested in particle beams at CERN and analysis of test beam data is presented for single-sided devices and a double-sided device. The radiation hardness of the detectors is examined with reference to LHC requirements

    Spectroscopy of High-Redshift Supernovae from the ESSENCE Project: The First Four Years

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    We present the results of spectroscopic observations from the ESSENCE high-redshift supernova (SN) survey during its first four years of operation. This sample includes spectra of all SNe Ia whose light curves were presented by Miknaitis et al. (2007) and used in the cosmological analyses of Davis et al. (2007) and Wood-Vasey et al. (2007). The sample represents 273 hours of spectroscopic observations with 6.5 - 10-m-class telescopes of objects detected and selected for spectroscopy by the ESSENCE team. We present 174 spectra of 156 objects. Combining this sample with that of Matheson et al. (2005), we have a total sample of 329 spectra of 274 objects. From this, we are able to spectroscopically classify 118 Type Ia SNe. As the survey has matured, the efficiency of classifying SNe Ia has remained constant while we have observed both higher-redshift SNe Ia and SNe Ia farther from maximum brightness. Examining the subsample of SNe Ia with host-galaxy redshifts shows that redshifts derived from only the SN Ia spectra are consistent with redshifts found from host-galaxy spectra. Moreover, the phases derived from only the SN Ia spectra are consistent with those derived from light-curve fits. By comparing our spectra to local templates, we find that the rate of objects similar to the overluminous SN 1991T and the underluminous SN 1991bg in our sample are consistent with that of the local sample. We do note, however, that we detect no object spectroscopically or photometrically similar to SN 1991bg. Although systematic effects could reduce the high-redshift rate we expect based on the low-redshift surveys, it is possible that SN 1991bg-like SNe Ia are less prevalent at high redshift.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures, accepted to A

    The Deepest Radio Study of the Pulsar Wind Nebula G21.5-0.9: Still No Evidence for the Supernova Shell

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    We report on sensitive new 1.4-GHz VLA radio observations of the pulsar wind nebula G21.5-0.9, powered by PSR J1833-1034, and its environs. Our observations were targeted at searching for the radio counterpart of the shell-like structure seen surrounding the pulsar wind nebula in X-rays. Some such radio emission might be expected as the ejecta from the <~ 1000 yr old supernova expand and interact with the surrounding medium. We find, however, no radio emission from the shell, and can place a conservative 3-sigma upper limit on its 1-GHz surface brightness of 7 x 10^-22 W/m^2/Hz/sr, comparable to the lowest limits obtained for radio emission from shells around other pulsar-wind nebulae. Our widefield radio image also shows the presence of two extended objects of low-surface brightness. We re-examine previous 327-MHz images, on which both the new objects are visible. We identify the first, G21.64-0.84, as a new shell-type supernova remnant, with a diameter of ~13' and an unusual double-shell structure. The second, G21.45-0.59, ~1' in diameter, is likely an HII region.Comment: 8 Pages, submitted to MNRA

    PHotometry Assisted Spectral Extraction (PHASE) and identification of SNLS supernovae

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    Aim: We present new extraction and identification techniques for supernova (SN) spectra developed within the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) collaboration. Method: The new spectral extraction method takes full advantage of photometric information from the Canada-France-Hawai telescope (CFHT) discovery and reference images by tracing the exact position of the supernova and the host signals on the spectrogram. When present, the host spatial profile is measured on deep multi-band reference images and is used to model the host contribution to the full (supernova + host) signal. The supernova is modelled as a Gaussian function of width equal to the seeing. A chi-square minimisation provides the flux of each component in each pixel of the 2D spectrogram. For a host-supernova separation greater than <~ 1 pixel, the two components are recovered separately and we do not use a spectral template in contrast to more standard analyses. This new procedure permits a clean extraction of the supernova separately from the host in about 70% of the 3rd year ESO/VLT spectra of the SNLS. A new supernova identification method is also proposed. It uses the SALT2 spectrophotometric template to combine the photometric and spectral data. A galaxy template is allowed for spectra for which a separate extraction of the supernova and the host was not possible. Result: These new techniques have been tested against more standard extraction and identification procedures. They permit a secure type and redshift determination in about 80% of cases. The present paper illustrates their performances on a few sample spectra.Comment: 27 pages, 18 Figures, 1 Table. Accepted for publication in A&

