85 research outputs found

    Play Behavior in Two Captive Bottlenose Dolphin Calves (Tursiops truncatus): Ethogram, Ontogeny, and Individual Differences.

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    This research focused on different aspects of play behavior including ethogram, ontogeny, and individual differences, in one male and one female captive bottlenose dolphin calves (Tursiops truncatus) from November 2003 to June 2004. We presented the first peer-reviewed description of a play ethogram in bottlenose dolphin calves whose behaviors were grouped into three hierarchical levels: two categories: solitary and social play; four subcategories: locomotor, object, bubble play, and in the presence of humans, and 35 entries. It was conducted in two phases: the descriptive phase - from 3 to 5 months old - with 29 entries and the quantitative phase - from 6 to 10 months old -with six entries. All social and solitary locomotor behaviors appeared when animals were 3 months old meanwhile more complex behaviors concerning playing with objects, bubbles, and in the presence of humans were observed for 6 months old. There were no statistically significant intra-individual and inter-individual differences in the play behavioral diversity, in the time invested in play and in the Shannon's evenness index. However, we observed statistically significant inter-individual but not intra-individual differences for the Shannon's diversity index

    Changes in the foraging strategy of female South American sea lions (Carnivora: Pinnipedia) after parturition.

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    This study tests the hypothesis that female South American sea lions shift from off-shore, pelagic prey to coastal, benthic prey after parturition in order to reduce the foraging trip duration and hence the time pups remain unattended on the beach during early lactation. The δ13C and δ15N values of the serum and blood cells of 26 South American sea lion suckling pups from northern Patagonia were used to track the dietary changes of their mothers from late pregnancy to early lactation, after correction for differential isotopic fractionation between tissues. Primary producers and potential prey species were also analysed to establish a baseline for interpreting the stable isotope concentration of serum and blood cells. Isotopic ratios revealed a generalized increase in the consumption of coastal-benthic prey after parturition. Such a generalized post-partum shift will allow females to spend more time on land and look after their pups. The effects of this foraging strategy on the nutritional quality of the female"s diet are discussed

    Viral metagenomics reveals persistent as well as dietary acquired viruses in Antarctic fur seals.

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    Viruses linked to animals inhabiting Antarctic latitudes remain poorly studied. Remote environments hosting large pinniped populations may be prone to exposure of immunologically naĂŻve animals to new infectious agents due to increasing human presence or introduction of new animal species. Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) inhabiting the Western Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands are challenged because of climate change and increased anthropogenic activity. In the present study, the fecal and serum virome of A. gazella was characterized by applying target enrichment next generation sequencing. The resulting viromes were dominated by CRESS-DNA sequences. Viruses known to infect vertebrate and invertebrate hosts were also observed in fecal samples. Fur seal picornavirus was present in all the fecal pools studied suggesting it is a prevalent virus in these species. Six different viruses presenting similarities with previously described A. gazella viruses or other otariids and mammal viruses were identified as potential new A. gazella viruses. Also, diet-derived viruses such as crustacean viruses were present in fecal content. Penguin viruses, but not fish viruses, were also detected. Obtained results contribute to a better understanding of the viral community present in these species, which is relevant for its conservation

    Mouth gape determines the response of marine top predators to long-term fishery-induced changes in food web structure

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    Here, we analyse changes throughout time in the isotopic niche of the Franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei), the South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) and the South American sea lion(Otaria flavescens) from the RĂ­o de la Plata estuary and adjacent Atlantic Ocean to test the hypothesis that fishing may modify the diet of small-gape predators by reducing the average size of prey. The overall evidence, from stable isotope and stomach contents analyses, reveals major changes in resource partitioning between the three predators considered, mainly because of an increased access of Franciscana dolphins to juvenile demersal fishes. These results are consistent with the changes in the length distribution of demersal fish species resulting from fishing and suggest that Franciscana dolphin has been the most benefited species of the three marine mammal species considered because of its intermediate mouth gape. In conclusion, the impact of fishing on marine mammals goes beyond the simple reduction in prey biomass and is highly dependent on the mouth gape of the species involved

