1,613 research outputs found

    Algunas pautas para el tratamiento de imágenes y contenido gráfico en proyectos de localización (II)

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    En este trabajo, se estudia de manera pormenorizada la problemática que plantea el tratamiento de los elementos gráficos e imágenes habituales en cualquier proyecto de localización, tanto de software (aplicaciones informáticas de diverso tipo) como de sitios y contenido web. Para ello, se analizan e ilustran con abundantes ejemplos, primero, las estrategias y herramientas más comúnmente empleadas y, luego, cada una de las etapas del proceso de localización de material gráfico propiamente dicho, atendiendo a la naturaleza y las peculiaridades de éste. Antes, a modo de recordatorio, se repasan algunas nociones básicas sobre tratamiento gráfico digital. A buen seguro, éstas le resultarán prescindibles al lector ya familiarizado con los fundamentos del asunto.7.14. Patrocinadores (G.I. HUM 767 (ayudas a Grupos de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía) / Editorial Comares (colección interlingua

    Resources Events Agents (REA), a text DSL for OMNIA Entities

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    The Numbersbelieve has been developing the OMNIA platform. This is a web application platform for developing applications using Low-code principles, using Agile approaches. Modeling Entities is an application that is used on the platform to create new entities. The OMNIA Entity concept has the following properties: Agents, Commitments, Documents, Events, entities, Resources or Series. Most of these concepts are in accordance with the Resources Events Agents (REA) ontology but are not formalized. One of the goals of Numbersbelieve is a formalization of the REA concepts according to the ontology for the application that creates entities on OMNIA platform and later for other applications. REA defines an enterprise ontology developed by McCarthy (1979, 1982) has its origin in accounting database systems. Later Geerts and McCarthy (2002, 2006) extended the original model with new concepts. To formalize the concepts of the REA ontology, this research shows the development of a textual Domain-Specific Language (DSL) based on the development methodology Model Driven Engineering (MDE) which focuses software development on models. This simplifies the engineering processes as it represents the actions and behaviors of a system even before the start of the coding phase. This research is structured according to the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM). The Design Science (DS) is a methodology for solving problems that seek to innovate by creating useful artifacts that define practices, projects and implementations and is therefore suitable for this research. This research developed three artifacts for the formalization of the DSL, a meta-model the abstract syntax, a textual language the concrete syntax and a Json file for interaction with OMNIA. The first phase of DSRM was to identify the problem that was mentioned above. The following focuses on the identification of requirements which identified the REA concepts to be included in the meta-model and textual language. Subsequently, the development of the artifacts and the editor of the language. The editor allows use cases, provided by the Numbersbelieve team, to be defined with the DSL language, correct faults and improve the language. The results were evaluated according the objectives and requirements, all successfully completed. Based on the analysis of the artifacts, the use of the language and the interaction with the OMNIA platform, through the Json file, it is concluded that the use of the DSL language is suitable to interact with the OMNIA platform through the Application Program Interface (API) and helped demonstrate that other applications on the platform could be modeled using a REA approach.A Numbersbelieve tem vindo a desenvolver a plataforma OMNIA. Esta plataforma é uma aplicação web para o desenvolvimento de aplicações usando princípios Low-code, usando abordagens Agile. Modeling Entities é a aplicação que é usada na plataforma para criar novas entidades. O conceito OMNIA de Entidade tem as seguintes propriedades: Agents, Commitments, Documents, Events, Generic entities, Resources or Series. A maior parte destes conceitos estão de acordo com a ontologia REA mas não estão formalizados. Um dos objetivos da Numbersbelieve é ter uma formalização dos conceitos REA de acordo com a ontologia para a aplicação que cria as entidades na plataforma OMNIA e posteriormente para as outras aplicações. REA define uma ontologia empresarial desenvolvida por McCarthy (1979, 1982) tem sua origem nos sistemas de base de dados para contabilidade. Mais tarde Geerts and McCarthy (2002, 2006) estenderam o modelo original com novos conceitos. Para formalizar os conceitos da ontologia REA, esta pesquisa mostra o desenvolvimento de uma DSL textual com base na metodologia de desenvolvimento MDE que foca o desenvolvimento de software no modelo. Esta simplifica os processos de engenharia pois representa as ações e comportamentos de um sistema mesmo antes do início da fase de codificação. A pesquisa está estruturada de acordo com a DSRM. O DS é uma metodologia para resolver problemas que procuram inovar criando artefactos úteis que definem práticas, projetos e implementações e por isso é adequado a esta pesquisa que desenvolveu três artefactos para a formalização da DSL, um meta-modelo a sintaxe abstrata, uma linguagem textual a sintaxe concreta e um ficheiro Json para interação com a plataforma OMNIA. A primeira fase do DSRM foi identificar o problema que foi referido em cima. A seguinte concentra-se na identificação dos requisitos que identificaram os conceitos REA a serem incluídos no meta-modelo e na linguagem textual. Posteriormente, é feito o desenvolvimento dos artefactos e do editor da linguagem. O editor permite definir, com a DSL, os casos de uso fornecidos pela equipa da Numbersbelieve, corrigir falhas e melhorar a linguagem. Os resultados foram avaliados de acordo com o cumprimento dos requisitos. Foram todos foram concluídos com êxito. Com base na análise dos artefactos, do uso da linguagem e da interação com a plataforma OMNIA, através do ficheiro Json, conclui-se que a utilização da linguagem é adequada para interagir com a plataforma OMNIA através da sua API e ajudou a demonstrar que outras aplicações da plataforma podem ser modeladas usando uma abordagem REA

