14 research outputs found

    Soil Compaction by Valmet Forwarder Operation at Soil Surface with and without Slash

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    Soil compaction by machine used in forest harvesting operation caused negative impacts for regeneration and tree growth.  This research was intended to analyze the effectiveness of using slash to decrease soil compaction, to analyze soil compaction at various soil depths, and to measure rut depth at  soil surface.  Valmet 860.1 forwarder was used in this research. Soil compaction was measured through its bulk density, cone index, and rut depth, under the condition with and without slash.  The slash comprised of twigs, branches, and leaves as wastes from harvested Acacia mangium that were stacked to a width of about 1 meter in thickness following forwarder traffic. Results indicated that slash was effective in decreasing soil compaction.  About 50% increased in soil compaction by a Valmet forwarder could be reduced by using slash coverings at soil surface.  The maximum soil bulk density occurred after 5 forwarder passes.  Soil compaction also occurred at subsurface soil. After forwarder traffic, increasing cone index was observed at subsurface of various soil depths.  Slash was effective in decreasing soil compaction up to 20 cm in soil depth, although soil compaction by forwarder operation was slightly increased until 50 cm of soil depth.  Rut was not observed under the slash however rut of about 24 cm in depth was formed at soil surface without slash.  Using slash as coverings for forwarder operation reduced soil damaged

    Soil Compaction by Valmet Forwarder Operation at Soil Surface with and without Slash

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    Soil compaction by machine used in forest harvesting operation caused negative impacts for regeneration and tree growth.  This research was intended to analyze the effectiveness of using slash to decrease soil compaction, to analyze soil compaction at various soil depths, and to measure rut depth at  soil surface.  Valmet 860.1 forwarder was used in this research. Soil compaction was measured through its bulk density, cone index, and rut depth, under the condition with and without slash.  The slash comprised of twigs, branches, and leaves as wastes from harvested Acacia mangium that were stacked to a width of about 1 meter in thickness following forwarder traffic. Results indicated that slash was effective in decreasing soil compaction.  About 50% increased in soil compaction by a Valmet forwarder could be reduced by using slash coverings at soil surface.  The maximum soil bulk density occurred after 5 forwarder passes.  Soil compaction also occurred at subsurface soil. After forwarder traffic, increasing cone index was observed at subsurface of various soil depths.  Slash was effective in decreasing soil compaction up to 20 cm in soil depth, although soil compaction by forwarder operation was slightly increased until 50 cm of soil depth.  Rut was not observed under the slash however rut of about 24 cm in depth was formed at soil surface without slash.  Using slash as coverings for forwarder operation reduced soil damaged


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    The research was done at a natural tropical forest of PT Inhutani II, East Kalimantan. The objectivesof the research were to study the carbon (C) stock in the natural tropical forest after conventional andreduced impact logging (RIL) and to get the effectivity of RIL based on carbon stock, financial andenvironmental aspects. The effect of conventional and RIL on the environment and carbon stock in theplots was studied using the data of three plots with each size 100 m x 100 m. The plots are placedbased on purposive sampling at landing, main skid trail, and branch skid trails, respectively. Cstocks are counted by allometric equations and C economics by the economic acceptance of REDD.Economic value of RIL was IDR 1,604,518,900,- ha-1. Based on financial analysis showed that RILwas feasible and profitable at a rate of interest 16 %

    Potensi dan Pemanenan Buah Rotan Jernang

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    Potential and Harvesting of Jernang Rattan FruitOne kinds of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) which high economic value is a product derived from rattan fruit called “jernang” or dragon blood’s. Jernang is used for colloring in batik industry and porcelain industry, as a mixture of cure such as wounds medicine.  The research was conducted to analyse  the potential of jernang  rattan fruit and to describe the technique of harvesting jernang rattan fruit of the community. The reseach was conducted at natural forest and community forest at  Sarolangun district at Jambi Province.Potential of jernang at natural forest is 96.51 tons per year and form the community forest is 130.16 ton per year, therefore the total potential of jernang from Sarolangun district is about 226.66 tons per year.The mature fruit which suitable to be harvested is the rippen enough. The colour of ripe jernang fruit which suitable to be harvested is the brownish red color. The fruit takes time about 11−13 months to be ripe fruit. Farmers harvest the fruit by using a hook tool and a pole, then if the rattan is too high the farmer climbs its host tree