    Cambio en la estrategia de alimentaciĂłn de las hembras del leĂłn marino sudamericano (Carnivora: Pinnipedia) tras el parto

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    This study tests the hypothesis that female South American sea lions shift from off-shore, pelagic prey to coastal, benthic prey after parturition in order to reduce the foraging trip duration and hence the time pups remain unattended on the beach during early lactation. The δ13C and δ15N values of the serum and blood cells of 26 South American sea lion suckling pups from northern Patagonia were used to track the dietary changes of their mothers from late pregnancy to early lactation, after correction for differential isotopic fractionation between tissues. Primary producers and potential prey species were also analysed to establish a baseline for interpreting the stable isotope concentration of serum and blood cells. Isotopic ratios revealed a generalized increase in the consumption of coastal-benthic prey after parturition. Such a generalized post-partum shift will allow females to spend more time on land and look after their pups. The effects of this foraging strategy on the nutritional quality of the female’s diet are discussed.El presente estudio pretende comprobar si las hembras del león marino sudamericano adoptan una dieta más bentónica y costera tras el parto, con el fin de reducir la duración de los viajes de alimentación y reducir así el tiempo durante el cual las crías permanecen desatendidas en la playa. Para ello, se determinaron las concentraciones de isótopos estables de carbono y nitrógeno en el suero y las células sanguíneas de 26 crías lactantes de león marino sudamericano del norte de la Patagonia, con el fin de reconstruir la dieta de la madre durante la parte final de la gestación y el inicio de la lactancia, tras la correspondiente corrección del fraccionamiento isotópico entre tejidos. También se analizaron muestras de productores primarios y de presas potenciales para ayudar en la interpretación de los resultados. Las concentraciones de isótopos estables antes y después del parto confirmaron un incremento en el consumo de presas bentónicas costeras tras el parto. Este cambio generalizado de dieta tras el parto permitiría a las hembras incrementar el tiempo que pasan junto a las crías. Se discuten los efectos que esta estrategia puede tener sobre la calidad de la dieta de las hembras

    Stable isotopes reveal long-term fidelity to foraging grounds in the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)

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    Most otariids have colony-specific foraging areas during the breeding season, when they behave as central place foragers. However, they may disperse over broad areas after the breeding season and individuals from different colonies may share foraging grounds at that time. Here, stable isotope ratios in the skull bone of adult Galapagos sea lions ( Zalophus wollebaeki ) were used to assess the long-term fidelity of both sexes to foraging grounds across the different regions of the Galapagos archipelago. Results indicated that the stable isotope ratios ( δ 13 C and δ 15 N) of sea lion bone significantly differed among regions of the archipelago, without any significant difference between sexes and with a non significant interaction between sex and region. Moreover, standard ellipses, estimated by Bayesian inference and used as a measure of the isotopic resource use area at the population level, overlapped widely for the sea lions from the southern and central regions, whereas the over- lap of the ellipses for sea lions from the central and western regions was small and non- existing for those from the western and southern regions. These results suggest that males and females from the same region within the archipelago use similar foraging grounds and have similar diets. Furthermore, they indicate that the exchange of adults between regions is limited, thus revealing a certain degree of foraging philopatry at a regional scale within the archipelago. The constraints imposed on males by an expanded reproductive season (~ 6 months), resulting from the weak reproductive synchrony among females, and those imposed on females by a very long lactation period (at least one year but up to three years), may explain the limited mobility of adult Galapagos sea lions of both sexes across the archipelag

    Bias in diet determination: Incorporating traditional methods in Bayesian mixing models

