709 research outputs found

    On the association between the crab <i>Hapalonotus reticulatus</i> (Crustacea, Brachyura, Eumedonidae) and the sea cucumber <i>Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra</i> (Echinodermata, Holothuridae)

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    A study of the fauna associated with holothurians from Hansa Bay (Papua New Guinea) reveals a new symbiotic association between the holothuroid Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra and the crab Hapalonotus reticulatus. All the collected holothurians were infested, but with only one crab per holothurian, always in the right respiratory tree near the cloaca. Because of its size, H. reticulatus considerably expands the wall of the respiratory tree forming a membranaceous cyst. This association, therefore, appears to be parasitic. However, the crab does not feed upon host tissue but seems to filter its food from water passing through the respiratory tree of its host. The description of two males allows to comment upon the taxonomical position of H. reticulatus. We classify H. reticulatus in the recently re-established family Eumedonidae. This is the first record of a species of Eumedonia living in association with a holothurian

    Violences juvéniles sous expertise(s), XIXe-XXIe siècles

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    Résumé issu du site de l\u27éditeur : Dans la construction historique du problème social que constitue la violence juvénile, le rôle de l\u27expertise est primordial. L\u27expert, agissant au coeur ou à la lisière du système institutionnel de protection de la jeunesse, peut être celui qui recueille et met en forme l’expression de cette violence. De ce fait, il contribue à l’extension de sa définition : violence physique, mais aussi psychique, voire symbolique. Les experts dépassent alors la posture du simple diagnostic pour s’inscrire dans une démarche de soin et de réhabilitation sociale. Depuis le XIXe siècle, médecins, psychiatres, puis psychologues,  pédagogues, sociologues et anthropologues, ont investi la question de la jeunesse  irrégulière, contribuant ainsi à la définition d’une population-cible pour les politiques publiques

    Water, oceanic fracture zones and the lubrication of subducting plate boundaries - insights from seismicity

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    We investigate the relationship between subduction processes and related seismicity for the Lesser Antilles Arc using the Gutenberg-Richter law. This power lawdescribes the earthquakemagnitude distribution, with the gradient of the cumulative magnitude distribution being commonly known as the b-value. The Lesser Antilles Arc was chosen because of its alongstrike variability in sediment subduction and the transition from subduction to strike-slip movement towards its northern and southern ends. The data are derived from the seismicity catalogues from the Seismic Research Centre of The University of the West Indies and the Observatoires Volcanologiques et Sismologiques of the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris and consist of subcrustal events primarily from the slab interface. The b-value is found using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for a maximum-likelihood straight line-fitting routine. We investigate spatial variations in b-values using a grid-search with circular cells as well as an along-arc projection. Tests with different algorithms and the two independent earthquake cataloges provide confidence in the robustness of our results. We observe a strong spatial variability of the b-value that cannot be explained by the uncertainties. Rather than obtaining a simple north-south b-value distribution suggestive of the dominant control on earthquake triggering being water released from the sedimentary cover on the incoming American Plates, or a b-value distribution that correlates with on the obliquity of subduction, we obtain a series of discrete, high b-value 'bull's-eyes' along strike. These bull's-eyes, which indicate stress release through a higher fraction of small earthquakes, coincide with the locations of known incoming oceanic fracture zones on the American Plates. We interpret the results in terms of water being delivered to the Lesser Antilles subduction zone in the vicinity of fracture zones providing lubrication and thus changing the character of the related seismicity. Our results suggest serpentinization around mid-ocean ridge transform faults, which go on to become fracture zones on the incoming plate, plays a significant role in the delivery of water into the mantle at subduction zones

    Publisher’s Note: “Dispersion calibration for the National Ignition Facility electron–positron–proton spectrometers for intense laser matter interactions” [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 033516 (2021)] (Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 059902 (2021)

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    Electron-positron pairs, produced in intense laser-solid interactions, are diagnosed using magnetic spectrometers with image plates, such as the National Ignition Facility (NIF) Electron Positron Proton Spectrometers (EPPS). Although modeling can help infer the quantitative value, the accuracy of the models needs to be verified to ensure measurement quality. The dispersion of low-energy electrons and positrons may be affected by fringe magnetic fields near the entrance of the EPPS. We have calibrated the EPPS with six electron beams from a Siemens Oncor linear accelerator (linac) ranging in energy from 2.72.7--15.215.2 MeV\mathrm{MeV} as they enter the spectrometer. A Geant4 TOPAS Monte-Carlo simulation was set up to match depth dose curves and lateral profiles measured in water at 100100 cm\mathrm{cm} source-surface distance. An accurate relationship was established between the bending magnet current setting and the energy of the electron beam at the exit window. The simulations and measurements were used to determine the energy distributions of the six electron beams at the EPPS slit. Analysis of the scanned image plates together with the determined energy distribution arriving in the spectrometer provide improved dispersion curves for the EPPS.Comment: Published in Review of Scientific Instruments, 5 pages, 3 figures, This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishin

