65 research outputs found

    National compensation for victims of crimes – a critical analysis of the Polish Compensation Act

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    Publikacja zawiera krytyczną analizę przepisów polskiej ustawy kompensacyjnej. W opracowaniu autorka wskazuje, że ustawa ta w praktyce zupełnie nie działa, a także próbuje udzielić odpowiedzi na postawione w opracowaniu pytanie, jakie są główne przyczyny takiego stanu. Poza diagnozą wskazanego problemu autorka formułuje wnioski de lege ferenda, których uwzględnienie mogłyby doprowadzić, w jej przekonaniu, do zmiany niekorzystnego dla ofiar przestępstw porządku prawnego.The paper is a critical analysis of the provisions of the Polish Compensation Act, in which the author demonstrates that this law does not work well in practice. An attempt is also made to answer the question about the main reasons why it is so. Apart from the identification of the problem, de lege ferenda conclusions are drawn, which in the author’s opinion, when addressed, could change the currently unfavourable for victims of crimes regulations

    The principle of non-discrimination as one of the fundamental basis of The European Integration

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    Artykuł opisuje zasadę niedyskryminacji jako jednej z podstaw integracji europejskiej. Autorka odwołuje się zarówno do aktów prawa pierwotnego, wtórnego, jak i orzeczeń Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej. Przestawia również konkretne działania Unii Europejskiej w zakresie przestrzegania zakazu dyskryminacji. Generalnie w UE zasada niedyskryminacji jest przestrzegana, jednak wciąż widoczne są przejawy dyskryminacji w społeczeństwach europejskich

    Ochrona praw ofiar przestępstw na gruncie przepisów Unii Europejskiej w świetle Dyrektywy 2012/29/UE

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    The protection of rights of the victims of crimes is becoming issues, which has a more and more great significance in the European Union which since the time of the entry into force of the Treaty from Lisbon gained effective measures of the harmonization of national legislations of Member States in the recent time in the area of the criminal law by establishing the minimum standards. This publication is presenting the most important regulations of the directive of 2012/29 of the EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. The publication is pointing at regulations of the directive which at present aren’t fully fulfilled in the Polish legal system, what can cause certain problems in the process of the implementation of the directive in Poland

    Wspieranie rozwoju dzieci wysoko wrażliwych

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    Celem niniejszego opracowania jest uzasadnienie potrzeby wspierania dzieci wysoko wrażliwych w ich najbliższym otoczeniu oraz przedstawienie propozycji takich działań.Materiał składa się z pięciu części. 1. Cechy dziecka wysoko wrażliwego, 2. Potrzeba identyfikacji dzieci wysoko wrażliwych, 3. Znaczenie środowiska dla rozwoju dzieci wysoko wrażliwych, 4. Wsparcie dzieci wysoko wrażliwych w systemie edukacji, 5. Pomoc dzieciom wysoko wrażliwym poprzez wsparcie rodziców i nauczycieli

    Kompensata państwowa dla ofiar przestępstw – krytyczna analiza polskiej ustawy kompensacyjnej

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    The paper is a critical analysis of the provisions of the Polish Compensation Act, in which the author demonstrates that this law does not work well in practice. An attempt is also made to answer the question about the main reasons why it is so. Apart from the identification of the problem, de lege ferenda conclusions are drawn, which in the author’s opinion, when addressed, could change the currently unfavourable for victims of crimes regulations.Publikacja zawiera krytyczną analizę przepisów polskiej ustawy kompensacyjnej. W opracowaniu autorka wskazuje, że ustawa ta w praktyce zupełnie nie działa, a także próbuje udzielić odpowiedzi na postawione w opracowaniu pytanie, jakie są główne przyczyny takiego stanu. Poza diagnozą wskazanego problemu autorka formułuje wnioski de lege ferenda, których uwzględnienie mogłyby doprowadzić, w jej przekonaniu, do zmiany niekorzystnego dla ofiar przestępstw porządku prawnego

    Umowa ACTA sukcesem polskiej prezydencji?

