68 research outputs found

    Illusion et Depiction: La Surface Invisible

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    Nous défendons la thèse selon laquelle les images sont phénoménalement transparentes : nous ne voyons (quasiment) jamais leur surface mais seulement ce que les images dépeignent, ce qui implique que notre expérience des images est fondamentalement une illusion. Cette thèse s’oppose à celle de R. Wollheim, qui fait aujourd’hui figure de position standard, selon laquelle nous percevons la surface et le depictum. Une même expérience perceptive, selon nous, ne peut avoir deux objets ou deux aspects. En ce sens, nous sommes plus proche de la position de E.H. Gombrich : nous percevons soit la surface, soit le depictum, mais jamais les deux. Nous cherchons toutefois à la radicaliser en soutenant qu’il est finalement très rare de percevoir la surface de l’image

    1st EFORT European Consensus: Medical & Scientific Research Requirements for the Clinical Introduction of Artificial Joint Arthroplasty Devices

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    Innovations in Orthopaedics and Traumatology have contributed to the achievement of a high-quality level of care in musculoskeletal disorders and injuries over the past decades. The applications of new implants as well as diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in addition to implementation of clinical research, have significantly improved patient outcomes, reduced complication rates and length of hospital stay in many areas. However, the regulatory framework is extensive, and there is a lack of understanding and clarity in daily practice what the meaning of clinical & pre‐clinical evidence as required by the MDR is. Thus, understanding and clarity are of utmost importance for introduction of new implants and implant-related instrumentation in combination with surgical technique to ensure a safe use of implants and treatment of patients. Therefore EFORT launched IPSI, The Implant and Patient Safety Initiative, which starting from an inaugural workshop in 2021 issued a set of recommendations, notably through a subsequent Delphi Process involving the National Member Societies of EFORT, European Specialty Societies as well as International Experts. These recommendations provide surgeons, researchers, implant manufacturers as well as patients and health authorities with a consensus of the development, implementation, and dissemination of innovation in the field of arthroplasty. The intended key outcomes of this 1st EFORT European Consensus on “Medical & Scientific Research Requirements for the Clinical Introduction of Artificial Joint Arthroplasty Devices”are consented, practical pathways to maintain innovation and optimisation of orthopaedic products and workflows within the boundaries of MDR 2017/745. Open Access practical guidelines based on adequate, state of the art pre-clinical and clinical evaluation methodologies for the introduction of joint replacements and implant-related instrumentation shall provide hands-on orientation for orthopaedic surgeons, research institutes and laboratories, orthopaedic device manufacturers, Notified Bodies but also for National Institutes and authorities, patient representatives and further stakeholders. We would like to acknowledge and thank the Scientific Committee members, all International Expert Delegates, the Delegates from European National & Specialty Societies and the Editorial Team for their outstanding contributions and support during this EFORT European Consensus


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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the visual acuity (VA) gain profiles between patients with drug-naive diabetic macular edema (DME) treated by dexamethasone implant (DEX-implant) and assess the baseline anatomical and functional factors that could influence the response to the treatment in real-life conditions. A retrospective, multi-center observational study included 129 eyes with drug-naive DME treated by DEX-implant. The Median follow-up was 13 months. Two groups of VA gain trajectories were identified-Group A, with 71% (n = 96) of patients whose average VA gain was less than five letters and Group B, with 29% (n = 33) of patients with an average gain of 20 letters. The probability of belonging to Group B was significantly higher in patients with baseline VA \textbackslashtextless 37 letters (p = 0.001). Ellipsoid zone alterations (EZAs) or disorganization of retinal inner layers (DRILs) were associated with a lower final VA (53.0 letters versus 66.4, p = 0.002) but without a significant difference in VA gain (4.9 letters versus 6.8, p = 0.582). Despite a low baseline VA, this subgroup of patients tends to have greater visual gain, encouraging treatment with DEX-implant in such advanced-stage disease. However, some baseline anatomic parameters, such as the presence of EZAs or DRILs, negatively influenced final vision

    XLF and APLF bind Ku80 at two remote sites to ensure DNA repair by non-homologous end joining

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    International audienceThe Ku70-Ku80 (Ku) heterodimer binds rapidly and tightly to the ends of DNA double-strand breaks and recruits factors of the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair pathway through molecular interactions that remain unclear. We have determined crystal structures of the Ku-binding motifs (KBM) of the NHEJ proteins APLF (A-KBM) and XLF (X-KBM) bound to a Ku-DNA complex. The two KBM motifs bind remote sites of the Ku80 alpha/beta domain. The X-KBM occupies an internal pocket formed by an unprecedented large outward rotation of the Ku80 alpha/beta domain. We observe independent recruitment of the APLF-interacting protein XRCC4 and of XLF to laser-irradiated sites via binding of A- and X-KBMs, respectively, to Ku80. Finally, we show that mutation of the X-KBM and A-KBM binding sites in Ku80 compromises both the efficiency and accuracy of end joining and cellular radiosensitivity. A- and X-KBMs may represent two initial anchor points to build the intricate interaction network required for NHEJ

    Mesure de l'usure des cupules à double mobilité

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    ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Résultats à moyen terme de l'ostéosynthèse des fractures impactées du radius distal (étude comparative randomisée fixateur-externe versus plaque verrouillée palmaire)

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    Introduction : à côté des fractures simples du radius distal traitées par des méthodes chirurgicales mini-invasives, il existe un nombre important de fractures à forte comminution pour lesquelles aucune méthode d'ostéosynthèse ne s'avère totalement satisfaisante. L'alternative récente à l'utilisation du fixateur externe est l'utilisation de plaques à vis verrouillées, qui maintiennent la réduction sans pontage articulaire. L'objectif de cette étude est de démontrer l'avantage d'un système d'ostéosynthèse capable de restituer et de maintenir la longueur radiale dans les fractures complexes de l'extrémité distale du radius. Résultats : trente-deux patients ont pu être revus à 6 mois avec un dossier complet. Toutes les fractures étaient consolidées et aucun démontage de l'ostéosynthèse initiale n'a été constaté. Nous déplorons cinq impactions secondaires modérées dans le groupe fixateur-externe et deux parmi les ostéosynthèses par plaque. Toutefois, il n'existait pas de différence significative entre les deux groupes quand à l'évolution radiologique. Les résultats cliniques étaient équivalents dans les deux groupes. Il n'existait pas non plus de différence quand à la survenue d'un syndrome algoneurodystrophique. Conclusion : si l'ostéosynthèse par plaque antérieure verrouillée semble tenir ses promesses pour la stabilisation des fractures comminutives du radius distal, le fixateur-externe radiocarpien reste une méthode de traitement fiable, même chez le sujet ostéoporotique. Au prix d'une technique rigoureuse, l'ostéosynthèse palmaire optimise la précocité de récupération. Même si ces deux traitements semblent tendre vers un résultat clinique équivalent à moyen et long terme.ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF