46 research outputs found

    Gene duplication, population genomics, and species-level differentiation within a tropical mountain shrub.

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    Gene duplication leads to paralogy, which complicates the de novo assembly of genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) data. The issue of paralogous genes is exacerbated in plants, because they are particularly prone to gene duplication events. Paralogs are normally filtered from GBS data before undertaking population genomics or phylogenetic analyses. However, gene duplication plays an important role in the functional diversification of genes and it can also lead to the formation of postzygotic barriers. Using populations and closely related species of a tropical mountain shrub, we examine 1) the genomic differentiation produced by putative orthologs, and 2) the distribution of recent gene duplication among lineages and geography. We find high differentiation among populations from isolated mountain peaks and species-level differentiation within what is morphologically described as a single species. The inferred distribution of paralogs among populations is congruent with taxonomy and shows that GBS could be used to examine recent gene duplication as a source of genomic differentiation of nonmodel species

    Long-term genetic consequences of mammal reintroductions into an Australian conservation reserve

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    Available online 05 January 2018Reintroduction programs aim to restore self-sustaining populations of threatened species to their historic range. However, demographic restoration may not reflect genetic restoration, which is necessary for the long-term persistence of populations. Four threatened Australian mammals, the greater stick-nest rat (Leporillus conditor), greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis), burrowing bettong (Bettongia lesueur) and western barred bandicoot (Perameles bougainville), were reintroduced at Arid Recovery Reserve in northern South Australia over the last 18 years. These reintroductions have been deemed successful based on population growth and persistence, however the genetic consequences of the reintroductions are not known. We generated large single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) datasets for each species currently at Arid Recovery and compared them to samples collected from founders. We found that average genetic diversity in all populations at the Arid Recovery Reserve are close to, or exceeding, the levels measured in the founders. Increased genetic diversity in two species was achieved by admixing slightly diverged and inbred source populations. Our results suggest that genetic diversity in translocated populations can be improved or maintained over relatively long time frames, even in small conservation reserves, and highlight the power of admixture as a tool for conservation management.Lauren C. White, Katherine E. Moseby, Vicki A. Thomson, Stephen C. Donnellan, Jeremy J. Austi

    Outlier SNPs detect weak regional structure against a background of genetic homogeneity in the Eastern Rock Lobster, Sagmariasus verreauxi

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    Genetic differentiation is characteristically weak in marine species making assessments of population connectivity and structure difficult. However, the advent of genomic methods has increased genetic resolution, enabling studies to detect weak, but significant population differentiation within marine species. With an increasing number of studies employing high resolution genome-wide techniques, we are realising that the connectivity of marine populations is often complex and quantifying this complexity can provide an understanding of the processes shaping marine species genetic structure and to inform long-term, sustainable management strategies. This study aims to assess the genetic structure, connectivity, and local adaptation of the Eastern Rock Lobster (Sagmariasus verreauxi), which has a maximum pelagic larval duration of 12 months and inhabits both subtropical and temperate environments. We used 645 neutral and 15 outlier SNPs to genotype lobsters collected from the only two known breeding populations and a third episodic population—encompassing S. verreauxi's known range. Through examination of the neutral SNP panel, we detected genetic homogeneity across the three regions, which extended across the Tasman Sea encompassing both Australian and New Zealand populations. We discuss differences in neutral genetic signature of S. verreauxi and a closely related, co-distributed rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, determining a regional pattern of genetic disparity between the species, which have largely similar life histories. Examination of the outlier SNP panel detected weak genetic differentiation between the three regions. Outlier SNPs showed promise in assigning individuals to their sampling origin and may prove useful as a management tool for species exhibiting genetic homogeneity

    Exploring the utility of cross-laboratory RAD-sequencing datasets for phylogenetic analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Restriction site-Associated DNA sequencing (RAD-Seq) is widely applied to generate genome-wide sequence and genetic marker datasets. RAD-Seq has been extensively utilised, both at the population level and across species, for example in the construction of phylogenetic trees. However, the consistency of RAD-Seq data generated in different laboratories, and the potential use of cross-species orthologous RAD loci in the estimation of genetic relationships, have not been widely investigated. This study describes the use of SbfI RAD-Seq data for the estimation of evolutionary relationships amongst ten teleost fish species, using previously established phylogeny as a benchmark. RESULTS: The number of orthologous SbfI RAD loci identified decreased with increasing evolutionary distance between the species, with several thousand loci conserved across five salmonid species (divergence ~50 MY), and several hundred conserved across the more distantly related teleost species (divergence ~100–360 MY). The majority (>70%) of loci identified between the more distantly related species were genic in origin, suggesting that the bias of SbfI towards genic regions is useful for identifying distant orthologs. Interspecific single nucleotide variants at each orthologous RAD locus were identified. Evolutionary relationships estimated using concatenated sequences of interspecific variants were congruent with previously published phylogenies, even for distantly (divergence up to ~360 MY) related species. CONCLUSION: Overall, this study has demonstrated that orthologous SbfI RAD loci can be identified across closely and distantly related species. This has positive implications for the repeatability of SbfI RAD-Seq and its potential to address research questions beyond the scope of the original studies. Furthermore, the concordance in tree topologies and relationships estimated in this study with published teleost phylogenies suggests that similar meta-datasets could be utilised in the prediction of evolutionary relationships across populations and species with readily available RAD-Seq datasets, but for which relationships remain uncharacterised. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13104-015-1261-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Extinction risk of Mesoamerican crop wild relatives

