378 research outputs found

    Analysis of the footprint in school age of 8-10 years old

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    Los problemas biomecánicos en los niños, es un tema de mucho auge en la actualidad, existiendo controversia en distintos ámbitos como son, la presencia de huella aplanada en la mayor parte de los niños o la hiperlaxitud articular ligada a dolor musculoesquelético. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar qué tipo de huella plantar es más frecuente en niños de 8 a 10 años escolarizados en el área de Plasencia. Para ello se tomó como muestra 50 niños, de los cuales 28 eran varones y 22 hembras. A todos los sujetos del estudio se les realizó una evaluación de la huella plantar en estática, así como una exploración de distintos parámetros a través de la inspección en bipedestación (fórmula digital, retropié). Así, los resultados muestran que la huella excavada está presente en un 72% de los casos de la población. El 16% era perteneciente a una huella excavada en la que encontramos relación con un mayor porcentaje de peso. Para la fórmula digital encontramos que la más frecuente es el pie egipcio en un 40% de los casos y que el predominio en cuanto al retropié, es un retropié normal. Con respecto a la hiperlaxitud articular comprobamos que es más frecuente en niñas y que ninguna de ellas presenta una asociación al dolor musculoesquelético. Como línea futura podría establecerse un estudio más exhaustivo con nuevas técnicas y valorando la estática y la dinámica del niño, para así tener un estudio más exacto de las diferentes variables estudiadas en la muestra de población.Biomechanical problems in children, is an important subject currently, existing controversy in different areas, for example, the majority of children have a flattened footprint, or the hypermobility joint is linked to a musculoskeletal pain. The objective of the study was to determine what kind of footprint is most frequent in school-age children (8-10 years) in the area of Plasencia. This was taken as a sign 50 children, of whom 28 were males and 22 females. All the subjects in the study underwent an assessment of footprint planted in static as well as an exploration of different parameters through inspection in a standing position (formula digital, rearfoot). The results show that excavated footprint is present in a 72% cases of the population, 16% was belonging to an excavated footprint in which we find a higher percentage of weight related.For the digital formula we find that the most common is the Egyptian foot by 40% of the cases and that the prevalence in the rearfoot, is a normal hindfoot. In relation with the hypermobility joint, we check that it is more common in girls and that none of them presents an association to musculoskeletal pain. As a future line we could establish a more comprehensive study with new techniques and valuingchild’s statics and dynamics, to have a more accurate study of the different variables in the sample population studied

    Bienes muebles de las capillas hospitalarias en los territorios de la Orden de Santiago en Extremadura

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    Estudio de los ornamentos y elementos litúrgicos de las capillas hospitalarias pertenecientes a la Orden de Santiago en tierras extremeñas.Study of the ornaments and liturgical elements of the hospital chapels belonging to the Order of Santiago in Extremadura.peerReviewe

    Bienes muebles de las capillas hospitalarias en los territorios de la Orden de Santiago en Extremadura

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    Estudio de los ornamentos y elementos litúrgicos de las capillas hospitalarias pertenecientes a la Orden de Santiago en tierras extremeñas.Study of the ornaments and liturgical elements of the hospital chapels belonging to the Order of Santiago in Extremadura.peerReviewe

    El castillo de Trevejo en la cartografía militar del siglo XVIII

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    Se estudia la construcción del castillo de Trevejo, considerado tanto por su emplazamiento como por su construcción como una fortificación medieval. Situado en lo alto de un risco, dominando un amplio territorio, dotado de recintos envolventes en torno a la torre del homenaje y con acceso a través de un puente levadizo. Pero fue incluido en el siglo XVIII como una fortaleza abaluartada en la frontera con Portugal, en diversas fuentes escritas y cartográficas. Actualmente muy deteriorada, responde a las características constructivas de finales del siglo XV, a la cual se le han introducido grandes reformas y añadidos más favorables para la defensa. Gracias a los estudios de los planos militares del siglo XVIII se pone de manifiesto la reutilización de dichos emplazamientos medievales que habían perdido su potencial estratégico.The construction of Trevejo Castle is studied, considered both for its location and for its construction as a medieval fortification. It located on the top of a cliff, dominating a wide territory, endowed with enclosures encircling the tower of the homage and with access through a drawbridge. But it was included in the eighteenth century as a bastioned fortress on the border with Portugal, in various written and cartographic sources. Currently very deteriorated, responds to the constructive characteristics of the late fifteenth century, which has been introduced major reforms and additions more favorable for defense. Thanks to the studies of the military plans of the 18th century, the re-use of these medieval sites that had lost their strategic potential is evident.peerReviewe