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    There are not "universal methods" to determine diet composition of predators. Most traditional methods are biased because of their reliance on differential digestibility and the recovery of hard items. By relying on assimilated food, stable isotope and Bayesian mixing models (SIMMs) resolve many biases of traditional methods. SIMMs can incorporate prior information (i.e. proportional diet composition) that may improve the precision in the estimated dietary composition. However few studies have assessed the performance of traditional methods and SIMMs with and without informative priors to study the predators' diets. Here we compare the diet compositions of the South American fur seal and sea lions obtained by scats analysis and by SIMMs-UP (uninformative priors) and assess whether informative priors (SIMMs-IP) from the scat analysis improved the estimated diet composition compared to SIMMs-UP. According to the SIMM-UP, while pelagic species dominated the fur seal's diet the sea lion's did not have a clear dominance of any prey. In contrast, SIMM-IP's diets compositions were dominated by the same preys as in scat analyses. When prior information influenced SIMMs' estimates, incorporating informative priors improved the precision in the estimated diet composition at the risk of inducing biases in the estimates. If preys isotopic data allow discriminating preys' contributions to diets, informative priors should lead to more precise but unbiased estimated diet composition. Just as estimates of diet composition obtained from traditional methods are critically interpreted because of their biases, care must be exercised when interpreting diet composition obtained by SIMMs-IP. The best approach to obtain a near-complete view of predators' diet composition should involve the simultaneous consideration of different sources of partial evidence (traditional methods, SIMM-UP and SIMM-IP) in the light of natural history of the predator species so as to reliably ascertain and weight the information yielded by each method

    Relationship between the female attendance pattern and pup growth rate in the South American sea lion (Carnivora)

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    Changes in the duration and frequency of foraging trips by female otariids may result in changes in the duration and frequency of lactation bouts and hence influence pup growth rate, unless females modify milk energy density and/or the total amount of milk delivered depending on the trip duration. To test this hypothesis on South American sea lions, we measured two attendance pattern components (foraging trip and haul-out duration) and three diving behaviour components of nursing females (dive time, bottom time and number of dives per h) at two different rookeries in Uruguay and Argentina, the composition and energy density of their milk, and the growth rate of their pups. Female foraging trip and haul-out durations depended on pup sex and weight, whereas milk energy density depended on female body mass and foraging trip durations. By contrast, the three dive variables were independent of female body mass or pup sex. Pup growth was also independent of the foraging trip and haul-out duration, with pup sex as the only significant variable. This suggests that individual differences in female foraging behaviour play a minor role in determining pup growth rates during the first three weeks after birth

    Exploiting natural polysaccharides to enhance in vitro bio-constructs of primary neurons and progenitor cells

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    Current strategies in Central Nervous System (CNS) repair focus on the engineering of artificial scaffolds for guiding and promoting neuronal tissue regrowth. Ideally, one should combine such synthetic structures with stem cell therapies, encapsulating progenitor cells and instructing their differentiation and growth. We used developments in the design, synthesis, and characterization of polysaccharide-based bioactive polymeric materials for testing the ideal composite supporting neuronal network growth, synapse formation and stem cell differentiation into neurons and motor neurons. Moreover, we investigated the feasibility of combining these approaches with engineered mesenchymal stem cells able to release neurotrophic factors. We show here that composite bio-constructs made of Chitlac, a Chitosan derivative, favor hippocampal neuronal growth, synapse formation and the differentiation of progenitors into the proper neuronal lineage, that can be improved by local and continuous delivery of neurotrophins. Statement of Significance In our work, we characterized polysaccharide-based bioactive platforms as biocompatible materials for nerve tissue engineering. We show that Chitlac-thick substrates are able to promote neuronal growth, differentiation, maturation and formation of active synapses. These observations support this new material as a promising candidate for the development of complex bio-constructs promoting central nervous system regeneration. Our novel findings sustain the exploitation of polysaccharide-based scaffolds able to favour neuronal network reconstruction. Our study shows that Chitlac-thick may be an ideal candidate for the design of biomaterial scaffolds enriched with stem cell therapies as an innovative approach for central nervous system repair
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