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    Ensuring food security is one of the world's most critical issues as agricultural systems are already being impacted by global change. Crop wild relatives (CWR)—wild plants related to crops—possess genetic variability that can help adapt agriculture to a changing environment and sustainably increase crop yields to meet the food security challenge. Here we report the results of an extinction risk assessment of 224 wild relatives of some of the world's most important crops (i.e. chilli pepper, maize, common bean, avocado, cotton, potato, squash, vanilla and husk tomato) in Mesoamerica—an area of global significance as a centre of crop origin, domestication and of high CWR diversity. We show that 35% of the selected CWR taxa are threatened with extinction according to The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List demonstrates that these valuable genetic resources are under high anthropogenic threat. The dominant threat processes are land use change for agriculture and farming, invasive and other problematic species (e.g. pests, genetically modified organisms) and use of biological resources, including overcollection and logging. The most significant drivers of extinction relate to smallholder agriculture—given its high incidence and ongoing shifts from traditional agriculture to modern practices (e.g. use of herbicides)—smallholder ranching and housing and urban development and introduced genetic material. There is an urgent need to increase knowledge and research around different aspects of CWR. Policies that support in situ and ex situ conservation of CWR and promote sustainable agriculture are pivotal to secure these resources for the benefit of current and future generations

    Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing, genotyping error estimation and de novo assembly optimization for population genetic inference.

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    Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) provides researchers with the ability to record genetic polymorphism across thousands of loci for nonmodel organisms, potentially revolutionizing the field of molecular ecology. However, as with other genotyping methods, RADseq is prone to a number of sources of error that may have consequential effects for population genetic inferences, and these have received only limited attention in terms of the estimation and reporting of genotyping error rates. Here we use individual sample replicates, under the expectation of identical genotypes, to quantify genotyping error in the absence of a reference genome. We then use sample replicates to (i) optimize de novo assembly parameters within the program Stacks, by minimizing error and maximizing the retrieval of informative loci; and (ii) quantify error rates for loci, alleles and single-nucleotide polymorphisms. As an empirical example, we use a double-digest RAD data set of a nonmodel plant species, Berberis alpina, collected from high-altitude mountains in Mexico

    Storage of organic carbon in the soils of Mexican temperate forests

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. The deforestation and degradation of natural habitats is the second largest contributor to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere. Temperate forests cover ∼16.5% of the Mexican landscape, and are a priority ecosystem for global conservation due to their high rate of endemism and species diversity. These forests also provide valuable ecosystem services, including the storage of organic carbon. Mexican temperate forests have lost more than half of their original cover, with ongoing forest degradation, resulting in CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Most studies and carbon inventories only consider organic carbon stored in the aboveground biomass, and do not consider the organic carbon stored within soils of temperate forests. As a result, the emissions of CO2 due to deforestation are underestimated, and the value of temperate forests is underappreciated. To address this shortcoming, (1) we examine the extent and factors determining soil organic carbon stocks; (2) we estimate soil organic carbon stocks of Mexican temperate forests, the CO2 emissions caused by deforestation and avoided emissions from conservation and (3) we discuss the causes of loss of soil OC and management strategies to mitigate this loss. We propose that including the soil organic carbon stock-component is a priority for national projects targeting reducing emissions from deforestation. Also, urgent studies on the impacts of forest degradation in stocks of soil organic carbon are needed. Management strategies for conservation and rehabilitation of Mexican temperate forests must consider social and economic aspects of the local communities

    Using Ultraconserved Elements to Unravel Lagomorph Phylogenetic Relationships

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    Lagomorpha (lagomorphs), the order of mammals including pikas, hares, and rabbits, is distributed on all continents. The order currently is hypothesized to comprise 12 genera and 108 species, split into two families: Ochotonidae (pikas) and Leporidae (rabbits and hares). Molecular and morphological attempts have been undertaken to resolve the phylogeny of lagomorphs, although chronological relationships are still to be established. The aim of this research was to unravel lagomorph phylogeny using ultraconserved elements. We focused on Romerolagus, in light of its largely unknown phylogenetic relationships and sparse fossil record, to assess times of divergence for the genus. We obtained samples from at least one species in each of 11 genera (except Caprolagus) comprising the order and captured and sequenced ultraconserved elements (UCEs). A Maximum-Likelihood phylogenetic analysis was carried out on the 4,195 loci captured, resulting in 59,112 informative sites. We further used BEAST2 v2.6.3 on the CIPRES computing cluster to estimate the timing of cladogenesis in lagomorph evolution. Our results confirm that lagomorphs and rodents split about 65 million years ago. The former further split into its constituent families, Leporidae and Ochotonidae, about 60 million years ago. Pronolagus rupestris and Nesolagus timminsi were retrieved as basal sister taxa; the most recent common ancestor of that clade and remaining leporids was estimated to have existed about 47 million years ago. Romerolagus diazi is sister to remaining Leporidae excluding Pronolagus and Nesolagus, a topology that generally matches previously published phylogenies, although our results suggest a most recent common ancestor of Romerolagus and remaining ingroup leporids at ca. 4.8 Ma (95% highest posterior density [HPD] interval: 5.9 – 3.8 Ma), with an internal diversification in the Middle to Late Pleistocene (0.9 Ma; 95% HPD 1.8 – 0.2 Ma). Our final results yielded a robust phylogeny with high support values for every clade of the order Lagomorpha and unraveled previously unresolved phylogenetic relationships. In addition, we further conclude that the method we used, UCEs, may serve to complete the entire phylogeny of mammals by using existing museum specimens