    El castillo de Trevejo en la cartografía militar del siglo XVIII

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    Se estudia la construcción del castillo de Trevejo, considerado tanto por su emplazamiento como por su construcción como una fortificación medieval. Situado en lo alto de un risco, dominando un amplio territorio, dotado de recintos envolventes en torno a la torre del homenaje y con acceso a través de un puente levadizo. Pero fue incluido en el siglo XVIII como una fortaleza abaluartada en la frontera con Portugal, en diversas fuentes escritas y cartográficas. Actualmente muy deteriorada, responde a las características constructivas de finales del siglo XV, a la cual se le han introducido grandes reformas y añadidos más favorables para la defensa. Gracias a los estudios de los planos militares del siglo XVIII se pone de manifiesto la reutilización de dichos emplazamientos medievales que habían perdido su potencial estratégico.The construction of Trevejo Castle is studied, considered both for its location and for its construction as a medieval fortification. It located on the top of a cliff, dominating a wide territory, endowed with enclosures encircling the tower of the homage and with access through a drawbridge. But it was included in the eighteenth century as a bastioned fortress on the border with Portugal, in various written and cartographic sources. Currently very deteriorated, responds to the constructive characteristics of the late fifteenth century, which has been introduced major reforms and additions more favorable for defense. Thanks to the studies of the military plans of the 18th century, the re-use of these medieval sites that had lost their strategic potential is evident.peerReviewe

    Dental profile of a community of recovering drug addicts: biomedical aspects. Retrospective cohort study

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    Objectives: to obtain a biomedical oral profile of a community of adult drug addicts in treatment by analysing their dental health, with a view to determining whether the state of their oral health could be attributed primarily to their lifestyle and the direct consequences of drug abuse on their overall condition, rather than to the effects of the drugs used. Experimental Design: the study was conducted under the terms of an agreement between the Complutense University of Madrid's (UCM) Odontology Faculty and the City of Madrid's Substance Abuse Institute. Seventy drug addicts and 34 control group subjects were examined. The study assessed oral hygiene habits, systemic pathology, type of drugs used and the duration of use, oral pathology, oral health indices, risk of caries based on saliva tests, oral candidiasis and periodontal microbiology. Results: statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found between the test and control groups for practically all the variables analysed. In the drug users group, dental hygiene was wanting, systemic and oral pathology prevailed and the decayed/missing/filled teeth or surface (DMFT/S) indices denoted very poor buccodental health. The saliva tests showed a substantial risk of caries and candidiasis rates were high. By contrast, with a single exception, the microbiological studies detected no statistically significant difference between drug users and control groups periodontal flora. Conclusions: drug-dependent patients had poor oral health and a significant increase in oral pathology, essentially caries and periodontal disease. Their risk of caries was high and the presence of candidiasis was representative of their poor general and oral health. Drug users' poor buccodental condition was more closely related to lifestyle than to drug abuse itself

    Effect of the Addition of Alkaline Earth and Lanthanide Metals for the Modification of the Alumina Support in Ni and Ru Catalysts in CO2 Methanation

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    In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which are reaching alarming levels in the atmosphere, capture, recovery, and transformation of carbon dioxide emitted to methane is considered a potentially profitable process. This transformation, known as methanation, is a catalytic reaction that mainly uses catalysts based on noble metals such as Ru and, although with less efficiency, on transition metals such as Ni. In order to improve the efficiency of these conventional catalysts, the effect of adding alkaline earth metals (Ba, Ca, or Mg at 10 wt%) and lanthanides (La or Ce at 14 wt%) to nickel (13 wt%), ruthenium (1 wt%), or both-based catalysts has been studied at temperatures between 498 and 773 K and 10 bar pressure. The deactivation resistance in presence of H2S was also monitored. The incorporation of La into the catalyst produces interactions between active metal Ni, Ru, or Ru-Ni and the alumina support, as determined by the characterization. This fact results in an improvement in the catalytic activity of the 13Ni/Al2O3 catalyst, which achieves a methane yield of 82% at 680 K for 13Ni/14La-Al2O3, in addition to an increase in H2S deactivation resistance. Furthermore, 89% was achieved for 1Ru-13Ni/14La-Al2O3 at 651 K, but it showed to be more vulnerable to H2S presence

