48 research outputs found

    The low hum in syllables and meters : Blues poetics in bob Dylan's verbal art

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    AbstractQuotation marks removed from title to ensure sorting in alphabetical order// Note: The Peformance Artistry of Bob Dylan: Conference Proceedings of the Caen Colloquiu

    Revel Nicole (ed.), Songs of Memory in Islands of Southeast Asia

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    The collection of essays in Songs of Memory in Islands of Southeast Asia provides a rich source of descriptive, interpretive, and analytical data interpreted from a wide variety of disciplinary and methodological schemes. These studies formulate a remarkable volume of individual and collaborative studies of oral traditions within a particular geographical region. A major strength of this collection as a whole results from the longstanding collaboration between its contributors along with thei..

    Ethnographie de la poétique de la performance

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    Cet article propose un cadre d’analyse de l’ethnographie de la performance telle que l’ont innovĂ©e quelques chercheurs Ă©mĂ©rites dans ce domaine. S’inspirant surtout des ouvrages thĂ©oriques et mĂ©thodologiques d’AmĂ©ricains spĂ©cialistes en ethnopoĂ©tique, tels que Dell Hymes, Charles Briggs, Joel Sherzer et du folkloriste Richard Bauman, l’auteur cherche Ă  dĂ©gager un systĂšme menant Ă  la compilation et au traitement des donnĂ©es concernant la performance en proposant d’en dĂ©gager quatre catĂ©gories gĂ©nĂ©rales et interdĂ©pendantes : les figures et opĂ©rations poĂ©tiques, les fonctions gĂ©nĂ©rales et spĂ©cifiques des procĂ©dĂ©s poĂ©tiques, l’emploi de ces procĂ©dĂ©s poĂ©tiques en liaison avec les genres, et la mise en contexte (« contextualisation ») sociale dans laquelle se situe la performance des textes et des genres spĂ©cifiques. Introduisant une large variĂ©tĂ© de donnĂ©es linguistiques, anthropologiques et littĂ©raires tirĂ©es de la recherche amĂ©ricaine et française, plusieurs mĂ©thodes linguistiques et anthropologiques seront prĂ©sentĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’exemples, permettant d’interprĂ©ter le rĂŽle de l’expression poĂ©tique dans la sociĂ©tĂ©. En insistant sur l’analyse de la mĂ©trique que proposent Hymes et ses disciples comme point de dĂ©part dans l’interprĂ©tation de la parole, et sur ‘l’équivalence’ en tant qu’opĂ©ration principale de l’expression poĂ©tique, cette contribution appelle les chercheurs intĂ©ressĂ©s par la performance Ă  une collaboration dans ce domaine.This article seeks to advance a framework for performance ethnography as innovated by leading scholars in this field. Drawing mainly from the theoretical and methodological works of American ethnopoeticians, Dell Hymes, Charles Briggs and Joel Sherzer, and folklorist, Richard Bauman, the author strives for a system of compiling and processing performance data within four general interdependent categories: poetic elements and operations (devices), general and specific functions of poetic devices, genre-related use of poetic devices, and social contextualization within which specific texts and genres are performed. Incorporating a wide variety of linguistic, anthropological and literary data drawn from American and French scholarship, various linguistic and anthropological methods of interpreting the role of poetic expression in society are demonstrated. Placing emphasis on Hymsian verse analysis as a starting point in interpretation of the spoken word, and on equivalence as a primary operation of poetic expression, this paper calls for collaborative investigations between all scholars interested in performance

    L’ethnopoĂ©tique et l’anthropologie structurale Ă  partir d’un rĂ©cit de Victoria Howard, Chinook Clakamas

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    L’ethnopoĂ©tique et l’anthropologie structurale Ă  partir d’un rĂ©cit de Victoria Howard, Chinook Clakamas. L’étude d’un rĂ©cit de mythe chinook clackamas, Ă©noncĂ© par Victoria Howard au linguiste Melville Jacobs en 1930, fournit la base d’une comparaison entre deux mĂ©thodologies d’analyse mythologique. L’approche de l’anthropologie structurale innovĂ©e par Claude LĂ©vi-Strauss et appliquĂ©e dans son interprĂ©tation du texte de Howard par rapport aux autres narrations du mĂȘme mythe est juxtaposĂ©e Ă  une analyse ethnopoĂ©tique qui s’appuie sur la logique interne d’un seul rĂ©cit. Cet article cherche Ă  dĂ©montrer la compatibilitĂ© de ces deux approches scientifiques Ă  travers des Ă©lĂ©ments concrets du texte et s’attache, aussi, Ă  souligner leurs objectifs communs, tant pratiques que thĂ©oriques, dans l’étude des traditions orales.Ethnopoetics and structural anthropology as seen through a narrative by Victoria Howard, Clackamas Chinook. The study of a Clackamas Chinookan myth told by Victoria Howard to the linguist, Melville Jacobs, in 1930 provides the basis for a comparison of two methodologies of myth analysis. The approach of structural anthropology, innovated by Claude LĂ©vi-Strauss and applied in his interpretation of Howard’s text with relation to other narrations of this samemyth, is placed side by side with an ethnopoetic analysiswhich is based on the internal logic of an individual narrative. This article seeks to demonstrate the compatibility of these two scientific approaches using concrete elements of the text. It also points to common objectives of these two approaches, both practical and theoretical, in the study of oral tradition.EtnopoĂ©tica y antropologĂ­a estructural aplicadas a un relato de Victoria Howard, chinook clackaman. El estudio de un relato, de mito chinook clackaman, expuesto por Victoria Howard al linguista Melville Jacobs en 1930, aporta la base de una comparaciĂłn entre dos metodologĂ­as de anĂĄlisis mitolĂłgico. El enfoque de la antropologĂ­a estructural instaurada por Claude LĂ©vi-Strauss y aplicada a la interpretaciĂłn del texto de Howard, con relaciĂłn a las otras narraciones del mismo mito, se yuxtapone con un anĂĄlisis etnopoĂ©tico basado en la lĂłgica interna del Ășnico relato. Este artĂ­culo intenta demostrar la compatibilidad de los dos enfoques cientĂ­ficos, a travĂ©s de elementos concretos del texto y tambiĂ©n, subraya sus objetivos comunes, tanto prĂĄcticos, como teĂłricos, en el estudio de las tradiciones orales

    Palmer Gus Jr (ed.), 2018, When Dream Bear Sings, Native Literatures of the Southern Plains, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 358 p.

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    The work under review here provides documentation and valorization of 29 different literary traditions representing 7 language families. When Dream Bear Sings is an anthology of Native North American literatures, edited by Gus Palmer Jr., and published in 2018 by University of Nebraska Press. The subtitle of this work, Native Literatures of the Southern Plains, indicates the geographical areas represented in this rich array of verbal art traditions and historical works. Among the written and ..

    Special editors' column

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    Acknowledgements.: The Peformance Artistry of Bob Dylan: Conference Proceedings of the Caen Colloquiu

    Early Life Child Micronutrient Status, Maternal Reasoning, and a Nurturing Household Environment have Persistent Influences on Child Cognitive Development at Age 5 years : Results from MAL-ED

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    Funding Information: The Etiology, Risk Factors and Interactions of Enteric Infections and Malnutrition and the Consequences for Child Health and Development Project (MAL-ED) is carried out as a collaborative project supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Foundation for the NIH, and the National Institutes of Health/Fogarty International Center. This work was also supported by the Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health (D43-TW009359 to ETR). Author disclosures: BJJM, SAR, LEC, LLP, JCS, BK, RR, RS, ES, LB, ZR, AM, RS, BN, SH, MR, RO, ETR, and LEM-K, no conflicts of interest. Supplemental Tables 1–5 and Supplemental Figures 1–3 are available from the “Supplementary data” link in the online posting of the article and from the same link in the online table of contents at https://academic.oup.com/jn/. Address correspondence to LEM-K (e-mail: [email protected]). Abbreviations used: HOME, Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment inventory; MAL-ED, The Etiology, Risk Factors, and Interactions of Enteric Infections and Malnutrition and the Consequences for Child Health and Development Project; TfR, transferrin receptor; WPPSI, Wechsler Preschool Primary Scales of Intelligence.Peer reviewe

    Early life child micronutrient status, maternal reasoning, and a nurturing household environment have persistent influences on child cognitive development at age 5 years: Results from MAL-ED

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    Background: Child cognitive development is influenced by early-life insults and protective factors. To what extent these factors have a long-term legacy on child development and hence fulfillment of cognitive potential is unknown. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the relation between early-life factors (birth to 2 y) and cognitive development at 5 y. Methods: Observational follow-up visits were made of children at 5 y, previously enrolled in the community-based MAL-ED longitudinal cohort. The burden of enteropathogens, prevalence of illness, complementary diet intake, micronutrient status, and household and maternal factors from birth to 2 y were extensively measured and their relation with the Wechsler Preschool Primary Scales of Intelligence at 5 y was examined through use of linear regression. Results: Cognitive T-scores from 813 of 1198 (68%) children were examined and 5 variables had significant associations in multivariable models: mean child plasma transferrin receptor concentration (ÎČ: −1.81, 95% CI: −2.75, −0.86), number of years of maternal education (ÎČ: 0.27, 95% CI: 0.08, 0.45), maternal cognitive reasoning score (ÎČ: 0.09, 95% CI: 0.03, 0.15), household assets score (ÎČ: 0.64, 95% CI: 0.24, 1.04), and HOME child cleanliness factor (ÎČ: 0.60, 95% CI: 0.05, 1.15). In multivariable models, the mean rate of enteropathogen detections, burden of illness, and complementary food intakes between birth and 2 y were not significantly related to 5-y cognition. Conclusions: A nurturing home context in terms of a healthy/clean environment and household wealth, provision of adequate micronutrients, maternal education, and cognitive reasoning have a strong and persistent influence on child cognitive development. Efforts addressing aspects of poverty around micronutrient status, nurturing caregiving, and enabling home environments are likely to have lasting positive impacts on child cognitive development.publishedVersio