    Virulence gene detection and expression in Streptococcus Dysgalactiae subsp. Dysgalactiae Strains and evaluation of infection potential

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    Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae (SDSD) é considerado um agente patogénico animal exclusivo e Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) um agente patogénico humano exclusivo. Recentemente foram encontrados fatores de virulência fágicos de GAS em estirpes de SDSD de origem bovina e casos de infeção humana associada a SDSD têm vindo a ser reportados. Em consequência, o potencial zoonótico de SDSD foi sugerido, contudo o papel destes fatores de virulência na patogénese de SDSD não foi comprovado. Um dos objetivos desta tese foi detetar a presença e expressão de fatores de virulência de GAS, entre isolados de SDSD contemporâneos de origem portuguesa, isolados de amostras de leite de bovinos disgnosticados com mastite em herdades leiteiras portuguesas entre 2011-13 e comparar estes dados com os reportados de uma coleção portuguesa de SDSD previamente estudada de 2002-03. O potencial de infeção in vitro e in vivo foi também avaliado e comparado entre coleções. Determinantes genéticos de GAS (os genes de virulência speB, speC, speF, speH, speK, speL, speM, smeZ, spd1, sdn e o elemento quimérico Tn1207.3/Φ10394.4) foram pesquisados por PCR e a sua expressão averiguada por PCR após síntese de cDNA. A produção de DNases extracelulares foi avaliada e correlacionada com o perfil genotipico dos genes spd1 e sdn. Para estudar o potencial de infeção, in vitro, foram utilizadas linhas celulares repiratórias normais e tumorais humanas (BTEC e Detroit 562, respetivamente) e in vivo, o modelo animal zebrafish. Os resultados sugerem que os fatores de virulência pesquisados são característicos de SDSD de origem bovina e a produção de DNases extracelulares é independente dos genes spd1 e sdn. Os estudos de infeção in vitro e in vivo revelam que os potenciais de infeção de SDSD são específicos de estirpe e independentes dos genes de virulência pesquisados. O potencial zoonótico de SDSD é novamente sugerido uma vez que estirpes de origem bovina foram capazes de infetar linhas celulares humanas e o zebrafish.Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae (SDSD) is considered an exclusively animal pathogen and Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) a strictly human pathogen. GAS phage virulence determinants were recently found in SDSD strains of bovine origin, and cases of human infection associated with SDSD have been recently reported. The SDSD zoonotic potential has been therefore suggested, however the role of those virulence genes in the pathogenesis of the bovine SDSD has not been proved. One of the objectives of this thesis was to detect the presence and expression of GAS virulence determinants, among contemporary SDSD strains, isolated from milk samples of bovines diagnosed with mastitis in Portuguese dairy herds between 2011-13 and compare the data with the one previously reported of a study of a Portuguese SDSD collection of 2002-03. In vitro and in vivo infection potential was also evaluated and compared between both collections. GAS genetic determinants (virulence genes speB, speC, speF, speH, speK, speL, speM, smeZ, spd1, sdn and the chimeric element Tn1207.3/Φ10394.4) were screened by PCR and their expression was assessed by PCR after cDNA synthesis. Extracellular DNase production was assessed and correlated with spd1 and sdn genotypic profile. To study the infection potential, in vitro, human normal and tumoral respiratory cell lines (BTEC and Detroit 562, respectively) were used, and in vivo, the zebrafish animal model was chosen. Results suggested that the virulence determinants screened are characteristic of SDSD of bovine origin and that extracellular DNase production was independent on the spd1 and sdn genes. In vitro and in vivo infection studies revealed that the infection potentials of SDSD are strain-specific and independent on the virulence genes screened. Zoonotic potential of SDSD is further suggested, as strains from bovine origin were able to infect human cell lines, as well as the zebrafish

    Assessment of the environmental impact of yeast waste application to soil: an integrated approach