    A Black Hole in the X-Ray Nova Velorum 1993

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    We have obtained 17 moderate-resolution (~2.5 A) optical spectra of the Galactic X-ray Nova Velorum 1993 in quiescence with the Keck-II telescope. The orbital period (P) is 0.285206 +/- 0.0000014 d, and the semiamplitude (K_2) is 475.4 +/- 5.9 km/s. Our derived mass function, f(M_1) = PK_2^3 /2 pi G = 3.17 +/- 0.12 M_sun, is close to the conventional absolute limiting mass for a neutron star (~ 3.0-3.2 M_sun) -- but if the orbital inclination i is less than 80 degrees (given the absences of eclipses), then M_1 is greater than 4.2-4.4 M_sun for nominal secondary-star masses of 0.5 M_sun (M0) to 0.65 M_sun (K6). The primary star is therefore almost certainly a black hole rather than a neutron star. The velocity curve of the primary from H-alpha emission has a semiamplitude (K_1) of 65.3 +/- 7.0 km/s, but with a phase offset by 237 degrees (rather than 180 degrees) from that of the secondary star. The nominal mass ratio q = M_2/M_1 = K_1/K_2 = 0.137 +/- 0.015, and hence for M_2 = 0.5-0.65 M_sun we derive M_1 = 3.64-4.74 M_sun. An adopted mass M_1 ~ 4.4 M_sun is significantly below the typical value of ~ 7 M_sun found for black holes in other low-mass X-ray binaries. Keck observations of MXB 1659-29 (V2134 Oph) in quiescence reveal a probable optical counterpart at R = 23.6 +/- 0.4 mag.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, added references, revised per. referee's comments Accepted for publication in August 1999 issue of PAS

    The Supernova Gamma-Ray Burst Connection

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    The chief distinction between ordinary supernovae and long-soft gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is the degree of differential rotation in the inner several solar masses when a massive star dies, and GRBs are rare mainly because of the difficulty achieving the necessary high rotation rate. Models that do provide the necessary angular momentum are discussed, with emphasis on a new single star model whose rapid rotation leads to complete mixing on the main sequence and avoids red giant formation. This channel of progenitor evolution also gives a broader range of masses than previous models, and allows the copious production of bursts outside of binaries and at high redshifts. However, even the production of a bare helium core rotating nearly at break up is not, by itself, a sufficient condition to make a gamma-ray burst. Wolf-Rayet mass loss must be low, and will be low in regions of low metallicity. This suggests that bursts at high redshift (low metallicity) will, on the average, be more energetic, have more time structure, and last longer than bursts nearby. Every burst consists of three components: a polar jet (~0.1 radian), high energy, subrelativistic mass ejection (~1 radian), and low velocity equatorial mass that can fall back after the initial explosion. The relative proportions of these three components can give a diverse assortment of supernovae and high energy transients whose properties may vary with redshift.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in AIP Conf. Proc. "Gamma Ray Bursts in the Swift Era", Eds. S. S. Holt, N. Gehrels, J. Nouse

    Patterns and impact of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and glucose variability on inpatients with insulin-treated cystic fibrosis-related diabetes

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    Introduction: Mortality in patients with cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD) is higher than that in patients with cystic fibrosis without diabetes. Hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and glucose variability confer excess mortality and morbidity in the general inpatient population with diabetes. Methods: We investigated patterns of hypoglycemia and the association of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and glucose variability with mortality and readmission rate in inpatients with CFRD. All capillary blood glucose (CBG) readings (measured using the Abbott Precision web system) of patients with insulin-treated CFRD measured within our health board between January 2009 and January 2015 were. Frequency and timing of hypoglycemia (&lt;4 mmol/L) and was recorded. The effect of dysglycemia on readmission and mortality was investigated with survival analysis. Results: Sixty-six patients were included. A total of 22,711 CBG results were included in the initial analysis. Hypoglycemia was common with 1433 episodes (6.3%). Hypoglycemia ascertainment was highest between 2400 and 0600 h. Hypoglycemia was associated with a significantly higher rate of readmission or death over the 3.5-year follow-up period (P = 0.03). There was no significant association between hyperglycemia or glucose variability and the rate of readmission and mortality. Conclusion: Among inpatients with CFRD hypoglycemia is common and is associated with an increased composite endpoint of readmission and death. As with previously reported trends in general inpatient population this group shows a peak incidence of hypoglycemic during the night
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