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    Polish presidency at the Council of European Union which fell for the period from 1 July 2011 to 31 December 2011, in the predominating measuring cup was assessed positively, both by high-ranking officials the EU, Polish government, as well as through the Polish society. The presidency can be proud of smaller or bigger successes and one of such successes was supposed to be an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). In the article were brought up issues associated with ACTA, in particular the author focused on threats which this agreement can carry for civil liberties and in the end to answer the question put in the title, whether the ACTA agreement is a success of the Polish presidency in the Council of European Union

    Półwiecze działalności Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka w Strasburgu jest międzynarodowym sądem, który stoi na straży praw ukonstytuowanych w Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka i Podstawowych Wolności. Z uwagi na fakt, że w 2008 r. obchodzono 10. rocznicę wejścia w życie Protokołu nr 11 do Europejskiej Konwencji, w 2009 r. 50. rocznicę działalności Trybunału w Strasburgu, a w 2010 r. społeczność międzynarodowa świętować będzie 60. rocznicę uchwalenia Europejskiej Konwencji, istnieje okazja, by pokusić się o podsumowanie działalności Trybunału w Strasburgu. "(...

    Protection of the rights of crime victims in the activity of the human rights defender

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    Strength and quality of a democratic state under the rule of law is best measured by its attitude to the most vulnerable persons or those in a dramatic situation, such as victims of crime. Fair proceedings must ensure and respect not only the rights of the suspect and the accused, but also the rights of the victim, at each stage of the proceedings, including the pre-trial stage. It is important that the rights of victims are not only guaranteed by the letter of the law, but are also enforceable in practice

    E-learning as a new educational environment: an encounter of the student and the teacher

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    The aim of this article is to present issues associated with the application of e-learning in the fi eld of education. We presume that the effi cacy, safety, and social perception of e-learning largely depend on its users, i.e. on students and teachers. The greater the willingness and competence of learners and educators to responsibly and creatively apply this method in the education process, the greater the chances of maximizing profi ts and minimizing risks connected with the use of distance learning at different levels of education. We narrow down the issue of willingness to the sphere of self-regulation, an indispensable factor in the process of becoming a conscious learner who is committed to and responsible for his or her own education according to the concept of Lifelong Learning. Availing ourselves of Julius Kuhl’s theory of action control (1987) we demonstrate how certain intrinsic predispositions of students and teachers, related to the implementation of their intentions, may determine a successful application of e-learning methods and, in consequence, foster the process of lifelong learning and support the ability to adapt to ever-changing external conditions

    The Highly Sensitive Child as a challenge for education – introduction to the concept

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    The main aim of this paper is to summarize available findings related to the subject of high sensitivity from both the educational and parenting perspectives. According to the authors of the concept of Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), between 15% and 20% of the population exhibit such traits, therefore one has to say that it is necessary to raise the awareness of this subject amongst parents and teachers. High sensitivity may exhibit itself in many ways, depending on the environmental and other temperamental conditions. Understanding its main characteristics (DOES) will allow one to appreciate the potential of this condition instead of focusing on its deficiencies. Such a perspective opens up possible avenues of supporting the Highly Sensitive Child’s resources by both parents and teachers. A review was carried out to answer a research question by collecting and summarizing theo-retical and empirical evidence that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria. The study selection criteria was to find literature/paper reviews and primary studies published in indexed journals included in various databases and focused on Sensory Processing Sensitivity directly, transdisciplinary and ho-listic approaches were central to the process. In the research strategy, the following databases were consulted: PSYCinfo, Scopus and PubMed. The keywords sensory processing, sensitive, environ-mental sensitivity, education were placed in all electronic databases and set to be found in the titles, abstracts or keywords of the documents. No limits on dates were established. At the preparation stage, articles relevant to the topic were selected and supplemented with publications related to child development and educational context. The search was conducted from December 2018 to July 2019.This work was supported by Erasmus+ grant: contract no. 2018-1-PL01-KA201-051033 under the program “KA201 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good practices – Strategic Partnerships – school education” (within the project entitled “E-MOTION – potential of hypersensitivity”)