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    Mestrado em Engenharia do Ambiente - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - ULThe yeast production industry (e.g. distillery, brewing, baking industries) has been growing globally over the last years generating a large amount of sub-products. Laboratory experiments, under controlled conditions, were performed to investigate the impact of yeast waste application to a sandy texture soil. Experimental treatments were: surface application of yeast and decanted-yeast (CMSs and CMSds), surface application of yeast and decantedyeast followed by incorporation in the 0-5 cm soil layer (CMSm and CMSdm), surface application of ammonium nitrate (AN) (not applied in short-term experiment) and a control (soil only) (CTR). The amount of yeast applied was 2 g in the short-term experiment and equivalent to 170 kgN.ha-1 in the long-term experiment. A short-term (38-day period) leaching experiment was performed with 5 weekly irrigation events (5 treatments × 3 replications) to assess N, P, K losses. Results showed that yeast application increased NH4+, PT and KT leaching relative to control while decreased NO3- leaching relative to a high initial content of control, during first irrigation events. Incorporation treatments increased NH4+, NO3- and PT losses earlier. KT losses were higher in surface treatments. A long-term leaching experiment (73-day period) with 6 irrigation events every two weeks was then performed (6 treatments × 4 replicates) to assess N, P losses. A two parallel incubation experiment (6 treatments × 3 replicates) were simultaneously performed to measure GHG emissions (CO2, N2O, CH4) and to assess the N mineralization in each treatment. Results showed that yeast application increased initial NH4+ concentration in leachates and soil relative to control and NO3- increased afterwards. N2O and CO2 increased significantly relative to control on the first days after yeast application. AN treatment emissions were very similar to control but had a small increase of N2O. CH4 emissions were insignificant. The global warming potential (GWP) of yeast and AN were 6× and 2× times higher than control, respectivelyN/

    Magnetic field induced inversion in the effect of particle size on powder cohesiveness

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    Experimental measurements are reported on the tensile yield stress of magnetofluidized beds of fine magnetic powders operated in the cross-flow configuration. In the absence of externally applied magnetic field the yield stress of the powder depends on particle size as expected, i.e., it increases as bead size is decreased. This trend is however inverted when an external magnetic field is applied. It is suggested that the average orientation of interparticle contacts relative to the direction of the field as affected by particle size plays a relevant role on the magnetic yield stress of these systems.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de España-FIS2006-0364

    Target RNAs strike back on MicroRNAs

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    MicroRNAs are extensively studied regulatory non-coding small RNAs that silence animal genes throughout most biological processes, typically doing so by binding to partially complementary sequences within target RNAs. A plethora of studies has described detailed mechanisms for microRNA biogenesis and function, as well as their temporal and spatial regulation during development. By inducing translational repression and/or degradation of their target RNAs, microRNAs can contribute to achieve highly specific cell-or tissue-specific gene expression, while their aberrant expression can lead to disease. Yet an unresolved aspect of microRNA biology is how such small RNA molecules are themselves cleared from the cell, especially under circumstances where fast microRNA turnover or specific degradation of individual microRNAs is required. In recent years, it was unexpectedly found that binding of specific target RNAs to microRNAs with extensive complementarity can reverse the outcome, triggering degradation of the bound microRNAs. This emerging pathway, named TDMD for Target RNA-Directed MicroRNA Degradation, leads to microRNA 3′-end tailing by the addition of A/U non-templated nucleotides, trimming or shortening from the 3′ end, and highly specific microRNA loss, providing a new layer of microRNA regulation. Originally described in flies and known to be triggered by viral RNAs, novel endogenous instances of TDMD have been uncovered and are now starting to be understood. Here, we review our current knowledge of this pathway and its potential role in the control and diversification of microRNA expression patterns.Fil: Fuchs Wightman, Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Giono, Luciana Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Fededa, Juan Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: de la Mata, Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; Argentin

    The Ne isotopic signature of Terceira lavas (Azores): evidence for Ne recycling?

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    The available noble gas database shows that the presence of an atmospheric component in oceanic basalts is common. Several models have been considered and will be discussed here in order to explain the Ne isotopic data obtained for olivine phenocrysts sampled in Terceira lavas. Analysed samples are porphyritic olivine+clinopyroxene±plagioclase bearing lavas that were erupted from the Fissural and Santa Bárbara eruptive vents. Different incompatible element ratios (e.g. Ba/Nb, La/Nb) were obtained for lavas from these two volcanic systems, which can be related with the presence of crustal recycled components in the Terceira mantle source. Ne isotopic ratios are also distinct for Fissural and Santa Bárbara olivine crystals, the later being invariably similar to air. Indirect barometric data from clinopyroxene-liquid equilibrium point to olivine crystallisation at mantle depths, thus precluding the existence of direct atmospheric contamination during magma ascent and cooling. Alternatively, we argue for a recycled origin of atmospheric Ne in accordance with geochemical data