    Ciri Limbah Pemanenan Kayu di Hutan Rawa Gambut Tropika

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    Effectiveness of timber harvesting in peat swamp forest is low. It is indicated by highly logging waste caused by timber harvesting operation. Thus, logging waste should be studied to describe characteristic and volume of logging waste in locations of compartment, landing, skidding track, and hauling road. The waste can be in the form of stumps, stems, and branches with diameter above 30 cm. Data of the waste was collected from 6 sample plots consisted of 3 plots in mechanized plots and 3 plots in traditional plots. Most of the waste found in location of compartment that caused by felling activities. Average volume of waste in traditional plots was 7.81 m3/ha that was found in location of compartment. The average volume of waste in the mechanized plots was 19.75 m3/ha, consisted of 16.90 m3/ha (85.57%) in location of compartment and 2.85 m3/ha (14.43%) in landing point. Logging waste can be minimized by providing appropriate training regularly and increase techniques of timber harvesting in the field

    Ciri Limbah Pemanenan Kayu di Hutan Rawa Gambut Tropika

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    Effectiveness of timber harvesting in peat swamp forest is low. It is indicated by highly logging waste caused by timber harvesting operation. Thus, logging waste should be studied to describe characteristic and volume of logging waste in locations of compartment, landing, skidding track, and hauling road. The waste can be in the form of stumps, stems, and branches with diameter above 30 cm. Data of the waste was collected from 6 sample plots consisted of 3 plots in mechanized plots and 3 plots in traditional plots. Most of the waste found in location of compartment that caused by felling activities. Average volume of waste in traditional plots was 7.81 m3/ha that was found in location of compartment. The average volume of waste in the mechanized plots was 19.75 m3/ha, consisted of 16.90 m3/ha (85.57%) in location of compartment and 2.85 m3/ha (14.43%) in landing point. Logging waste can be minimized by providing appropriate training regularly and increase techniques of timber harvesting in the field

    Pertumbuhan semai sengon dan mangium pada tanah padat

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    The research was conducted to examine the seedling of mangium (Acacia mangium and sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) on compacted soil. Soil was compacted with a proctor test at the different level of bulk density (0.9;1.0; 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 g/cm3 ) with 10 replications. The compacted soil was put into the plastic pot. After 6 month growth in pot the seedling growth response was measured.The result showed that the root penetration and seedling height linearly decrease with the increase of bulk density. The root of seedling of mangium (Acacia mangium and sengon (Paraserianthes fa/cataria) could not penetrate deeply at the hardest soil (1.3 g/cm3 ). Roots needs space to grow. The space was occupied by soil particles and soil pores. Root may influence chemical and physical properties of soil. In related to the compacted soil the root penetration is the important variable which is affected by the soil hardness. Under the condition of decrease penetration, seedling can not grew well in lack of nutrient to be absorbed by the root. On the other hand the bulk density 1.3 g/cm3 showed difference for seedling height response. However, the growth response was significantly reduced at the level of 1.3 g/cm3. The bulk density 1,3 g/cm3 was the critical limit of soil hardness for the seedling of Mangium and Sengon growth

    KERUSAKAN TEGAKAN TINGGAL AKIBAT PEMANENAN KAYU DI HUTAN ALAM RAWA GAMBUT (Residual Stand Damage Caused By Timber Harvesting in Natural Peat Swamp Forest)