    Using sea cucumbers to illustrate the basics of zoological nomenclature

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    In addition to a brief account of the need to have unique and unambiguous scientific names for taxa, this paper, annotated with examples of sea cucumbers, explains the basics of zoological nomenclature. In doing so it aims to reduce the confusion that exists among various breeds of end-users of taxonomists who may not fully understand the seemingly arbitrary and often volatile nature of scientific names. This paper also aims to provide teachers and students with a comprehensible account of the basic principles of zoological nomenclature

    Water Absorption of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Measured by Vertical Interference Microscopy

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    PMMA (poly(methyl methacrylate)) is widely used to prepare orthopedic cements. They are in direct contact with cells and body fluids. PMMA, despite its hydrophobic nature, can absorb ?2% w/w water. We have evaluated by vertical interference microscopy if water absorption can produce a significant swelling in different types of PMMA blocks: pure, with a plasticizer, with a cross-linker, and in two types of commercial bone cements. Graphite rods which do not swell in water were used as internal standard. Hardness, indentation modulus, plastic, and elastic works were determined by nanoindentation under a 25mN fixed force. Vertical interference microscopy was used to image the polymer in the dry state and hydrated states (after 24 h in distilled water). On the surface of the polished polymers (before and after hydration), we measured roughness by the fractal dimension, the swelling in the vertical and the lateral directions. For each polymer block, four images were obtained and values were averaged. Comparison and standardization of the images in the dry and hydrated states were done with Matlab software. The average value measured on the graphite rod between the two images (dried and hydrated) was used for standardization of the images which were visualized in 3D. After grinding, a small retraction was noticeable between the surface of the rod and the polymers. A retraction ring was also visible around the graphite rod. After hydration, only the pure PMMA and bone cements had a significant swelling in the vertical direction. The presence of polymer beads in the cements limited the swelling in the lateral direction. Swelling parameters correlated with the nanoindentation data. PMMA can swell by absorbing a small amount of water and this induces a swelling that varies with the polymer composition and particle inclusions

    Mapping species distributions: A comparison of skilled naturalist and lay citizen science recording

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    To assess the ability of traditional biological recording schemes and lay citizen science approaches to gather data on species distributions and changes therein, we examined bumblebee records from the UK’s national repository (National Biodiversity Network) and from BeeWatch. The two recording approaches revealed similar relative abundances of bumblebee species but different geographical distributions. For the widespread common carder (Bombus pascuorum), traditional recording scheme data were patchy, both spatially and temporally, reflecting active record centre rather than species distribution. Lay citizen science records displayed more extensive geographic coverage, reflecting human population density, thus offering better opportunities to account for recording effort. For the rapidly spreading tree bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum), both recording approaches revealed similar distributions due to a dedicated mapping project which overcame the patchy nature of naturalist records. We recommend, where possible, complementing skilled naturalist recording with lay citizen science programmes to obtain a nation-wide capability, and stress the need for timely uploading of data to the national repository

    Finite element analysis of the effect of cementing concepts on implant stability and cement fatigue failure

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    Background and purpose Two contradictory cementing techniques (using an undersized stem versus a canal-filling stem) can both lead to excellent survival rates, a phenomenon known as the “French paradox”. Furthermore, previous studies have indicated that the type of bone supporting the cement mantle may affect implant survival. To further evaluate the mechanical consequences of variations in cementing technique, we studied the effect of implant size and type of bone supporting the cement mantle on the mechanical performance of cemented total hip arthroplasty, using finite element analysis

    Updating known distribution models for forecasting climate change impact on endangered species

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    To plan endangered species conservation and to design adequate management programmes, it is necessary to predict their distributional response to climate change, especially under the current situation of rapid change. However, these predictions are customarily done by relating de novo the distribution of the species with climatic conditions with no regard of previously available knowledge about the factors affecting the species distribution. We propose to take advantage of known species distribution models, but proceeding to update them with the variables yielded by climatic models before projecting them to the future. To exemplify our proposal, the availability of suitable habitat across Spain for the endangered Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila fasciata) was modelled by updating a pre-existing model based on current climate and topography to a combination of different general circulation models and Special Report on Emissions Scenarios. Our results suggested that the main threat for this endangered species would not be climate change, since all forecasting models show that its distribution will be maintained and increased in mainland Spain for all the XXI century. We remark on the importance of linking conservation biology with distribution modelling by updating existing models, frequently available for endangered species, considering all the known factors conditioning the species’ distribution, instead of building new models that are based on climate change variables only.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and FEDER (project CGL2009-11316/BOS