2,344 research outputs found

    Static locality analysis for cache management

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    Most memory references in numerical codes correspond to array references whose indices are affine functions of surrounding loop indices. These array references follow a regular predictable memory pattern that can be analysed at compile time. This analysis can provide valuable information like the locality exhibited by the program, which can be used to implement more intelligent caching strategy. In this paper we propose a static locality analysis oriented to the management of data caches. We show that previous proposals on locality analysis are not appropriate when the proposals have a high conflict miss ratio. This paper examines those proposals by introducing a compile-time interference analysis that significantly improve the performance of them. We first show how this analysis can be used to characterize the dynamic locality properties of numerical codes. This evaluation show for instance that a large percentage of references exhibit any type of locality. This motivates the use of a dual data cache, which has a module specialized to exploit temporal locality, and a selective cache respectively. Then, the performance provided by these two cache organizations is evaluated. In both organizations, the static locality analysis is responsible for tagging each memory instruction accordingly to the particular type(s) of locality that it exhibits.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Aquí se contiene un dulce tratado, de como una nujer natural de Valladolid, siendo cautiva cuando lo de Bugia, negó la ley de Nuestro Señor, ...

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    Grab. en la cabeceraCopia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Of Bonds that Make a Home: Postcolonial Criticism in Merlinda Bobis’s The Solemn Lantern Maker

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    This Master Thesis analyzes Merlinda Bobis’s The Solemn Lantern Maker (2008) as a postcolonial text that creates a privileged space where the voices of the subaltern can be heard. Bobis manages to subvert the US War on Terror, official discourses, and global hegemonic discourse under the façade of the exotic otherness that is often associated with Christmas. This thesis relies on some of the most relevant assumptions put forward by well-known ethical and postcolonial critics in order to show that Bobis’s novel succeeds in illustrating how nomadic identities that create multiple forms of belonging allow for the encounter with the “other.” A close examination of the novel reveals that it favours the cross-cultural encounter between characters that belong to different worlds, in particular that between two vulnerable women in a liminal space. The outcome of these encounters will be the transformation of the character that allegedly belongs in the dominant culture, to the point that the artificial boundary self/other eventually fades out. This work also analyzes the fundamental role played by subversive non-verbal communication in the novel. Noland’s bodily language allows for the articulation of love and care, while his notebook contains a subaltern text that encodes a story of bonds that make a home

    Tradition and Innovation in David Lodge's Thinks...: a Study of the Campus Novel and the Two Cultures Debate

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    In Thinks… (2001) David Lodge rescues some of the classical generic conventions of the campus novel, a genre considered by many experts worn out and old-fashioned, in an attempt to reopen C.P. Snow’s two-cultures debate and to uplift the realm of arts in the world of academia. Lodge manages to play with a large variety of narrative strategies that suit to perfection character types and ideas. In this dissertation I intend to analyse Thinks... as a contemporary campus novel and to explore its contribution to the debate between science and humanities, taking into account both the formal and thematic aspects of the novel

    Consideraciones sobre la imputabilidad

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    Como la Imputabilidad, tema del presente trabajo, es uno de los caracteres básicos del delito, es necesario, aunque no soy partidaria de las definiciones, definir lo que es el delito, para saber así donde ubicar dicha característica. Tomaré la definición que sobre el de lito ha expuesto con tanta maestría el penalista don Luis Jiménez de Asúa: "Acto típicamente antijurídico, sometido a veces a condiciones objetivas de penalidad, imputable a un hombre y sometido a una sanción penal". De la presente definición se desprende que las características del delito serían las siguientes: actividad, adecuación típica, antijuricidad, imputabilidad, culpabilidad, penalidad y en ciertos casos, condición objetiva de penalidad. El acto así concebido, dice Jiménez de Asúa, es el soporte natural del delito, y la imputabilidad es la base psico1ógica de la culpabilidad. De lo anterior se comprende la importancia de la imputabilidad en la vida del delito, y por consiguiente, de su estudio

    Motivación laboral y sus efectos en los colaboradores de la consulta externa de gineco-obstetricia jornada matutina del Hospital General San Juan de Dios.

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    El trabajo de investigación se concretó en conocer los efectos de la motivación laboral y la importancia que tiene para los colaboradores de la consulta externa de gineco obstetricia del Hospital General San Juan de Dios, así como, identificar las actitudes y emociones que presentan los empleados de este centro hospitalario ante la falta de motivación. Durante el desarrollo del trabajo, se contó con la participación activa de médicos y enfermeras, quienes respondieron los diferentes instrumentos elaborados para obtener la información, tales como: encuestas, entrevistas y participando en talleres. Se logró determinar que los participantes si consideran importante realizar actividades motivacionales, por lo que se sugirieron estrategias para lograr este objetivo, entre ellas: capacitaciones, charlas, talleres e incentivos no monetarios como pueden ser carteles, medallas, cuadros representativos, etc., para motivar a los empleados y propiciar el trabajo en equipo así como una buena comunicación lo cual redundará en beneficio de la propia institución, sus empleados y los pacientes que solicitan atención