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    ABSTRAKHutan rawa gambut memiliki fungsi sangat penting baik fungsi hidrologi, ekologi, ekonomi maupun sosial. Pada sisi lain, diduga bahwa kegiatan pemanenan hutan berpotensi dapat menurunkan fungsi tersebut. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengukuran dan penghitungan secara akurat terhadap kerusakan tegakan tinggal di hutan rawa gambut di Provinsi Riau dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi implementasi kegiatan pemanenan hutan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kegiatan pemanenan hutan menyebabkan terjadinya kerusakan tegakan tinggal berdiameter ≥ 10 cm sebesar 40% yang terdiri dari 20% akibat kegiatan penebangan pohon dan 20% akibat kegiatan penyaradan kayu. Kerusakan tegakan tinggal akibat pemanenan hutan dikelompokan menjadi kerusakan berat sebesar 77%, kerusakan sedang sebesar 14% dan kerusakan ringan sebesar 9%.    ABSTRACTPeat swamp forest has important functions consisted all aspects of hydrology, ecology, economic and social. Meanwhile, timber harvesting activities can potencially reduce some punctions of peat swamp forest.  Measurement and calculation on residual stand damage in natural peat swamp forest should be done accurately to evaluate implementation of timber harvesting in natural peat swamp forest and to estimate forest carbon stock.  The objective of the study is to measure trees damage in order to evaluate implementation of timber harvesting in natural peat swamp forest. The study was conducted in the forest concession area of PT. Diamond Raya Timber, Riau Province, Indonesia. The study found that the damage of trees > 10 cm caused by timber harvesting in natural peat swamp forest was 40%. It consisted of 20% caused by tree felling and 20% caused by timber skidding. The damage of trees > 10 cm caused by timber harvesting in natural peat swamp forest classified as heavy damage of 77%, moderate damage of 14%, and light damage of 9%.ABSTRAKHutan rawa gambut memiliki fungsi sangat penting baik fungsi hidrologi, ekologi, ekonomi maupun sosial. Pada sisi lain, diduga bahwa kegiatan pemanenan hutan berpotensi dapat menurunkan fungsi tersebut. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengukuran dan penghitungan secara akurat terhadap kerusakan tegakan tinggal di hutan rawa gambut di Provinsi Riau dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi implementasi kegiatan pemanenan hutan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kegiatan pemanenan hutan menyebabkan terjadinya kerusakan tegakan tinggal berdiameter ≥ 10 cm sebesar 40% yang terdiri dari 20% akibat kegiatan penebangan pohon dan 20% akibat kegiatan penyaradan kayu. Kerusakan tegakan tinggal akibat pemanenan hutan dikelompokan menjadi kerusakan berat sebesar 77%, kerusakan sedang sebesar 14% dan kerusakan ringan sebesar 9%.    ABSTRACTPeat swamp forest has important functions consisted all aspects of hydrology, ecology, economic and social. Meanwhile, timber harvesting activities can potencially reduce some punctions of peat swamp forest.  Measurement and calculation on residual stand damage in natural peat swamp forest should be done accurately to evaluate implementation of timber harvesting in natural peat swamp forest and to estimate forest carbon stock.  The objective of the study is to measure trees damage in order to evaluate implementation of timber harvesting in natural peat swamp forest. The study was conducted in the forest concession area of PT. Diamond Raya Timber, Riau Province, Indonesia. The study found that the damage of trees > 10 cm caused by timber harvesting in natural peat swamp forest was 40%. It consisted of 20% caused by tree felling and 20% caused by timber skidding. The damage of trees > 10 cm caused by timber harvesting in natural peat swamp forest classified as heavy damage of 77%, moderate damage of 14%, and light damage of 9%

    Cost Analysis of Felling with Chainsaw and Skidding with Farm Tractor in KPH Saradan

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    The objective of this research was to analyze the productivity and cost of chainsaw felling and skidding with farm tractors in teak plantations of forest management unit (KPH) Saradan, Perum Perhutani. The calculations of cost and efficiency analysis were performed to evaluate the felling and skidding activities in order to do better in terms of technical and organizational systems. The number of felling work cycles recorded in this study was 58 cycles, while skidding ranges as many as 66 work cycles. The results of this study highlight that the average costs of felling with and without delays are IDR 14,515.709 m-3 and IDR 13,489.431 m-3. Meanwhile, the respective skidding costs with and without delays are IDR 50,687.582 m-3 and IDR 48,499.744 m-3. Based on the results of the linear regression, the variable that affects felling time is the diameter, whereas the variable that affects skidding is the skidding distance

    Model Penduga Produksi Kopal

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    The objective of this study was to find out the prediction model  for copal production (Y) by  the use of prediction variables. The variables were diameter (X1), bark thicknesses (X2), stand density (X3), slope (X4), and direction of the slope (X5). The study was conducted at Senduro Forest District, Probolinggo Forest Management Unit of Perum Perhutani, Unit II East Java. Data was collected from 80 sample trees of Agathis loranthifolia Salibs which were tapped on August 2006.  The  result of the study showed that there were several  regression prediction models  for  copal production:  doubled linear, multiplicative, exponential and quadratic regression models. Multiplicative regression model with the highest  R2-adj  value was  then chosen  as the best prediction model  for  copal production.  Thereby, production estimation model of copal production of Agathis loranthifolia Salis. was  LogY = 0.397 + 1.54 LogX1 + 0.496 LogX2  -  0.528 LogX3 + 0.201 LogX4  ; or Y = 2.4945X11.54X20.496X3-0.528X40.201; R-Sq =84.7%, R-Sq(Adj) = 83.7%.  Keywords:  multiplicative regression model, copal, diameter, bark thickness, stand density, slop