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    The Azores archipelago, located close to the triple junction where the Eurasian, African and American plates meet, is an example of plume related magmatism. Mantle plumes have been the locus of an intense debate. Their ultimate origin has been assigned to the D” layer, to the bottom of transition zone and even to the astenosphere, as the result of passive response to lithosphere cracking (e.g. Courtillot et al., 2003). He isotope geochemistry is a key tool to clear up this question given its ability to identify the incorporation of relatively undegassed lower mantle portions in plumes (with 4He/3He ratios as low as 20.000 or R/Ra=32) and to distinguish them from those generated in a degassed upper mantle generally accepted as the MORB source (with constant 4He/3He ratios around 90.000 or R/Ra8; e.g. Allègre et al., 1995). More recently, it has been demonstrated that the two mantle reservoirs expected from helium isotope systematics can be substantiated by neon data (Moreira et Allègre, 1998). In this work we present the first Ne isotopic data collected from Terceira samples; these data, in addition to new He isotope determinations, are used to better constrain the origin of the Azores mantle plume. The noble gases analyses were performed at IPG in Paris by crushing of olivine phenocrysts (~1g). This method is particularly useful for measuring the mantle gases released by melt inclusions trapped inside the olivine crystals. Terceira island comprises four main strato-volcanoes (Self, 1976): Cinco Picos, Guilherme Moniz, Pico Alto and Santa Bárbara. At least the later two are considered to be active and connected by a fissure zone regarded by some authors as the Terceira rift (e.g. Udías, 1980). One of the oldest features of the island is expressed by the Cinco Picos caldera (7 km in diameter) that should be younger than 300.000 years (K/Ar data from Feraud et al., 1980). Previous studies have shown that Terceira lavas combine relatively high radiogenic lead isotopic signatures typical from HIMU basalts (206Pb/204Pb up to 20.02) and slight primitive He signatures, with 63780 as a minimum value of 4He/3He ratio (R/Ra=11.3; Dupré et al., 1982; Moreira et al., 1999). A lower value of 48821 (R/Ra=14.8) was now obtained, strengthening the contribution of lower mantle to Terceira magmas. Our results also suggest a stratigraphic control on the variation of He isotopic signatures since the most primitive values appear to be confined to the most ancient rocks. In fact, values lower than 68814 (R/Ra ratios higher than 10,5) were found in one lava collected near the village of Säo Sebastiäo (SE of Terceira, in one of the most eroded landscape of the island) and in samples from the lower levels of a 20 m thick lava flow sequence exposed in the actual sea cliff near the village of Santa Bárbara (SW of Terceira). At least for the later samples, we exclude the possibility of a cosmogenic 3He contribution since this sequence is exposed in a relatively recent erosion surface. Our results raise important questions concerning the evolution of the Açores plume; several interpretations seems to be plausible, as the changing with time of the source isotopic signature or the increase of mixing with a MORB. These hypothesis will be better constrained in future works. Some of the analysed samples show higher 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne ratios than air suggesting the presence of a mantle component in the olivine melt inclusions. Moreover, in a three-Ne isotope diagram, the samples define a trend with a higher slope than the MORB line (e.g. Sarda et al., 1988). The Terceira trend is then interpreted as a mixing line between an atmospheric component and a mantle component with a solar like 20Ne/22Ne ratio and with a 21Ne/22Ne ratio of 0.052 (extrapolated to solar). This value is in accord with the mantle mixing model predicted by the 4He/3He-21Ne/22Ne relationship (Moreira et al.,2001) and is also strongly suggestive of a lower mantle contribution to Terceira magmas

    Luxación traumática de cadera en niño de dos años

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    Presentamos un caso de luxación traumática de cadera en un niño de dos años de edad tras traumatismo de baja energía. La reducción fue realizada 25 horas después del accidente y fue tratado mediante yeso pelvipédico durante tres semanas. Tres años más tarde el niño no presenta ninguna secuela clínica ni radiológica. Realizamos una discusión acerca del manejo y pronóstico de la lesión en edades tempranas.We report a 2-year-old boy who suffered traumatic hip dislocation alter low-energy fall. Reduction was performed twenty-five hours after the injury and was treated by wearing spica-cast for three weeks. Three years later the child do not show any clinical or radiological sequelae. We review the management and prognosis of this injury in young children

    Types of gas fluidization of cohesive granular materials

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    Some years ago it was shown that gas-fluidized powders may transit from solidlike to fluidlike fluidization prior to bubbling, shedding light on a long-standing controversy on the nature of “homogeneous” fluidization. In this paper it is shown that some gas-fluidized powders may also transit from the fluidlike regime to elutriation, with full suppression of the bubbling regime. We provide a diagram that can be used to predict these types of fluidization exhibited by cohesive powders based on simple phenomenological equations in which particle aggregation due to attractive forces is a key ingredient