    Prevalence of aphthous stomatitis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease after the treatment with monoclonal antibodies:a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Currently, the most frequently employed therapies in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), i.e., Crohn's Disease (CD), Ulcerative Colitis (UC) or unclassified IBD (IBD-U) are monoclonal anti-TNFs and anti-integrin therapies, such as vedolizumab (VDZ). Forty-seven per cent of these patients present extra-intestinal manifestations, the second most prevalent being aphthous stomatitis (AS). The present study aims to investigate which of the two therapies is associated with a lower prevalence of AS after treatment. An electronic search of the MEDLINE (via PubMed), Web of Science, SCOPUS, LILACS and OpenGrey databases was carried out. The criteria used were those described by the PRISMA Statement. The search was not temporarily restricted and was updated to January 2022. The quality assessment was analyzed using the JBI Prevalence Critical Appraisal Tool. After searching, 7 studies were included that met the established criteria. Of these, 6 analysed the prevalence of AS in CD patients and 4 in UC. A total of 1,744 patients were analysed (CD=1,477 patients; 84.69%; UC=267; 15.31%). The greatest reduction in AS prevalence was observed after anti-TNF therapy. The effect of these therapies on the prevalence of AS in patients with IBD-U could not be determined. Both biologic therapies achieve a reduction in the prevalence of AS in IBD patients (CD and UC). However, the best results were obtained in patients treated with anti-TNFs, possibly because VDZ is often used in patients who do not respond adequately to previous treatment with anti-TNFs and because of its intestinal specificity

    Delimitación temática de la investigación española en fisioterapia a través del análisis de co-palabras

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    The main research topics of Physiotherapy in Spain were determined using co-word analysis in a retrospective longitudinal descriptive study. Documents that deal with Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy in Spain were retrieved from the Web of Science, without publication date limits; and analysis and network visualization techniques were used to facilitate the graphical interpretation of information, based on the co-occurrence analysis of KeyWord Plus. the main research lines are about rehabilitation and quality of life in lung diseases, heart diseases, in joint reconstruction, neurological injuries and musculoskeletal dysfunctions and its management through different physiotherapy modalities. The proposed method has turned out to be interesting for a first approach to the delimitation of Physiotherapy domain. Future works should focus on the depth study of the most representative descriptors in musculoskeletal dysfunctions to determine the research topics of Physiotherapy in Spain in a more specific way.Se determina mediante análisis de co-palabras, los principales temas de investigación de la Fisioterapia en España mediante un estudio descriptivo longitudinal retrospectivo. Se recuperaron los documentos de la Web of Science que versan sobre rehabilitación y fisioterapia en España, sin límite de fechas de publicación; y se trataron con técnicas de análisis y visualización de redes para facilitar la interpretación gráfica de la información basada en coocurrencias de KeyWord Plus. Las principales líneas de investigación detectadas versan sobre rehabilitación y calidad de vida en enfermedades pulmonares, en enfermedades cardíacas, en reconstrucción articular, en lesiones neurológicas y sobre disfunciones del aparato locomotor y su abordaje a través de diferentes modalidades de fisioterapia. La metodología propuesta ha resultado interesante para hacer una primera aproximación a la delimitación temática de la fisioterapia. Futuros trabajos deberían enfocarse al estudio en profundidad de los descriptores más representativos sobre Disfunciones del aparato locomotor, para determinar los temas de investigación de la Fisioterapia en España de forma más específica

    Análisis de la estructura urbana, mediante bases de datos de detalle. Aplicación al estudio del sector 3, barrio residencial del municipio de Getafe

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    En los últimos años, el modelo territorial de la aglomeración urbana madrileña ha sufrido una evolución muy importante, pasando de un modelo urbano de áreas compactas y centros definidos de carácter autónomo, a un modelo de ciudad disperso. La reconstrucción de su estructura urbana exige la definición de un conjunto de unidades estructurales comunes, desde la perspectiva de los usos del suelo, capaces de representar los rasgos generales del patrón de cambio acaecido. Esta labor se ha visto favorecida, recientemente, por la aparición pública de un considerable volumen de información georreferenciada, con unidades geográficas de suficiente nivel de detalle y entidad propia, que hacen posible la aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (TIG) en el análisis y evaluación de diferentes aspectos relacionados con el modelo territorial actual, con resultados altamente satisfactorios. Entre estas nuevas bases de datos disponibles, podemos destacar el catastro de urbana y rústica, realizado por la Dirección General del Catastro del Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas y el proyecto SIOSE (Sistema de Información de Ocupación del Suelo en España), del Instituto Geográfico Nacional. La comunicación que presentamos tiene por objetivo fundamental analizar la estructura urbana del sector 3 de Getafe, barrio de un municipio del sur de la aglomeración urbana de Madrid, utilizando, de forma coordinada, las dos bases de datos citadas. El resultado muestra como SIOSE puede servir para dirigir la asociación de las parcelas catastrales hacia la reconstrucción de unidades espaciales derivadas, de mayor tamaño y representatividad, mediante la integración contigua de unidades territoriales de similar contenido temático, de acuerdo a patrones tipo de la estructura urbana actual